Christian Bale on the cover of British GQ

I do my best not to fawn over male celebrities. But Christian Bale is my one weakness. Okay and John Krasinski. And Anderson Cooper. But that is absolutely it. Christian is on the cover of the August UK issue of GQ to promote The Dark Knight. Here are a few highlights:

On how his wife handles how he embodies the roles he plays:
“Well, she gets to sleep with a whole bunch of different men, so maybe it’s not so bad for my wife. And she does it without having to feel guilty!”

On being a father:
“The time I spend with my daughter is just incredible. She’s a little rascal. I’m not going to miss her growing up for anything, not even for Batman. I’m certainly not going to be one of those fathers who picks up a photo of his daughter and has regrets about not being around.”

On doing risky stunts even though he has a family to think about:
“People will say, Why is he still doing this crazy sh*t?’ But I’m OK with that. I’d like my daughter to see me do these things, as I saw my father do some crazy things and learnt to appreciate it. My philosophy isn’t so much, ‘Do what I do.’ It’s more, ‘Whatever you do, do it completely. Don’t do it half-arsed. Do it more than anybody else would.'”

On getting recognized:
“I used to think about it way more when I wasn’t being recognized. For ages I used to think people were staring at me and I’d think, ‘Oh no. I’ve been spotted by some deranged fan.’ But of course they hadn’t really recognized me at all, I just had something unsightly coming out of my nose. But anonymity back then was a lovely thing. Strangely enough, I was wandering around Rome recently, I think I was having insomnia issues or jet lag while filming, so I kept going for these late-night walks. I kept seeing this same guy wandering around some evenings, looking a little lost like me. I waved and said hello to him one night — it was f*cking Viggo Mortensen. So it seems the only people who spot me are fellow sleepless actors in Europe!”

On the possibility of winning an Oscar someday:
“Look, I’m human, and I guess I can’t help but like it when someone says they like my work. If someone wanted to jump up and down and go, ‘You nailed that part. You. Are. F*cking. Fantastic,’ of course I’d be riding high on that. But before that happens, I’ll just have a couple of drinks with my pals.”

[From PopSugar]

And just as importantly, here are the photos.

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25 Responses to “Christian Bale on the cover of British GQ”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    Love him

  2. texas_thing says:

    I’m old to be saying this, but … drool! A lot!

  3. lulu says:


  4. ri23 says:

    Christian, whatever you want, the answer is yes.

  5. Because I say So says:

    R123: how about WHENEVER you want, the answer is yes?

  6. geronimo says:

    Yum. Whatever and when ever. 8)

  7. Kristin says:

    He’s handsome and a great actor. What more could you ask for?

  8. kate says:


  9. Kolby says:

    He’s #1 on my list. You know what list I mean ;).

  10. I choose me says:

    Sigh. The things I would do to that man. 😳

  11. paris herpes says:

    He is such a real man…of course he’s married, I would probably ask him to marry me!

  12. Kate says:


  13. snappyfish says:

    sigh! love him. loved the push up scene in his first batman.

  14. blip says:

    even his voice as “howl” is soooo sexy..

  15. AC says:

    I think im going to cry. want him. want him! wah! I wanna sleep with batman! Lucky Lucky wife! 😳 😛 😥

  16. fsdf says:

    I love this actor. he’s great!

  17. fee says:

    mmmmmmmmmmmm Christian – he is the only reason im going to watch Batman

  18. vdantev says:

    He’s a good looking fellow, I’ll say. Drool away ladies 😳

  19. The Old KC says:

    You guys are just pathetic. My God, all the drooling. Check out Christian’s first movie filmed when he was about twelve – Empire of the Sun – and tell me he isn’t the greatest actor that ever walked. He gave an AMAZING performance in The Machinist – very disturbing. If this guy ends his career one day without having earned an Oscar, then the Oscars are a farce (but maybe we already knew that).

    OK, I will submit – DROOL! 😀 I would love to do naughty things to Christian – but I would still respect his acting skills in the morning.

  20. Trillion says:

    Agree with everyone, esp. Old KC, and want to add that nothing ups a man’s sex appeal like being a great daddy. I love it when he talks about fatherhood so adoringly in interviews. When I see my husband swooning over our baby I just want to drag him into the bedroom and make another one!

  21. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Love him, but he’s #3 on my list. After Clive Owen and Gerard Butler. Yes, I have a think with guys with hot accents.

  22. snappyfish says:

    Kaiser/hippacrat kudos. I love Clive Owen and Gerard Butler not bad either. Lovely taste there.

  23. David says:

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

    brad pitt my ASSSSSS!!!
    bale is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!

  24. Emma says:

    HOT DAMN!!!!