Sigourney Weaver & Jamie Lee Curtis wear the same dress to the premiere of their film, You Again. Eh. [Bitten and Bound]
Ian Somerhalder can‘t wait to put his thinking cap on and go to Washington to talk about environmental issues. [Celebuzz]
Dan Savage is the best! And his husband is hot. [The Frisky]
J.Lo‘s fug jumpsuit at the American Idol announcement. [Go Fug Yourself]
“Jamie Foxx, hos and booze.” [CityRag]
Madonna compare and contrast: good lighting vs. bad lighting. [INFDaily]
Check out Hilary Duff‘s castle of faded Disney dreams (real estate porn). [Gawker]
I‘m bummed that Bones comes on at 8 p.m. and 30 Rock comes on at 8:30 pm. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Julian McMahon emerges, looking worse for wear. [Accidental Sexiness]
50 Cent‘s weird, obscene tweet. What does it all mean? [Evil Beet]
Angelina Jolie cast her lead actress for her Bosnian film. [LimeLife]
Janet Jackson‘s romance with Qatari millionaire heats up! [ICYDK]
Karissa Shannon sex tape stuff. [Celebnewswire]
Christ. ScarJo‘s Black Widow is getting her own film. [Moviefone]
Kristen Bell looks horrible. She thinks she‘s God‘s gift, though. [Starpulse]
sigourney’s hemline is too low.
I think they both look good.
@citysuede: which seems impossible, considering how tall she is.
Jaime Lee Curtis looks amazing!
I really like these two broads. I generally never use that term, but it seems like it fits them and I mean it in the best of ways! They both rock this dress…and yes, I think SW’s dress should be about two inches shorter so it falls on a more flattering place on the leg. But, still fabulous. They are two classy ladies who know how to age with grace and beauty. This is what women look like!
And, on a side note, I think the younger women who are already botoxing and getting face lifts do it because they know that their looks are all they have going for them. When you know you have substance and talent you let that carry you through life….
I can see the humor in this. They both look great.
Love Sigourney but I think the dress looks better on Jaime. (Jaime, pls color your hair, silver is foxy on the 70-80 set, not necessary at your age pls; just because your husband looks olllllld doesn’t mean you have to as well. thank you.)
Their hemlines had to be the same, that it why Sig’s is so long. Jamie wears it better. And, why not be gray? She’s a natural!
aw, they both look great. two women aging (mostly) naturally in hollywood?! WONDERFUL.
Hilary Duff’s house is quite pretty.
I think it’s awesome that an “unknown” Bosnian actress will play the lead in that movie. Tarantino stayed away from most American actors for IB, and it worked brilliantly because the actor’s persona didn’t overshadow the character. (I know, I know…there are SOME people who don’t agree with me on this, so let’s just agree to disagree, m’kay?)
but egad, that picture of Jolie on the linked site is scary. she looks SO thin, like unhealthy thin.
These women are both so awesome that it’s ridiculous! They both rock it and I love that they’re being silly and having fun.
I think it looks a little better on Jamie but I like Sigourney’s shoes better.
The both look great tho.
I think they both look beautiful! And like they don’t take themselves too seriously. Good for them.
These two are just so awesome!
Love them both!
Both women look fab (jewel tones rock) but if I had to choose ‘who wore it best’ I’d pick Jamie Lee Curtis.
Julia Roberts should take notes. I love both of these women and they look sexy and hot.
JLC wins Who Wore it Best hands down! The color looks gorgeous on her and really make her eyes pop! It seems to flatter her much more than SW. SW doesn’t look bad, just JLC looks better.
Damn Jamie Lee looks AWESOME!
I give SW huge credit for wearing the same dress next to JLC. Not many womenn have that bod at 25, not to mention at 50+.
Love these two ladies!! =D
And LOOK at these two faces! Not a Cheshire cat face in sight. You’d think since that face has become a standard in Hollywood, they’d look strange, but they look so good!
Sigourney needs to slap whoever put that 5-year-old-in-mummy’s-makeup-kit lilac eyeshadow on her. Otherwise they both look, and indeed ARE, utterly magnificent.
Even though SW is downright beautiful and I know this was planned, but I personally would NEVER agree to stand next to JLC while wearing the same dress, her body is so stinking fantastic she could show up damn near anyone of any age.
Sigourney looks great but Jamie looks even better!
It’s a gorgeous dress, and they both look good, but Jamie Lee rocks it a little more…..
they’re beautiful, no frozen faces
They are gorgeous – Jamie more so I think. I’m LOVING the salt n’ peppa!
you gotta lover these two bitches
now THIS is how you do 50+ dammit!!!
love it.
Two classy ladies aging gracefully. Love them both!! The younger botox generation should take notice. Put down plastic surgery, chemical peels crap and focus on your craft. Both women are bankable because both can act.
I love both of them & have great respect for them as well.
Cute – and they both look great.
I love Kristen Bell, but that is one ugly dress she was sporting.
Yay for 30 Rock (and Office and Community) returning tonight! I only wish Parks & Rec was too, instead of midseason.
I love Jamie. She looks amazing. I like the silver hair, it doesn’t work on everyone.
I love both these women and look forward to seeing this movie.
They both look fantastic. Jamie Lee should color her hair cause she can still work a younger look. But still, they look amazing!
I’m so happy to see age lines! It’s so rare now-a-days. Jamie Lee definitely rocks the dress more – but both look fabulous.
They both look stunning!
I think the pin Sigourney Weaver added was a lovely touch though.
They both look great. I’ve always felt that Sigourney’s beauty was underrated and I find her more attractive than Jamie. But I liked Halloween more than Alien.
Two gorgeous women! I will go see this movie just for them. Wonderful to see two talented actors who look normal and natural, not plastic.
I Love, love, LOVE JLC! I so want to be her in 20 years! Hell, I’d like to have her sass now- and hell to the no on her dying her hair some tacky ass Hollywood color! She is awesome, and works that silver better than anyone else in the world! Sidenote- Have never liked Sigourney Weaver, she was such a bitch in Working Girl.
Love it! Love that these 2 very funny, witty, intelligent women have a sense of humour when it comes to the red carpet. I hate jealousy and rivalry between female co-stars, but I love it when 2 female leads seem to share a genuine friendship and bond. Kudos to Sigourney and Jamie!
Jamie looks AMAZING. And I’m really liking her hair that colour.
These two hot bitches just made my day.
And Jamie rocks it better.
They both look great. Jaime Lee Curtis is starting to look like her mother Janet Leigh.
I hope I look like either one at their age, they are both great
they look gorgeous!
I had no idea JLC had such a kickin body! She seriously looks amazing!! And I think her gray hair is awesome on her, she should absolutely not dye it.
I don’t like Kristen Bell’s dress either, but what’s with the hate? She seems perfectly nice in interviews.
Beyond awesome.
Jaime Lee is rocking!! Love the gag they pulled!! too funny!
Here’s some classic Jamie Lee:
Kristen has major wonk eye IMO
Haha… they look great. Sig’s dress is not fitted, Jamie’s is – the big difference. A spoof for sure. Feel sorry for all ladies doing plastic, it will catch up. Being healthy & natural pays off in the long run.
They both are still sexy as ever, I have loved the both of them since the Seventies. Kiddies will never know class like these two ladies. True Class!
I like the dress, but I think Jaime Lee wore it better. It looks a little awkward on Sigourney’s tall, wide shouldered frame.
Gray hair happens. She looks hot! They both do. Maybe Sigourney Weaver just doesn’t like showing off her knees. I can’t imagine her choosing to put the hem there unless she had another reason. Some women just don’t like their knees after a certain age because the skin around them changes. That’s my guess.
They both make it work….love the broach on JLC but the fit is a tad better on Weaver
Sw needs some crackers to go wit dat cheese on her arm in picture 3.
It’s cute. I’d love to see more women past 22 in Hollywood more often, esp being this funny and sassy while managing very glam.
Two thumbs up Sizzle Sisters.
Jamie Lee Curtis always knew how to pull of sexy. From the True Lies days.
that is what i’d been believing also
it’s actually fairly clear if you wonder over it