Cele|bitchy | “Hot Colin Farrell outshines thrust-and-weeper Jim Sturgess” links

“Hot Colin Farrell outshines thrust-and-weeper Jim Sturgess” links


Dashing, rogue Colin Farrell stands next to thrust-and-weeper Jim Sturgess for yet another photo call. [LaineyGossip]
The Garner Dimple Parade is friggin‘ endless. [Celebuzz]
General David Petraeus is Babs Walters’ “Most Fascinating Person”. [PopEater]
Another reason to love Bea Arthur: she was a Marine during WWII! [Dlisted]
The Fighter, reviewed. There seems to be a script problem. [Pajiba]
The Tourist‘s reviews are coming in, and it doesn‘t look good. [Agent Bedhead]
Eva Longoria‘s big night out. With bodyguards. Because she‘s so famous. [Radar]
These babies are not happy to be seen with Oprah. [A Socialite Life]
Cher‘s NIPPLES. If you want to see them. [PopBytes]
Jennifer Garner flashes her butt crack. AGAIN. [Evil Beet]
CNN is made of Fail. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Famous white dudes hittin‘ it with black ladies. SWIRL IT UP. Seriously, I didn‘t know most of these dudes were in interracial couples. IGGY?!? [Bossip]
Chris Brown has a new girlfriend. [ICYDK]
Jon Bon Jovi doesn‘t want to act anymore. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Julia Roberts confronts a paparazzo. [The Blemish]
Classic Playboy photos go up for auction. [Celebslam]
Justin Timberlake was probably just pretending to be sick. [Pop Sugar]




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9 Responses to ““Hot Colin Farrell outshines thrust-and-weeper Jim Sturgess” links”

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  1. Sarah says:

    Damn, Iggy’s woman has got some serious curves. wow, she’s hot.

  2. nexgo says:

    Ohhh yeah, a hot Colin!

    Poor Angelina … but you have Brad, hahaaa!

  3. heatheradair says:

    I really wanna tackle colin with my concealer wand and make those forehead zits a little less obnoxious.

    and also: do those glasses ever leave the top of his head, or are they just his stylish man-headband?

  4. khaveman says:

    Skin issues, Colin.

  5. Allie says:

    Is it just me or is Colin channeling a little Micky Rourke in that picture?

  6. whattt says:

    you’re asking for it, Kaiser…

  7. Joe says:

    the pap being smacked down by Julia is a pussy peeing his pants..hahahahaha

  8. teehee says:

    Sorry but WTH is thrust-and-weeper. 😛 I was hoping someone else would ask this first LOL

  9. gobo says:

    Is that a cardigan worn over a cardigan he’s wearing?