Cele|bitchy | Naomi Campbell goes apeshit on her lover’s yacht

Naomi Campbell goes apeshit on her lover’s yacht

I wouldn’t mind having a $1,000 purse or some frivolous jeans, but I usually don’t envy the very rich or famous – except when it comes to travelling. They don’t have to go through the incredible bullshit that the rest of us endure just to get from point A to B.

After flying from NY to London with a three hour delay, then waiting 45 minutes in line to get my flight changed since I missed my connection, then flying another two hours and being made to wait standing outside a locked baggage claim office for ten minutes while the receptionists looked at me without a nod of acknowledgment, I almost started freaking out. Did I mention that I was alone with a two year-old toddler and had been travelling for 13 hours? I understood air rage at that moment.

When my husband told me that Naomi Campbell trashed her lover’s yacht, I thought “Well maybe she had a hard day.” Her days never approach the level of difficulty an average person faces, and she was on a chi-chi yacht with space and air, not some cramped commercial airline with overperfumed stewardesses.

While the rest of us get pissy and bitchy, Naomi Campbell takes dramatic, violent action.

Bitch caused $55,000 worth of damage after she got in a tiff with the chef over the plain mozarella and dried ham appetizer that he served. It seems she doesn’t understand simple Italian fare, and she coped by busting up the place:

The supermodel wrecked £30,000 of furniture and fittings — because she did not like his starters or the wine.

Fiery Naomi, 36, clashed with the chef aboard £1.5million yacht Nasma on Italy’s Tuscan riviera.

Naomi asked him to create a memorable, romantic meal for her and new lover Badr Jafar, a Dubai-born prince.

But his simple tomato, mozzarella and dried ham starter with a local white wine failed to impress.

Reports say Naomi — already fired up after a row with a photographer — told him where to shove it, and he hit back in “colourful Tuscan dialect”.

Staff on the 100ft yacht ducked as she lashed out at antiques, light fittings, china plates and glasses.

A man in Viareggio harbour said: “All hell seemed to break loose. All you could hear was shouting and screaming in English. There was the sound of plates being broken.

“Some of the crew later said the kitchen was a complete mess and the curtains and cushions had all been ripped apart.”

The chef, called Andrea, works at Viareggio restaurant il Porto.

A colleague said last night: “He wouldn’t have taken insults from Naomi.”

She needs to get medicated and go into therapy. I think she also should get dropped from all her current ad campaigns, because she’s not going to change unless it hits her where it hurts. Hopefully one of the libel suits against her will also stick – hard.

Here she is looking like the victim for once. (Why do magazines do this to women? I usually don’t complain about objectification, but this is ridiculous. It’s Naomi, though, so that’s ok.) These are from Style magazine and are low resolution.

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2 Responses to “Naomi Campbell goes apeshit on her lover’s yacht”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    Drown her.

  2. ChaCha says:

    That lady needs anger management classes or be in an instituion for a year or so.She seriously needs help before she really goes alot farder and kills someone.