“Katy Perry was predictably ridiculous at the Vicky’s Secret show” links


Katy Perry at the Vicky‘s Secret show. Coughcameltoecough. [Celebslam]
Carrie Prejean is pregnant. Remember her? That chick from a year ago. [PopBytes]
Lindsay Lohan looks like a demon as she bitches out her dad. [Radar]
I hate Lauren Conrad‘s look here, from the hair to the dress. [Go Fug Yourself]
Britney Spears went clubbing last night. Gawd. [Evil Beet]
Adriana Lima at the Vicky‘s Secret show. Coughboobscough. [Yeeah]
So there‘s probably video of Demi Lovato doing coke too. [Celebnewswire]
Dick van Dyke is The King of the Porpoises. Seriously. For real. [The Blemish]
Oksana and baby Lucia. Lucia is a cutie. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Hulk Hogan is going to marry that chick who looks like Brooke. [Crazy Days and Nights]
Jesus, Kim Kardashian still SUCKS as a model. [A Socialite Life]
Angelina Jolie, Budapest Sniper. [INFDaily]
Raccoon McPantless blames her parents for her angst. In Raccoon‘s defense, they do sound like sh-tty parents. [Starpulse]
Happy (Naked) B-Day, Demi! NSFW. [CityRag]
A little Jonathan Rhys Meyers, for the ladies who like ‘em crazy. [Accidental Sexiness]
Lots of photos from the Vicky‘s Secret show. [Hollywood Rag]
Famous Gingers! Love the lovely gingers. [Moviefone]



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18 Responses to ““Katy Perry was predictably ridiculous at the Vicky’s Secret show” links”

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  1. annaloo says:

    Ugh.. katy.. no comment. If you can’t say anything nice…

  2. Jenna says:

    what’s with her and the PVC dresses? does she have a fetish or something? it’s weird. wear normal material. even… polyester. it would breathe better!

  3. Riley says:

    I googled Ashton Kutcher’s twitter account to see what he has to say about demi’s birthday. Last year he was going on about the car he bought her and taking pictures of him and her in the car and how much he loved her and their life. Today it is a plain, “Don’t forget to wish@MrsKutcher happy birthday.” Sad, and boring. He’s probably having a hard time gettting his mind off the girl he hooked up with in the bowling alley.

  4. Camille says:

    Yep, ridiculous is right.

    @Riley, that is very interesting. Certainly quite telling about their relationship now isn’t it.

  5. Djen says:

    I want to like Katy Perry, because she seems sort of cute and sweet under all that. But, she always seems like she’s TRYING SOOOOO HARD. Like her life is one big grinding trial to be relevant, when really she might just have some fun if she let it all go.

  6. TeeTee says:

    I’ve never got her whole thing..at first I thought it was girl empowerment or girl fun–now I don’t care to get it.

  7. lucy2 says:

    I agree about the trying too hard, Djen.

    I think she’s very pretty, but I also think she has a limited shelf life – her voice isn’t THAT great, her music is popular but not timeless, and she hasn’t mastered the “performance art” stuff Lady Gaga pulls off. So it’s all about getting attention and cashing in now while she can (with her cans), I guess.

  8. Bubbling says:

    Will I be considered as a hater if I say that whole VS thing is hella tacky and lame? And 100 nautical miles away from good fashion? And 100 light years from high fashion? Following that logic I’d say Katy killed it with her look, so VS!!!

  9. December says:

    Oh hell no! Taylor Momsem is wearing my exact same pair of boots I’ve had for years.

    God…how I hate the little troll.

  10. jc126 says:

    I still think Katy Perry’s got implants. And little to no talent.

  11. Kim says:

    The VS show is so tacky and lame. It is not high fashion and all models who do the show are sell outs to a tacky company that nakes the cheapest, wrst made in China items ever! There stuff falls apart after first wash!

  12. Kricket says:

    can i please ask you ladies a question? (and Kaiser, i hope it is ok to post this)
    is vic’s secret stuff cheap? the clothing? jackets? i’ve had pretty good luck with their bras and underpants, but i just bought a leather jacket for $198 and it looks so cheap i am really surprised it looks like such crap. *shrugs*
    thank you 🙂

  13. Kay says:

    Positively skankalicious.

  14. Really? says:

    Kricket: Yes, it totally is! Avoid V.S. clothes.

  15. gg says:

    I never have liked VS underwear, cheap and scratchy and not sturdy; i.e., Lily of France bras are better and they’re not charging elevated prices at Target. VS is just a slightly better Frederic’s of Hollywood. I would also beware of leather jackets that cost 200 or less. At that price, you get pot luck.

  16. maria says:

    I like her yellow plastic dress and big black boots. It looks like something Barbie would wear.

  17. Stronzilla says:

    From a marketing standpoint you gotta admit they make a good pair (hahaha, pun intended) but I would have thought to get maximum exposure, which we all know Katy likes, that VS would have at least required her to wear designs be them instead of rubber-latex-plastic crap. That stuff’s gotta chafe like mad.

  18. LOVE U GUYS! says:

    the first (and last)time i shopped at a Victoria’s Secret, i did so with some hesitancy. the display in the window reminded me of the Frederick’s of Hollywood ads we used to sneak peaks at as kids. But i figured, what the heck, i’m a grown up now, so i went in…and as far as the eye could see there were padded bras. search as i might, i could not find one unpadded. i was about to leave when a sales clerk offered to measure me, so i let her. and then sent her out to find me an unpadded bra, any bra in that size for me to try on. she came back with a lacy polyester teddy i think it was purple. being allergic to all man made materials, i fled to the gap, where I found and bought two perfectly fitting bras (buy one get one free sale) for $36. unpadded of course. i prefer my own shape and have always felt the wearing of a padded bra to be false advertising, and thereby morally wrong, but that’s just me.