Mario Lopez thinks he should be dating Eva Longoria right now

Mario Lopez, who by some misguided soul at People Magazine just got named their bachelor of the year, says that he would be with Eva Longoria now if they’d ever been single at the same time.

Lopez says, “We never dated. Unfortunately. We met a long time ago, and she was always with somebody or I was with somebody. But we hit it off and I have the utmost respect for her.

“Tony Parker is a lucky guy. I was in (sic) her wedding. I walked her mum down the aisle.”

Contact Music

Now Mario, it might have been that even if you had dated Eva, she still would have met and fallen madly in love with Tony Parker, who happens to be a lot more loaded that you are.

Of course, what also might have happened is you might have split up because you’ve been f***ing a Hooters waitress. Or a singer. Or a wannabe singer that works at Hooters. Which is how his relationship with Dancing with the Stars partner Karina Smirnoff ended.

Or, you might have split up with her two weeks into your marriage, after cheating on her during the week leading up to your wedding. Which is how his marriage to Ali Laundry ended.

This, according to People Magazine, is the best that the male population has to offer. Mario tells the magazine that he is looking for a woman who is ‘modest’, not ‘uppity or affluent’. I think this means he’s looking for a woman who doesn’t stick up for herself and doesn’t publicly call him out on his philandering.

Mario Lopez is shown promoting his fitness book, Mario Lopez’s Knockout Fitness, on 5/15/08 and on Broadway before appearing in A Chorus Line on 6/5/08, thanks to WENN. He is with Eva Longoria in that stunt they pulled for “Pop Fiction” in which he gave her a necklace in front of the paparazzi in March.

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17 Responses to “Mario Lopez thinks he should be dating Eva Longoria right now”

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  1. kimmi says:

    And he’s so yuck anyway. I’m not an Eva fan, but even she could do better than him. At least Tony seems to be a good man.

  2. janepitt says:

    How crass of him so say something like that about another mans wife. What a piece of shit.

  3. Alexis says:

    MmmHmm. Right, Right. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you were saying, I was distracted by your blinding white platform sneakers. Are those from the Victoria Beckham line at Kitson? And before I forget, my grandma called, she would like her sunglasses back. Thanks.

  4. anon69 says:

    People sure can pick ’em!

    What a skeeze.

  5. Cici says:

    whenever People mag does a “hottest” anything or “sexiest” anything it never has anything to do with who is actually the most attractive. it’s more about who is the “it” people at the moment. mario’s in the media quite a bit right now – that’s the only reason he’s there. like the gossip girl guys will probably be in there, and shia, of course.

  6. MSat says:

    I don’t understand how this guy isn’t a Hollywood laughingstock. It’s frickin’ Slater from Saved By the Bell! He’s barely a step up from Screech, for crissakes!

  7. devilgirl says:

    People magazine sucks. So does Lo-pez. He is such the male slut. Landry and Smirnoff should be glad he cheated on them, forcing an end to being paired up with the Saved by the Bell loser shrimp.

  8. mithcy says:

    I can’t stand him, he is ugly and coocky yuck!!

  9. bros says:

    who cares about him…im just distracted by eva’s gross rat mouth.

  10. Bodhi says:

    Ew! The mere fact that he wants Eva is such a turn off! :vomit:

  11. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Kaiser/Hippocrat Magazine’s Sexiest Bachelor? Gerard Butler. Yum, yum.

  12. Jen says:

    Ok, how is AC Slater a ladies’ man?! I would swear on a stack of bibles that he was gay…

    And I don’t care how short you cut your hair, Mario, I still see that Jerri-curl mullet every time I look at you.

  13. vdantev says:

    I think he needs to crawl back under his rock in Gratefully Forgotten Land, and stay there.

  14. aurelie says:

    fuck mario lopez
    😈 😈 😈
    je l’hais

  15. Nan says:

    He is so much prettier than her and 99% of the world population.

  16. mamalama says:

    And did People’s photo spread of Mario make anyone else feel just the tiniest bit….ewwwwwwww (my vocabulary fails me at this point). He “recreated” some famous “hot” pictures (Brad Pitt from Thelma & Louise, Burt Reynolds almost nude shot, etc.) and they just kind of turned my stomach. I see nothing at all appealing about him.

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