Marion Cotillard’s spectacular boobs & bangs trauma: cute or tragic?

These are new photos of Marion Cotillard at the Paris premiere of her new film, Les Petits Mouchoirs. I don’t really care about the film. I care about the fashion. I care about the boobs. And I care about the bangs trauma. First, lets’ go with the dress: I really don’t like it. It’s very “inspired by a trash bag.” These beautiful women… they’re told they can pull off anything, that they could wear a trash bag or a potato sack and still pull it off. Stop telling beautiful women sh-t like that. They get ideas. While Marion is a beautiful women, for sure, she looks so much better when she’s wearing a lovely dress that is fitted appropriately and doesn’t jack everything up and over (remember her upper arm disaster last month? Yeah). Speaking of: her boobs. They look… HUGE. Big enough that I’m considering whether or not those are pregnancy boobs. But Marion is normally well-endowed, isn’t she? She has nice-sized boobs normally, and this dress might just make them look huge because it’s so tight, everything is spilling out.

Lastly: The Bangs Trauma. Now, I know some of you have bangs and like bangs, and that’s great and good for you. BUT. I have bangs trauma, and that’s my thing, and it’s a syndrome I deal with daily, especially when I see a hot mess like this. What bugs me most of all is that Marion is STUNNING without the bangs. Like, her face is a work of art. Add to that her already comically oversized ears, and you have a traditional beauty with just a hint of humor. When you add bangs trauma to that… it’s just a mess. She looks like a frog. I’m not making a French joke. I hate the bangs so much.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



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53 Responses to “Marion Cotillard’s spectacular boobs & bangs trauma: cute or tragic?”

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  1. Sarah says:

    That dress is horrible. Her boobs are AMAZING. The bangs don’t look too bad.

  2. Susan says:

    Did Katy Perry style her?????

  3. Delta Juliet says:

    The hair is bad. The boobs are FANTASTIC.

  4. devilgirl says:

    She is tragic!

    For some reason, I do not care for her as an actress at all.

  5. Alexis says:

    The boobs are sexy, but just a tiny bit overdone for someone who’s not partying at The Playboy Mansion. The bangs are not really showbiz level glamorous at all, but ok, I guess.

  6. annaloo says:

    Uhhhhh….completely unnecessary for Marion. WHy she did this, …no clue.

  7. lilred says:

    So far from wrong…you can’t even get there from here.

  8. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I think there is too much boob showing.

  9. serena says:

    This is almost vulgar.

  10. Katie says:

    The boobs are pretty extreme here. I don’t think I’ve seen her shove them out like that before. I agree that she should get rid of the bangs. She looks better without them.

  11. bondbabe says:

    Smocked trash bag couture that strangles the girls? TRASHY.

  12. esblondie says:

    Awesome boobs. The hair, not so much.

  13. Mel says:

    I like the fringe (bangs), not sure why americans have such a dislike of fringes…they look fine on the right face and she has a face that can cope with any hairstyle.

    Her boobs are magnificent but don’t need to be spilling over her dress.

  14. Lesley says:

    That’s too bad that the dress doesn’t fit better. It would be a pretty rockin look if it fit.

  15. danielle says:

    I’m not shy about showing off the girls, but that is totally over the top. Plus they look lopsided.

  16. Rita says:

    Now that’s a rack in black!

  17. Po says:

    Since I’m not the one sleeping with her I shouldn’t know that her right boob is bigger than her left. That is when you know you don’t have enough clothes on.

  18. lila says:

    Those are implants. Real boobs don’t have that circular look
    on top when pushed up.

  19. malachais says:

    She’s beautiful but the dress looks too small for her bust. Her hair looks like she just got out of the shower and looks half-ass blowdryed. Tragic because this woman is gorgeous.

  20. Anon73 says:

    not digging the boob-age at all. they look like they might be fake too. for a good rack, check out Blake Lively. 😉 NOW she knows how to work her girls without going overboard (even if her girls are from Silicon parts too).

  21. sammyhammy says:

    Wow. How incredibly awful. Does she not have any friends around to warn her about going out like that? I mean, Halloween isn’t until the end of the month.

  22. Laura says:

    Gah! Tragic! She can look so much better than this!

  23. Raven Sparrow says:

    How in the world is that dress staying up????

  24. Kelly says:

    Absolutely tragic. What is that – ruched leatherette??? My god. I agree, her hair looks like wash-and-wear. I hate a really stiff, overstyled look, but come on – if I had access to a makeup and hair team before a big event, you can be sure my hair wouldn’t look like I was going to Target to pick up some toothpaste and browse through the sale bin.

  25. Roxanne75 says:

    *jealous* but a tad too much for such an event.

  26. gillie says:

    wow, i thought that was katy perry. imagine my surprise when i cleaned off my glasses…!

  27. Mingy says:

    shes really sexy..she doesnt need to throw it in my face like that!
    now i want to touch them

  28. irving says:

    she looks trashy, no pun intended. These bangs really need to go.

  29. Adilys says:

    My hair is a little longer and more auburn, otherwise looks just like hers. I didn’t realize this was a bad look? I like it – and yes, totally wash & wear.

    I don’t understand the deal with “bangs trauma”. Maybe this just stems from an unfortunate haircut Kaiser gave herself as a child?

    I suggest counseling.

  30. Lindsay says:

    She doesn’t seem that top heavy normally. Dress or pregnancy? Don’t know, don’t care.

    Oddly captivating:

    @Adilys- There is nothing wrong with that haircut but like pretty much every style it has a lot to do with your face and shape.

    @Raven Sparrow – Fashion tape/double-sided tape

  31. Kelly says:

    @Adilys, nothing wrong with the hairstyle itself (my hair is often laissez-faire as well), it’s the context. Red carpet = styled hair.

  32. lio says:

    She looks like Daniel Radcliff in the first photo (?!)

  33. original kate says:

    i like the bangs but it looks like her hairdryer died halfway through the job. her figure is amazing but the dress is too small, or too tight, or something. i like her makeup here.

  34. Kitten says:

    I love her but she was so awful in Public Enemies that she pretty much ruined what was an average movie to begin with. Great rack though…

  35. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:


    Lila: They aren’t implants. Implants look like that whether they are pushed up or not. Real boobs look that that when pushed up. I would know-I’m wandering around with 32 Es at the moment and when I strap these suckers up they look like they cost me at least 10 grand.

  36. LBees says:

    Dress is like Morticia or that Mistress of the Dark, but godamit she still is gorgeous. Love her love her!

  37. jzhz says:

    Wow, she’s so gorgeous normally, she doesn’t need to go so far. I mean, her boobs are pretty and all, but they’d still look good in a dress that fits her. As for the hair – she just looks messy. She looked amazing in Inception.

  38. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I normally love my A cups, but I’d like a rack like that for a few days! Her bangs…ehhh. I hate bangs. They do not work on my hair. Her hair seems thicker than mine, so it looks OK, but bangs = bad. My last bangs trauma was about 2 years ago, so it is still fresh in my mind. It took me a year to talk my hair guy into cutting me bangs & then another year to grow them out.
    To sum up, rack = yay! bangs = nay!

  39. Ron says:

    How is possible to make a beautiful woman look SO awful????

  40. Marianne says:

    Boobs = spectacular
    Bangs = not so much

    And as added bonus…
    Dress = Fugly

  41. Ann says:

    When did she get implants?

  42. Victor says:

    Marion, You are far too beautiful and dignified to dress like that. What were you thinking? Your ratings are not low enough to be dressing just for publicity. We already knew you were beautiful. Please maintain your dignity.

  43. girl says:

    Whenever I see that “2 toilet plungers to the chest” effect on women, I usually think boob-job but I am not so sure with her. She is normally gorgeous and I don’t even mind the hair very much (although it seems a bit inappropriate given the occasion) but the dress is NOT flattering at all although it seems to be trying to be.

  44. Mandhy says:

    so sad. she was so beautiful and classy. what happened? oh NO….hollywood ewwwwww

  45. Lou says:


  46. Sandy says:

    Dress is tragic. Bangs and boobs are ok.

  47. kitvancleave says:

    Cotillard is a French woman in Paris promoting a French film, wearing a design from one of France’s leading fashion houses. The dress is Dior; Cotillard represents Dior. Any criticisms of the dress, its leather, its fit, its design should be directed to Dior, not the actress. I assure you all, she will be at another premiere for LES PETITS MOUCHOIRS tomorrow in a totally different look. Let’s don’t shoot her over one dress at one premiere. At her level of celebrity, her clothing, hair and makeup are constantly commented on. You aren’t going to like them all.

  48. DiMi says:

    I still think she looks lovely because she can’t help it. And I think its fine that she’s rocking her rack, but she looks lopsided, which doesn’t work for anybody. She’s got somebody on her team who doesn’t like her. He/She made an elegant and beautiful woman look trashy and unkempt. This look could have worked if the dress fit properly – why are her breasts uneven??? – and her hair styled better. It takes hard work to make this woman look less than great, and somebody did it.

  49. kim says:

    The dress is awful, especially the leather.

  50. mystified says:

    Marion is a beautiful woman and I like her. Unfortunately that hair combined with those boobs is making her look too much like Susan Sarandon who is also beautiful but very annoying.

  51. Pirouette says:

    Holy shit, she looks awesome. I love her hair and make-up. Isn’t it funny how people’s perceptions can be so totally different?

  52. eline says:

    I don’t think she had a boob job. I think she pushed her boobs up so they would “fit” in the dress, which is obviously to small. Doesn’t look like those hard rock balloons like Victoria Beckham, or any celeb that had that surgery.
    At least…i HOPE she didn’t have one. Such a shame, she was perfect. And as for the bangs: URGH!

  53. Henriette says:

    I don’t find her attractive at all and am amazed by how many people talk about her being some great beauty. Seriously? She looks to me like every other Parisian woman: short, dark circles under her eyes, brown hair, smoker’s teeth. Completely ordinary. The bangs look fine on her – maybe good, even, as they cover some of her mediocre face. But the pushed-up boobs in the garbage-bag dress are simply sad.