Julia Roberts pontificates on being Hindu & never having plastic surgery


We knew it was coming. And here it is – Julia Roberts on the September cover of Elle Magazine. Word is that she’ll be the cover girl for 20 of Elle’s international editions too – and Julia was allegedly photographed by three different photographers. As for the American cover – this is the newstand cover (below). The subscriber’s cover is apparently a lot artsier. Anyway, the rest of the shoot is pretty decent. My favorites are the black and white pics, just because I love her styling in those photos. Not so much with the Indian garb, that doesn’t work for me. You know what else doesn’t work? The interview! People Magazine excerpted the part where Julia is going full-on rant about plastic surgery and Botox and aging. Here’s the thing: on the ‘Toxed face of it, I agree with what Julia is saying completely. But Julia is denying that she would ever let a surgeon touch her face. Is it just my imagination, or did Julia have her eyes done (at least that) a few years ago? Remember when she came out to promote Charlie Wilson’s War in 2007 and her face looked incredibly tight? Yeah. Here are some quotes from Elle’s excerpts (online here), and from People Magazine:

On her family with husband Danny Moder: “The children became the shooting stars of him, of that thing we have. How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.”

On her acting skills: “I have no acting technique. And there’s nothing more boring than actors sitting around talking about acting.”

On working with directors: “I’m always asking those guys to tell me what they want. The same with George Clooney. ‘Name it for me,’ I tell him, ‘and I’ll do it.’”

On behind the scenes with the cast of the Ocean’s movies: “Those boys! I was the only girl there. One day George Clooney put these giant potted trees in front of my door so that I couldn’t get out to work. I pride myself on being punctual! You didn’t want to leave your camera lying around, either, People were breaking into each other’s rooms, taking them, and let’s just say you didn’t want your mom picking up your photos at Walgreens! Photos of unidentifiable body parts.”

Julia Roberts wants to age gracefully, but there’s another reason why she’ll say no to plastic surgery – especially on her face.
“I want my kids to know when I’m pissed, when I’m happy and when I’m confounded,” the actress, 42, and new face of Lancome, tells Elle in its September issue. “Your face tells a story and it shouldn’t be a story about your drive to the doctor’s office.”

Roberts says she simply doesn’t understand why some would go to all lengths to hold onto their youth:
“It’s unfortunate that we live in such a panicked, dysmorphic society where women don’t even give themselves a chance to see what they’ll look like as older persons. I want to have some idea of what I’ll look like before I start cleaning the slates,” she says.

On her kids: “You make these people and you love them and you want them around for a thousand years,” she says about her three kids – 3-year-old Henry and 5-year-old twins Phinnaeus and Hazel – with cameraman Danny Moder. “And you want to be there for them for a thousand years.”

On being a Hindu: The entire Roberts-Moder family, she reveals, goes to temple together to “chant and pray and celebrate. I’m definitely a practicing Hindu,” says Roberts, who grew up with a Catholic mother and Baptist father. And since in Hindu cosmology souls can be reincarnated in other bodies, where does she see herself in the next life? “Golly, I’ve been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life,” she says. “Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting.”

[From Elle Magazine and People]

Wait, she’s a practicing Hindu? My father is a Hindu. Half of my family is Hindu. Chanting and praying is nice, but it doesn’t really make you a Hindu. Hindu conversion is a little tricky, actually. It’s not like there’s really a set of rules for conversion, like there is for Judaism. My dad always joked that if you want to be a Hindu, all you have to do is be born Hindu the next time. Get it? It’s a reincarnation joke. He also says that if you want to convert, all you really have to do is say you are Hindu and maybe put up a little statue of your favorite deity – my favorite is Vishnu, although historically my family has been more into worshipping Shiva, who is cool too. I have icons of both! Oh my God, Julia and I are so alike!

Oh, look at this bitch getting kissed by Javier Bardem. GET OFF HIM SLUT.



Note: To see the rest of Julia Robert’s photoshoot, go to Elle online.

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58 Responses to “Julia Roberts pontificates on being Hindu & never having plastic surgery”

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  1. celandine says:

    B*ll*cks!! Woman has been so over-airbrushed in her Lancome ads that I thought I was looking at an alien, and if anything is going to make for a body-dysmorphic society it’s the wiping away of age in a mouse-click. At least the average Jane can look at plastic surgery victims like Nicole Kidman or Joan Rivers and realise that there is no fix for anno domini.

  2. canadianchick says:

    Javi is hot, and maybe she can slip him Brad Pitt body part photos.

  3. RHONYC says:

    How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.”

    where’s my gun, so i can eat it.


    p.s.- my fave deity is durga. she is trés badass. 🙂

  4. snappyfish says:


    almost as much as I detest that self important Paltrow. They are so similar, both were given Oscar’s that they didn’t deserve. (Paltrow’s should have gone to Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth) and Julia’s to anyone other than Julia.

    Both profess to be Zen and wanting to grow old gracfully…right. Let’s wait and see if that happens to either of them.

    • Emily says:

      Actually, there’s a difference between being Zen and being Hindu. Zen is a form of Buddhism very popular in the west, and Buddhism derived/separated from Hinduism, but they’re not the same thing.
      If you’re going to be so cynical and negative…at least check your facts 😉

  5. gabs says:

    Love her! Those pictures are gorgeous, except for the one of her in the lacy black dress on the table with her legs open. It doesnt suit her style. The picture with javier is very cute

  6. Jackson says:

    You know, I try so hard to like her because so much of what she says makes sense. Then there’s the other part of her that just seems so full of herself and sanctimonious. Ugh. IDK. I do want to see her new movie though….as long as all the hype around it doesn’t kill it for me first.

  7. CB Rawks says:

    Is she trying to take a dump on that table?

  8. Johnthing says:

    If religion is the opiate of the people, Hindus have the inside dope.

  9. oh-bb says:

    Indian garb? Do you mean the Japanese kimono?

  10. serena says:

    omg I love the last two photos! She’s gorgeous!
    Anyway I kind of appreciate the fact that she don’t botox herself.

  11. Kelly says:

    I’ve always wondered about her war with Steven Spielberg who said something about never working with her again. Anyone know? Of course I’m on his side!

  12. Granger says:

    She’s a mediocre talent with strange looks and a huge ego — but you have to give her props for knowing the limits of her abilities. She actually admits to having “no acting technique” and no originality — she does only what her directors want and doesn’t bring any of her own ideas to the table! I guess that’s why she’s hired over and over, and why her fans love her so much. She doesn’t take risks, only doing films she knows her fans will enjoy, and she doesn’t cause trouble on set. Good for her, I guess. It’s made her one of the most popular and bankable stars for years, so no matter how annoying she is, she sure does know how to entertain.

  13. snowball says:

    She really does think she’s an extra special flower, doesn’t she?

    You have to wonder, with that opening comment, what’s she overcompensating for? What big-headed pompous windbag comes up with crap like that?

  14. EllenP says:

    Oh, Granger–That’s J. Aniston! Good times.

  15. Whatever says:

    Your face tells a story and it shouldn’t be a story about your drive to the doctor’s office

    I love this quote. I keep reading about 18 year old girls getting botoxed. How ridiculous is that? I think its great to hear someone talk about growing old gracefully and accepting how you look. Botox and plastic surgery make most people look far worse, IMO. I can’t understand why anyone would want to look like a plastic Halloween mask.

  16. jc126 says:

    I have never been able to figure out why she’s been the most popular female star over the past 20 years or so. I don’t get her appeal at ALL, and she seems so full of herself.

  17. meme says:

    @RHONYC – BWAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA. that bursting into 3 people almost made me vomit all over the keyboard. all this oversharing by actresses overshadows whatever acting they can do. all you’ll see in EPL is JULIA ROBERTS, not the woman she’s portraying.

  18. Hautie says:

    The older she gets the more pronounce that over bite becomes. Something a set of braces and 18 months would fix.

    I had always liked her looks but she is not aging very well. What once was a cute natural looking girl is turning into a hard looking old lady.

  19. meme says:

    If I recall correctly Granny Freeze Kidman is ‘all natural’ and not botoxed too. yeah right.

  20. Katie says:

    I think the cover picture sucks. I like a lot of the others. Something about Julia in interviews, at least since she’s gotten older, has smacked a little bit of Paltrow-style pretension in my opinion. Also, everyone seems to have forgotten how her and husband came together. People hate Eddie and Leann but Julia and Danny Moder have the same kind of story but Julia was forgiven long ago I guess by the public.

  21. Mouse says:

    What a pretentious ass. “The Eat, Pray, Love star opens up” and vomits pure BS in our faces.

    Take a good look at these photos. Then look at pics of her from her Mystic Pizza days. Yeah, Julia’s a liar.

  22. artista says:

    I agree with mouse. Pretentious. The only oscar she deserves is for acting like she is in touch with her audience…

  23. azzadine says:

    since she “doesn’t have an acting technique” i suggest that she get one since her “acting” SUCKS.

    sanctimonious doesn’t even begin to describe this woman.

  24. Feebee says:

    She’s against botox and facial plastic surgery but not photoshop, so she doesn’t mind what she sees in the mirror but would prefer the public to see something else? Hmmmm.

    All I see in the first photo (pretty as she looks) is the huge shadow they drew on her jawline. A face lift would have looked more natural.

  25. Oi says:

    “an once of pretentious is worth a pound of manure”


  26. 6 says:

    I thought she had her lips done a long, long time ago? She was on an episode of Miami Vice and it was very obvious then.
    Does anyone else know if this is true? It looks an awful lot like a fake lip to me and always has. If it walks, talks, and acts like a duck then….

  27. Kazoo81 says:

    i think she’s had something done to her eye area, too.

    here’s the subscriber cover: http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2010/news/100816/julia-roberts-240.jpg

    her lips look so odd in this shot. they needed color. or…something.

    ETA: apparently, she’s getting several different cover shots in the US alone? idk. anyway, here’s more:


  28. original kate says:

    “all you’ll see in EPL is JULIA ROBERTS, not the woman she’s portraying. ”

    @ meme: yeah, that’s all we ever see in every julia roberts movie. the big horselaugh, the enormous smile, the hair toss…ugh. i do love javier, though, so i guess i’ll wait for netflix.

  29. Carol says:

    “I have no acting technique. And there’s nothing more boring than actors sitting around talking about acting.”

    Then why in the world did she spend an hour being the guest on “Inside the Actors’ Studio”? Come to think of it, she said a whole lot of nothing and sounded pretentious the entire time. I have never understood her appeal. And didn’t we just see JA do that first Streisand pose? What is up with Babs that suddenly everyone wants to be her? Don’t get me wrong – I love her, but two stars in two days channeling her? Weird.

  30. bros says:

    she looks like a no-neck constipated weirdo in the cover pic. who chose that. ick. i can definitely live without this overrated person.

  31. cat says:

    God the subscriber cover is horrible…this woman is bland and boring. I bet Penelope made Javier gargle with bleach after kissing Julia!

  32. Adilys says:

    When I was younger, every second person I met would comment on my resemblance to Julia. It stopped for several years after she got married and lowered her profile. Now that she’s back out there I’m expecting it to start again. I look just like her, except for her disgusting lips. That black and white pic could practically be a picture of me.

    I don’t care for my looks and can.not.stand Julia at all. Ick.

  33. RHONYC says:

    @ Adilys:

    don’t hate on your looks. she’s a good lookin’ chick…

    it’s the pompous-ass things that come out of her mouth that are ugly.

    goopy gwyn, julia and anyone else out there waxin’ poetic about their ‘charmed lives’, please take a cue from jackie o & grace kelly and shut the f%ck up about how marvelous you’ve got it.

    it’s poor form you douchettes.

    show some motherf%cking class.



  34. Annie says:

    “The children became the shooting stars of him, of that thing we have. How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.”

    Actually she’s wrong when she says there is nothing more boring than actors talking about acting. SEE ABOVE.

    What a Twat.

  35. Andrea-2 says:


    I don’t know, but I think Julia is beautiful EXCEPT for the lips. So if what you say is true, I think you sound stunning…

  36. ol cranky says:

    did she describe what she thinks hinduism is? because I have a feeling she thinks it’s just doing yoga and and liking a good curry

  37. Ruffian9 says:

    “The children became the shooting stars of him, of that thing we have. How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.”

    ..and I can only presume you gave birth while riding a unicorn…

    Um….sorry to douse your parade with biology, J, but you & he f***ed, you got pregnant, you had the kid(s). Just like normal people. Get over yourself, seriously.

  38. Trillion says:

    Snappyfish (#4), that Oscar™ was meant to go to GENA MOTHERF’N ROWLANDS for her amazing throw-down in Requiem For A Dream. And yes, I’m still pissed Julia Roberts had the nerve to go down there and accept it and during her (bullshit) acceptance speech, shushed the orchestra. Grrrrr. Cannot stand this woman.

  39. CB Rawks says:

    @kelly, is that from when she was in Hook with Dustin Hoffman? Apparently she was an ornery little biatch while playing Tinkerbell.

  40. CB Rawks says:

    Hey Kaiser, I have a Shiva stuffed toy/fridge magnet! It’s the coolest!

  41. Chris says:

    What’s with her mouth? She looks like she’s had a stroke.

  42. d says:

    She reminds me of a former friend who was insufferable and yet mystifyingly popular (and those who knew her well kept their mouths shut). Ah, the drama.

  43. Tiffany says:

    That was Ellen Burstyn and I agree, she was awesome in that movie.

  44. oduroyal says:

    I won’t be seeing her movie but I always admired the fact that she left Hollywood to raise her kids and is raising them out of the public eye unlike a lot of celebrities.

  45. di butler says:

    She’s not into plastic surgery? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *catches breath* She had so much botox in that Duplicity movie she talked with her lips cocked to the side. And her eyes and nose call BS on the surgery. What a pretentious twat.

  46. Emily says:

    My god, in the photo where she’s sitting on the table, she looks like an unhappy drag queen after a night on the town-drunk, dying for some Maccas, and missing two shoes.

  47. Kelly says:

    Kali-ma is my bitch. Her many hands are reaching out to slay you as we speak. CAN YOU FEEL THEM????


    I have big problems with Hindu-issmmsm, especially the orthodox nonTantric traditions. Particularly the giant sized part about your current avatar being the result of past misdeeds or piety. I wonder how people with birth defects etc feel about the whole universe is judging you part of it? Not so PC, eh? It’s bloody sexist too. So while there are some rocking feminine archetypes to be found there, perhaps arseholes like Ms Roberts should check their dogma before signing on, or it could get a little embarrassing for her when she shoots off her mouth about shiz she hasn’t spent 5 mins exploring.

    I totally DO NOT buy her never being facially tweaked, either. That’s a big old lie right there. Has she no concern for the karma??

  48. grrrlgrace says:

    I love the film footage I recently stumbled upon of her getting into a parked car that’s in a handicap zone…rich!

  49. Trillion says:

    Oh my god, Tiffany I am so embarrassed to get the wrong name! Thanks for correcting. And agreeing. (And Gena Rowlands does rock but in other movies).

  50. chessie says:

    Ugly woman. Can’t act and thinks her sh** smells like perfume.

  51. Kevin says:

    I wish Julia Roberts some luck on her spiritual journey. I myself am Filipino and a ‘Hindu’ (Gaudiya Vaishnavism, or Hare Krishna, to be exact), and it takes quite a bit of time to get familiar with doctrine, especially coming from a Christian, Westernised background.

    May God bless her… and not everyone is perfect, hahaha!

  52. RHONYC says:

    @ Chris:


    OHHHH….you r soooo wrong! lmao! :-0

  53. Daniyal says:

    lol .. julia gone crazy …. i think its better for her to stick with Christianity… even if she had prblms with her family and friends regarding her religion and wanted to switch the religion … so why she opted hinduismmmmm … urghh .. there are other religions as well… hinduismmmmmmm ughhhhhhhhhh

  54. mks says:

    I love Julia Roberts…. she is pretty, she has guts and she has brains! Your body (or your face, for that matter) will not go with you to heaven, if you believe in after life! Don’t abuse it… it is a temple. You go inside, meditate and pray. No external entity will save you from your sins…. only you can, with some Godly help.

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  56. the bunny lover says:

    lies. all lies. she has too had work done. her top lips looks a little unnatural, botox for sure! probably a nose job and the eyes…liar! how hindu of you!

  57. Heena says:

    For all those ignorant fools who don’t know one thing about Hinduism but still pretending to be a Scholar on Hinduism here, let me tell you one thing, you people are BIG IGNORANT FOOLS. You have conceived wrong impression of Hinduism by watching things on TV or listening to half lies half truth of people.

    Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and you cannnot understand unless you read all the religious scriptures. So better shut your good for nothing mouths. People are so lame, they blame Islam for terrorism, consider Hindus sick. The truth is you people need to look inside your heart and stop judging people without even knowing them.