Cele|bitchy | Mel Gibson and Britney Spears vacation together

Mel Gibson and Britney Spears vacation together

Holy weird. Britney Spears and Mel Gibson are vacationing together. Seems like an odd pairing, right? Well not so much, when you think about it. Britney and Mel both have substance abuse issues. Mel is known for his deep spirituality – he even built his own church – and Britney wore a red Kabbalah bracelet for several months. So they have a lot more in common than you’d think.

Entertainment Tonight can confirm that Britney Spears and Mel Gibson are currently en route to Costa Rica on vacation together. Their plane departed at 9:05 AM this morning.

ET spotted them leaving on a private plane to the Central American state early this morning. Sources tell ET that Mel is taking Britney and her father Jamie for a mini vacation at his home is Costa Rica.

According to the terms of her custody Britney’s children cannot leave the country without special approval, so they are not joining her on the trip.

While the pop star and the actor may appear to be an unlikely duo, they used to live in the same Malibu community and were spotted having dinner together at Studio City’s Romanov restaurant in March.

[From the Huffington Post]

The Daily News says that Gibson wanted to take Britney and her dad Jamie on a “mini-vacay to get away from it all.” I’m hoping this will actually involve some sort of exorcism or something. Couldn’t really hurt.

Let’s not forget that Britney is widely rumored to be pregnant for a third time. Mel Gibson is an old school Catholic who doesn’t believe in the changes brought about by the Vatican II. Something tells me if he finds out Britney Spears is pregnant again, he’s going to finally believe it’s a sign from God that birth control is cool with him.

Aside from the possibility of a pregnant getaway, it’s hard to guess what in the world Mel Gibson wants to do with Britney Spears and her dad on an island. But like Entertainment Tonight pointed out, they used to be neighbors and have been spotted having dinner together a few times. Supposedly Gibson has taken a fatherly interest in Britney, and unlike a lot of celebs who kept telling the press they wanted to help her, Gibson might actually be trying to. So I’m going to assume it’s something nice. And not creepy.

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18 Responses to “Mel Gibson and Britney Spears vacation together”

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  1. Jody says:

    Sounds creepy to me, but maybe I just watch too much South Park.

  2. Diva says:

    Seriously, men and women, regardless of perspective ages, can’t be friends and help each other out without it being creepy?

  3. Mr. T says:

    Holy cow! I don’t think any man in his right mind would want to have anything to do with messed up Brit. Mel is probably just trying to help her out in a fatherly way, I think. Any guy who wants to put his dipstick in that tank better have it covered up and his sanity checked.

  4. AC says:

    ah! don’t go crazy religious britney please!

  5. Ron says:

    She is his pawn in the overthrowing of the Jews!

  6. Scott F. says:

    “it’s hard to guess what in the world Mel Gibson wants to do with Britney Spears and her dad on an island.”

    I think it’s pretty easy to figure out where Mel’s mind is headed. Britney Spears, tropical island… (deep movie trailer voice) It’s time to hunt the most dangerous game of all!

    Seriously, who wouldn’t pay to watch that?

  7. california angel says:

    Maybe I am biased because i had to endure the hell that is catholic school for 12 years…but you learn very quickly in life that wearing and bracelet and building a church is not at all an accurate indication that someone is spirtual. A lot of people go through the publicly spiritual motions and have no spirtuality that they can call their own. I would consider those things religious, but not spiritual. Spirituality is a very person and individual quest that is not at all indicated by material things or even one’s actions.

  8. Other Karen says:

    Didn’t he use to complain about all the paps following her when he was her neighbor?

  9. elisha says:

    You guys JUST HAD A POST less than two months ago that these two had dinner together. So we already knew they were friends. So it doesn’t seem so weird to me.


  10. gg says:

    😆 at Scott F. I would.

  11. Sasha says:

    The implications are terrifying !!

  12. kate says:

    i wonder what his wife thinks of this “friendship.” or maybe mrs. gibson is too busy at home teaching their 12 children that the holocaust never happened. or something.

  13. Terriann says:

    well we know why they went out on a date cause most of the time she is easy and he likes the thrill of it. also his wife stays because she is not done milking the cow. do u think britney is the first no way…. his wife is gonna stick by his side and forgive cause like i said she is not done milking the cow yet.

  14. CostaRicanGirl says:


  15. Sasha says:

    And ‘Moron’ doesn’t have three n’s in it. Take a dictionary and look at it ignorant.

  16. fanbeen says:

    nice, nice…

  17. somebody alert me if they end up in canada.

  18. I think that Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places around the world, the adventure and the nature are amazing.