Patrick Swayze goes to a Lakers Game

Patrick Swayze may be fighting pancreatic cancer, but that isn’t keeping him from enjoying life. The 55 year-old Dirty Dancing star was seen with his wife, Lisa Niemi, out at an NBA playoff game between the Lakers and San Antonio Spurs on Friday. He was thinner but looked great. It’s so nice to see Swayze out.

47 year-old Carnegie Mellon processor Randy Pausch is a married father of three who is also suffering from pancreatic cancer and admits doctors give him just months to live. His “Last Lecture” in which he said goodbye to his students last September was viewed millions of times online, made into a book, and was reprised on Oprah. He says “Although I’m going to die soon, I’m actually physically very strong.” In his talk about achieving childhood dreams, he advises us to work hard and be persistent, value people over things, and keep a positive attitude.

Thanks to The Huffington Post for these photos.

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15 Responses to “Patrick Swayze goes to a Lakers Game”

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  1. lola says:

    GET WELL SOON. I hope he is on his way to recovery.

  2. Dan says:

    Praying for a full recovery and enjoy the Lakers kicking the Spurs’ butt while at it.

  3. Angel says:

    My mum lost her husband to pancreatic cancer many yrs.ago. The dr. wasn’t honest in his prognosis of recovery. I’m sure you’re making sure your phy. is nothing but honest with you. I wish all of G_DS choicest blessings on, & in your life.

  4. anni says:

    man…he was my childhood crush…i guess i watched dirty dancing a hundred times over! 😳

    hope he´ll be fine. he seems to be a fighter. nice to see him out enjoying some time off of that illness.

  5. Bellatrix says:

    This is one of the most inspiring things I have read online lately.
    Although it is just a blog article containing not so many words sampled in simple phrases, it contains just what we truly need to know and be remembered of time to time.

    Swayze looks rather ill but he isn’t taking leave from his real life yet and it is great to know he is still enjoying the simple things such as a basketball game.

    As for Pausch’s beautiful last lecture: I am speechless and glad, even relieved, to be so. He said everything that needed to be said.
    This basic knowledge has no price. Only that of life.

    Thanks CB for this article. I have been truly moved by it.

  6. stellapurdy says:

    Take good care Patrick

  7. anon says:

    best wishes to patrick, i hope he enjoys life for long long time .

  8. vdantev says:


    that’s all I can say.

  9. MonicaBee says:

    Hang in there Patrick!!! ♥

  10. Kat says:

    Best Wishes Pat

  11. Nan says:

    Looks like we are losing him. Amp up the prayers! Come on, Pat!

  12. Carrie says:

    He doesn’t look well. Such a shame, since by all accounts as well as being an old-school Hollywood heart-throb he’s a really nice guy.

  13. Angel says:

    I am so sad about Patrick’s cancer; pancreatic cancer is one of those that have no cure–and as a cancer survivor myself, I really feel for him. The world is losing a good man, a fine actor, and his dignity in the face of adversity is truly uplifting to see, through the haze of tears in my eyes. God Bless him & his family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Very nice Los Angeles Lakers information. I hope to be in Los Angeles for a game this spring.

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