Aaron Carter tweets scary pic of his overly-muscled body

Aaron Carter, 22, is a singer I guess. He’s Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys’ younger brother and was on Dancing with The Stars a while ago. I don’t know much about this kid, probably because I’ve ignored the meager press coverage he’s received. Aaron recently buffed up, but he’s looking scary, not sexy. Maybe it’s just the pose in that photo above because in his second posted Twitpic, below, he looks a little more human and less alien-like.

Aaron Carter shows off his new physique in these shirtless new shots posted on Twitter.

“I’ve been at [my manager] Johnny Wright’s compound working on my mind, music, and body for a new album release!” said the 22-year-old younger brother of Backstreet Boys’ Nick Carter.

Aaron added, “In the process of developing a new style of dance. This will be unforgettable.”

[From Just Jared]

D-Listed points out that this kid has had methface forever, and that he doesn’t look 22 at all. He’s superfit, but is that hot? I would stare at him with my mouth open but I doubt I would hit it. He would just make me feel inadequate. There’s a line between fit and “obsessed” and this kid crossed it a while ago. Aaron mentioned in a recent tweet that he did “1000 pull ups today 7 mile run the[n] 1000 sit ups, i can’t stop myself 5:00a.m.” That’s definitely obsessed.

Photos via Huffington Post


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31 Responses to “Aaron Carter tweets scary pic of his overly-muscled body”

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  1. Dani says:

    Oh my lord. It makes me cringe. What is it?

  2. Kittypants says:

    Gah! The goggles…they do nothing!

  3. ziggy says:

    lean and fit looking. face does appear much older than 22…still, better than being a doughy, fat slob.

  4. Tuatara says:

    He looks a little like Iggy Pop in that pic!

  5. heb says:

    The top picture made the term “roid-rage” pop into my head, and its just one picture!!

  6. serena says:


  7. Richi says:

    this pic looks pretty sick.. He isn’t looking healthy in both!

  8. Psyren says:

    The body isn’t half as disturbing as the face. He looks at least 40 years old. :S

  9. aenflex says:

    looks like a blonde, meth-addicted country version of rupert everett…

  10. Mistral says:

    Scary!! Eat something!!! :O

  11. bubbles says:

    WHAAAAAAAAAT? 22? no way!

  12. a says:

    he’s either obsessed… or using meth AND protein shakes.

  13. ~M says:

    @1: It is his NECK that is way too long and makes everything else look weird.

  14. Zelda says:

    Holy tweaker-face, Methman!

  15. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Not interested in this meathead!

  16. Jazz says:

    I remember when he was a kid. What happened to him?! The whole Carter family is f***ed up!

  17. bb says:

    Looks like Rupert Everett. Given that Rupert is about 25-30 years older, that’s not good.

  18. Will says:

    He’s not overly muscled…it’s just that his body fat is extremely low. He doesn’t look like he has any more muscle than I do, but his body fat is probably around 6%.

  19. GatsbyGal says:

    EWWWWW! God DAMN it, when will guys realize that women are NOT attracted to veins sticking out all over their arms? That is the sickest look EVER.

    He looks like he’s on heroin AND steroids.

  20. Jeri says:

    He looks like Kelly, the strange “real housewife” of somewhere.

  21. Anne de Vries says:

    I remember this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXj5i5YjPgk

    … he terrifies me now! God, I’m getting old

  22. 6 says:

    Oh, remember that reality show his family had. He looks all kinds of crazy because I think it runs in the family.

  23. IceBunny says:

    He was (still is?) a meth addict.. is a rageaholic, and looks like a murderer. Not to mention all the bad genes he is employing full force from the generations-long whacked out Carter clan. I get such a scary vibe from him it’s not funny. It’s terrifying actually.

  24. IceBunny says:

    oh .. I hadn’t read the previous comments when I posted.. Seems I am not the only one who is “terrified” by him. He looks on the verge of snapping and causing great harm…

  25. Mia says:

    LOL! I have got to stop reading these comments while at work! You all are going to make me lose my job!

  26. Confuzzle says:

    Jeffrey Dahmer lookalike

  27. I Choose Me says:

    I kind of feel bad for him. Trying and failing so hard to be sexy. He said he’s working on his mind, body and music but where does he find the time or energy to work on anything else when he’s done with that extreme routine mentioned above? He doesn’t scare me, just makes me feel like he could use a good hug and some good ole fashioned therapy.

  28. annaloo says:

    What the hell in beef jerky is this pic about

  29. Emily says:

    No wonder Hilary Duff moved on.

  30. stylefile says:

    If he has an addictive personality, then I think it’s better he’s addicted to body building–even with the really strange results he’s getting. We all know he can be addicted to much worse things.

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