Nick Hogan will be transferred to adult jail on Sunday

In an interview with Access Hollywood earlier in the month, Brooke Hogan revealed that fellow inmates have talked smack to her brother Nick in jail, but that he hasn’t been “physically harmed.” She said he could hold his own and that he’s been able to tell people bothering him to back off. Nick is serving 8 months in jail for his role in a car accident in which his passenger, an Iraq war veteran, was left in a permanent vegetative state. Nick was driving drunk underage last August and drag racing on a public street when he crashed into a tree and escaped unharmed, seriously injuring his friend next to him. Nick and his family have never taken responsibility for his role in the crash and have consistently blamed the victim, pointing out that he was not wearing his seatbelt and that calling him a “negative person” and his injuries “God’s will.”

It’s pretty clear now why Nick’s contact with other inmates has been limited to verbal altercations – up until now he’s been in a juvenile detention facility housed with other inmates under 18. So all that bitching he was doing about being in solitary confinement and not being able to take it in jail had to do with his confinement with other kids. He’s about to get a bitter taste of reality, though, as he just turned 18 and will be transferred to an adult jail with hardened criminals:

Turning 18 has its benefits — you get to vote, you can join the Army, and, if you’re Nick Bollea, you get transferred to a full-blown adult jail.

Bollea, who has been housed with other juveniles at Pinellas County Jail, will be moved to an adult facility on Sunday, aka his 18th birthday. It’s an open dormitory type of setting where he’ll be in close contact with other adult inmates. The inmates are either awaiting sentencing or have already been sentenced in cases ranging from misdemeanors to felonies.

The only way this won’t go down is if a judge orders otherwise. He’ll be released sometime in October.

[From TMZ]

Nick does need to go to real jail for his crime, but we all know what happens in those places and I would never wish rape on anyone. Maybe they’ll put him in a separate area or in solitary so that he’s protected from the rest of the population. Other 18 year-olds who nearly kill their best friends driving drunk don’t get such special treatment, though, and Nick doesn’t deserve it just because he’s a minor celebrity.

Picture note by JayBird: Nick Hogan is pictured at his sentencing hearing on May 13th. It’s hard to believe he’s just turning 18, looking at that forehead. Images thanks to Splash.

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28 Responses to “Nick Hogan will be transferred to adult jail on Sunday”

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  1. ri23 says:

    Welcome to big boy jail, Nick. I hope this kid knows how to fight.

  2. Kevin says:

    CB, John is the young man thats in the Hospital, Nick is the turd in jail.

  3. KERRI says:

    It’s “God’s Will” that Nick’s friend got him skull smashed in?? Dear Lord, what a statement to make. No remorse at all. They say “what goes around, comes around”. I hope so for John and his family.

  4. NHchicky says:

    How is Nick a celebrity again? I’ve never seen him in any movie, sing any songs.. hell I’ve never even seen him in a commercial! He’s a nobody.

  5. Syko says:

    While I also would never advocate rape or violence, I don’t think I’d be much disturbed to find out that both of them happened to Nick.

  6. Danielle says:

    Nick gets to go to the big boy’s jail now and use the big potty. 😀 Boy is he ever going to have the runs.

  7. kitty says:

    oooh come now folks. we all know he’s goin to be put into solitary for “his own best interests and the interests of the other inmates” Celebrity or no, mommy and daddy have alot of money and won’t let little nicky in general population. 🙄

  8. kimmi says:

    Finally. Bye, Bye virginity 😉

  9. geronimo says:

    I guess it will be God’s will too that he gets promoted to big boys’ prison. Cheer up, Nick! Look on it as a learning experience, just like I’m sure your father advised John on his unfortunate accident.

  10. Joss says:

    I fail to feel sympathy for him.

  11. Jess says:

    The transfer to adult jail should be the only light of day this waste of space sees for a long, long time.

  12. Brian says:

    First off…He wasn’t drunk…he registered a .5…secondly he’s going to be put into solitary because if anything happens to him it would be a publicity nightmare for the state of Florida…say what you want but the people who should be in jail are his parents for buying him a race car that could have killed both him and John Graziano…Also I don’t know about anyone reading these posts but if someone is driving fast or reckless with me in the car I reach for my seatbelt…John didn’t! Why? Did he think he was invincible like most kids his age? Lastly, He was an Iraq war veteran…How do you make it out of that blood bath and come back to the states to be mamed in a car accident…I guess God really laid some heavy stuff on him…Thanks Mr & Mrs Hulk(Terry)”Parents of The Year”Hogan(Bollea)!

  13. A.J. says:

    July 23rd, 2008 at 9:29 pm
    “First off…He wasn’t drunk…he registered a .5…”

    He blew that .5 two hours after the accident occurred. I wouldn’t doubt that his BAC was at least .8 when said accident occurred. I shouldn’t even need to mention that the legal drinking age is 21, not 17.

    “say what you want but the people who should be in jail are his parents for buying him a race car that could have killed both him and John Graziano”

    I agree that the Hogans should in fact be held responsible for, well, not raising their child to be responsible.

    “Also I don’t know about anyone reading these posts but if someone is driving fast or reckless with me in the car I reach for my seatbelt…John didn’t! Why? Did he think he was invincible like most kids his age?”

    Yes, he should have worn a seatbelt. Everyone should, we get it. However, in the case of this accident a seatbelt really would not have done him much good- the car, especially the passenger side where John was sitting, was like a crushed soda can. High rate of speed = harder impact.

    All members of the Hogan family make me feel physicially ill, and make me want to punch each of them in their big, smug faces. They are living proof that no amount of money and fame (or rather infamy) can buy class.

  14. kate says:

    enjoy, nick…enjoy.

  15. SixxKitty says:

    At least Nick Hogan is doing the time for the crime, with the likes of Paris, Nicole and Lindsay getting the princess treatment I feel better knowing that should i be maimed by someone with an LA halo, there may be some justice out there. Not that its good, and not that any of this is just. In australia, a .5 would get you automatic jail time. The legal limit there is 0.02 for ppl like Nick.

  16. Is He Brook? says:

    I would totally think that “Brian” was a Hogan, however, we all know they aren’t nearly that articulate!

  17. David says:

    Oh…he’s gonna be a Boxer or a Dancer… you can take that to the bank

  18. Sara says:

    maybe I can simplfy something…its true nicks in jail and his BESTFRIEND to whom ALWAYS raced with him is injured which is a terrible, terrible thing.Do you actually believe nick would ever hurt somebody he love’s especially his homeboy? Unfortunatly and statistically 85% of families who have lost a family member or been injured will seek blame.How many homeboys in gangs hangin with one another get killed and they seek reprocution.Now I don’t get how nicks responsible and his passenger isnt. Their both suffering and i think its so unproffessional to call this situation and blog celeb.bitchy. And just so you know not hulk, linda or brooke could of prevented this. But who ever they were racing ran, whatcha call them? 1 last thing when your in a car and its a rodester, cherried out and ready to break wind…each indiviual can say, nah I’m out, unless they have choosen to stay in and go for it.

  19. Sara says:

    Nicks going to be alright…I just an shocked @ how many people would love to see this man suffer more then he is and I’m not referring to prison. I’m sure his pain runs deep, that was his best friend.How many of you have done the same thing except didnt crash or get caught. Em hm ya’ll know you aint right. pffttt

  20. Sara says:

    BY the way by no means amI suggesting in anyway that this poor boy deserved to be where he is.My heart goes out to him and his family as well as nicks.
    I just don’t understand why ya’ll so full of hate and want to watch people go to prison, end up paraylized, homeboys getting taken from us to soon none of it makes sense. But I know this
    ye that has not sinned throw the first stone.Always want the best for people regardless if its somebody you dont know. Dont be hatin’…

  21. Duane says:

    Maby his Mommy will bring her boyfriend so he can have a play date when they visit. Hope that he gets what is coming to him.

  22. Kate says:

    u guys are awful i cant believe u would wish bad things upon him and u only do this bc hes on tv. the poor kid prolly feels bad enough that his best friend was paralyzed bc of him. there is no need for everyone to make it worse and blow it up bc like most of u said hes “not special” because hes not a real celeb. so why are u wasting ur time blogging about it. get over it cause u know all of u will be watchin when he gets out of jail and is on his sister brooke’s show. personally i love them all =)

  23. Tia says:

    I feel for both families….but let’s have a reality check….How did Nick get the alcohol? Here his best friend who was much older, served in the our military,and should have been setting an example for Nick….So I feel he should have known better then to get in the car with a minor who had been drinking….Why was he even hanging out with Nick? because of who he was? If Nick was just a normal person would he have been in that car? Or would they have even been friends….I’m sorry again for both families…..My prayers go out to all….

  24. serah says:

    all i can say is if you drink and drive and hurt someone you should be at blame. it was your choice to drink and drive… i know where im from if you drink and drive and your underage, you lose your licence and if you hurt someone, then your in deep shit.. my heart goes out for both families but he should have to take responsibility for his actions

  25. mo'neek says:

    I don’t think Nick should be in jail Instead He should be taking classes on how to take care of people in John’s state..think about it When Nick comes out of jail..he can party, shop, date and one day drive agian where does that leave john…No his punishemnt should a mandatory sentence of helping john and his family with the needs of john

  26. nat says:


  27. nat says:


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