Britney spends one day with new niece and heads back to L.A. (update: photos)

I guess Britney Spears had all the Kentwood, Louisiana she could take. Or maybe it was all the Spears’ family she could handle. Spears boarded a plane on Wednesday to go to her hometown and be present for the birth of younger sister Jamie Lynn’s daughter. But after one full day in the joint, she’s ready for the pampered life of a starlet again. The pop star was seen boarding a plane with her dad today to head back to her home in Beverly Hills. Because I’m sure she has a lot more important things to do than bond with her new niece or help her teenage sister take care of an infant. That’s Mommy Lynne’s job anyway, right?

Britney Spears has a tearful goodbye with her family as she left her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana the day after younger sister Jamie Lynn gives birth to a daughter, Maddie Briann.

Spears, 26, is likely on her way back to her home in Beverly Hills. (The singer is currently at work on a new album, her vocal producer and co-writer Jim Beanz confirmed exclusively to

Maddie Briann was born Thursday weighing 7 lbs., 11 ounces. She is the first child for Jamie Lynn, 17, and fiance Casey Aldridge.

“I’m sure the baby’s beautiful, and I’m so glad everybody’s healthy and doing well,” cousin Alli Sims told Us an after-party for Wanted in Los Angeles on Thursday.

“I just wish them all the happiness in the world,” she said. “I know they’re going to have so much fun.”

[From Us Weekly]

Ah, yes. Cousin Alli. Like anyone in the Spears family talks to that dumb waste of space anymore. Anyway, I’m sure Britney needed to get back to see her two little boys, but I can’t help think that it’s going to be a long time before she sets foot in Kentwood again, even if her mom told a judge that she’s eventually going to move back there. And I suppose she doesn’t have a whole lot of parenting wisdom to impart to her little sister anyway.

Update by Celebitchy: Here is Britney arriving at LAX yesterday with her father and assistant. Britney was surrounded by 30 paparazzi and TMZ reports that there was a fight between one of her bodyguards and a photographer. The cops were called, but the two made up afterwards and no one was arrested. Thanks to WENN for these photos.

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16 Responses to “Britney spends one day with new niece and heads back to L.A. (update: photos)”

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  1. Banana Boat says:

    Did I miss Alli having a falling out with all of them? I know she used to be her assistant then what happened. Did she leak stories? I remember seeing she had a terrible amateur website up for her ‘music’ made me kinda sad to look at it. Another shelved dream, Alli! She must be the black sheep now and relegated to the periphery of the Spears Shanty Town.

  2. vdantev says:

    Oh the humanity- the girl’s smart enough to walk away and let Jamie Lynn and her baby have their day in the sun without the perfect storm of Britney Crazy orbiting the area. It’s hard to bond with your new niece when you have 50,000 screaming paps following and recording your every move and asking you for the latest salacious tidbit.

    She just can’t win with you tabloid f*cks can she? ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  3. Snowblood says:

    Well said, Vdantev! Hear, hear. Exactly what I was thinking, plus who dictates that it’s a sister’s expected duty to drop everything in their own professional and private lives and put it all on hold indefinitely in order to help her sibling with her newborn?

    When my baby sister had her first baby, should I have dropped out of school, quit my job and flown 2,000 miles from L.A. to Atlanta to stay with my sister and “bond” with her newborn and help out indefinitely; was I an evil selfish bitch for not doing this? I mean, good grief – Britney Spears just cannot catch a break! No matter what she does, she seems to perpetually be damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t, with some people. Pah, really, no offense meant toward you at all, MSat, but that’s just so silly…

  4. Mandy says:

    I guess that Britney and her dad returning to L.A. was necessary for Jamie Lynn’s plan to raise her daughter in a normal environment, but the paparazzi ought to be ashamed that their stalking of Britney has made it impossible for Maddie’s grandpa and aunt to spend the amount of time with her that they’d like. ๐Ÿ™

  5. paris herpes says:

    She got the hell outta there for sure. Papz are fucking mad is why, she can’t even hang out with family because of those stupid vultures clucking over her. I feel bad for her, let’s just let her be and get over her downfall. No one’s perfect! OKAY! WE need to get over it ourselves and accept our lives…

  6. Leah says:

    Amen to Mandy’s comment. I think this is the 2nd time that Grandpa Jamie has gotten fucked out of spending quality time with his grandkids, since he was estranged from Britney when she had her sons. Sad.

  7. mollination says:

    Ahh yes, because when in doubt (of spears’ motives for leaving)… just blame HER!!

    God it’s always the same people who throw the book at the same celebs every time (with or without justifiable reason). Who knows for sure why she left early?? No one but her and her family know the exchange, and maybe Spears was doing the right thing! She looks great in the pic and seems to be a lot more level-headed lately, so please, until we KNOW, can we give her even a shadow of a doubt??

  8. Trashaddict says:

    On another note, the woman is wearing fur-lined boots in the summer. Must have been COLD on that plane. I wouldn’t want to be the assistant who takes them off…..

  9. Naomi Vance says:

    Britney has had enough handed to her. Just leave the little girl alone and allow her to be the mother she wants to be to her babies and the person within herself that she wants to be.

    Britney, I love you and pray for you. I have 6 children and I know how hard it is for you. Just keep your head high and don’t allow the media to destroy you 8)


    Naomi Vance

  10. Codzilla says:

    Whatever prompted her decision to leave, if she, indeed, made the choice herself, then we can rest assured there wasn’t a shred of logic or intelligence involved.

  11. Alexis says:

    Oh honey, that poor assistant! Could they have a taken a WORSE picture of her? Her eye is half open and her hips look HUGE!

  12. silly lilly says:

    ya know I am truly over the media blitz frenzy over everything she does. Don’t we have a new victim yet? Why Britney 24/7. It’s not “fun”. Its like watching one of those horrid little nature channels where the lion gracefully chases a gizelle to its death. She went to see a new baby in the family. We all know what babies look like. Is it THAT important to get a pic of brit going in and out of the hospital or house? Gimme a break REPORT that she went fine. Stalk her for useless pictures? Come on. Pics at LAX? Really? Is that REALLY necessary? Don’t we know what escalator pics look like yet?

    Get a pic of Will Smith cheating on Jada… THAT is a story. I am over the hospital/airport/7 11 cheeto run pics. Aren’t we all? ๐Ÿ˜›

  13. lola says:

    Britney makes her life one freak show. But in the recent past she has done nothing to warrant any hounding. She has been there for her sister, that is enough.

  14. saggy baggies says:

    her ta-tas look tragic in #9.

  15. anonymous says:

    Can someone please hire Ken Paves for her hair. Jeez, it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to brush and spray.

  16. sallysitwell says:

    I would comment on the disaster that is Britney Spears’ shoe choice and dress but then I remembered…it’s Britney Spears. And we all should just be grateful that she’s wearing something long enough to cover her peesh.