Lindsay Lohan’s crackhead photo shoot for Complex Magazine


These are photos from a photo shoot Lindsay Lohan did with Complex Magazine, shortly before she came back to Los Angeles after the whole Cannes Film Festival/ “lost” passport scandal. Back then, I think Complex probably just wanted to do a simple Lohan story and cover, but it morphed into something wicked and somewhat hilarious. Basically, Lindsay did this horrible crackhead photo shoot, and then subsequently refused to give Complex a cover interview. So instead of just scrapping the piece, Complex released an epic behind-the-scenes rundown on how Blohan is the biggest baller/player/prima donna out there:

Rappers might be on that rock sh-t, but Lindsay Lohan is on that rap sh-t. Flaking on interviews? Check. Unrepentant bad behaviour? Check. Gully enough to ignore a bench warrant, come back from Europe for a legal hearing, and have her court-supplied alcohol bracelet go off at the MTV Movie Awards? Check and mate. She’s Weezy, Yeezy, and motherf-cking Jeezy all in one. Who else would choose her comeback vehicles to be Robert Rodriguez’s Machete and the Linda Lovelace biopic, Inferno? That’s gully on both counts. She may have been a Disney ingenue, but about five years ago she took a hard left, and we’ve been loving her for it—movies or no movies. So yea we’ve been angling to get her on the cover for a minute now. And when it happened? We’re about to remind people that they’ve been underestimating Lindsay. We’re about to ride out together, Bonnie and Clyde style. But some funny things happend on the way to making magic—and they reminded us that Lilo’s not lost, she’s just trying to hide from the vultures.

1. Perez Hilton coins the term “Lindsanity,” making it a daily feature on his site, and puts Lohan on 24-7 death watch. For the record, we prefer the term “Lohandemonium”—and we’re glad Perez could see past the eye jammie’s manager allegedly served up last year. We’d have gone with the two-piece-and-a-biscuit combo.

2. Several news sources, including the AP, announce that they have pre-written Lindsay’s obituary so they don’t have to scramble at the last minute like they did with Heath Ledger and Brittany Murphy. Former friends of Lindsay are quoted as saying, “I expect the call any minute now that she’s dead.” We’re quoted as saying, “Is the reason that you’re ‘former friends’ because you’re so backstabby that she cut you off?”

3. Estranged father Michael tries to sell rumors about her sex life—that she had an affair with Tommy Mottola when she was 17 and that she’s HIV-positive—to websites and tabloids. When no one bites, he posts the “news” on his Twitter, only to later claim that his account had been hacked. You stay classy, Mike.

4. The Complex cover shoot! She shows up five hours late at 12:30 a.m.—earlier than we’d figured, actually. However, we don’t get to start shooting until 3:45 a.m. Which is cool, since we had some sobering up to do ourselves. We keed!

5. The two photogs shooting the cover send a press release to tabloids claiming that the female photog and Lindsay are in a lesbian relationship. It turns out the photographers are trying to drum up publicity for their Bravo reality show, but LiLo quashes the rumor. At Complex, we remove the show’s season pass from our DVR.

6. From the “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong” files: In a hotel room during the Cannes Film Festival, Lindsay’s photographed near what looks like Fun Dip that someone conveniently shaped into narrow lines. On a mirror. Danny Bonaduce and Corey Haim’s ghost cluck their tongues disapprovingly.

7. She loses her passport while in Cannes, which causes her to miss the last of her alcohol awareness classes from a 2007 DUI and cocaine possession charge. News outfits delight in reporting that she’ll be jailed upon her return. Must be nice to know everyone’s rooting for you.

8. She avoids jail, thanks to a hearing that tabloids breathlessly report on. Included in the decision is Lindsay being forced to wear a rather clunky SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor) ankle bracelet. It’s nicer than T.I.’s house arrest bracelet, but could still use a touch-up, so we ask KAWS to hook up an OriginalFake x L.A. County Corrections Department collabo. Still waiting to hear back on that one.

9. Not long after, she has her wisdom teeth removed, and goes on a Twitter rampage against detractors while recovering in bed. A wise man once said: “You wanna f-ck with me? You f-cking with the BEST!” And it wasn’t even DJ Khaled.

10. Meanwhile, in an Elle cover profile, fellow actress Kristen Stewart is quoted as saying that Lohan is “off the rails” and talks smack about the Lohan family. Because her joyless ass was cast in a bullsh-t tweengasm movie, and thus other people’s lives ARE HER BUSINESS.

11. Lindsay attends the MTV Movie Awards, rocking a pantsuit to cover up the SCRAM anklet. Thankfully, she leaves the twins subject to plenty of scrutiny. Then the shark that the MTV Movie Awards jumped over in 2005 jumps over another shark and sets itself on fire with a fat-suited Tom Cruise.

12. Later that night, at Katy Perry’s afterparty, the SCRAM goes off, ostensibly because it detects a spike in LiLo’s blood alcohol level. Her mother vehemently denies that Lindsay was drinking, claiming that the SCRAM was fooled by “too many energy drinks.” We once had too many energy drinks, and all it did was make our pee burn. Of course, that could have been herpes.

13. Street artist Banksy throws up a stencil of Lindsay with red paint dripping from her nostrils—and below it, in the Coca-Cola font, the words “COKE DIET.” No one notices it. Wait, no, it’s the f-cking Internet; the image gets passed around like a Dutch at a Rock the Bells concert.

14. Post-SCRAMgate, the judge sets LiLo’s bail at $200,000—and once again, all the magazines that enjoy running pictures of celebrities in Starbucks parking lots hold their breath waiting to see if she will serve time.

So here we are. As we go to press, it’s late June—more than a month since we shot these pictures—and we still haven’t gotten our interview. Emails have gone unanswered; the same for voicemails we left with her mom, Dina. The photographers’ agent, who’s known Lindsay for a long time, admitted to us that he hasn’t had contact with her for weeks. When you don’t have a publicist and your personal assistant resigns, it’s a lot easier to disappear. Look, Lindsay: hard as this is to believe, we get it. And when you’re up on the tightrope, and the wind is whipping around you, and the whole world is waiting—f-cking salivating—for you to fall, sh-t can feel cold. What makes it worse is that you’ve been f-cked by everyone you were supposed to trust, everyone who told you they cared about you and had your best interests in mind. It’s you against the world right now; We’d disappear, too. But know this: whenever you’re ready, we’re ready. And we haven’t given up on you. So yeah, world, we got that white girl. But don’t think you, or anyone, are gonna get more than she gives you. Ever.

[From Complex Magazine]

I’d never really thought of it that way, but they’re totally right. Lindsay is the biggest, most crack-drama-y player out there. Even DMX is like, “Girl, you better slow down.” And don’t you love that Lindsay was just too f-cking BUSY to do an interview? Like, she was busy maintaining her own crack drama, and she just couldn’t sit down and do an interview, okay?

By the way: tomorrow is Lindsay’s jail time. And how is she doing? People Magazine, The Bible of Official news has a source who claims: “”It’s been a rough weekend. She has not been able to sleep and has barely been eating. All weekend, Lindsay kept crying, chain smoking and chewing her nails. She is a nervous, fidgety mess, and her legal team, family and friends are very concerned about her fragile state. She’s been picturing herself in jail and she can’t handle the idea of it. She doesn’t want to go. She doesn’t think it’s safe. She doesn’t know how she’ll make it.” I’m playing the tiniest crack violin for Lindsay right now.





Photos courtesy of Complex Magazine.

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36 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s crackhead photo shoot for Complex Magazine”

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  1. Obvious says:

    haven’t seen her look this good in a LONG time. her natural color makes her look so much prettier and healthier.

  2. hanh says:

    ok I love the spidey bikini. Where can I get one of those?! That was a weird photoshoot lol. I guess it makes more sense if you’re HIGH.

  3. hanh says:

    oh btw, she looks airbrushed within a centimeter of her life. Whew that’s a lot of work for that editor to remove all the damage meth did to her face.

  4. HotPockets says:

    I hate to say this, but HOT!!!

  5. Annabelle says:

    Obvious— that’s not her natural color. She’s a ginger!

  6. abbizmal says:

    Photoshop Award to them. She looks pretty good. The thinned her lips, too. That might not be too easy to do. The dark hair does look good on her, like the red of course, but the blond looks awful. It’ll be a slow news couple of months with her out of the clubs. I almost hate to see that happen, but not really.

  7. YT says:

    Wow! These photos are impressive! Complex Magazine has a genius of a Photoshop artist.

    Nice article.
    Complex =1, Lindsay = 0

  8. K-MAC says:

    I am liking this shoot! I mean, it is pretty sexy, but what I really want to know is who makes those shoes…DAYUM!!!!!Now that is H.O.T.

  9. KJ says:

    These photos are AWESOME. Complex always does super dope photoshoots, and as much as I hate to say it, Lindsay really is a good model. She does a little too much of the “oh my mouth is slightly open and huffy and sexy” thing, but so does pretty much all models these days.

  10. Feebee says:

    Photoshop or not, she looks pretty good. Just underlines the potential career she’s throwing away yet again.

  11. hellen says:

    Photoshoppers got a little crazy on the last one – her legs look like a giraffe’s, and not in a good way.

    Sad when people think this is the best she’s ever looked, and she doesn’t even look like herself.

  12. Obvious says:

    we didn’t say it’s the best she’s ever looked. we just said she looks the best she has in awhile thanks to all of her drugs and drinking.

    and Annabelle you are right. I just noticed the dark hair was thought it was a vast improvement. but the natural red still looks best.

  13. belle Epoch says:

    Wish we could see the original photos. I agree there is a lot of PhotoShop here.

    I feel like there is something “off” about the arm on the right in the second picture. I can’t tell if they stuck on an arm they liked better, or if LiLo just has linebacker shoulders.

    Never heard of Complex, but they did a bold job with the shoot AND the article.

  14. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    That article was pretty hilarious. I told you Micheal Lohan was full of sh*t. Linds can’t trust him. He isn’t trying to help her and thats why she started to hate him again because he tried to sell details of her life, he is an assh*ole. I am rooting for her to because see deserves a chance to come to reality. Linds had a good career but her family life was sh*t, maybe she tried to fill the void with fame and drugs. I would like to see her better. I also really like the pics. She looks good.

  15. flourpot says:

    re: 13. Street artist Banksy throws up a stencil of Lindsay with red paint dripping from her nostrils—and below it, in the Coca-Cola font, the words “COKE DIET.”…

    Anyone have a link?

  16. Vanessa says:

    she looks exactly like tara reid!

  17. khaveman says:

    Some of the poses look awkward. But I like the shoot. Good for her. I wish she would get back to acting and stop letting her personal life overshadow EVERYthing. Women don’t have roles in Hollywood for very long, even if you have talent.

  18. lucy2 says:

    Half of those don’t even look like her.

    I have to laugh at the article: “Is the reason that you’re ‘former friends’ because you’re so backstabby that she cut you off?” Cut them off? From what, her millions in debt? They’re most likely former friends because she turned into a cracked out entitled brat, intentionally throwing her life away.
    “about five years ago she took a hard left, and we’ve been loving her for it” Really? You’re loving her for becoming an addict and alcoholic, for driving drunk, breaking the law, and having no regard for herself or anyone else? Yeah…I don’t see me buying a copy of Complex anytime soon.

  19. Sefa says:

    I’m almost certain they also PS’d her navel lower, too. Every time I see a photo of her topless or in a bikini, I’m struck by weirdly high up it is, and it’s looking pretty normal here!

  20. jennsevvington says:

    she l00ks so hawt! i wanna piece

  21. Sam says:

    Shes actually looking pretty good in this. But I have a feeling it was photoshopped brilliantly because her face does not look like this.Her face is usually so puffy and awkward and I don’t get it. Its not like she’s gained weight or anything-its the opposite I think.Is it from all the collagen she puts in her lips? This is an important question!

  22. Demos says:

    “Because her joyless ass was cast in a bullsh-t tweengasm movie, and thus other people’s lives ARE HER BUSINESS.”

    Wow, *WOW,* what a bunch of hypocritical little bitches at Complex.

    How many of their editors do you think Lohan blew?

  23. GatsbyGal says:

    Eww, she looks gross. She’s just making the same face over and over and over again. And the photoshopped cleavage is cracking me up.

    She does realize that she’s not going to be in jail forever, right? It’s a temporary thing, and really, she’s not going in for very long at all. I don’t understand why she’s getting so worked up about it. Still, hahahahahaha, she deserves it.

  24. Linney says:

    Enough already. She is beyond boring. It’s Paris Hilton all over again with the relentless reporting on all things Lohan. Both of them are a waste of skin.

  25. bellaluna says:

    That article is hilarious!

  26. margo says:

    she looks more like her sister in these shots, kinda weird

  27. k says:

    o agree she is a badass ~~we need more women brave enough not to conform she is not a mom…charlie sheen shot kelly prestn threatened all his baby moms and still has a career look at mel gibson its sexist the judgement of lindsey love her cajones

  28. Sway says:

    Totally off-topic, but this woman has the most horrible skin I’ve ever seen..

  29. serena says:

    Oh who the fuck cares if she’s crying in despair NOW? Does she think she can fool the world again?
    If she doesn’t like the situation she better remember it and not repeat the same mistake in the future -even if I doubt she has one-.

  30. petite says:

    Not so long ago Liberation – French national daily – had Lohan on the cover of their weekend magazine but where the interview was supposed to go, they admitted they’d just had to write a piece about her cobbled together at the last minute due to her repeatedly standing them up (during the Paris fashion shows at the time of the Ungaro/nipple tassles fiasco). Wonder how many other publications got photos but never got words to go with them?

  31. di butler says:

    Daaaang. Why the slam on poor old KStew? They couldn’t get LiLo to even bother to ring them back yet bash someone else for calling her “off the rails?” Seems odd. And yes, someone should give their Pshop crew an award or some such.

  32. Jeri says:

    Interesting. Different slant on same ole drama. Serious or do they want the interview?

  33. Ellie says:

    here’s a link for the graffiti art:

  34. NicoleAM says:

    Whoever wrote the article is part of the prob. She used to having everyone kiss her ass. Funny how she can’t seem to find the time for the interview, but always manages to do the photoshoot. Narcissistic little c*nt. I usually don’t have strong opinions regarding celebs but this one I can’t stand.

  35. Tall Bike Kid says:

    The artist in #13 is PRIEST, not banksy

  36. Brittney says:

    #13 is WRONG! That stencil was done by graffiti artist named priest, not Banksy.