Angelina Jolie is starting to get pretty crotchety while waiting for her babies to be born – if you believe In Touch magazine and the Daily Mail. According to staffers at the hospital, Angelina is demanding special food, getting short with the staff, and laying about lazily. Yes, they’re implying a woman pregnant with twins that seem to be about half her total bodyweight is lazy for staying in bed.
Angelina Jolie is growing increasingly grouchy with staff while she waits to give birth to twins in a French hospital, according to a new report. The heavily-pregnant actress has been holed up in the private Lenval hospital in Nice for a week now ahead of her scheduled Caesarean section next Tuesday.
While staff there were amazed by her extreme politeness when she first arrived, Angelina’s mood has darkened over the last few days, American magazine In Touch Weekly has claimed. An insider told the publication: ‘She’s starting to feel that the staff are starstruck and not attentive enough. She’s throwing fits if she rings and they don’t come quick enough.’
Angelina has even insisted she be served salmon for lunch, despite the dish not being on the hospital menu. The source added: ‘And I don’t mean asked – demanded. The food at Lenval isn’t very good – it’s hospital food – and I think she was fed up. A staffer went out and bought some and it was made for her.’
The insider continued: ‘I think she’s in meltdown mode. She’s been getting upset if there’s not enough ice in her glass. ‘She’s not walking around anymore. She doesn’t even take a shower early in the morning. She just stays in bed, talking on her phone, typing on her computer, reading magazines and watching TV.’
[From the Daily Mail]
Well the absolute nerve. To think Angelina doesn’t rise EARLY in the morning to shower. Or walk around enough for the staff. Really, I doubt anyone as pregnant as she is would give a damn what the hospital thought about her. And I’m guessing a lot of women would be pretty cranky at this point. I know they say walking is good for inducing labor, but I’m guessing Angelina is probably supposed to be on bed rest. The “source” frames it as though she’s being lazy and just laying about.
And when you’re in the hospital, please tell me what else you’re supposed to do besides talk on the phone, work on the computer, read magazines, etc? Should she be out mowing their lawn? Perhaps grocery shopping? This whole story really irritates me. I’m sorry that Angelina is being grouchy with the staff, but it also sounds like they’re over analyzing her every move. Luckily it sounds like she’ll be out of there in a relatively short period of time.
Here’s Angelina and Brad at Cannes on May 15th. Images thanks to PR Photos.
So… apparently pregnant women are saints in the third trimester. they’re not annoyed at all that ten pounds of hormones are inside them waiting to be popped out. nope, they’re not complaining at all.
OF COURSE angelina will be a little cranky, most women are when they’re pregnant. What did they expect, that she’d be adopting babies from Ethiopia from her bed off of Ebay?
Note: Comments were turned off for this post by mistake at first, which defaulted to the old Haloscan commenting system. Here’s the first comment which was made through Haloscan:
Oh, boo freakin hoo ! Poor baby getting waited on hand and foot waiting to deliver her 18th child. Give me a break! The rest of us struggle to cook dinner over our 9 month pregnant bellies while she can’t get salmon brought to her on a silver platter fast enough?
Lesley | Edit comment Delete comment | 07.10.08 – 1:30 am | #
ahhhh… what happened to the tough as nails character she plays in movies? Not so tough after all is she?
Suck it up Angie, the rest of us woman don’t have nannies, maids, cooks, chauffeurs, private nurses, private hospital rooms… poor you! Thinking about all you must be going through, just boggles my mind, like… having to wipe your own…… nose….ahhhh… hang tough Angie
OK, being in the hospital just sucks generally. Boring if nothing else.
Stuck there for a week un-sedated, with tabloids waiting for any shred of info, and never knowing if you can trust the hospital staff to keep things private (which based on this story she can’t) what a nightmare!!
And they’re bitching about her asking for salmon?! Whatever…omega 3’s are good for you, as is the protein, and it’s low-mercury. One of the best things a pregnant or lactating woman could be taking in. They’re knocking her for wanting to eat healthfully insteaded of eating standard crap hospital food? Siding with Angie on this one-
This is from this weeks’s In Touch, a very unreliable tab that routinely makes up lies. I don’t believe anything ever printed in that piece of trash as none of it is ever true.
Seriously. This is such bullshit. It sounds about as made up as can be.
Yeah, she’s probably bored, yeah, she’s probably a bit cranky – so they pad this so-called ‘story’ out with ‘demanding’ behaviour and ‘extreme’ requests. Are we seriously supposed to believe that salmon (such an ordinary food) would not be available in the hospital?
Look at the source of the story for God’s sake – staff members with an eye on a nice little earner.
This is so sad. Poor Angie. How will she survive? This hospital staff are nothing but HATERS. We’ll pray for you Angie. Please don’t give up.
I spent a week in the hospital with complete bedrest. Being that dependent and hemmed in doesn’t do any wonders for your personality. That’s quite apart from the fact that she is nearly due and I have yet to meet any woman waiting for the kid to come who was in a great frame of mind.
Shes just upset that shes not able to be in front of the photogs for a minute.
Lol, someone, she can’t believe the world press has not descended on Nice to camp outside the hospital for the coming of these two messiahs. Poor her, France could not give a damn about her. Hey, hang in there Ange they never give a damn about any one.
This article has me in fits. It is friggin hilarious. I can imagine her pretending to be nice and her evilness failing to be hidden and eventually coming out. It always does. She is a class A bitch and will always be.
I thought pregnancy made her feel sexy? Not feeling the love any more Ange? Come now, you have Brad Pitt and you want a soccer team. 😆
And wait……she doesn’t know how to even switch on a computer but uses the internet for news, are you sure that is Angelina the ‘insider’ is talking about?
I am loving this. Karma at its best. She thought she would get pregnant, tote around her belly for photo ops and milk it for publicity then hop to Madagascar and have the baby with the world media running after her. Karma is a bitch, she is bedridden in hospital with no friends to visit her, her kids are running wild at home and Brad is off to Bono’s balcony visiting some star pals.
Aaaahh, I am enjoying this! 😀
You are the most sincerely twisted hater I’ve ever read from. Get the hell over it already.
Vdantev, go slow now, I am sure you have read blogs of people wish ill on her and her babies. I have not gone then far. I am just having a morning laugh. Besides, the only reason I hate on this woman is because bad things happen to her like they do to bad people. I am sure she didn’t see this coming. Brace yourself Ange, there is more where that came from. It is called KARMA!
Now I can’t wait for the twins to be with us. The attention seeking names, pimping in the tabloids and the circus of raising 6 kids, 5 of them under five and two of them newly born twins. Not to forget trying to cling onto their careers through it all.
Special needs, vdantev. Make appropriate allowences.
Also, re the not wishing ill on her and her babies, correct me here if I’m wrong but aren’t you the lola that said:
– Maddox will be seriously into drugs when he’s a teen, and,
– If A&B died tomorrow, it wouldn’t bother me at all?
With every post, you get sadder and sadder.
Citing Lola : “bad things happen to her like they do to bad people (…) It is called KARMA!”
Sorry but that sounds very imature to me. Do you believe world is black OR white ? that people are good OR bad ?
that if you are sick, born in a poor family or don’t get great opportunities in life, it’s because you are not worth it ?
Watch out when something in your life is going to turn sour, you might not be able to understand and stand up.
or maybe you are just cranky today for some reason, just like Angie is said to be…!
what a laugh, but wait lola it won’t be angie and brad raising 6 kids it will be the nannys what the hell thay want all them kids for is beyond me, like i said its the nannys who will be raising them while angie and brad lap up all the media attention and what a disgusting amount of cash involved just for a few photos i can think of better things to do with the money instead of giving it to them for THEIR charity
Lola is delusional… it says “Lol, someone, she can’t believe the world press has not descended on Nice to camp outside the hospital for the coming of these two messiahs”
They actually have, if you look at photos of the hospital the press is outside there have been videos and photos all about the hospital. It is a little overboard, but the media is really paying attention. CBS, the today show both reporters that have talked from outside the hospital.
Lola is just a hateful person that hides behind her computer.
It is sad that you are “enjoying” Angelina’s karma. Get a life! What in the world has Angelina done to you??? You are obsessed with hating her.
There are photos of Brad visiting her everyday along with the kids, and how is she a b****?
Every interview I have seen of her she is very friendly and there are so many nice quotes about her from costars and people she has met.
I didn’t hear nice things about her other co stars in Mr and Mrs Smith.Even her ex husband and her father did not have complimentary things to say about her. Do you see any friends visiting her in hospital? Nasty woman has no friends.
Geronimo, sad is when you camp at a site to lick the ass of St Angelina all day long. Build your shrine for Angie by all means but don’t expect all of us to worship this good for nothing attention seeker
And whoever can’t write her name aka ….., there was a handful of photogs outside the hospital invited by her doctor for a ‘press conference’. Nope the world media has not descended on Nice like it did in Namibia, people are just tired of these two. Wait till she is 40 looking like Pamela Anderson and the world cannot give an F if she adopted 100 Asian kids or gave birth to septuplets. I guess she will leave Brad in a desperate attempt to get attention.
In the mean time, we wait for the babies and laugh at the circus that is Brangelina.
P.s This is hollywood, Maddox has a 100% chance of experimenting with drugs by 15 especially since his parents will have 12 kids by then and will be too busy ‘doing charity’ and scoring the world for the next adoptee. And though I don’t care if they died (and I don’t), I don’t wish them dead or deformed kids like my fellow haters often do. After all, if they died, who would I laugh at?
Ive never been pregnant w/twins, but I cant imagine its all sunshine and roses… I hope all the haters never have babies… cant imagine teaching my lil one bout hateraide…
Aw, Lola, have you got no one to worship you? Is that what the problem is? Is that where all the bile is coming from? So sad. Nobody loves Lola. 😥
‘..scoring the world..’ Did you mean scouring the world? And really, piously trying to make yourself look better than the other haters is akin with Mugabe protesting he’s not as bad as Hitler. And that’s a deliberate comparison since Ang, according to you, is evilness personified.
Ladies, please-
Key words: – if you believe In Touch magazine and the Daily Mail.
Man, how dare she be pissy about being stuck in a hospital & eating crappy hospital food, even if it is French. I can’t think of any place I’D rather be… 🙄
But we all have to remember, the whole pregnancy was orchestrated, with the help of a nefarious fertility doctor, to attract the most attention possible. 🙄
Special needs is right, geronimo
Wow, Brad looks really old in that pic. All that makeup shellacked on his face doesn’t do a bit of good. Imagine him with none… *shudder*. Angelina has worn the vitality right off of him.
As a card carrying BADette, I suppose I should be jumping into this but I’m so sick of Lola and her cohorts who obviously either work for or are personal friends with the Jolie-Pitt family, because they know so freaking much about them, and spend their days seizing opportunities to type out their twisted, sadistic rants. I don’t even especially like this family, and I’m defending them because the hatred is just too ridiculous.
Spending a week in a hospital on bedrest has to be horrid, especially when your body has ballooned to where you can’t get comfortable in any position. Nothing wrong with wanting salmon for lunch, it’s a healthy food, and I’m sure they’d be willing to pay for it. I spent four days in a hospital this year and was a raving lunatic after two days. Add in the normal tension about a pending birth, a high risk birth at that, and I can understand anyone being a little testy.
As for Brad looking bad, in my eyes he’s never looked good, but he’s just getting old, like all of us. Seems like a happy man to me.
Agree, syko (and bodhi), it’s really gone past the point of being even vaguely entertaining anymore.
…what lola said …
i´ve been in hospital vor over a YEAR. major crankiness.
Anni, I cannot even imagine! My sympathy to you for the agony!
Four days was enough for me, with no bathing (after spending time lying face down on a filthy transit center sidewalk) until I finally demanded a wash cloth and towel on the third day, and with food so bad you had to read the menu to know what you were eating. Not to mention being awakened at 2:00 a.m. to sign a permission slip for them to do a test that wasn’t scheduled until 3:00 p.m.
I’ll die at home, thank you!
Go visit your local hospital and ask any heavily pregnant woman if she can’t wait to give birth, this aint got nothing to do with Karma
Shocking. Severely pregnant woman is moody and uncomfortable, has specific dietary requests. More at 11.
Until you walk in her shoes……….
I was miserable in my last trimester with my fifth child, who weighed 12 lbs at birth. My son outweighed my sisters twins.
I could barely walk from pelvic pressure, couldn’t fit into my shoes, couldn’t sleep and my skin itched constantly.
My Father came out to stay with us to help us with the other 4 kids.
I can see (if this story is true) where Angelina would be cranky.
It’s not KARMA, it’s pregnancy.
Exactly. Karma is payback for something. She hasn’t done bad things that she needs to be paid back for. She’s just pregnant. Very very pregnant. Hormonal. Grouchy. Been there.
I caught one reference somewhere today to a scheduled c-section next Tuesday – anyone else heard that? That’s over a month before my birthday, dammit! She was supposed to make me famous by having the kids on my birthday! Always wants all the attention for herself, the ungrateful witch.
thanks syko. it´s been really tough. and damn i wish i had salmon! or at least chicken-wings. dang.
Fascinating what hate someone can have for people they only know about through tabloids. None of the rest of us are Angelina and Brad, either- get a grip.
Also, we have no idea if any of this is true. Even if it is, I’d be pretty damn cranky if I thought I might explode with my next deep breath, dispersing babies all over my hospital room.
Lola hates angelina, friggin’ get over it people and consentrate on more important things. It is pathetic how people famous or not are attacked on this website for not liking or giving negative opinions about angelina. If no one aggrees with lola state so in a diplomatic way, no need for insults. Grow up and act like adults. Lola has a right to post here regardless if it is liked or not.
try and think about others reactions when you comment about angelina so people won’t attack you so harshly.
Anni, where are you? I’m on my way with a to-go order of Hooters!
WTF – People attack Lola harshly because she makes insane remarks, wishing death and illness on people, claiming to know every detail of their lives. She comes on with harshness, so she gets harshness back. The people here are mostly really nice. I have often disagreed with something that was said, and have not been attacked for disagreement. We could care less if she disagrees, it’s the amazingly stupid remarks and the bitterness and hatred that nobody is inclined to tolerate.
germany. they´d be really cold the time they get here, i am afraid
but thanks honey.
Hmm, the staff is starstuck and not attentive enough. I would think if they were star struck the would come when she called.
I’m glad celebitchy posted the article, because its not even close to the impression that they give to garner a pro Brangie response.
At first I thought gee they should be giving her special diet if she’s having complications. But as is turns out she wants food not even on the menu.
It would be hard for her to stay put. It’s probably why Brad took her there, to keep her still.
wtf: so lola can throw temper tantrums but the rest of us are expected to be adults? what’s the fun in that?
tabloid stories or no, the reality is that angelina is in france, cosseted in a very nice hospital with a beautiful view. she is loved by brad and their children. she is expecting two more beautiful babies any day now. she’s allowed to be miffy and prone to food cravings because– that’s the way pregnant women are. all in all, angelina is extraordinarily blessed. karma must be repaying her for all the good she’s done the last few years! 😉
Can’t wait to see what she names Blob 2 and Blob 3!
@WTF – I know where you’re coming from, but maybe you have a higher tolerance level for pure spite because that’s at the heart of all her posting. If you’re happy to ignore her, fine, but some of us draw the line at a particular point and she always takes things to a really nasty, offensive place. So while it may not offend you, it does offend others, which is why we respond. Not out of AJ love, 🙄 just out of common decency. I couldn’t give a flying f*k otherwise.
Anyway, Lola likes the attention – so much in common with her arch enemy.
Thank you WTF,
Last I checked, freedom of speech is alive and active. I hate Angelina Jolie, I have never been unclear about that. I have never wished her illness or death. I never wish that on any one.
Like those of you who fawn over her, I have a right to hate her for reasons I have stated before and I do not want to repeat. I have my opinion and you have yours. To me she is an evil vile, pretentious woman and as syko says she will get what she gives. FYI many many people hate this woman.
I find this article funny. I find the whole Brangelina debacle a circus. But I love a circus. There are many celebrities I don’t like but Angelina has a special place in the cold part of my heart.
I enjoy hating her because undoubtedly she is going to self destruct and there is no pleasure like seeing someone you don’t like self destruct. To me Angelina is no better than Mugabe they are both evil people, one is blatant, the other is pretentious.
I have never attacked anyone’s views. If you want to worship her feel free, Hilter still has fans to this day, doesn’t mean we all have to follow suit! 🙄
Nobody is worshipping Angelina or Brad. We’re just appalled at the hatred and bitterness. That said, I am done with the Jolie-Pitt posts. You can’t reason with lunatics, and I’m giving up on trying.
While you’re thanking WTF for feeling we are too harsh on you, please don’t overlook his caveat to you – think before you speak.
I think predicting a drug overdose in a 5yr old’s future counts as wishing illness or death on someone.
But, of course, thats just my opinion
Syko, I think before I speak… write. Sometimes I write very fast because I don’t want to spend too much time on her. For the last few days, I have even avoided her threads because my negative energies were suspended for a spell. But this post was too funny to miss. She said she loved being pregnant. One of the few women who do according to her, such delusions 🙄
Brangeloonies want this woman canonised and that is why they attack anyone who is not worshipping her. I refuse to worship her and I am entitled to my views.
Wow Lola, comparing Angelina to Hitler and Mugabe? 😯
It doesn’t especially since it is a realistic view since he is in showbusiness, his mother was a heroin addict and his father campaigns for the legalisation of Marijuana. Every year he adds two siblings. Try to keep 6 teenagers off drugs when their parents are these two selfish super losers.
But time will tell and I hope we are all still here. Of course Maddox and the other kids are innocent and I hope they end up well, but that is too much to hope for.
My point was, just because you are adopted by two attention seeking individuals, doing it purely for their image and egos doesn’t mean life is for the better. Infact, I would rather they sponsored these kids while they are still with their living relatives since most of them still have grandparents. But then, they would not have brochures to remind us of their ‘generosity and kindness’.
Geeze – I don’t care who you are, it’s got to suck being that pregnant and having to be on bedrest, away from your family, and not knowing when it’s all going to end. Pregnancy isn’t very comfortable towards the end anyway, I can’t imagine being that small of a frame with that much baby taking over my body.
I hope she gives birth soon to healthy babies and can get back about her life. Although I’m sure she has enjoyed the break from having her every move photographed, it’s amazing how her every breathe is still scrutinized.
Lola, it’s a shame your mother never taught you to keep your mouth shut if you didn’t have something nice to say. I assume you’re one of those ghastly people who insist on discussing politics and finances at the dinner table as well. You don’t have to love these celebrities, but we’d all be more convinced of your stance if you could be a slight bit more respectful and stop acting like a jealous child throwing a fit.
sorry lola, but your posts make you look more and more stupid. just plain stupid.
Lola, I think it’s simply ridiculous to have so much hatred for someone you’ve never met or even had a conversation with. Get a hobby, babe. Gossip blogs are a passtime as it’s only natural human curiousity to see what goes on in other peoples’ lives. If you can’t differentiate between passtime and reality, then you should probably go see a psychologist.
I’m a student nurse. Thankfully I haven’t had to work in the maternity ward YET. I haven’t worked up that far in my skills. But I have heard from my colleagues that if a woman isn’t grumpy or in pain, then she’s had an epidural. I don’t know about you, but I would be fierce uncomfortable with someone’s head or feet on my cervix. And I would definitely be a bitch. Not going to lie.
Now on the other side of it, I do take a lot of abuse from patients and it’s mentally draining. But I have these two best friends, they are called compassion and understanding..and they make my job a LOT easier. I know they aren’t treating me bad because they just feel like it, a lot of them are sick, scared, in pain, or worse case scenario…dying.
Now, continue to judge Angie, Lola. But as long as you continue to sit here moping and bitching and hating her, you’ll never make anything useful of your life.
Just telling it like I see it.
@Lola, labor pains are called ‘life’ not Karma. I was mostly annoyed by the gloating nature of your post, venom dripping from every chosen word.
She thought she would get pregnant, tote around her belly for photo ops and milk it for publicity….
And you got inside her head HOW?
It doesn’t especially since it is a realistic view since he is in showbusiness
I completely disagree, but I’m sure that goes without saying. First of all, Maddox isn’t in show business. He is a little boy whos parents are in show business. But I’m sure that point is up for debate too. Second, just because someone tries an illegal substance doesn’t mean that they will OD. And third, it is just as likely that he will look at the jillions of people in hollywood who have lost their careers and/or lives to drugs & choose to never touch them.
Did anyone see the episode of South Park last night where a head lice needed a new home and eventually found it on Angelina Jolie’s crotch? Too funny!
I had to spend the night in the hospital following the birth of my son, and by the next morning, I was insane with boredom. My usually mellow husband nearly decapitated one of the nurses for taking three hours to summon a wheelchair to shuttle me to the parking lot. At one point, we even tried to escape on foot, but were cornered by staffers and sent back to the room. It sucked.
At some point, Lola’s rants seem less like hatred and more like jealousy… that she can’t be with Angelina.
People please don’t let yourselves get tricked so easily into fake arguements. Lola and Bodhi are the same person and she is laughing at all of you for playing into her game. I know this for a fact! She doesn’t really hate Angelina, she just likes messing with all of you!
Um, no. We most assuredly are not the same person…
but she knows it for a FACT!!111eleven
Who in the hell do she think she is? If she feels that she is being mistreated, then that is what the f–k she get for stealing J. Aniston’s husband. With her big lipped @ss! She needs to suck it up because no one at the hospital skeeted two babies up in her. Jennifer Aniston’s husband did! 😡
🙄 🙄
Ms. Aniston, I mean Savanah, You can’t steal someone who was never yours.
OK, I can’t resist. Exactly how do you steal someone’s husband with your big lipped ass? I don’t have ANY lips on my ass. I’m jealous! Trust Angie to monopolize all the ass lips!
Nobody owns their spouse. If the spouse leaves, it is because they choose to do so. Skeeted the babies up in her? Classy, babe! It wasn’t Jennifer Anuston’s husband who did it…he hasn’t been Jen’s husband for a long time. And if you’ve noticed, Jen is busy making a fool of herself over yet another man. Probably doesn’t even notice Brad’s gone.
And if you want to hate on people, it’s not really kind to pick physical features that they can’t help. Angie has had those lips since she was a child, Shiloh has the same lips. They can’t help it. So go make fun of paraplegics, or something.
How ridiculous. I have no special affection for “Brangelina” but the hatred that Lola is spewing is abnormal. It’s one thing to not particularly like a celebrity (for me, it’s Willie Nelson. Just can’t stand him), but this is going into another category all together. It is just not normal for someone to have such a strong hatred for people they have never met. I mean, this Lola person seems to be making up “facts” on her own and then using them against A & B. I think Lola needs some psychological counseling.
Why does celebitchy always spin the Angelina Jolie stories like she’s a saint or something? Angel Angelina is quite capable of rudeness and meltdowns, like everyone else.
How, exactly, did JayBird spin the story?
Sorry Daisy, but Brad was married to Jennifer, So he was her husband. He’s not Angie’s husband.
Nor is he Jennifer’s. That’s over. Long time ago. Move on. Jen has plenty of men in her life. New ones every week! She’s a goddess!
The Golden Showers Goddess…
Its definitely hot in here. May be Angelina Jolie herself is Lola and just likes messing with you and having her threads long. She is sick you know, kissed her brother, vials of blood and all that. Isn’t she on her computer 24/7 now?
I don’t like Angelina much. Never have never will. Her hype which she thrives on will eventually die down. That will be good for all of us mere mortals.
Ewwwwww, that last picture, they both look ugly………….. 😡
Man this is the best Brangelina thread yet!!! Good entertaining read. No, Steph I didn’t see that South Park episode but I had to laugh when I read your description. Anyways,,,carry on.
Shit, when I was hugely pregnant with ONE baby (that weighed nine pounds btw) I was pissier than hell. I just wanted her OUT OF ME. NOW. I couldn’t get a proper deep breath, I hadn’t seen my feet in weeks, I wasn’t comfortable in ANY position, EVER, I would eat two bites of food and feel full, but then I was hungry ten minutes later, you name it, I was dealing with it.
Add another baby in there, and being hospital-bound and you can bet I’d have been crankier than hell.
Those of you who seem to take such pure unadulterated disturbing joy in tearing up these people, I’ve got a few things to remind you of:
You? Are not Jennifer Aniston.
The guy who cheated on you? Was not Brad Pitt.
The other woman? Was not Angelina Jolie.
Please go for counseling and stop projecting your sad tired old bitter issues on these people, whom you don’t know and have nothing to do with you.
Oh Jennifer’s back! I mean, Savannah! Nice to see you Jenn–er, “Savannah.”
I’ve been avoiding these Brangelina threads because they get too far out of control. However, I feel compelled to make this comment… Please, please people… think about what you’re saying/typing before you say/write it. For every single individual who has jumped on Lola for expressing her opinion (whether you consider it rational or not), you are clearly no better than that which you profess to dislike. I see Lola being jumped on for her ‘hateful comments’, but in return you have all jumped on her with the same intensity – with comments that are just as mean and vile as those you claim to have taken offense at.
My point – please live and let live. I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about A Jolie or Brad Pitt… don’t respect them, don’t care for them… but I don’t wish them harm either.
Last…I hope the babies are well.
savanah, it is obvious jennifer has gotten over her issues with brad and angelina, do the same. Don’t give people reasons to believe you are crazy and make fun of you.
I don’t hate Angelina Jolie. I hate her fans. Their IQ and EQ are below Maddox.
That’s why I stopped posting on the Brangelina threads long time ago. I suggest you should do the same. Stop wasting your time. Life is precious. There are better things to do.
Have a good day.
People make smarmy comments on celebrities. It’s a celeb gossip site, after all.
However, with those handful who have a huge hate-on for Angelina Jolie, it’s like she personally killed their first born child and then burned their house down. They act as if, in other words, she actually DID SOMETHING to them. Their hatred is that intense and that *personal.* (Which always makes me think someone cheated on them and left them and they’re projecting those feelings onto this couple–and disproportionately onto Angelina, of course.)
And that tends to creep people out, to be honest. It’s like a real-life conversation in which people are just sort of mentioning gossip, talking about things, maybe laughing about stuff, “oh did you hear?” and “wow, sixteen million?” and then one person chimes in with this horribly loud hate-filled inappropriate angry speech that ends with them wiping the flecks of spittle off their mouth and everyone looking around uncomfortably. It’s WEIRD, that’s what it is. Weird.
That’s why I say in all sincerity I think the issues aren’t with Angelina at all, but within those posters who seem to live for A&B posts so they can bang out long hate-filled diatribes, wishing for them all kinds of horrible things. I mean to say–counseling of some sort seems to be in order.
Inevitably they claim not to give a shit about A&B but if that were really true, they wouldn’t have such a huge emotional investment in them. They wouldn’t spark such incredible anger in them. They’d be indifferent. But we can see they’re not. Every. Single. Time. In every single A&B thread.
Come on, A&B haters–PROVE you don’t care about them by ignoring them completely. It’ll be good for your emotional health, if nothing else.
(I think I’ll save this and post it every time there’s an A&B entry, just as a reminder. Think CB will mind?)
Lola, if you believe in Karma so much, I hope you enjoy it when it comes and bites you in the ass…HARD.
As to Angie…to quote Keith Urban…She’s “very very very very VERY” pregnant. Add that to being placed on bed rest, carrying not one, but TWO squirming, kicking, hiccuping, contraction inducing little monsters and you’d get one hormonal beast of a woman. I only had ONE in my belly each time I was pregnant, but I definitely was a card carrying member of the Heinous Pregnant Bitch Club!
Having had twins and been on mandatory bed rest in the hospital for 3 months, I’ll have to cut her a slack for her moodiness.
Everyone knows that multiple births increase hormone production…not including additional medication given to help the babies’ bodies thrive in case of pre-term births, e.g. steroids for lung developement. She may even be on medication to stop pre-term labor, which could be taken orally or subcutoneous (sorry if i spelled that incorrectly).
So, between all possible medications, changes in her body (personally understands the not being able to breathe due to the babies’ positioning pushing up on the diaphram (lack of oxygen cuts down on the brain’s ability to think rationally,too), medications that may irritate the body, and the sense of guilt of wanting your children to have as long inside the womb while you really want those stinkers out here now…*shrugs* how can you not cut her some slack? If a can of tuna (laughs..i know it wasn’t from a can) soothes her and helps the babies have one more day inside, then what’s the bigger picture here? I don’t think anyone would wish possible harm to come to any newborn regardless of who are the parents.
Okay. I am one of the nicest, most laid-back and unpretentious people on the planet. However…When I was in the hospital to give birth, I was cranky, too. The food SUCKED. If I had money, I would’ve demanded catered food, too. That’s not bitchy. That’s simply something anyone would do if they had the means. Instead of yelling at the hospital staff to go and get me something edible, I yelled at my poor husband and HE went out to get it.
The nurses who were not careful with me got attitude from me. When I asked for ice and they didn’t bring it for 3 hours, I called to complain, and I wasn’t nice about it. I was hot and in pain and I wanted ice for my water. I couldn’t go get it myself and I wanted it NOW. So…you know, lazy nurses maybe…not lazy Angelina.
The nursery staff that didn’t follow my directions caught crap from me as well. My kid, my delivery, my pain, and 30 thousand plus dollars they were getting paid to facilitate my difficult delivery at their facility. I don’t feel that I was being unduly rude.
Women in that position, no matter who they are, are going to be uncharacteristically cranky, impatient, frustrated, and volatile.
Give the woman a break. And…Ms. Jolie…next time, don’t have your kid in France. Pick a more loving and family-oriented culture. Ha ha ha. Maybe then the hospital staff won’t call up a tab rag to complain before bringing you a pitcher of ice water and calling you a caterer.
having another being growing inside you is uncomfortable, not to mention two babies. besides the point of the anticipation of seeing them for the first time and the ennui of being bedridden… i’d be grumpy as friggin hell too.
I’m on your side. I don’t care what brangeloony fans think. People should accept that you and I are entitled to our own opinion and that what they think don’t really matter to us.