Cele|bitchy | Dana Delaney says bad Botox left her with a droopy eye

Dana Delaney says bad Botox left her with a droopy eye

Dana Delaney of Desperate Housewives is this month’s cover girl on Prevention Magazine. Inside, she talks about her eating disorder as a teen and a botched Botox injection that left her with a permanent droop to her eye. Coupled with Kim Kardashian’s waxy cat face, Dana’s story is enough to turn me off Botox forever. I’ve admitted to being Botox-curious, but if risks include permanent facial paralysis and a wonky eye I think I’ll take a pass. Dana’s eyes look fine, though. Here’s what she said.

On her eating disorder:
When I was a teenager and in my 20s, I had eating issues. I binged. I starved. I was one step away from anorexia–a piece of toast and an apple would be all I’d eat in a day. When I turned 30, my life got interesting and I stopped focusing on eating. Part of it was doing China Beach. I needed to have energy to work those long hours, and so I started eating more healthily.

On her current diet:
I don’t like meat, so I don’t eat it. I just prefer vegetables, tofu, and fish. And recently I was told by my endocrinologist that I am gluten intolerant. I’m not supposed to eat bread or pasta, which is really hard when you don’t eat meat. But I’m trying gluten-free pasta, bread. It makes you less bloated and sluggish when you cut it out of your diet.

On botched Botox:
Something nobody ever talks about is doctor error. Seven years ago, I had never even heard about Botox. My dermatologist was saying, “You should try it.” He injected my forehead, hit a nerve, and created a huge hematoma. The nerve has been dead ever since. It affected the muscle in my right eye, so my eye has started to droop a little bit. Now that I said this to you, everybody will look for it! I notice it more than anybody else, but I was symmetrical before and now I am not.

So, no plastic surgery for you?
I won’t do it, no.

We are getting to the point that nobody says, “That’s a beautiful woman.” Instead, they say, “She’s had good work.” And I hope that at some point we can stop dyeing our hair. I’m not saying I’m not dyeing my hair—I have to because I’m on camera—but wouldn’t it be nice? We would all save so much money and time. My hat’s off to Jamie Lee Curtis. She’s so smart, and she doesn’t dye her hair or anything. And Meryl Streep still looks like herself. Diane Keaton, too. I think the really great actresses don’t worry about that kind of thing.

[From Prevention via Huffington Post]

I like how honest she is, and she looks great. She’s 54 and gorgeous and she’s right that we still have a few actresses that are in their 50s and 60s who aren’t jacking up their faces. She could also add Helen Mirren to that list. As for the not dyeing your hair thing, I can’t get on board with that. I’ve been prematurely gray since my early 20s and I just feel so unattractive when my hair starts to grow out. Yes it would be easier not to dye it, but it only takes a half an hour once a month. I also think I get just as good results at home as I have at the salon, which takes longer and is more expensive. I’ve heard about a movement to let our natural color grow out and embrace the gray and I’m just too vain to do that. I’m not yet 40, but maybe when I get older I’ll be brave enough to rock gray hair like Jamie Lee Curtis.

Photos are from 2009 and 2010. Credit: WENN.com





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32 Responses to “Dana Delaney says bad Botox left her with a droopy eye”

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  1. mln says:

    China Beach was such a great show, and it’s nice to hear someone be honest about these things as opposed to most actresses over 35 with frozen faces.

  2. saintdevil says:

    I don’t think she is honest at all.
    That just isn’t what normal 54 year old women look like. Her cheeks are as full as if she was in her early 30s and she has hardly any lines under her eyes when she smiles.

    It’s the same with Kim K: Fess up to ONE botched Botox event and then claim you haven’t had any other work done. BS!

  3. Diane says:

    She’s refreshingly honest, I’ve always liked her.

  4. timmy says:

    Why doesn’t Dana have some work done on her teeth? Gross!

  5. Bob says:

    I think that she needs hotter cloths!

  6. Crash2GO2 says:

    “Her cheeks are as full as if she was in her early 30s and she has hardly any lines under her eyes when she smiles.”

    I see very little signs of aging in her neck either.

    And while I know this is terribly shallow of me, she really would improve her looks if she whitened her teeth just a little. But overall, she really does look great, however she’s done it.

  7. Katie says:

    I love her. She’s a really good actress. She was great when they brought her on Desperate Housewives, but then the writers got lazy and turned her character into a total stereotype of a crazy scorned woman. It was annoying b/c they were wasting such a talented actress. I’m excited to check out her new show.

  8. terryo says:

    She is steaming hot!

  9. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I think she thinks we’re dumb.

    Dear Readers,

    I am the once and future Queen Moonfleck of Mesopotamia, District of Ilyria. I used to go to play petanque and canasta with Scipio Africanus and I wrote the infamous ‘Deep Greensickness’ whistle-blowing letter that got Caligula expelled from jazz college.

    This is all true because I said it.

    Tyrone Power (formerly Captain James of Mason)

    You all believe me, right?

  10. a says:

    china beach was awesome.

  11. TQB says:

    I almost don’t want to admit it, but I am one of those nitpicky people who noticed the droopy eye a few years ago and was all “what’s with that?”

    Crest Whitestrips do not equal plastic surgery. Look into it, dear.

  12. malachais says:

    She does look amazing for 54, love her haircolor.

  13. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    After reading this interview, I have more respect for her, she is honest. I like that.

    Cant see any eye droop though.

  14. Dexter says:

    54? really? wow! I thought she was in her 40s.

  15. Eden says:

    I totally agree with you.
    Her face is full of filler, it’s very obvious though it is well done.
    Despite her admission of bad botox, she doesn’t really say that she stopped getting it, it looks to me that she has a botoxed forehead and eye area still.
    I think that when celebrity’s say “I will never get plastic surgery” they are talking about going under the knife and not talking about the injections to plump and freeze the face.
    I’m still a botox user despite having gotten wonked a few years ago as well.
    Mine went away as the botox wore off but I switched Dr.s and it hasn’t happened since..come to the dark side CB. 🙂

    There is research saying that gluten intolerance in people with eating disorders is a big factor in the physical aspect of craving and binging/purging. It’s obviously only one aspect of eating disorders to take into account but the study says that when wheat and gluten is cut out of the diet the urges to binge/purge/restrict are significantly diminished..I wonder if this played a part in her ability to overcome her disorder so quickly.

  16. Embee says:

    I love the picture of her in the red leather jacket: very chic and age-appropriate.

    Her teeth are a bit yellowed but I have to admit that I find it kind of charming she doesn’t bleach them.

    I’m not good at determining whether someone has had work done or not, but I think she looks good and natural.

  17. T. says:

    That is a face of a 54 year old. My oldest sister is 53 and she even looks better and I know for a fact she hasn’t had anything done. However, I look at some of her friends and they look 10 years older – always have – I guess it’s just genetics. If Dana was to get anything done, she would have whitened her teeth which is what everyone starts with. I believe her.

  18. Raven says:

    Gray or white is like any other hair color-you have to have the complexion for it. I don’t.

    As far as the Botox, the fact that she was talked into it by her dermatologist without looking more into it tells me she’s a fool. Either that or she’s lying.

  19. skibunny says:

    She looks great but I think she’s using filler for sure. And so what if she does?

  20. sketches says:

    Fantastic skin care, facials and peels don’t = plastic surgery. I think she’s just been concientious about her appearance in the way anyone would if they made their living on screen. Love her!

  21. Liana says:

    She has wrinkles around her eyes and her neck does show signs of aging. I don’t think she’s had anything done. I’m around actresses with fillers, cutlets, implants, etc, all the time and I can usually recognize true cosmetic work (not peels and facials). I don’t see it on her at all. She does like like she’s had a glycolic facial peel, though.

  22. LindaR says:

    I laugh at celebrities that say they haven’t had plastic surgery. Sometimes they aren’t lying because they don’t consider botox and facial fillers, plastic surgery. But fillers are still something you have done to alter your appearance. It might not be surgery but it’s interfering with what you would really look like. It’s like Bill Clinton saying he didn’t have sex with Monica because he didn’t consider a BJ having sex.

  23. Raccoon Princess says:

    I have had botox before and its effects are unfortunately quite temporary. My face looks a little less wrinkly, but what is more important is that I don’t get as severe of migraines. Even with the risk of droopy eye, I will still do it. The other stuff for migraines has worse side effects.

  24. kim says:

    You have to be very careful with nerves in face & make sure Dr injecting knows about nerves. If you mess them up they never come back and you get droopy eye or crooked mouth etc.

  25. mike says:

    I don’t think she’s done any major surgeries. If she did, I can’t really notice them much, and seriously, for Hollywood, that’s all you can really ask for.

    AFA Desperate Housewives is concerned, I liked her there a lot. Expecially the last season. I thought it was a nice rebound from the krazy ex routine.

    Believe it or not, I thought she was the better half of the lesbian duo on the show. I used to like Rita (forgot her real name) on Dexter and somebody on Buffy, but o boy when she showed up on Housewives, it was just plain painful to look at her. She was so darn plastique!

    It just wasn’t very sexy at all. I’ll take Bette and Tina over them any day of the week!

  26. Jaxx says:

    I’ve let my hair go silver and I love it. I get compliments all the time. I even wear my hair long, a little past my shoulders so I can wear it up when I want–long hair is supposed to be a no-no for us 50 somethings– but my hair is still thick and looks nice at that length. I am sooooooooo thrilled not to have to do the dye anymore. I did have an extra push in that direction. Hair dye started giving me a horrible allergic reaction after using it for years so I was forced to give it up. I couldn’t be happier.

    I don’t think it makes me look any older than I am, but then I’m NOT young anymore and don’t feel the need to pretend I am. My hair color feels RIGHT to me now, I was beginning to feel silly trying to keep it a vibrant red at 50+. Red hair fades as you age so there is no way it could look anything other than fake. I am much more comfortable now and love my shiny, healthy silver hair. I know I’m lucky to have greyed to a nice color and wear it proudly. I especially love the pure white streaks as well as some darker streaks mixed in the silver. Hair color makes your hair all one color and is so boring.

    Also, my hair has thickened up considerably since I’m dye free. I really had no idea how dye was thinning my hair.

    P.S. I DO think Dana has had some work done. Most of us at 50 are showing a little more wear than she is. But she looks great and if I was her I’d lie too.

  27. House Mouse says:

    She looks so young and slim, because of her good genes, but also because she has NO children.

    It makes a difference too (plus a healty diet / life style).

    I like her very much ! I will miss her on DH ! Too bad she refused the role of Bree, espacially written for her.

  28. cruiz2 says:

    I think YOU(Celebitchy) should start rocking the gray! I’m not gray yet but I love the platinum tones. That’s my goal.

  29. jemshoes says:

    LOVE LOVE this interview / excerpt! I’m 33 years old, Asian and 1/3 of my hair is already greying. Grey hairs definitely stand out when you have naturally dark hair! I’m also making a choice now not to dye my hair and so the next few years will be an experiment. I just can’t stand the idea of dyeing my hair since I’ve never done it before, and I confess to washing it every day because I love the feel of a newly-washed, clean scalp. Even with the special shampoos and conditioners for coloured hair, I’d be devastated to literally see my $$$ go down the drain, and I also drop a lot of hairs daily! I admire and applaud women like Jamie Lee Curtis who cut against the grain by staying grey – and I admire and applaud women like Dana who keep it real, keep it honest, when talking about plastic surgery and concepts of beauty.

    And CB I don’t think you’re vain for wanting to dye your hair since you’ve been prematurely grey since your 20s. If I’d started going grey in my 20s, I’d have started dyeing, too. I should also add that my effort to embrace the grey is made easier because I have a very young-looking face and figure (I honestly do look like I’m fourteen to sixteen years old, especially when I don’t dress up!!!) – I think I’ll be able to get away with it, so I’m running with it.

  30. coucou says:

    Hey Mamma Besser, pass the dutchy to the lefthand side…

  31. CB Rawks says:

    Oh my god, I hope she sued that a-hole who hit the nerve in her forehead!

  32. CB Rawks says:

    I dye my hair a lovely red brown to hide the grey. It helps loads because I don’t have wrinkles yet so people think I’m a lot younger than what’s factual. 🙂
    I wish it had always been this colour through childhood, instead of blah brown.