Cele|bitchy | Hollywood bigwigs say they’ll never work with Mel Gibson again

Hollywood bigwigs say they’ll never work with Mel Gibson again

Everyone was saying that Mel Gibson’s career was over after he was caught defaming Jewish people during a DUI arrest. It was assumed that he would go on some sort of unspoken industry black list.

It’s gone beyond passive-agressive whispers and shunning. People are so pissed that they’re calling for an all-out boycott of Mel:

The damage to Gibson’s career could be considerable. A-list talent rep Ari Emanuel, a co-founder of the top-tier Endeavor agency, set Tinseltown tongues wagging with his bold call to action on The Huffington Post blog.

“The entertainment industry can’t stand idly by and allow Mel Gibson to get away with such tragically inflammatory statements,” Emanuel wrote.

“People in the entertainment community, whether Jew or gentile, need to demonstrate that they understand how much is at stake in this by professionally shunning Mel Gibson and refusing to work with him,” said Emanuel.

The arresting officer, a Jewish guy with 17 years on the force, is contrite about the whole episode, and insists that he doesn’t want to ruin Mel’s career. Mel did that all on his own.

Meanwhile those stupid women on “The View” are trying to remain relevant by saying that they don’t want to see any more Mel Gibson movies. Countless people undoubtedly agree with them.

The U.S. Jewish Anti-Defamation League has said his colleagues should “condemn him and distance themselves from him.”

And it gets even better – it’s come out that several people offered Gibson a ride home that night and he refused.

Gibson has checked himself into rehab in an effort to do damage control, but the damage is extensive and it’s already done. He’s richer than sin, and unless Opus Dei has taken all his cash he should sit back and enjoy his millions while waiting for this to pass. Maybe he should get some sensitivity training, too.

Now that the news is out that Mel is a royal jerk, the LA County Sheriff’s department figured they may as well release his mug shot. The long beard is gone and he doesn’t look half bad for a drunken bigot.

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