Winehouse going back to rehab – in Israel

Supposedly Amy Winehouse is making another attempt at rehab. It’s hard to get psyched up on her behalf anymore. I’ve lost count of how many times she’s gone in the last year. And after every time she rallies she seems to fall even harder than before. And enjoy it more. I mean the girl really seems to relish all the attention she gets for being a major f*** up. That’s really the only way I can put it at this point.

According to the Sun, Amy is going to Israel for some novel approach to rehab. It’s based on one doctor’s belief that addiction is a neurological problem, not a psychological or social one. The details are vague, but he claims it cures everyone of addiction. Which makes me pretty darn skeptical.

Amy Winehouse will fly to Israel in a bid to beat her drug addiction, according to the chairman of the country’s Anti-Drug Authority. Eliezer Cohen says the Ivor Novello Award winning singer will undergo a “very short, intensive and effective treatment” costing £6,400.

He told the Jewish Chronicle: “Amy’s people spoke to a renowned Israeli institution and an Israeli professor who conducts a very special and effective method. She has requested to come to him to do this method, since it’s a method that is suitable for her.”

Andre Waismann, who will treat Amy, said: “All of my patients are discharged healthy and no longer dependent. There is a misunderstanding about drug addiction. People think it is a social and psychological problem, but it’s a neurological problem.

“Whether it’s Amy Winehouse or anyone else, it is a privilege to be able to treat anyone who is opiate-dependent, and allow them to live a normal life.”

[From the Sun]

So I’m guessing doctors don’t stress confidentiality so much in Israel? There are a lot of theories as to the origins of addiction, and even more ideas about the best way to treat it. It sounds like Amy’s family must be getting pretty desperate if they’re willing to send her so far away to get help. There are some pretty novel approaches to treating addicts, and it seems like at this point Amy should try just about anything that might work. Even just fewer drugs would be nice. What low expectations.

Amy won a prestigious the Ivor Novello Award last night for her songwriting. She showed up late to the ceremony and her father Mitch had to accept the award on her behalf. Though the fact that Amy showed up at all is impressive.

Here’s Amy leaving her Camden home at 1:30 a.m. Thursday morning with her bags packed, and heading for a hotel. She appears to have a small spot of blood on her vest, as well as fresh cut marks on her arm, and sores on her hands. Images thanks to WENN.

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6 Responses to “Winehouse going back to rehab – in Israel”

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  1. Syko says:

    Biggest. Trainwreck. In. The. World.

  2. gg says:

    You know … neurological or not, the woman needs psychological help to deal with her issues, hello, or else she will go right back to partying to dull the pain.

  3. Jaundice Machine says:

    There is a large body of empirical evidence that lends credence to the claim that addiction is a neurological issue. That being said, I think gg is right on about dealing with root causes that trigger these organic chemical imbalances that drive an addict to self-medicate.

    I really hope for her sake that Amy gets the help she needs, and that she accepts that help whole-heartedly. She’s such a fantastic talent with a deep soul – I hate to see her wasting away in a codependent relationship.

  4. Kenny D. Page says:

    All this is just wishful thinking. I’m not trying to be a meanie and a sourpuss. This was leaked out by Amy’s enabler….I mean, PR firm to get the image of MiceGate out of our psyches… (clean, clean, clean thoughts!)

    “Stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive, hahahahaha, stayin’ aliiiiiiiive…..”

  5. fgh says:

    Here is the treatment…hope it works.

  6. Devilgirl says:

    No she isn’t!