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21 Responses to “Scarlett Johansson misses out on Cannes due to outlandish demands”

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  1. anonymous says:

    I’ve read where she is a total bitche..but you never know-it could all be made up.But one thing’s for sure she missed Cannes-not smart!

  2. AC says:

    im not a huge fan of hers… but i’ve never been able to say WHY. im just not…

  3. Wajid Khan says:

    Please call me, I Want to talk you

  4. Wajid Khan says:

    ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. Jules says:

    I don’t buy it. I’ve read somewhere that she can’t stand P.Cruz, maybe that’s the real reason, I understand her, Cruz is a TOTAL bitch

  6. Katrina says:

    I always said she thought she was Woody’s muse. That talentless hoebag. Never cared for her, she also has a horible taste in music and a horrible singing voice, but she thinks she’s SO indie. Lameo.

  7. Katrina says:

    Monotone man voice. Ryan is too nice/good for her, he isn’t shallow and pessimistic.

  8. Angel says:

    I don’t know why she’d make such a critical error in trying to build her acting career by repaying Woody like this; especially since it’s very very clear that her “singing” career ๐Ÿ˜ฏ will not be going anywhere!

    When I listened to (as much as I could stand of) her song “Falling Down”, I wanted to fall down myself…ewww!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  9. fgh says:

    I like the production of Falling Down..just not her hollow voice.

    If she didn’t go becasue she doesn;t like PC that’s rather unprofessional. I show up to work and I dislike a few coworkers too…

  10. Nan says:

    She needs a makeup artist in ‘the know’ to tone down the bottom half of her face. Shading & contouring of that hideous jawline. That’s the REAL reason.

  11. Ron says:

    She IS a bitch. This is just the first time she has been called on it. FAMOUSLY DEMANDING!

  12. EE says:

    She owes Woody her career.

    After the Island, nobody wanted to work with her and Woody practically SAVED her career by casting her to his London films.

    I understand that Cruz can be a bitch but that is no excuse to be ungrateful to Woody.

  13. Daniela says:

    This skank is a beotch!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  14. Bodhi says:

    I call shenanigans on this story. Mainly causw I really like her & don’t care if she displays diva-like behavior

  15. bravo says:

    Scarlett had filming obligations. She is in the middle of finishing another film. So this story is bogus. Imagine That!!! ๐Ÿ™„

  16. PJ says:

    Wouldn’t it be part of her employment contract to appear in promotions for the film? Just curious.

    I always assumed it was mandatory for stars to show up at premieres, media interviews and such.

  17. Blanche says:

    Prolly wanted to stay away from that old letch, Woody.

  18. Fandango says:

    She’s a no talent skank with tits. Without those tits, she’d be working at a law firm or something. let’s quit lying about this idiot.

  19. Goldie says:

    Uhh… the only “filming obligations” she has is for Mary Queen of Scots – but that’s in pre-production so filming hasn’t commenced yet. Her other two most recent projects are in post. So… yeah. I don’t think she really had anything too pressing that was keeping her in the US for the duration of Cannes. Besides, Cannes is a big deal.

  20. paris herpes says:

    She’s overrated, that’s the whole problem. Actually, so’s Penelope, Woody needs to stop having crushes and find some real actors for his films already…

  21. jess says:

    I’ve always thought she looked like she would be a brat but who knows.