I wanted to report on the National Enquirer’s “Angie’s violent rages at Shiloh” cover story complete with a photo of a crying Shiloh and the subtitle “The screaming and slapping.” The “slapping” is a photo of Maddox looking like he’s about to smack his brother Pax at the airport (photo here) while Angelina is clearly telling them to knock it off. The “screaming” is Shiloh having a tantrum, and I think most of us moms know that happens. As for Angelina’s “violent rages” the Enquirer doesn’t even suggest that she abuses her kids or is in any way violent, just that she loses her temper and gets annoyed when her kids act out. The only concrete example they have is her telling Shiloh to “get it together.” I know it’s typical of the Enquirer to run bait and switch covers to move copies, but since this one implies abuse I think it’s really uncalled for. Here are the relevant excerpts:
“Angie’s nerves are frayed and she’s at her breaking point,” an insider told the Enquirer.
“Angie is trying to be the perfect mom who effortlessly juggles six kids, a hectic film schedule, humanitarian work and constant globe-trotting.
“But it’s not easy. Behind closed doors, she can be very impatient and have a hair-trigger temper. Sometimes Angie snaps and unleashes a torrent of fury on the often unruly kids…”
While recently in Paris… an overstressed Angelina unloaded on Shiloh after the blonde tomboy threw a temper tantrum. It was planned as a fun, carefree girls-only day at the Aquarium de Paris on Nov. 30, but fussy Shiloh pushed Angie to her breaking point.
“On the ride over, the usually carefree Shiloh was whiny and belligerent,” revealed the insider.
“The kids’ sleeping schedules are out of whack from constant travel and trying to adjust to different time zones, so Shiloh was worn out…”
The actress was teetering on the bring of a meltdown when her minivan pulled up to a side entrance of the aquarium with a misbehaving Shiloh.
“A fed up Angie growled at her daughter, ‘Get it together – NOW,'” said the insider.
“Angie wanted to make a picture perfect exit from the car, but Shiloh was being disagreeable. A few minutes later as they came out of the van, Shiloh looked like she had been crying.
“She is the most sensitive of the kids, and she’s also daddy’s little girl. While Brad always coddles her, Angie is far more stern.”
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, December 20, 2010]
That’s it? Are you kidding me? Angelina told Shiloh to “get it together” and that’s a “violent rage”? Photos of that Aquarium drop off are here, and Angie looks pissed but Shiloh looks fine. The article goes on to say that their house is chaotic and “it is as if the kids are always kicking, punching, slapping and screaming at one another. With Maddox and Pax as the alpha dogs of the brood, fighting and roughhousing are the norm.” They also state that Brad is “calm and collected” and “always picks up the pieces after Angie’s rampages.” There is no other example of Angie’s alleged temper other than those two incidents, one where she told Shiloh to get it together and another where she told Maddox not to smack Pax. (Both have mild photographic ‘evidence’ as shown in the story.)
Here’s what I think – The Enquirer has a photo of Shiloh crying for whatever reason (kids cry) and another photo of Maddox looking like he’s playfully smacking Pax. (Kids act out.) Angie looks annoyed and fed up, as any mom with six kids would be. This article is all speculation and filling in the blanks, and they’re making normal kid stuff sound ominous while playing on the perception that Angie is a nasty out of control person behind closed doors. I doubt they know more than anyone else about her. Even in these allegations, there’s nothing “violent” suggested.
Here are photos of Angelina out with the kids in NY on 12/7/10. Credit: Fame Pictures. Header via CoverAwards
It annoys me greatly when magazines like the National Enquirer omit cover information to get people to buy their crap magazines. In Australia, we don’t have vending machines for these magazines and thankfully people can read them in the supermarket checkout queue, put them back on the shelf and not be suckered into buying the rubbish.
Forget the 6 kids. Show me a mother whose patience isn’t stretched with one kid, let alone six. So multiply the tension/stress by 6, then add how many paparazzos to the mix. Angelina is doing quite well considering. I would have expected more aggro facial expressions from her. But she manages quite well. If it was me, I’d look like the Wolf Man.
Oi. Even the most even tempered of women get annoyed with their children. I have 1, and sometimes he drives me insane. I can’t even imagine 6!! Anyways, I don’t buy the Enquirer for a reason.
The NE has sunk to a new low.
I have a feeling like the other story NE did early in the year about the twins health it’s based on FF threads (the first time they actually sourced FF). There are some really despicable people on that board who have lost all of their marbles and have the most psycho theories about the JPs.
Angie is an enigma (which is exactly what she wants to be as it promotes her feminine mystique). Her celebrity defies the apple pie and motherhood image but her persoanl life (which she promotes with these photo ops) appears to relish it. She is a woman of many dimensions.
I ‘m not the Angelina’s biggest fan, but this is bullshit: kids cry, scream, fall,beat each other and are able to drive anyone insane.
the implication of abuse is disgusting.
agree that even the most patient of parents will, at some point, get annoyed with their children. kids are constantly testing you to see what they can get away with.
these kids look happy and well cared for. I can buy that their house is sometimes hectic, but even with (only) three kids it can get like that.
Another “violent Angelina’s story”??? They seriously need to change topic, it’s getting annoying and boring.
Why do they feel the need to portrait Angie as a violent-insane-hateful woman and Brad as a poor humble man who get stepped on?
They’re dumb as hell.
Anyway kids cry, mother can get pissed and if it’s necessary one slap is good.
Not like that happened, but that would be totally normal.
@ Shay
We have vending machines for tabloids?
@National Enquirer
IF it were true, why would the story about Aretha Franklin NOT be the cover? She gets put in the same lane with the Palins and Marie Osmond? WTF? Wow…
Im not an AJ fan at all, and I don’t believe this story . Its wrong on so many levels, to even imply child abuse to sell magazines is crossing the line….
that’s terrible to imply she’s abusive. if i were angie i’d sue on this one. it’s just pure nastiness.
And I love that you’ve used all those fab happy kid pics to illustrate the story! đ
Man is Chelsea Handler working at The Enquirer? Whats with these two crazy ass stories. They made Angie sound like a total bitch with the mints and JD, and this I can’t even acknowledge. Whatever.
LOL wow So seriously this is gonna be a great weekend. Angie is in a new movie!!!! Saturday I am going to see The Tourist and The Black Swan, its gonna be a good weekend, providing I don’t bust my ass in the snow. I hate snow and ice. đ
@Shay- I have never seen a vending machine for tabloids here in the U.S. I am able to read them in the grocery line just like you.
I’m not a big fan of Angelina as an actor, but as a mother I think she is awesome. She loves and adores her children, but is equally strict and disciplined with them, as any mother should be. I think this article should be “Look how well Angie is able to manage her 6 kids”. If all she has to do is tell a 4 year old to get it together, then she is doing a great job. As for telling the boys not to fight, well that’s just common sense. She may have to raise her voice sometimes, but what mother doesn’t?? It’s better than having spoilt brats running round, acting diva-ish ( Suri Cruise).
I applaude her for being so hands on and involved, and being prepared to make her children have manners.
Good for her!!!
Zahara cracks me up. She always looks like she’s so over it.
My father is this strong, calm, quiet, saint of a man and even HE has lost his temper at times with his three girls.
… and if she did nothing when her children misbehaved than the story would be that she doesn’t care about them and is a bad mother cause she’s more interested in her self than her children. Let’s be honest I’m not gonna defend Angelina and say she’s a great mother, I don’t know shit either way, but this story is stupid and the Enquirer is stupid. Period.
so, i already love angie with the passion of a thousand fiery suns, but if i didn’t, the picture of her with slap-happy maddox and pax would do it. she’s clearly saying ‘stop’ (or possibly ‘shit’), but she’s bending down, bringing herself nearer maddox’s eye-level. that is a ninja!mom skill, engaging closely with your child although you’re trying to shut them down.
Remember that the National Enquirer’s parent company has filed bankruptcy. That means they need to move these rags, so this cover is not a surprise!! They know Angelina won’t (and probably can’t) sue them because the inside story is totally unlike the cover. They know what they are doing and if this particular cover sales a lot of newstand copies, you can bet these types of covers will continue.
@Liana: I hear you, I am my father’s seventh daughter. Being selectively deaf helps a lot.
But you know, this makes me respect her. With six kids you can’t let it turn into total anarchy, inmates running the prison and all that. And if their dad is ‘the Coddler’ then she has to be the disciplinarian. Kudos to her for not being afraid to get sharp wtih them. (I bet when she does you can hear a whip cracking in the backgroud.)
When my sister’s three kids used to start getting too rowdy she would say, ‘I’m going to count to three…’ She rarely ever made it because none of them were willing to risk seeing what would happen!
Absolute cr*p! Honestly its just wrong…
all i’m gonna say is: Brava, Angie! you have such regal bearing. this whole week has been such a bash-fest but i know you’ll come up strong just like a phoenix rising from the ashes! NE is a bonafide asswipe. and i’m talking about from it’s inception.
Not a fan either but this is a crap story.
Well it’s not like she drop-kicked one of them. I’m sure she has her moments where she’d like to.
She should sue. A headline suggesting child abuse is beyond the pale!
With all the daily horrible news at parents torturing and killing their children I’d think Angelina would be the least of anyone’s worries. It’s like a daily story now how parents are burning,starving, beating and locking kids in closets, basements or suit cases. Even if Angelina spoke in a rather harsh tone it’s not neglect. This world is going to sh.t and people are worried about Angelina’s tone? Next week it will be Angelina forces Brad to abuse the children since she’s to weak.
She should totally sue this time.
Some things are just far off the limit.
“Angie is trying to be the perfect mom who effortlessly juggles six kids”! Ha! Now, that one sentence is truly bullsh!t. Perfect? Effortlessly? Nah, there is no such thing, even when you have an army of nannies.
LMAO! LMAO! (wiping tears from my eyes) what?! ok…ok….i just actually read the article. i’ve seen the pics Kaiser was talking about with Shi and Z. AJ was not upset. i believe she was merely keeping a straight face while trying to handle her adorable exuberant kid, Shiloh, who was in new zebra print boots, if i may add… and her precious daughter, Empress Zee…with mom diligence… cos i’ll bet anything the Papz were most definitely all up in their faces, judging by those close-up shots of them.
Lmao! it is hilarious! … ON THE RIDE OVER…an insider… says Shiloh was belligerent…! lol! now that’s just ridiculous.
So when AJ got to her destination she told everyone there that Shiloh had been acting out, cos unless the insider is their driver/bodyguard, i’ve NEVER seen Angie/Brad and the kids ride with any one else who would run their mouth. don’t they say she doesn’t HAVE any FRIENDS? LMAO! NE. it’s good your cover doesn’t exactly translate well into the inside story… cos that would be too much of an effort on your part.
The tabs keep pushing these types of stories because they believe the average woman wants to see Angelina portrayed as an evil she devil. And since they can’t push the Brad and Angie are splitting rumors for now (happy pictures of them pouring in everyday), they have to do the “Angie hates Shiloh/is turning her into a lesbian” storyline. It’s so stupid and tired.
Susan: Well itâs not like she drop-kicked one of them. Iâm sure she has her moments where sheâd like to.
LOL! Been there, done that. Haven’t we all?
Here’s what I think: Angie has too many kids for her lifestyle, that includes a demanding career. Luckily, Angie also has a boatload of nannies. The kids are probably bratty because their lifestyle is so nomadic and chaotic. There isn’t much stability in that household, it seems, just from reading about their living here and there and everywhere, always moving.
I wouldn’t put her up for mother of the year…but ….Who knows if she’s abusive or not.
I do know the NE broke the John Edwards infidelity story and sources their stories pretty well to avoid libel.
I post this comment yesterday on another web site and after reading this post it only prove my point even more.
“There is no point for paparazzi to get really close to any celebrity children when they have long lenses unless they what to see what kind of reaction the can get out of both parents and child. When celebrity parents flip out on the paparazzi or they get a photo of a child being scared or crying, tabloid magazineâs take those photos twist facts and make it into something its not to sell magazines. OK magazine, US Weekly, Star magazine, national enquirer and Daily Mirror all do it that these and made up stories are the bread and butter for these trash magazines they wouldnât truths/facts if it was steering them in the face.”
I have a relative who worked on one of AnJo’s movie sets. She does have a short fuse and tends to get pretty pissy on set. BFD, she’s an actor, they do that. However, if you have 6 kids and don’t feel like wringing their necks most days, I say you never spend time with your kids. Kids are turds. It’s just life, we all deal with it and pray for the rare times when they are really cute.
She seems like a normal, frustrated mother to me. Granted, while I dislike her, so does Kate Gosselin. Having so many kids would stress out Mother Theresa.
The only thing I would even remotely mention as bad parenting is allowing her child to wear the horrid Dudley DoRight jacket… at least she isn’t in jodhpurs and jackboots as well.
Too far. I would be livid. Grounds to sue in my book.
I do know the NE broke the John Edwards infidelity story and sources their stories pretty well to avoid libel.
No, the National Enquirer did not break the John Edwards story. Dozens of news sources knew about Edwards and his mistress but they took the high road and decided not to publish a story. The NE found out, got a photo, paid for an interview of the mistress and then published the story. They didn’t have to do anything to make sure the story was correct because everybody in D.C. already knew it was correct. In fact, the NE’s publisher (a friend of a friend of Elizabeth Edwards) held the story back for several weeks until he was convinced to allow it to be published. So, people need to stop using that Edwards story to legitimize the NE. They are still scum!! And, no they are not “afraid of libel” because it is almost impossible to win a libel/slander suit in the United States.
I have a relative who worked on one of AnJoâs movie sets. She does have a short fuse and tends to get pretty pissy on set.
No one has ever said that Angelina Jolie is “pissy” on her movie sets. No one has ever said she was difficult in any way on set. While I realize that your “relative” is a total insider, I don’t believe a word of it. Actors who are difficult on set are well known to be so because their colleagues tell people about it. I have yet to see any publication say that Angelina is difficult on set and the rags do not hold back on criticism of her.
Middle-aged-diva youâre the reason that these trash magazines write stories like this because youâre so blinded by your dislike of this women you are willing to believe any negative thing that is written about her because that the way you want to see her. I bet you would not feel the same way if they wrote something about so one you like. I myself donât believe anything these trash magazines weather itâs about someone I like or dislike. NE has had Jennifer Gardner, Katie Holmes and Angelina Jolie pregnant 9 or 10 time this year alone and nether of theses women have had a baby yet and for every 2% of stories that turns out to be true there is 98% that are false lies.
Was this story written by someone without children that has never spent time with children? Either the perception of motherhood is completely inaccurate (i.e. from lack of experience) or this tabloid is just straight up lying and should be accountable for libel.
I have two children – 3 and 2 – and let me tell you, I can have a short fuse too….like when they try to claw each other’s eyes out, or when one refuses to get into his/her carseat. My job as the parent is to keep them healthy, teach them boundaries, and protect them. Sometimes that means they aren’t happy and I’m always surprised by the looks I get when I tell my child she has to ride in her carseat (this is a constant battle lately).
I’m dealing with these issues NOW, so I don’t have to deal with them in the teenage years….yet, people look at my like I’ve just ruined my child because I’m not her best friend. She’s two! Yes, she can push my buttons – most children can…and know exactly how to do that. So, to assert abuse allegations here is just completely absurd.
so what? I have two a toddler and baby and it can be nuts. Imagine 6.. NORMAL for her to be annoyed at times. I laughed b/c i said ‘get it together’ to my tantrum prone lil 3 year old son and it’s funny he laughs when i say it and it adds some levity to the stressful scenes. They must have nothing to report then..
Of course you DON’T believe Ms.Lewis! If there is one word of negativity towards AJ, Pitt or their children, it is false as far as you are concerned.
This “obesession” is a little creepy and kind of scary!
MsLewis, the majority don’t believe this bs story. I’m sure if Angelina got anywhere neer out of control and being pi..y they’d have footage. I’ve only heard many praises on the people who’ve worked with her, nothing would sell better than scandal.
Funny that they say Brad is a push over. So if that is the case, why are there never photos of the kids being wild when he is around. There is a great example of his presence just making a big difference. In New Orleans, Maddox and Pax were being silly and playing with an umbrella. Brad just walked up and the rough housing stopped. Pax ran to Angelina for cover and calm was restored..just by Dad showing up, no words were even spoken. Tabloids just can’t seem to accept this couple as being normal with normal sometimes silly children. Angelina must really terrify people as they want to portray her as the wicked witch of the west.
Suing in the US is really hard or others would have done it more by now and since the story does not support the cover, then they would not have much to go on.
Unbelievable! Why do people take pleasure in ripping this woman apart. Her and Brad clearly make their children their top priority.
@mslewis: “No one has ever said that Angelina Jolie is âpissyâ on her movie sets. No one has ever said she was difficult in any way on set.”
Someone just did.
Of course this is BS.. having said that, narcissists have violent outbursts of rage that go on and on.
She looks ridic in those sunglasses while poor kids look like they escaped from circus.
The blond tomboy? What a stupid description.
My son was almost 3 when I learned about counting to 3. He is 22, and LOL it still works. Admittedly, I have no idea what I would do if he did push it, but so far he hasn’t. Can’t recommend it enough. That and a special, time-out only chair.
I think all of these negative stories about Angelina are finally starting to backfire on the tabloids. Because, most people are over the “bermuda triangle” aspect of the story (it’s been 6 years), and are starting to feel sorry at the way Angelina’s been trashed in the press. The Chelsea Handler story being the latest attack. 6 years on the public sees Brad and Angie happily raising their children. And Jen has had plenty of time to find the “happy ending” that much of the public was rooting for her to find.
Shameful. Absolutely shameful. (On the ragmag’s part.)
this is just crap. I’m one of 4 kids, and my poor mum looked fed up and irritated for, oh, about 13 years. because she was dealing with FOUR KIDS. I can’t even imagine 6! kids are brats, parents yell, this is life. what a stupid non-story. Shame on you, NE.
wait, a toddler pushing her parents to the edge; isn’t that pretty much a daily occurence with small children? such a nonstory. but i did find the description about shiloh being a “blonde tomboy” pretty obnoxious. who gives a crap what the kid wears? do we still have to get a fashion rundown on a 3 year old? ugh.
i also think she should sue and if she wins give the money to a children’s charity.
I have no children because I know what an overwhelming experience it can be. You have to have a certain kind of strength to selflessly take care of another human being 24/7 and not lose your sh*t.
Now just imagine being a single parent for whatever reason that may be.
So to all the mom and dads who hang in there and not lose their sh#t while raising your kids the best way you possibly can: I applaud you.
Oh wow. Shiloh got belligerent? What four year old doesn’t? For those of you who haven’t been there yet, four is the I-DON’T-WANNA-AND-YOU-CAN’T-MAKE-ME! stage.
Poor Angie and Brad ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait till they have six teenagers in the house at once.
This is pathetic in that pic they used Shiloh was not crying . I’ve seen the whole set something appeared to be in her eye . No tears. Angie has admitted that her kids have meltdowns , temper tantrums like all kids. Funny thing about this story NE didn’t even bother to post this on their website Wed.Everyone who has met these kids have talked about how well mannered they are. Lastly I think they look adorable all unique and beautiful.As for that story about Aretha this is the tabloid that claimed Swayze had 5 weeks to live he lived 17 months after diagnosis.
You are a clever one, Crash. đ
Kids are going to throw tantrums. Some many times, mine only once. That’s the maximum number I allowed before I turned violent. đ
NOT an Brangelina fan, but please!
“Sometimes Angie snaps and unleashes a torrent of fury on the often unruly kidsâŚâ
I believe this is called “motherhood.” Seriously, anyone who tells you they haven’t lost it as a parent & screamed is either lying thru their teeth or heavily medicated.
âOn the ride over, the usually carefree Shiloh was whiny and belligerent,â revealed the insider.”
This morning my 3 YO, who has a completely normal sleep schedule was whiny & belligerent. Also sobbing uncontrollably- because he couldn’t have Christmas candy at 8AM. People read way, way too much into kids fussiness.
“The actress was teetering on the brink of a meltdown when her minivan pulled up to a side entrance of the aquarium”
Yeah, kids generally wait to bring the crazy until you’re in the car. Why do you think all of our parents used to yell, “If I have to pull this car over!” Not truly a meltdown until you’ve sent yourself to “Mommy time out” in the bathroom. Sobbing. With chocolate.
I am tired of the AJ bashing. Can’t they find a new target?
Love love love the pic of Shiloh grinning. It just makes me happy.
As much as I dislike AJ this really is a non-story. There isn’t a mother out there that hasn’t yelled at their kid for acting up.
Having said that….
I have to shake my head at the loons that somehow think JA and CH are responsible for this. Every bit of bad press is blamed on JA somehow. Are people actually THAT deluded to think this true?
IMO AJ has done way worse things to her children. These kids are going to be some seriously whack out kids with a “mother” like Angie.
@Camille: not as long as bashing Angie sells the magazine.
@devilgirl: One benefit to a long grocery line is you can skim through three or four tabloids and put them back on the rack by the time you get to the checkout counter.
Big ole bad Angelina! She hates her kids, hates Thanksgiving, hates brad’s parents, hates poor little jenny, she kidnapped brad. She’s such a tyrant, bullying and kidnapping people all the time. It’s all her fault!!!11! LOL.
@Cheyenne- Yes! That is what I do.
I see Whamo can’t stay away from AJ articles.Miss you on JJ.Well I’m off to see the Tourist.
. . . or heavily medicated.
I had to laugh at this because I was reminded of my sister, mother of FOUR, who was totally medicated most of the time!! I went over to her house one afternoon and all four brats were running wild while she sat on the couch eating popcorn and smiling! Luckily, they grew up to be lawyers, a doctor and a couple of teachers. And sis is just fine, thankyouverymuch!!!
@ Miss
I hear you but nobody HAS to have 1,3 5 or 6 kids. No kid asked to be born and I’m tired of hearing of all the sacrifice parents have to make.
Parents are irritated? Use a friggin condom or don’t adopt ffs.
Just because someone has a lot of kids doesn’t mean they’re a good parent. I hope for the sake of those children that she knows how to show affection as well as discipline. That seems to be the case, doesn’t it?
Shiloh IS Justin Bieber. I wonder what she thinks when she sees him on tv.
If I had a nickel for every time I’d “lost it” with my kids, I’d be a wealthy woman! : )
mln76: I have a feeling like the other story NE did early in the year about the twins health itâs based on FF threads (the first time they actually sourced FF).
You have GOT to be kidding! They actually used FF as a SOURCE?!!
The people on FF are batshit crazy. When Angie was pregnant with the twins, FF spread rumors all over the internet that her pregnancy was fake and the real mother of the twins was a surrogate. They still swear by that story.
@N: Your two-year-old doesn’t need you to be her best friend. She can choose her best friends when she’s in nursery school. She needs you to be her momma and set some boundaries. Hang in there.
I don’t understand why people believe that Angelina is this evil mother and the kids are out of control animals. I don’t understand how anybody can look at the Paris photos and say Angelina is angry and pissed off. Also Maddox and/or Pax were with them so I don’t see how it was a girls’ day as claimed. Maddox never slapped Pax. If you look at the video he just covered Pax’s mouth. They were playing around and laughing.
What child hasnt been tired and cranky and what mother hasnt been on edge and told their kid to get it together when throwing a tantrum! The Enquirer is really reaching with this story. Im sure its all true because none of it is bad so im not saying they are lying but they are trying to create image of Angelina as an abusive mother when this is just normal parenting.
Does a child even understand what it means to ‘get it together’? No wonder the child was crying. Confusion and disorientation is not healthy for the mind.
There is something absolutely disturbing about accusing a mother of mistreating her child just to sell a magazine. It is unbelievable and disgusting to try to sabotage a mother’s relationship with her children by publishing these fake stories.
@Samantha: Are you saying your mom or dad never told you to “pull yourself together”? GMAB.
Not really a fan but I have heard only good things about AJ on a set. She is usually cordial to everyone and I’ve heard nothing of her being a diva.
And ffs, why has no one mentioned how badass ‘John’ looks as the little nutcracker soldier? Good god that’s a style maven in the making. Adorable!
This is complete and utter bullshit. It IS disturbing that they’d make this sort of accusation just to sell a magazine.
There’s more ‘abuse’ being committed by NE than in the Jolie-Pitt family.
Just being there to know. Sometimes the problem is not WHAT you say to kids, but the WAY you say it.
If I say pretty, but yelling, they will cry… and if I say idiot with a caring and nice voice they will adore! That’s the point.
so sad to pick on the children , i lose it on a daily base with my teenager . the kids seem happy and loved . and the papers should leave the kids be
At least she doesn’t call her lezbo, laugh at that when another adult called her lezbo in the name of comedy saying it’s nothing wrong…
Now THAT is abuse with a capital A from both the one who spout it and those adults who excuse it…and they are millions in that lynching mob doing this to that child !
None of us knows if Angelina Voight is a good mother or not. Certainly not from seeing pictures of her with her children on the street and hearing what she and her paramour say about it. Unless you are a person living in that house, you can’t possibly know if she’s great, average, or terrible. She’s probalby like all of us: good, but many days, unlikely to win any awards for it. I have one and one on the way. I cannot even imagine having six. Although, the team of nannies would help.
I used to carry a wooden spoon in the car to whack my kids when they would fight while I was driving. Thinking back, I am amazed I didn’t crash the car while trying to smack them! I usually missed my mark, and they would end up laughing at me, but at least they quit their fighting!