Cele|bitchy | Shania Twain’s husband was cheating on her with his married secretary

Shania Twain’s husband was cheating on her with his married secretary

When I heard that Shania Twain and her husband split after 14 years of marriage, I assumed it was one of those things where they grew apart. Shania, 42, and her producer husband Robert “Mutt” Lange, 59, announced their split last week. Shania is a country music crossover superstar, and has spent much of the last eight years living in Switzerland away from the media spotlight.

People Magazine reports that, like many divorces, it wasn’t just an issue of the two of them not relating to each other or not getting along – “Mutt” was cheating with his married Swiss secretary!

Reached by PEOPLE after the separation was announced in a statement, Lange called the split “an unfortunate thing.” He added, “It’s literally just a growing apart, that’s all.”

But sources close to the situation say a third party was involved: Marie Ann Thiébaud, a longtime secretary and manager of the couple’s chateau in Switzerland. “Mutt and Marie Ann left their spouses for each other and are still in a relationship,” says one source.

Lange denies the claims. “It’s absolutely not the reason [for the separation],” the famously reclusive producer told PEOPLE when asked about the alleged affair. He also denied that he was in a romantic relationship with Thiébaud: “I’m not, no,” he said. “It’s not true.” (Thiébaud could not be reached for comment.)

[From People.com]

The only thing I can imagine that would be worse than having your husband cheat on you with a co-worker you also knew and trusted would be to have him cheat with your best friend. I’m sure there are even more heart-wrenching scenarios, but it all comes down to a massive betrayal that’s gone on behind your back. Shania’s husband denies it, and it’s possible he’s telling the truth and that Shania’s camp leaked the news in order to garner sympathy for her. This is People, though, so it’s probably directly from Shania’s rep if they’re printing it. She has a perfume and an album coming out this year and could definitely use the publicity, but she doesn’t seem like the type to seek it out with such negative news.

The cynical side of me was waiting to see her at the Academy of Country Music Awards, where she showed up for a rare appearance last year. It seemed like she was announcing her split right before the event in order to make a big impact. She wasn’t there, which makes it seem as if she could be the jilted wife this story makes her out to be.

Shania and her aptly-named estranged husband, Mutt Lange, have one child together, a six year old son, Eja D’Angelo.

Shania Twain is shown at the Kennedy Center honors on 12/3/06, thanks to WENN.

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25 Responses to “Shania Twain’s husband was cheating on her with his married secretary”

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  1. Mr. T says:

    I don’t put much faith in what PEOPLE magazine says.

  2. Joe says:

    Well considering she wouldent have sex with her husband unless it was to conceive, I dont blame the guy. I mean, she is past her childbearing age, so that means no sex – ever!

  3. Ron says:

    Have you ever seen Mutt Lange? He’s a brilliant music man, but he is no beauty. I always figured he had a huge d**k to land the women he did. Oh, and a sparkling personality too!

  4. Leah says:

    She wouldn’t have sex unless it was to conceive? Where’d you find that out? If so, poor guy… but still no excuse to cheat. It’s a reason for counseling, if you’re serious about marriage at all.

    Just when you think there’s at least one couple whose marriage is working despite Hollywood…

    I thought Reese & Ryan were an exception, too.

  5. Jenn says:

    Sucks for him. She is gorgeous! I wouldn’t mind waking up to that every morning…sex or no sex. 😛

  6. Riri says:

    She is one of the most beautiful women in the world, a talented musician and seems down to earth.

    He should have thanked his lucky star for a woman like her to even date him.

    Some men are such A-holes.

  7. gg says:

    Stick that chest out baby!

    Ron, believe it or not, women are attracted to men with talent and brains. Who knew.

    This is sarcasm, btw.

  8. Syko says:

    Aw, come on, he’s not that bad looking.

    Past her childbearing years? At 42? Granted, I would not care to have another child at that age, being glad I had mine young and got them raised before toddling off to the nursing home, but a LOT of people have children at 42, often their first child at 42. That’s ridiculous.

    And how do you guys know when she has sex?

  9. journey says:

    shania has a bit of a history of telling tall tales and fables to get publicity and sell albums. wouldn’t put it past her to have made this up to get sympathy.

  10. gg says:

    I think he’s kinda cute, actually. He’s older now though, of course, and starting to look it. When poodle-do’s were in style, he was a serious hot ticket, in every way. The guy to know.

  11. Other Karen says:


    Apparently she and the hubby both practice “Sant Mat”? Several years ago, I read that she practiced a religion didn’t allow sex except when trying to conceive. There seems to be different interpretations of the sex rules though, and I can’t find anything comprehensive about the topic.

  12. Monalicious says:

    If she was denying her husband, then I don’t blame him. I think anyone denying a partner sex/affection based on any reason should be shot. They have no idea how damaging it is to a person in so many ways. Been there, done that. And without sex in a mariage, it won’t last. If you son’t spend time loving each other, guess what ya do instead? You fight. You end up hating each other. fun, huh?

  13. Angel says:

    Please elaborate for me if you will, this “history” Shania has of lying to get sympathy?

    Looking forward to your reply.

  14. melissa says:

    what is wrong with you people don’t you have anything better to do someone needs to learn how to spell! 👿

  15. Syko says:

    I thought I was anal about spelling – but I can’t find anything misspelled. Maybe it’s too early in the morning for me.

  16. Leila says:


    What?? 42 is past child-bearing age??? Damn, somebody should have told me.

    Sign me, “42 year old with 10 week old son”

  17. british bitch says:

    Hmm. Highly suspicious looking breasts…a tad wobbly.

  18. Jenna says:

    TO JOE:

    Hey Joe, you’re really the other woman aren’t you? How else would you have such intimate details and why else would you be on the side of the one in the wrong? Let me share with you that it’s not uncommon for a man to cheat on or leave a beautiful woman for a lesser quality woman (lesser in every way I might add) due to his own insecurities – but it will never last. And even if it did, would you really want to be with a selfish and dishonest man? Don’t kid yourself into thinking he’d be faithful to you because you are the right woman. A cheater is a cheater for which there is no such thing as “the right woman”. Also he’d NEVER trust you either with what you did so it’s inevitable that it can only end indisaster… he’s just boosting his ego for the time being. To be with a woman like Shania wouldn’t be an easy task for an insecure man to deal with. While, a woman with less going for her is going to treat a guy like a King in order to win him over. But you stop bending over backward for him (no pun intended) and when he gets sick of you he’ll not only feel unfulfilled all over again, but he’ll be stuck with an ugly woman on top if it. He’ll miss what an honest and genuine person he had in Shania and he’ll go crawling back to her… at that point you’ll wish you were never born let alone to have made such a selfish and stupid mistake in betraying another human being, and a “FRIEND” of all people!

  19. WiseWizzard says:

    The one thing that nobody has said in all the chatting I’ve seen is that when they got married they made a promiss to each other when he broke that promiss he should have gotten out no if’s and’s or but’s he knew what he was doing and there is no excuse for it

  20. majedama says:

    Betrayal, no matter what the reason, isn’t ok. There’s a trust that was in place, and couples need to learn to work things out instead of looking elsewhere to solve their problems. The guy just doesn’t deserve her in my opinion ~ and she’ll be better off without him in the long run.

  21. Man Cheat says:

    At the age of 42, Shania still looks great. Her physical temptation is still ok. Don’t worry Shania a lot of men will chase you and please wait for me.

  22. jo says:

    Mutt Lange is ugly as hell

  23. makita says:

    once a cheater always a cheater!!!

  24. makita says:

    I am a big FAN of SHANIA TWAIN..Its just the part that someone closes to her betrays her..DAMN!!! I AM SO GONNA KILL THAT PERSON!!!

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