I was very impressed with Michael Douglas’ Ploughshare interview on NPR earlier this week. He came off as quite knowledgeable on the subject of nuclear arms and deferment policies, and was gracious to the listeners who called in with questions and comments.
It’s really is great to see educated people use their celebrity to bring attention to salient health/world issues. Bravo!
I like this. If they can use their fame and eloquent voices to draw attention to worthwhile matters, then more power to them.
Hat’s off to Dennis Quaid !
thank you for posting this 🙂 It’s nice to here about celebs who use there fame for good 🙂
I was very impressed with Michael Douglas’ Ploughshare interview on NPR earlier this week. He came off as quite knowledgeable on the subject of nuclear arms and deferment policies, and was gracious to the listeners who called in with questions and comments.
It’s really is great to see educated people use their celebrity to bring attention to salient health/world issues. Bravo!
Happy New Year 2010