Cele|bitchy | CFDA Fashion Awards

CFDA Fashion Awards

The Council of Fashion Designers of America held their annual awards ceremony last night at the NY Public Library. Celebrities wore Yves Saint Laurent to pay their respects to the legendary designer, who died of brain cancer at the age of 71 on Sunday. Marc Jacobs was presented the award for Womenswear Designer of the Year by Victoria Beckham, Eva Mendes, and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Victoria Beckham stole the show in a ruffled Marc Jacobs number while Naomi Campbell wore vintage Yves Saint Laurent sequin pants and sheer blouse. Also shown are Maggie Gyllenhaal, Mandy Moore, Ashley Olsen, Eva Mendes, Kim Cattrall, Tina Fey in an unfortunate dress, Amy Poehler, Hilary Duff, Lauren Bush, Lauren Hutton, Anna Wintour, Candace Bushnell, Donna Karan, ‘Lil Kim and Marc Jacobs, and Eva Longoria and Tony Parker. Eva Longoria is definitely looking pregnant to me, but I don’t care much for her and am not going to make a whole story about it.

Thanks to WENN for these photos.

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7 Responses to “CFDA Fashion Awards”

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  1. bros says:

    ugh. what is eva longoria wearing? she looks so cheap and casual compared to everyone else with her boobs hiked up like that up to her chin.

  2. devilgirl says:

    You know I am getting a little tired of these celebrities parading around in haute couture dresses every other day. Nice that they can live that way in todays economy. I can barely keep my gas tank full much less afford fancy clothes! Like Posh’s dress though, it would’ve looked cute on someone else.

  3. Janimal says:

    In fact, I thought Ms. Parker was looking slightly Fran Drescherish….

  4. KLO says:

    I actually think Victoria Beckham looks very cute and lovely in this outfit. And i’m definitely not a fan.

  5. kate says:

    there’s something about posh that i just love. all the spice girls, really. dunno why, just love them.

  6. Other Karen says:

    I think many of them look slightly off–their hair and makeup and clothes almost but don’t quite seem to fit together or fit as perfectly as usual on them. Maybe because they had to pull them together on short notice, since it wasn’t a Yves St. Laurent tribute before Sunday.

    I rather liked Tina’s dress and Maggie’s top is marvelous.

    I love love love Anna Wintour’s outfit!

  7. Larissa says:

    sorry CB, but the winner for Womenswear Designer of the year was Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein…and not Marc Jacobs as you announced!
    and I´m definitely not mistaken here!