I used to optimistically hypothesize that Amy Winehouse’s life was getting better, if for no other reason than the fact that she had stopped roaming the streets of London at three in the morning in bloody ballet slippers. Well if possible her life is in even bigger shambles now than it was last summer.
Amy’s had multiple arrests in just a few short weeks, and seems to have given up even trying. You could easily ask yourself, “Wait, she was trying before?” Well, I mean trying for Amy Winehouse. I mean the woman actually spent a day sans beehive. That’s got to be indicative of some type of deep identity crisis or a form of psychosis for her.
After being formally arrested in London yesterday for her legendary performance on her crack video, Amy proceeded to wander around London at four in the morning. She took a jaunt over to a gas station to load up on some healthy snacks, chatted with photographers, and queried them as to what her next tattoo should be. You know, just like all normal celebrities.
If Amy Winehouse was at all concerned about her second arrest in as many weeks, it certainly didn’t show as she roamed the streets 4am this morning.
The troubled singer left her Camden home in the early hours to dash to a petrol station where she collected supplies including magazines and drinks, chatting happily to photographers during her outing.
With her trademark beehive wrapped up in a red bandanna with her husband’s name emblazoned on it, the ever-erratic singer asked the paparazzi for suggestions for a new tattoo.
It was just hours after she visited a London police station by appointment yesterday afternoon before being arrested for possession of Class A drugs and later released on bail.
[From the Daily Mail]
I really hate to say it, but it seems like Amy is on the absolute brink. To say she’s spiraled out of control is such a massive understatement. And while you never ever want to acknowledge that someone could do some serious harm to themselves, it seems like Amy is just a step or two away from total destruction.
Though she’s certainly gone through hard times before, you would hear a lot about her family – especially her father – at least trying to help her, however unsuccessfully. It showed that she had some form of emotional support. Now you hardly hear a word about them, which makes you wonder who Amy’s got left to rely on. Someone needs to look out for her – clearly she can’t do it for herself.
Here’s Amy just a week ago. Look at the dramatic change in her appearance during just seven days time. Images thanks to Splash.
You know, it’s really hard to watch someone commit suicide.
soon itll be RIP Amy
yeah, it’s sad huh… like it’ll be so sad if she dies, but you kinda get the feeling that it’s inevitable…
Bravo to the blog post, ITA w/all. She looks older than me, and I’m 41. I think she started to look ‘halfway’ decent when Mr. Winehouse went to the crib and yelled at her to get her stuff together. He probably threatened to have her committed, let’s hope it sticks!
she looks the same to me!
Those shots were not from a week ago. They were from Monday of this week on the Bank Holiday.
i love amy to bits but i think she will get back on track bye
i love amy winehouse 😀 😀 😀 😀 ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗

hello dudes
hi am called louise tee bye .xx
amy wienhouse is a fab singer i loove here so uch i just dont want to see that voice go to waste for drugs i love her but she has to STOP!!!! because she will die but i dont want her to because i will not be abell to live woth out her !!! i love amy winehouse
amy wienhouse is a fab singer i loove here so uch i just dont want to see that voice go to waste for drugs i love her but she has to STOP!!!! because she will die but i dont want her to because i will not be abell to live woth out her !!! i love amy winehouse for ever
❗ ❗