Cele|bitchy | “David Beckham’s son Romeo is totally over it” links

“David Beckham’s son Romeo is totally over it” links

David Beckham kisses his son Romeo on the cheek before the Emirates Cup match between AC Milan and Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium in London July 31, 2010. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor (BRITAIN - Tags: SPORT SOCCER ENTERTAINMENT)

Romeo Beckham is totally over it. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Shia LaBeouf makes weird faces. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
The Hoff is still batsh-t crazy. [Dlisted]
Is Beverly Hills Cop 4 going to happen? With Bret Ratner?!? Ugh. [Pajiba]
Michael Sheen is better than Kate Beckinsale. [LaineyGossip]
George Clooney had something done to his face, and now he looks like Jack Nicholson. [Pop Sugar]
Dawson (of the Creek) had a shotgun wedding. [A Socialite Life]
Bedhead‘s review of Cats & Dogs 2. [Agent Bedhead]
Paris Hilton thinks she‘s a singer. Of course. [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
Megan Fox stars in a video for Rihanna‘s new single. [Bitten and Bound]
Photos from Alicia and Swizzy‘s wedding. [Bossip]
Here is Teresa Giudice‘s crazy tanning commercial. [Crazy Days and Nights]
More Tara Reid up skirt photos – BEWARE. [Celebnewswire]
Snooki is a lady. A lady licking a d-ck lollipop. [INFDaily]
What in God‘s name is Carrie Underwood wearing? [Hollywood Rag]
The Bieb is writing his memoirs. He‘s 16. [PopEater]

Emirates Cup Arsenal v Milan 31/07/2010 David Beckham and son Brooklyn (?) watch from the stands Photo Roger Parker Fotosports International Photo via Newscom

David Beckham holds his son Romeo before the Emirates Cup match between AC Milan and Arsenal match at the Emirates Stadium in London July 31, 2010. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor (BRITAIN - Tags: SPORT SOCCER ENTERTAINMENT)

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17 Responses to ““David Beckham’s son Romeo is totally over it” links”

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  1. Lisa says:

    He looks just like VB.

  2. Beth says:

    David has a perfect face.

  3. irishserra says:

    Good God Tara Reid is a mess. Ugh. Gross. I should have paid attention to the BEWARE post next to the link…*shivers*

  4. Iggles says:

    Lisa – You’re right! He looks exactly like Victoria!

    On another note, his hair reminds me of JFK jr when he was child. I think he’ll probably have similar dark brown hair as an adult.

  5. mollyb says:

    I freaking love that kid’s mushroom cut! I hope those are coming back.

  6. Kiska says:

    Say what you want about Posh and Becks but they are hands-on parents. You can tell they have a tight bond. So refreshing to see!

  7. wow says:

    This child is beautiful!

  8. GatsbyGal says:

    All his money, and his kid looks like someone put a bowl over his head in order to cut his hair.

  9. Mouse says:

    Dang, kid looks just like his mama!

  10. Jewbitch says:

    Love DB. And so cute he’s wearing silly bands:)
    Romeo is adorable.

  11. Kim says:

    Seeing a grown man publicly kiss his child on the cheek – you can just feel the love! So sweet! It seems both David and Victoria really love their kids and put them first.

  12. Darlene says:

    Romero is a very good looking boy. I have a question though, how old is this kid? At what age do you put braces on a child’s teeth? Shouldn’t it be done as early as possible before the child develops a complex and forms a habit of smililng with a closed mouth? Experts: please weigh in. Thanks.

  13. Victoria says:

    Mr Romeo looks just like his momma! Cutie!

  14. MSat says:

    I see Romeo has Posh’s old nose.

  15. Julia says:

    Darlene, he’s only seven – he probably doesn’t have all his adult teeth yet! I’m not an expert, but I did have very crooked teeth as a child. My braces were on between age 14 and 17.

  16. GatsbyGal says:

    I had braces from 4th grade to 6th grade, and everyone always told me how odd it was that I had them so young, so I think I was a fluke. This kid doesn’t looks first or second grade to me, and probably still has baby teeth…so if he does need braces, he won’t be getting them for probably another 5 or 6 years.

  17. POSHGURL says:

    he looks just like victoria with david’s blonde hair he sooo cute his 2 other brothers Brooklyn and Cruz looks just like David. So its good that 1 of them looks like posh. But jeez David Beckham is really hott and attractive victoria is such a lucky girl omg. Damn im jealous