Britney’s judge says her “medical condition remains the same”

Britney’s father’s conservatorship lasts until July 31 of this year. In a hearing yesterday, in which she was not present, her court-appointed attorney said that it’s best if she doesn’t get involved in the legal decisions regarding her affairs and implied that it could be detrimental to her mental health. The judge agreed and said that “her medical condition remains the same,” whatever that means:

Neither Brit nor her father Jamie Spears were present at Thursday’s hearing, although commissioner Goetz approved a request for Jamie to receive more money per week in order to continue caring for Britney.

The singer’s court-appointed attorney Sam Ingham told the court today he believed it was better that Britney not participate in the legal affairs of her person and estate, adding it “in fact could be harmful to her to participate.”

After reviewing her medical status, the commissioner agreed, saying, “Her medical condition remains the same. Though there have been changes in her medication, I think in terms of her diagnosis, it’s not complete.”

The commissioner will review Brit’s condition again on June 17. In the meantime, a trial is set for July 31 to determine whether to dissolve or extend the conservatorship.

[From OK! Magazine]

Is it in Britney’s best interest that these details be given to the press? I don’t understand all the legal implications in her case, and maybe a special ruling needs to be made to seal each hearing or something, but it seems like this is information that the public should not be privy to. It’s also just some lawyer and judge’s opinion and it’s not like they’re doctors. I just find it annoying that this information is out there and that it might somehow interfere with the progress she seems to be making. It seems like this type of news being published is could be just as detrimental to her mental health as having her get involved in the legal progress.

What a bummer it must be to start feeling better and then to have some lawyer you didn’t even hire say you’re still having trouble. She does need her dad’s guidance and control, but she could do without having the court’s decisions broadcast.

Britney is shown on 5/23/08 at Christian Audigier’s 50th birthday party, thanks to WENN.

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15 Responses to “Britney’s judge says her “medical condition remains the same””

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  1. Wiley says:

    I call hypocrite! If you really believe what you say then why did you publish this story? By the way, how do you know she is feeling better? Look at that photo at the top of the page. Does she look better? They apparently haven’t even finished diagnosing her and her “medical condition remains the same”.

  2. Bodhi says:

    I agree; that kind of info shouldn’t really be made public. But did anyone really think that she is all that much btter? It takes a looong time to get back to “normal” after a serious mental break

  3. Syko says:

    I thought there were all these new medical privacy laws.

  4. McKenna says:

    If you really believe that, then why report the story (with excerpts from the hearing transcript).I know you’re reporting celeb “news” but you can choose to ignore things if you have a moral belief that it’s best to do so.

  5. Devilgirl says:

    I think that it is best for the girl to still be on a short leash, especially with rumors of Federline trying to get back together with her. I feel as long as she has someone, like her father, looking after her interests and making decisions for her, that keeps the Federlines, Adnans and other unscrupulous fools from taking advantage of her in her weakened mental state. Like another poster said, it takes time to recoup from a mental melt down.

  6. Jody says:

    I don’t know… what is one more headline to this girl? She’s had her fat circled with huge arrows pointing to it– and that’s just a drop in the bucket of sad/ negative press. If she can still wake up in the morning after all that past crap, she’ll make through this one too.

  7. Alexis says:

    Let’s put all of the debate about whether her court papers should be released aside for a second, that cat’s out of the bag. The question remains WTF is wrong with her? She’s so impaired by an ailment that she can’t participate in her own affairs. She’s obviously has no sense of how she looks or comes off to the public, but that is not an illness. Not one wich should effect her legally anyway. What is up???!! I can’t wait till she writes a tell all or goes on a talkshow or something. Even if it is 30 years in the future I will be tuned in to that.

  8. journey says:

    on a bit of a side note, this could be a precursor of a new trend. how many adults in hollywood are no more capable of taking care of their business and finances and personal lives than brit? lots of them. think how much better their lives would be someone stepped in and appointed a babysitter to look after them. lindsay. paris. denise richards. the list goes on. you can say that they aren’t mentally imbalanced like brit, but come on, can you really make an argument that denise richards IS mentally balanced? didn’t think so. ditto paris, lindsay and the rest.

  9. Kayla says:

    She should definetely write a tell all book. Let us know the real truth. I bet Britney has been put thru way more hell than we know and it is propably a miracle she is still with us. I feel so much for her and I too will read the book or watch the show, cause Britney is still standing and I pray God gets her healthy again so she takes control of her own life. BEST WISHES TO BRITNEY!

  10. Ben says:

    As far as Britney being “impaired,” I don’t buy that. if she was so “impaired” then there’s no way that she’d have been able or allowed to do those two guest spots on How I Met Your Mother. Speaking of this, according to those involved with the show, Britney was a dream to work with, with not a hint of “drama” ever coming from her. Indeed, what “drama” there was came from Neil Patrick Harris who was all bent out of shape that Britney was appearing on the show, spouting off some crap about how her doing so would “cause the show to lose it’s credibility.”

    Yeah, because it’s just raking in the Emmys and Peabody’s and ratings, right Doogie? 🙄

  11. vdantev says:

    Aside from some body dismorphism, her addiction issues, her gullibility with regard to men and her years’ worth of largely untreated bi-polar disorder, she’s the picture of health. 😆

  12. Predatory Cougar says:

    Isn’t that an album by Led Zepplin? “The Medical Condition Remaind the Same”?

  13. Ben says:


    “…her addiction issues…”

    Addiction to what, exactly? I have never heard or read that Britney had been addicted to any drug/alcohol. Please do give us all a legitimate cite for your claim or else take it back and apologize.

  14. billy j. says:

    This girl is every lawyer’s dream come true: endless money (at least for the moment) and a mental condition that forbid her to participate in her own legal affairs… I do beleive she’s mentally imbalanced because nobody in his right mind would let himself be deprieved of his rights like that!

  15. Jill Combs says:

    She is very good at getting attention.