Jenna Bush’s wedding photos

The White House has released official photos of Jenna Bush’s wedding ceremony and reception. She looks beautiful and her special day seems like a perfect mix of elegant touches with a down home celebration. Jenna, 26, and her new husband, Henry Hager, 30, are thought to be heading off to a European honeymoon. The new couple will return home to a two bedroom townhouse in Baltimore, Maryland. Jenna has a job as a schoolteacher in Washington, DC, and Henry will work for an energy company in Maryland. Best wishes to the new couple.

We posted full details of their wedding ceremony and reception earlier today.

All photos thanks to Jenna and Henry are shown with their parents including Mr. and Mrs. John Hager, and with the reverend who officiated their ceremony, Kirbyjon Caldwell of Houston’s Windsor Village United Methodist Church.

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107 Responses to “Jenna Bush’s wedding photos”

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  1. Melanie says:

    It must be hard being a child of a ridiculous man. I find it hard explaining to people that he is my president.

  2. abby says:

    is anyone else surprised by how…. horrible these pictures are? if they were released by the white house wouldn’t they be the professional ones? but they are so………. unprofessional!

  3. Devilgirl says:

    I have to agree with Abby, they are so amateurish. I know my wedding photos looked lots better. :mrgreen:

  4. nancy says:

    I appreciate Jenna’s choice to have a low key event. No matter what she does or how they handle the day, there will be critics.I was anxious to see the pictures and glad they look like mine rather than posed for People magazine! I am glad she has done everything her way-if she could do it all over, she probably would still stick her tongue out!

  5. Cmora says:

    I loved the pictures! All the people looked “Real” and not like they were posing. Congratulations to the happy couple!

  6. Elle says:

    I think her dress is really beautiful. And the really look cute together.

  7. Maxy says:

    Folks, you have to admit that she is one classy and modest girl. Congratulations!

  8. okay... says:


  9. nylon says:

    As much as it pains me to say it, she looks lovely. The dress is lovely, her hair, everything. I think its kind of cute how nervous everyone looks.

  10. Linda says:

    she looks absolutley beautiful. i am glad she chose to have her wedding her way.

  11. Ling says:

    Why do weddings always do this to me? I’m happy for her. And I’m happy for Bush. Yeah, he’s a backwards bigot who’s fedex-ed the country to hell, but he’s a daddy too! Imagine how happy he was when she got married!

    Now I don’t want to be rude, but doesn’t her husband look exactly like that stuffed-shirt intern who spilled coffee on his freshly-pressed (by his mom) white shirt this morning at Starbucks?

  12. Audrey says:

    Jenna looks so lovely! Congratulations to the happy couple. I’m glad she had the wedding in Texas.I had mine in Texas too. The sunsets are amazing.

  13. Ack! says:

    Aw hell. Even an old left wing bitch like me can’t help but say she’s just beautiful and I totally appreciate her and her husband’s very special day. I wish them all the best.

  14. Meredith says:

    I think she looks wonderful and despite who her family is, it looks like a nice, happy, low-key affair.

  15. Melania says:

    Jenna looks beautiful and the dress is gorgeous. The only flaw might be Henry’s suit which seems ill-fitting. The suit jacket appears too tight and the pants are too baggy. It’s probably one he already had in his closet.

  16. DogRunner says:

    I like the setting for the wedding…very natural and serene. I like that fact that she didn’t have some big blow-out wedding with lots of hoopla. It seems very family-oriented and laid back.

  17. Henny Penny says:

    It’s a nice day for a douche wedding.

  18. Miranda says:

    Ditto on the wedding photos looking like crap. I took one semester of photography in college and know to at least fill the frame.

    I would suspect these released ones are orchestrated to look so second rate as to confirm how “normal” and “like the rest of us” and “outside of washington” the first family is.

  19. AP says:

    I can’t stand her father, but she looks gorgeous, and I wish the couple the best. Congrats to them. Now I need to rinse my mouth out with bleach.

  20. Cici says:

    i think the pictures are GREAT. i loathe the people magazine type shots. i always wonder if celebrities have those “doctored” magazine photos of themselves on their mantles at home instead of normal looking photos. ugh. jenna looks wonderful.

  21. Krista says:

    Is it just me, or is the minister black? Is anyone else surprised by that?

  22. pookynut says:

    How much ya wanna bet she didn’t abstain until her wedding night? Probably had a cash bar…

  23. Orangejulius says:

    What’s with all the side shots? Are we supposed to be admiring what a great ass she has?

  24. Lori Price says:

    All those GOPedophiles, Reichwing whackjobs and war criminals under the same roof… mega barf alert!
    Lori Price

  25. candykay says:

    I’m really amazed at the people who use Jenna Bush’s wedding as an opportunity to take pot shots at her father. Classy.

    Should we expect the same at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding?

    The Obama girls will get married someday, too – maybe y’all can get in a “Yes We Can” joke about the wedding night.

  26. AC says:

    Yeah I may not like George Bush as our president but I don’t wish harm to him or his family. He’s just someone who shouldn’t be ruling our country… his daughters have nothing to do with his negligent and ignorant policies.

    I think her pictures are beautiful (although unprofessional looking etc) and I think it shows a lot of class that she chose a ceremony that fits her personality rather than the glitz and glamor of the white house etc. She looks gorgeous and it looks like a beautiful ceremony.

  27. Lori Price says:

    Tell ‘ya what, candykay. If Obama wins the 2008 ‘election’ (likely to be stolen via electronic ‘voting’ machines in a third GOP coup d’etat), then proceeds to kill a million-plus Iraqis in an illegal war waged under false pretenses (to enhance corpora-terrorist cronies) and carries out dozens of other war crimes and false flag attacks (Guantanamo Bay, 9/11, etc.) –people can spew ‘Yes we can!’ jokes on the night of an Obama child’s wedding.
    Lori Price

  28. Kat says:

    Her dress is beautiful. She looks great. But yulk, that blue number her mom is wearing, makes her mom look like a blimp.

  29. Lori Price says:

    To AC: ‘…I may not like George Bush as our president [sic] but I don’t wish harm to him or his family. He’s just someone who shouldn’t be ruling our country.’ –Bush is not the president – he was never elected. And, yes – King Dreck (aka Bush) really shouldn’t be ‘ruling’ our country. 🙂

  30. DD says:

    She looks lovely, beautiful dress, they make a cute couple. Overall beautiful family. Congratulations! 🙂

  31. pinknblack says:

    To the person who asked whether others were surprised at the black minister; no. No I wasn’t. In fact, the first thing I thought before even seeing the photos was ‘An all-white political famiiy who’s most famous member is suspected of being racist? They will manage to have a black person in there SOMEHOW.’

    There is no way it was by accident.

    …Maybe I’m getting cynical.

  32. poopie says:

    hello? LOW KEY wedding here… so why would she have annie leibowitz taking posed stilted photos? you actually PREFER posed people magazine photos? sickos all…

  33. Syko says:

    The pictures are too Kim Kardashian. I don’t think she’s beautiful OR classy – this is the one that sticks out her tongue, remember?

    And Pink, when I saw the minister, my first thought was “token” too.

  34. headache says:

    The bitterness coming off this page is palatable.

    If you want real change, vote out the congressmen and senators, too.

  35. jodi says:

    I thought the wedding was beautifull like the bride.The special occasion was great and private like it should of been. Daddy looked very proud and so did her Mom. Congradulations to the happy couple.

  36. ADD says:

    Great, another pending generation of dumb Republican dilettantes. Just what America needs.

  37. SAL says:

    Wow – tolerant liberalism at its best. You guys remind me of why I left the Democratic Party

  38. poopie says:

    yea, the TOLERANT left. oxymorons both.

  39. Syko says:

    Palpable, not palatable. I don’t think the bitterness tastes good.

  40. Celebitchy says:

    Trolls are not acceptable from either political side.

  41. Nanc says:

    I think these are lovely. Looks like it was a nice day and that the bride had the kind of wedding she wanted. I wish them well.

  42. kat says:

    her sister wore white too? what an idiot

  43. Syko says:

    I think the sister wore something like “moonshine” or “moon shimmer” blue, something to that effect. Pretty color. There, I said something nice about these cretins.

  44. Celebitchy says:

    This girl is beautiful and congratulations to her on her special day. I’m a proud liberal, and I don’t think this is the time or place to criticize Jenna’s father or bring up any hatred by either side. She did it the right way by keeping her wedding under wraps and just releasing photos.

  45. rob1118 says:

    Nice to see two wonderful families enjoying such a special day, and the fact that our twice-elected leader enjoying his daughter’s wedding pisses off the Lori Price types makes me enjoy the photos even more.

  46. serafemme says:

    “Look at all the bitter, misinformed, brainwashed by the liberal-media idiots who have posted here.”

    newsflash: the media isn’t liberal. the media are predominantly owned by national or multi-national conglomerates with conservative agendas, ergo: fox, for example, and cnn. parroting that timeworn phrase, “liberal media,” in order to disparage those who don’t agree with your opinions simply makes YOU look like an idiot.

    that said, this liberal thinks jenna looks lovely in these photos, and i wish her much happiness. here’s hoping the sins of the father aren’t revisited upon her.

  47. snappyfish says:

    for a girl I never though that attractive, I thinks she looks lovely.

  48. mithcy says:


  49. Marge says:

    She looks great but her dad couldn’t even bother wearing a bowtie to his daughter’s wedding? What an imbecile he is. 😯

  50. george says:

    It is nice for the president to see his daughter have such an special day…I wonder how many military funerals over the weekend? Oh, wait…this administration won’t allow pictures of military funerals. Anyhow, it is nice to see his young alcoholic daughter marry such a handsome twat.

  51. countrybabe says:

    Well the comments were better than I thought they would be. One thing to say about the Bushes they are low key. They all look nice together. I’m glad they released the photos.

  52. AC says:

    dixi you’re grossly misinformed. I hate the current administration and i said very nice things about the wedding.

    Anyone who trusts this man is out of their minds. I can’t wait till he’s gone… stick him back on the ranch where he belongs…

  53. Amanda says:

    The cake looks crooked. LOL. It’s leaning to the right. Maybe it’s just the bad photography.

    Either way, she looks very pretty.

  54. Linda says:

    She looks lovely! Her sister poses really weird though, it’s like she’s holding out her arm in a funny angle. What’s up with that?

  55. larry says:

    Marge, that “non bow tie” cost more than the mobile home you are making payments on for the next 30 years….. instead of spending time writing idiotic posting on a celebrity website…get a 2nd job at Mcdonalds so you can move out of the hood

  56. clair says:

    She looks lovely, and the photos are very sweet. She is a darling girl. What was Laura thinking with that odd choice for a 92-degree outdoor wedding?

  57. clair says:

    P.S. About the bow-tie comment….why would he wear such a tie with a business suit which was obviously the style of choice? Much as I detest him, his outfit was entirely appropriate for the type of wedding/reception it was.

  58. Marge says:

    Larry, I’m sorry I offended your husband so much by insinuating he wears a bowtie to his own daughter’s wedding. I now realize he reserves his bowties and chaps only for his special nights with you! My sincerest apologies.

  59. Marge says:

    I mean he is the POTUS and he wears the same suit he wears every day of his life and can’t wear a tux for his daughter’s wedding? How un-special she must feel. Simple black and white tux and bowtie would have been sufficient.

  60. Robin says:

    Melanie, the wedding or photos are not about you.

  61. UrbanRube says:

    Marge, that response to Larry is hysterical! There is no love lost between me and this administration, but this girl isn’t responsible for any of that. Every wedding is a day of hope, and that is one beautiful dress.

  62. hautesexycool says:

    Umm – the top layer of the cake is either slipping or was created that way? I’m a detail person. Other than that – the wedding looks great.


  63. Drew says:

    I love knocking on the Bush familia, but the wedding looks very nice, like a high-end rodeo awards reception.

    I bet it was cool to be there and have a neat, Presidential experience in the evening air.

    / Jealous.

  64. ER says:

    I always thought Barbara was the prettier twin, but these photos of Jenna are so beautiful. Barbara has an unusual stance in all her photos, but Jenna looks natural and simply stunning! Congrats to the new couple, and the proud parents of both!!!

  65. Jenna K says:

    Aw! Leave the politics out! Jenna Bush is great and she looks so pretty 🙂

  66. bc says:

    the cake is crooked. the top is leaning…! cut it before it topples!!!
    other then that… jenna is beautiful on her wedding day.
    the photos could be better.
    black preacher was definately “token”.
    all in all, very expected wedding of the bush family.

  67. alec says:

    were is cheney with his hunting rifle when you need him?

  68. Bodhi says:

    Look at all the bitter, misinformed, brainwashed by the liberal-media idiots who have posted here.

    🙄 Get over yourself, Dixie.

    I can’t stand her father or his administration. Especially that asshatt Karl Rove, but she does look beatiful & they look so happy & in love that I can’t help but to be happy for her

  69. poopie says:

    Hey George : what, you NEVER EVER drank when you were underage ? if this is true, you are the ONLY one!!!

  70. poopie says:

    i can’t stand bush either, but at least he knows there aren’t 57 STATES in the US (see Obama speech)

  71. Megan says:

    I love her dress, so pretty. I think they could have done a better job on her hair though.

  72. kate says:

    what bad photos of the family! jenna looks pretty. laura looks bitchy. w. looks inbred. jenna’s sister (barbara?) looks like she’s copying the paris hilton pose of sticking out your ass and your boobs. earth to barbie: it’s a wedding, not the cover of maxim. that girl seems as dumb as a box of hair.

  73. Other Karen says:

    Maybe these were taken by the photographer’s assistant on a digital camera for quick public release, while the photographer takes his or her time with the main photos? Just that they all seem to be facing a slightly different direction in most of the photos.

  74. Syko says:

    Wow, I haven’t said anything nearly as bad as many of the others on here, and yet CB posts right after me each time! Coincidence, or paranoia on my part?

  75. Old Itch says:

    Piggy little eyes and a smirk just like her pappy, Old Scratch.

  76. Celebitchy says:

    Syko I was totally not referring to you at all! I don’t like calling out people by name, I think it only encourages them, but you can tell who I’m referring to.

  77. Jody says:

    He isn’t wearing a bowtie, because the groom isn’t wearing a bowtie. It is very common these days to wear more of a formal or tailored suit, especially when a wedding is outdoors or less formal.
    I had my groom and my father/father-in-law wear tailored suits for our outdoor wedding.
    Jenna probably chose, or at least set guidelines for, what every person in the wedding party wore, which is how most traditional weddings work.

  78. Kolby says:

    I think the whole evening looks like it was a lovely, classy affair. Good for her for pulling it off her way. Everyone looks beautiful, and happy, and I’m glad for them. And it doesn’t say anywhere that these are the professional pictures, does it? It’s pretty early for professional pictures to be released – I bet these are just pictures that were taken while the photographer had everyone posed. No one’s even lookig at the lens in these, they’re obviously not the same one’s they’ll have framed.

    And my wedding was much more formal than this one, and no one wore bowties then, either. It’s considered a more modern, relaxed look – hardly anyone does bowties anymore.

  79. elrush bone says:

    Cool, Jenna’s father in law is Larry Flynt!!!

  80. LogicalThinking says:

    After reading some of the posts from the more left wing lunatic here, I realize they are truely the scum of the earth. They are what they accuse the Republican’s of being (hateful, racist, dumb, etc…).

  81. Syko says:

    Whew! Thanks, CB! My paranoia at work again!

    I keep wondering, though, when it became so bad to be a liberal. I came of political age in an era when it was a good thing to be left, and moved in that direction because I believe in human rights. In all these years I have not felt the need to change my views. I’m not a left wing radical, just left of center, and I don’t hate anyone (except maybe Bush). I’m not even going to sneer at the right wingers who feel like it’s their right, even their duty, to put liberals down. But I do ask that my views be respected as much as those of the tightest-assed Republicans out there.

    All that aside, I still don’t like all the pictures looking back over her shoulder like Kardashian, I agree the groom is not handsome, I always liked Barbara better than Jenna, the regular tie is fine with the business suit, and the dress cost more than it’s worth because although quite pretty, it’s not breathtaking, and every bride deserves to be breathtaking on that one day in her life.

  82. headache says:

    Kolby, I didn’t even think about that but you are absolutely right.

    As for the so called “kardashian” pics, I don’t know about any of you, but I picked my dress because I loved the detailing on the back so you bet your behind I have a picture of it from that angle. Jenna’s dress is gorgeous all around but most stunning from the rear. That’s why they took the picture that way.

  83. Caroline says:

    Jenna looked lovely, her dress was gorgeous, the setting for the ceremony was serene and beautiful and the reception looked like a blast. This is exactly the type of wedding I would have wanted if I were in her shoes. It was perfect!

    A White House wedding would have brought out the crazies, protestors, diplomats, heads of state and an army of press. Hardly the elegantly beautiful and personal occasion the bride and groom and their families will remember forever.

    Although I was only a little girl when Tricia Nixon got married I remember her looking like a “deer in the headlights” walking down the aisle with her father.

  84. Sam says:

    I for one think she looks absolutely wonderful and they both look like they are full of joy. best wishes for a wonderful life.

    I am glad they got married here in Texas rather than in DC or at the White House.

  85. Danielle says:

    Amazing how a wedding cancels out political nonsense for a day. Jenna looks lovely in her dress. I must say she looks thin as ever also. A little crash pre-wedding dieting maybe? Her hair looks so cute until the Texas humidity takes over but I don’t think you can avoid that in Texas, right? Congratulations to Jenna and her proud parents!

    Eevn liberals can say nice things for the grand union!

  86. Alison says:

    Some of you people are just ridiculous. You hate Bush so much that you bend over backwards to say something nasty if he is involved.

    I know it’s a HUGE leap of logic but one can assume that the wedding was put on to suit the taste of the two people getting married – NOT the nation at large – so it’s a damn good thing none of you were invited, so you didn’t have to sit through a ceremony with hateful comments running through your head.

    I would absolutely LOVE to see pictures from any of your weddings – I’m sure they were all the pinnacle of style and nobody had a single critical thing to say.

    Get over yourselves! If you hate Bush so much – ignore him the same way that the world at large ignores the radical left!

  87. World Gone Wild says:


    Liberals – 0
    Neo-Cons – 0

    Leave the family alone. Jenna had the wedding she wanted and she looks beautiful and in love.

    But I chuckled the minute I saw Rev. KirbyJohn. He’s a straight up token at the wedding but as long as he got paid the family slipped him some oil money, it was a good day!

  88. Pamela says:

    The libs are out in force today. Supposedly they want tolerance, but the hate is thick as Teddy Kennedy’s middle.

  89. Tracy says:

    I think it looked like a great wedding, sounds to me like most of you may be jealous!!! Get a life.

  90. Shelly says:

    I think Jenna looks absolutly beautiful!!!!!!!!

  91. Bolt Lawrence says:

    Danger! Danger! Danger!

  92. brit says:

    She looks beautiful and i wish them the best in their marriage. But her husband kinda looks like tucker carlson, gross.

  93. Carla Marie says:

    Just think of the dead men and women who served in the Iraq War who won’t have the chance to get married and the parents who will not see their children wed. But, President Bush will. How unjust, he and his family happy while others are grieving over their dead children because of an unnecessary war that Jenna’s father started. There is no justice in this world

  94. jess says:

    i think it looks like it was a sweet affair and they look nice…all feelings about her dad aside. 😉

  95. headache says:

    Lori, take a pill, mama.

  96. tootall says:

    😳 I’m embarrassed to be a democrat right now seeing such low class comments. It was THEIR wedding, THEIR choices, THEIR requests – and they certainly didn’t intend to please you all with it. Leave the kids…and her dad….alone. It was a wedding for pete’s sake…not the Republican National Convention.

  97. jeanne benton says:

    I think they all look lovely. The president,first lady,barbara,jenna and the groom. Many happy years to them all as a family.

  98. Kitty says:

    I think it was a classy Texas “do”.

    Perhaps Jenna’s lovely gown will put an end to the ubiquitous strapless affairs that have been popular for the last several years. Ugh.

  99. Lori Price is a Troll says:

    Lori Price – Relax Troll! Take your Lithium!

  100. Celebitchy says:

    Lori has been banned and I deleted the last few of her rabid comments. (“You don’t listen to meeeee! I’ll yell louder!”)

  101. Caspia says:

    I do not understand why most have harsh things to say about a young womans most memorible day.

    What did she do to all of you?

    Sounds like a lot of jealous unhappy people out there that are not happy with themselves so they think it makes them feel better putting down someone else.

    Her wedding was beautiful and the photographs for the many uninformed people posting to this site were done in a photojournalistic manner. Which means that they tell the story of the wedding. This is a very creative way of photographing the wedding as it happened not someones preconceived list of shots they think is traditional and untimately boring.

  102. pattie says:

    Isnt that Trica Nixon’s wedding dress?

  103. As far as wedding photos go these are average. I would think with their resources they could have done better.

  104. Constanza says:

    Nice dress. This is by far the best this prime Heiffer Cattle Queen Barroom Brawler ever looked. Is she sober? IS HE?

  105. Susan T says:

    The president’s daughter had an amazing back drop for her photos. My houston wedding photography did a great job with my photos and made my smaller budget wedding look a lot more expensive than it actually was. Kinda made this normal Texas girl feel a little special.

  106. debra says:

    where are Grandma and Grandpa Bush? something going on we don’t know about?

  107. Stefanie says:

    So I looked up these photo to compare them to Chelsea’s wedding photos, and I have to say I am SHOCKED by all of the negative comments. First of all, I find everything about the photos lovely, and if nothing else, they would help me to see the Bush’s in a different light. But more importantly what did Jenna Bush ever do to anyone?? I would actually like to hear the answer to that question.