Ellen Degeneres isn’t the only celebrity Californian to announce she’ll marry her partner after the state became the second in the union to legalize same sex marriage. George Takei, best known for his role on Star Trek as Sulu, has announced on his website that he will marry his partner of 21 years, Brad Altman:
The California Supreme Court has ruled that all Californians have a fundamental right to marry the person he or she loves. Brad and I have shared our lives together for over 21 years. We’ve worked in partnership; he manages the business side of my career and I do the performing. We’ve traveled the world together from Europe to Asia to Australia. We’ve shared the good times as well as struggled through the bad. He helped me care for my ailing mother who lived with us for the last years of her life. He is my love and I can’t imagine life without him. Now, we can have the dignity, as well as all the responsibilities, of marriage. We embrace it all heartily.
The California Supreme Court further ruled that our Constitution provides for equal protection for all and that it cannot have marriage for one group and another form – domestic partnership – for another group. No more “separate but equal.” No more second-class citizenship. Brad and I are going to be married as full citizens of our state.
[From GeorgeTakei.com]
It’s about time that same sex couples had the right to marry. Can you imagine not being able to see your long term partner in the hospital, or being told that you had no right to inherit after the person you spent most of your life with passed away? That’s what many same sex couples face, and it must be a scary situation that a lot of people have to plan for when they don’t have the right to marry. Now there are two states where same sex couples are recognized and have the same legal rights.
Congratulations to George and Brad for being able to make it official! 21 years is a long time to wait.
George Takei is 71, but he looks like he’s in his early 50s to me. Takei has several cameos in upcoming comedies and he keeps busy with speaking and convention appearances. He recently appeared on Heroes as the character Hiro’s father. He’s also an incredibly good sport, and has gone on the Howard Stern show multiple times and laughed through all the jokes at his expense. Takei was a guest announcer on Howard Stern for a week this March, and credits Stern for helping revive his career.
Thanks to Trekmovie.com for the header image and details for this story. Other details from Wikipedia.
Soooooooo coooooool!
Very happy for them!
Congrats to them and all other couples who finally get to be married! It’s about damn time 😀
“Congratulations to George and Brad for being able to make it official! 21 years is a long time to wait.”
Sorry, couldn’t resist this. George and Brad…!?
The Brangelina household is expanding by the day!
Enough of that, obviously a very loving, very committed relationship and it’s absolutely right and just that they, and other same-sex couples, can now enjoy the same rights and entitlements in law as straight couples.
Wow didn’t know Sulu was gay! Very happy for them, they look like a lovely couple.
Congrats to them!
I can’t believe a CIVIL RIGHT like marriage has been unconstitutionally banned because of arbitrary religious nonsense for so damn long!
but yay!! 😛
I am THRILLED for them and every other couple that wants to “make an honest” man or woman of their s/o. How it’s any govt’s business who wants to enter in both a relationship or a legal partnership (which marriage is) of any kind with another person is beyond me, but YAY for CA!
And George Takei looks great for his age, but he doesn’t look anywhere close to being in his early 50s.
Congrats to them!! They’re both so handsome and make a lovely couple!
that´s fantastic! and yay, 21 years is quite impressive. good luck to them!
I was so happy when I heard this. Congrats to them both. 😀
it is a VERY scary thing for same sex couples to plan for their loved ones should something happen. there is so much paper work, where straight couples only have to sign a marriage certificate. it is so nice to hear, not only his story but how many people support the idea of same sex marriage. i would also like to thank celebitchy for her coverage and her understanding. you guys rock! thanks!
Good for them! They look so happy, and that’s wonderful to see.
Wow! While I do think its great they can marry, I am SO impressed they stayed together for so long. That is a HUGE accomplishment! Best wishes to them both for continued success & happiness!
I wish them the best. Marriage takes a lot of work, sacrifice and commitment but after 21 years together, I’d say they’ve got that down. Oh and its about time gay couples got the same rights and benefits of marriage that hetero couples do.