Jared Leto, 39, has no plans to settle down and stop wearing dresses


Whenever I see Jared Leto with a blue mohawk, wearing a skirt and goth makeup, I can’t help but think: this guy is my age. I grew out of my blue hair days years ago. Part of me is a little envious that Jared can be Peter Pan; the other part thinks, “Dude, get a job.” The royalties for My So-Called Life can’t be that great.

He is still gorgeous, though.

And according to Details magazine, he’s a bona fide rock star. He is the lead singer for the band 30 Seconds to Mars.

Q: In concert you wear eyeliner, crazy hairstyles, elaborate outfits. Do you regard it as another acting gig?

A: No, no, no. As a musician, it’s about revealing more of who you really are. I’m not handed a script with dialogue; there’s no cinematographer or editor. I’m not so interested in creating a persona. There have been shows where I’ve been very plain and shows where I’ve worn a dress. I’ve got a skirt on right now. I was in Japan and all the busboys were wearing them.

Q: You’ve gone out in public in drag.

A: I walked down Madison Avenue in a spaghetti-strap tank top and black-fringe wig, and I thought that I would pass with flying colors, but I didn’t. My shoulders were too big. My jaw was too big. I was just trying to disappear. It wasn’t like I was getting in touch with my inner transvestite, which I’m sure is inside of us all somewhere.

Q: You turn 39 this month. Any plans to settle down?

A: I don’t really believe in settling down. That term implies that the current path I’m on isn’t valid. It’s not always about living your life the way people have lived before you.

Q: You and Kanye West recorded a song together called “Hurricane,” which is in part about persecution. Did you bond over all your haters?

A: I see Kanye as a fellow artist. I think there’s a connection there, but I don’t think it’s about feeling persecuted. It doesn’t matter if you’re President Barack Obama or Bono or the Pope — there’s someone out there who wants to f*ck you and someone who wants to kill you.

[Details, print edition, December 2010]

Jared recently pulled a Kanye-style tantrum when he thought MTV was banning the video for “Hurricane.” Silly boy, don’t you know MTV doesn’t play videos anymore?

30 Seconds To Mars frontman Jared Leto has lashed out at MTV and then later relented over the “banning” the bands latest video “Hurricane”…

“Hurricane” is a 13-minute mini-movie.

MTV decided to ban the video just hours before the network had promoted its premiere because of “indecent material”.

Jared Leto initially let loose on his blog about the reasons why MTV had made its decision, one being that at “09:17 – Woman’s finger running over other woman’s bottom in G-string and touching anus”.

He later withdrew his criticism of MTV stating that “there are some edits that need to be made, there is some footage that remained in the cut that was, I guess, overlooked”.

MTV released a statement to say they had not banned the video.

[Undercover News]

Jared apparently doesn’t have the same fond memories of My So-Called Life that I have.

Q: As Jordan Catalano on My So-Called Life, you became an iconic nineties crush for sensitive, smart alterna-girls. Was there a downside?

A: I didn’t notice that stuff. I was just grateful to have the work. It was a very short period of time in my life. It was 17 episodes, and I barely spoke.

Q: After that you took darker roles, from a heroin addict in Requiem for a Dream to Lennon’s murderer, Mark David Chapman, in Chapter 27. Did you feel the need to ugly yourself up to be taken seriously?

A: I didn’t want to take on really corny movies that focused on people’s looks, if that’s what you mean. My heroes were Christopher Walken, Dennis Hopper, Sean Penn, Daniel Day-Lewis. Those are the actors I thought, “Wow, those guys are pushing themselves as far as they can go.”


At least Jared is keeping true to himself, whether you like his music or not. Whenever I see Claire Danes advertising the eyelash growth medication Latisse, a small part of me dies inside.

Details doesn’t ask the question I’m curious about: Will Jared return to acting? According to IMDB, he has nothing new on his acting plate, but a film he did called Mr. Nobody recently won an award at the European Film Awards.

The other question is what starlet is he currently with? The man has dated Cameron Diaz, Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johannson and probably Paris Hilton, after all. I doubt he’s with a civilian.

Whether those questions get answered or not, this post is really just one big excuse for CB to post a bunch of pics of the still pretty Jared Leto.



Photo note by Kaiser: Header courtesy of Jared’s Twitter. Additional pics courtesy of WENN.

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37 Responses to “Jared Leto, 39, has no plans to settle down and stop wearing dresses”

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  1. Shannon says:

    <3 Jared. Hate on him all you want, I’m sure there will be plenty of it. But he dances to the beat of his own drum and makes no apologies for it. That’s rare in Hollywood and I think something worth appreciating.

    I went to a 30 Seconds to Mars concert a few years ago and it was awesome. Small venue and everything, so the band interacted with the fans and stayed after to chat and take pictures and sign things, which was really sweet of them. They weren’t at all pretentious. Just nice guys having a good time.

  2. Xx says:

    Too skinny. Looks like a buff heroin addict. Yuck

  3. Obvious says:

    He’s 39?!?!?!? he still looks so much younger than that! and damn he is hot. blue hawk, pink hawk, rainbow hawk with black polka dot, doesn’t matter, he’s still so on my freebie 5.

  4. devilgirl says:

    He bores me and his music sucks!

  5. scotchy says:

    his band is awful, really awful. i played a festival that he was at and he was a total diva, without the actual musical chops to match. i have no respect for this clown. this was a couple years ago, perhaps they have improved, but i have a hard time believing that his attitude has.

  6. bellaluna says:

    This is why I said Ke-dollar sign-ha needed to be photographed next to him. The two of them standing next to one another, in all their “fashion” fuckery would be priceless.

  7. Patrice says:

    Jordan Catalano forever! (also LOVE 30 Seconds To Mars <3 <3) Sigh, still dreamy after all this time : )

  8. mln76 says:

    Oh I wish he would act again. It must be hard for him to get interesting roles because he still hasn’t grown out of his boyish looks despite the blue hair/mohawks. But being one of those “sensitive, smart alterna-girls” who will always see him as Jordan Cordalano I am saying with love that the rock star thing isn’t working for him.

  9. anti says:

    at least he’s honest. i appreciate his example. i’m sure folks would rather know what they are getting into!

  10. Patrice says:

    I also love that line he makes about no matter who you are “someone out there who wants to f*ck you and someone who wants to kill you” If yoou think about it, that sh*t holds pretty true (although hopefully for most of us no one actually wants to end our lives…lol)

  11. becky says:

    Jared’s comment about My So Called Life is too funny! He’s soooo right. But show me a girl my age who doens’t sigh when she heas the name Jordan Catalano

    As to staying true to yourself… unless you personally know Claire Danes you should hold her no higher standards than George Clooney and the other huge stars who all do commercials, even if its only overseas. Nobody thinks George Clooney isn’t true to himself for promoting coffee, is eyelash growing shit that anti feminist or something? Its not like she’s Angela Chase, you know?

    AND 39? oh man
    btw he broke it off w Lohan cuz he couldn’t stand all the paps she always brought, he specifically dumped her on those grounds she said so herself. as to his friendship w Ebola who the fuck knows… but that’s got reflect even more poorly on him than Chelsea’s friendship on Jen A!

  12. padiddle says:

    the supposed music he makes is cringe worthy. And the “i’m so original, wah wah” emo thing is extremely tired in general, but particularly for a man of almost 40. I don’t think it’s “being true to yourself” when you didn’t start dressing or acting that way until you wanted to get attention for your band.

  13. Rex says:

    padiddle – totally agree!

  14. Solveig says:

    This is the LESS stupid he has looked in years, so I guess it’s an improvement.
    Now, if only he’d stop pretending to be a musician…

  15. hairball says:

    If he’s not hurting anyone, I guess it’s ok…..

    Matching your hair to your shoes and luggage…that makes you edgy? Sort of just makes you look like a smurf.

  16. clorismetchum says:

    lord, the things i would do to this man. i don’t care if his hair is blue, pink, yellow….whatever. hell, the carpet could even match the drapes for all i care. mmmmmmmm…i wouldn’t let him come up for air. gorgeous. DELISH.

  17. ziggy says:

    he’s handsome. beautiful eyes.

  18. Alarmjaguar says:

    Thanks, Kaiser, I totally hate those Lattise commercials – may turn your eyes a darker color, hello, who in their right mind would put anything near there eyes that might do that (and who knows what else)!

    As for JL, good for him for marching to his own drum.

  19. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Wow he still sounds like every 15 year old I know. I’m sorry growing up isn’t about following anyone else’s path but it is about maturing and growing and learning. If you haven’t changed in 14 years it’s not cause you’re hardcore and still fighting the man it’s cause you’re a child and you refuse to grow up.

    I’m so with Paddidle on this one. I’ll give him that he was good on Requiem for a Dream.

  20. beth says:

    he prolly swings every which way. like my boyfriend, james franco. and i dont really care. very kewl when people just be what they need to be πŸ™‚

  21. padiddle says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks he is immature. I was beginning to feel like an old fart πŸ˜‰

  22. WYIJM says:

    I watched Requiem for a Dream earlier tonight, and right now, I’m in love with Jared Leto.

  23. kelly says:

    As much as I don’t enjoy his music and don’t find him hot, I have to admit a few things; he sure can sing, plays a moderate guitar and is a past-muster actor so I can’t go hard with the hating. Being the same age and in the same sort of place, life-wise, I too get the ‘when are you going to grow up/breed/be normal?’ arse talk from more vanilla types and find it irritating beyond belief, so Im totally feeling his reaction to those kind of questions.
    You are NEVER too old to dye your hair a fucktard colour, dress stupidly or tool around without encumberances, dammit! It doesn’t have to be as hot-topicesque perhaps as JL, but I fully support his refusal to conform to expectation. So there.

  24. Marin says:

    i loved his thoughtful and sincere answers. Very intelligent and true. Anyone who disagrees is jealous

  25. Bitter fruit says:

    ^ the argument of an imbecile.

    What a poser. Trying so desperately hard to look indifferent πŸ˜€

  26. mollination says:

    I think he’s incredibly talented both in the acting arena as as a musician. He’s not boring; he’s got something different to say for once. I adore him. And I want to f*ck him as he mentioned. πŸ˜‰

  27. Az says:

    This article is Reason No. 5557 to hate Jared Leto. He is such a douche.

  28. icantbelievethis says:

    I love the blue hair b/c it inspired the best comment ever by Michael K:
    ‘Jared is looking like a Q-tip used for Smurfette’s pap smear. WHY! WHY! WHY!’

    I was surprised but I like 30 Seconds to Mars.

  29. Zelda says:

    While I do think he is a douche on a large-scale, I have to side with him on the “settling down” issue.

    I will scream if one more person asks me when I am going to “settle down.” I really like my life and have zero desire to buy a house or breed. I think people who ask you that question do so just to justify their own lives. As though my responding “soon” or “I want to” will make them feel better for having done it themselves. I can say that answering “I don’t want to” seems to make people very uncomfortable.

    Frankly, I like no mortgage, no kids and no plans. And so does my partner. Asking me when I’m going to do what you have done is just as rude as my asking you why you didn’t make my life choices. I don’t assume you want my life, don’t assume I want yours.

  30. Judicilous says:

    He use to be sooo good looking. He is so feminine (and blue) now that I find him utterly unattractive.

  31. HakuraChii says:

    @Bitter Fruit- “^ The argument of an imbecile.”

    I’m with you on that one. xD I guess this guy’s hayday was a bit before my time (i’m 24), or I just never saw whatever movies he was in. He certainly *looks* odd. Personally I think the bastardization of goth & punk went out quite some time ago (thank god), so this look does nothing for me.

  32. Shay says:

    his blue shoes match his hair!
    how cute!

  33. ChrisK says:

    Muahahaha Have been following this blog now for a while and I really LOVE your posts! This one especially! Keep it up.

  34. Natasha says:

    I personally really like 30 seconds to mars. I think he’s got a nice voice and I enjoy the music.

  35. truthzbetta says:

    Hot! But it is ridiculous to try to be a child forever. If your hair is blue your age better start with a 1 or a 2. The narcissist thing is sick and sad, not artistic.

    He’s still so naturally hot and sweet, I wish he’d get in touch with his true self and inner sweet hotness, instead of his “inner trannie” and perma child. But love Leto.

  36. Yo says:

    What’s with the “cliche” comments and ridiculous stereotypes? So many people projecting their own idea of how one “MUST” act/live/look/talk at a certain age/state/place, etc… You are just narrowminded morons, mad that some people live by their own rules and rock it.
    And there’s nothing wrong not to accept the stupid cliches about “growing up” (and becoming another boring bitter looser) and livin’ like you are yuong forever (esp. when you do look like that).

  37. Damon says:

    Conformists always hate people who are brave enough to be individuals and do their own thing.

    Jared isn’t immature, a douche, a narcissist, a poser or any of the other insults you have thrown at him.

    You are just too afraid to be different. Too afraid to be yourselves. So instead you make fun of those who have the courage that you lack.