Julia Roberts, Hindu, might be planning to adopt from India

Photo by: SC/Xposure/starmaxinc.com 2010  9/22/10 Julia Roberts at the premiere of Eat, Pray, Love . (London, England)  Photo via Newscom

You remember that Julia Roberts is a Hindu now, right? She chants and has beads. It’s not the worst thing, honestly. I’d rather a celebrity dabble in Hinduism than Scientology or Kabbalah. Well, since Julia is a Hindu and since she spent so much time in Bali and India, Julia is now thinking about getting herself an adorable Indian baby. Yes, according to British and American tabloid sources, Julia has already begun contacting adoption agencies in India and Bali in the hopes of formally adopting a child. It’s actually kind of nice:

Julia Roberts is said to be in the process of trying to adopt a child from India. The 42-year-old, who was in London last week for the premiere of her film Eat Pray Love, already has three children with cameraman Danny Moder – twins Hazel and Finn, five, and Henry, three.

She suffered from complications during her previous pregnancies but is still keen to add to her brood. According to one of her closest pals she and Danny, 41, who married eight years ago, are set to follow in the footsteps of fellow Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Madonna and Meg Ryan by adopting a child from abroad.

“Julia has wanted more children for years, but two things have stopped her,” the friend says. “Her past pregnancies were fraught with complications and she was forced into an extended hospital stay right before she had her twins. What’s more, she’s been very focused in the last two and a half years on trying to rebuild her status as America’s No. 1 sweetheart. But now that she’s winding down her Eat, Pray, Love promotional duties, she says she’s going to adopt. After all she has been through, she realizes that adoption is perhaps the best way forward.”

“Julia has a special connection to India because of her new Hindu faith and her experience filming there. But she says she wants to look at all the options and likes the idea of a child from Bali.“

She said to have contacted adoption agencies in Bali and India, and is exploring her options.

“Brad and Angelina have been a huge influence in persuading Julia and Danny to adopt… the fact that they’ve managed to cope with six children has proven to them it’s feasible to raise a large family while making movies.”

“Julia and Danny love the idea of their kids having another baby in the house,” the pal says. “And it feels so right that the next member of the family should come from a different culture.”

[From The Daily Express UK & The National Enquirer, print edition]

Call me crazy, but I think Julia would be an ideal candidate for adoption. Okay, maybe not ideal, but I do think she’s probably a very good mother. This comes from someone who doesn’t care for Julia all that much – I respect how she’s raising her children, and I think her kids are probably quite normal and grounded, and if Julia wants to throw an Indian baby into the mix, the more the merrier. Why not?

Julia Roberts posing for the photocall of the premiere of the film 'Eat Pray Love' at the UGC Normandie theater in Paris, France on September 19, 2010. Photo by Calo-MF/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

Actress Julia Roberts attends the Japan premiere for the film Eat Pray Love in Tokyo, Japan, on August 19, 2010.   UPI/Keizo Mori Photo via Newscom

Photo by: SM/AAD/starmaxinc.com 2010  9/22/10 Julia Roberts at the premiere of Eat, Pray, Love . (London, England)  Photo via Newscom

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22 Responses to “Julia Roberts, Hindu, might be planning to adopt from India”

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  1. whatever says:

    Yea..she seen how much PR, that her friend Brad Pitt, gets. One way to stay relevant, since she can’t do it with a career. Buy one of those “brown baby” accessories. It is all the rage in Hollywood.

  2. LeeLee says:

    I agree with you totally and feel the same way. She gets on my last nerve both as an actress and general person. But as a mother, I think she’s probably a good one. Her kids can do a lot worse anyway.

  3. Shawna says:

    Might as well spread her wealth around to the less fortunate. Yay!

  4. BIte me says:

    What American babies aren’t good enough for America ‘s sweatheart anyway wish her and Danny much luck through their adoption journey

  5. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I know that people think that we should always adopt in America, but the truth is, the whole world needs help. Julia, however annoying she is, has dumped Millions of dollars of charity money for the 9/11 disaster and Katrina.

    She loves her country, I believe by those actions, so, let her adopt a baby from a country that has little to offer and bring the child here!

  6. photo jojo says:

    When my ex and I were trying to adopt, one of the countries we looked into was India and the government was really strict about their rules. They would not let a non-Indian adopt a child. However, money talks and I’m sure Julia has plenty to throw around and make all the laws and rules disappear.

  7. Kait says:

    I don’t think Bali has a formal adoption process, meaning Julia would have to create another Madonna/Malawi situation. India is really strict about who they let adopt. Sometimes they’ll let a non-Indian adopt but the child is generally considered special needs and it takes over a year to finalize. As an adoptive parent, that just seems SO LONG but hey, people still adopt from China even though they’re waiting three or four years to get a baby.

  8. Nanea says:

    I don’t really care very much for JR, but at least she doesn’t parade her kids in front of the paps all the time like a certain crazy cult member and his much taller and younger wife.

    So maybe she really is a better mother than others in H’wood.

  9. nnn says:

    I think you cross a path when you dictate what child is worth to be adopted by a person who happens to be a US citizen, when you disqualified that child of being worth to be love.

    You people always link adoption like it is just a commercial transaction with goods graded according their origin.

    Adopting is first and foremost an act of LOVE, love towards a person who happens to be a little one.

    I mean noone is imposing that any US citizen marry only their countrymen and trust me, though i am not american i know many, many american men who deliberatly chose not to marry an american woman. They deliberatly go to Europe, Africa or Asia to find a potential wife. There are even sites dedicated aT hating American women where American men insult them left and right, quoting all their so called flaws. Everyone know that it exist, that many men chose to marry a foreigner and yet there is less backlash than adopting a non US child.

    Just to say that chosing a child is as personal as chosing a mate.

    I just find it a grave insult to the integrity of any woman, man, couple who want to adopt as the first reason why a child is adopted is foremost because of love. You chose to adopt a child, you accept that child because first you feel drawn to him/her, you fall for love for that specific child the same way you’ll automatically would fall if he/she comes from your wombs, the same way you fall for a specific mate who may not be american born too. It’s just love and nobody has to dictate what form, what origin this live has to be.

  10. Team Bethenny says:

    Can’t she just get a statue of Ganesh? You know, see how it looks in the foyer? Maybe after that, if her devotion to Hinduism continues, she can consider a real, live person.

  11. Stephie says:

    She has that same forehead vein that Angelina has. Creepy. And why do they keep altering her eyes?? Those aren’t normal color eyes. (beautiful but not real)

  12. Anti-icon says:

    I agree with your assessment entirely. JR is probably a good mom—anyone who dresses that weird every time she has to be with the grown-ups, is the ideal candidate to keep being a mom. (And I don’t really like her either.)

  13. aj says:

    This film promotes an abusive dysfunctional cult called siddha yoga.

  14. original kate says:

    i am all for adoption, any child from anywhere. if this is true then good for julia for opening her home to a child who is already here and needs a family.

    but i still don’t like her.

  15. Kim says:

    What happened to the baby the tabloids claimed she was pregnant with last week?GMAB

  16. belle epoch says:

    #10 Best comment EVER

  17. cprincess says:

    October 1st, 2010 at 10:05 am Can’t she just get a statue of Ganesh? You know, see how it looks in the foyer? Maybe after that, if her devotion to Hinduism continues, she can consider a real, live person”

    Yeah Im with you on that…
    Hasnt she been a a hindu for all of about 3 weeks so lets see how long it lasts…

  18. ashleighlauren7 says:

    @nnn: The reason I don’t believe in international adoption is because of the amount of money that changes hand and the huge amount of corruption involved. It’s not because I don’t believe Indian children deserve love. It’s because I occasionally monitor cases of international adoption, and the standards are more lax than they are for adopting publicly in the US.

    It’s the same reason that private infant adoptions in the US make me uncomfortable.

    Additionally, with international adoption, children are removed from an environment where they are familiar with everything (food, customs, language, etc), and placed someplace else. It’s not as big of a deal with a younger child, but when you are talking about a kid who is 2 or above, that is a major trauma to cause. There is a growing faction of adult adoptees that are vocal about the cultural disconnect that they feel.

    Which is not to say that some (probably many) adoptions turn out just fine. My issue is for the number of children that they don’t. And it is also not to say that I think any of the children that I (or you) know who have been internationally adopted shouldn’t be here. I get that they are here now. I’d like to overhaul the system before we negatively impact any more children.

    And as for the whole “adoption as love” theory. Love definitely needs to be a part of the equation, but people really need to spend more time rationally considering what they are doing. I have way too many kids that were internationally adopted who have parents who have decided they are not prepared and have simply disrupted the adoption which is devastating.

  19. benny says:

    I’ve never liked her as an actress, I don’t think she’s attractive at all, and I think she’s a supercilious bitch. But I haven’t heard anything to make me think she’s a bad mother. If she is intending to adopt, then good for her, because it doesn’t seem like she’s doing it for the wrong reasons (like pressure from a spouse, or publicity, etc.).

  20. lrm says:

    Um, since Bali is part of the country of Indonesia, they do in fact have a formal protocol. [whoever commented that they didn’t….]
    it’s somewhat complicated…look it up at adoption dot com under indonesia.
    residency requirements in country, plus being same religion as the child, are stipulated. if no religion is known, muslim will be assumed. [bali is the only hindu island in a sea of muslim islands of indonesia. it’s a muslim country.] anywho…we’ll see where this goes.

  21. jsan says:


    2007 study found increase risk of suicide among foreign adoptees particulary for girls. “Clinicians should be aware that an increased risk for suicide and suicide attempts in international adoptees is a topic that is equally relevant to child and adult psychiatry.”

  22. Bali beach says:

    It’s not easy to adopt a baby from indonesia specially Bali. I’m a Balinese too. Anyway, Hindu in Bali and India is totally different, the basic is same but the worship and ritual is different. (sorry if out of topic)