Mariah Carey was on the rebound when she met Nick Cannon

Mariah Carey and her secret producer boyfriend of four years split up just a few months ago, and he is said to be devastated that it took her no time at all to move on and marry the next guy who came along. The poor guy was hardly even acknowledged by Mariah and now she’s flitting all over the place with her new younger husband, who she married after less than six weeks of dating:

Call Mark Sudack a casualty of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon’s whirlwind love.

For nearly four years, Carey, 38, quietly dated the music producer, who worked on her E=MC2 CD.

Though the two secretly split in early 2008, Sudack is shattered by his ex’s nuptial news.

“Everyone is scared to call him because no one knows what to say,” a pal says in the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now.

“He never thought she would go off and marry someone else. He’s heartbroken and shocked,” says the pal, adding that he “loved her so much.”

[From US Weekly]
Maybe Mariah’s last boyfriend just didn’t do it for her or whatever and when she met Nick she was swept off her feet, causing her to act so impulsively. Sometimes it doesn’t work out after years together and you’re not progressing in the relationship and it’s time to move on. It’s still pretty revealing that she just got out of a four year relationship when she met Nick. Given the timeline, she couldn’t have been single for more than three months so it does sound like a rebound romance.

Mariah and Nick are said to be planning a nursery in Nick’s LA home. Her people called exclusive baby boutique Petit Tresor and inquired about fabric samples and butterfly designs. She is said to have scheduled a private meeting with their designers.

Meanwhile these two had a large party for 100 friends to celebrate their wedding at Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA Tuesday night. They rented the entire park starting at around 8pm and rode several rollercoasters together. Refreshments included cupcakes adorned with butterflies, and guests were given pink and blue superman capes as souvenirs. It seems fitting for a couple who describe themselves as perpetually 12 years old.

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12 Responses to “Mariah Carey was on the rebound when she met Nick Cannon”

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  1. Devilgirl says:

    I want some cupcakes! 😀

  2. neelyo says:

    If this thing lasts longer than a year it’ll be a miracle. And how convenient that her new single and video featuring Cannon debuted right after the wedding!

  3. elisha says:

    My boyfriend’s brother was with one girl for nine years. They broke up and he was instantly onto the next relationship. He met the new girl as the 9 yr relationship was dying out. They married within a month, had a baby in the first year, and are still together after five or so years.

  4. gg says:

    Dang I’m so sick of her. Overexposed and boring. That hairdo doesn’t do anything for her either.

  5. Syko says:

    You know, I don’t know him at all, never heard of him before, but he just looks like too nice a guy to be hooked by her. You can look at his eyes and see someone’s home in there. Not hers. In fact, her whole face gives me a disquieting feeling that perhaps this is a sculpture and they’ve stolen the real Mariah. Isn’t your face supposed to gain character as you grow older? She looks like her face has been erased.

  6. Jody says:

    It has been erased, by the miracle of photoshop.

  7. Ron says:

    OK, I hate to admit this, but I worked with Mariah years ago on a bad movie…however, she was very very nice. She talked to everyone, ate with the crew and was suprisingly non-diva like, except she had the shooting schedule changed becasue “she doesn;t do mornings”. When I was around, she signed every autograph people asked for and was very sweet. That was along time ago and she has had some issues since then, but I honestly hope that she’s happy. I hate it when I have to turn off the bitchswitch!

  8. Sasha says:

    Nick’s already getting that ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look in these pictures.

  9. sam says:

    Big speculation: If she is already planning a nursery I wonder if it was a quickie wedding because she is already pregnant? Could explain the sudden change of heart regarding babies?

  10. CinPin says:

    Butterflies for the nursery?
    What if they have a boy?

  11. I wish Nick and Mariah the best in their young marriage. Personally, I’ve always liked older women and it can make a relationship wonderful.

    Take care everyone,
    Roderick Jackson

  12. unhypnotizable says:

    nick wear a rubber everytime with this slut if not the next day your dick will
    itch two weeks later herpes outbreaks
    six weeks later genital warts will grow
    mimi burned me