Carey Hart misses estranged wife Pink

Carey Hart and Pink at the Grammy Awards on 2/11/07. Credit: WENN
Motocross champ and estranged husband of pop singer Pink, Carey Hart, says the couple are still close despite their split in February. Based on the comments he gave in an interview, it sounds like Hart isn’t ready to call it quits on the marriage.

Carey Hart and Pink may have split, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still close.

“We talk all the time and try to stay connected as much as possible,” Hart told PEOPLE at the opening of his new Las Vegas club, Wasted Space, in the Hard Rock Hotel. “It’s a tough situation to be in but I love her to death.”

And though they are not longer a couple, Hart confesses he still misses his ex. “I miss everything about her,” he says. And in the wake of their split, “I became a workaholic,” says the motocross star. “I work 19 hours a day.”

Carey, who married Pink in 2006 and split in February, isn’t ready to move on.

Says Hart: “I’m not in any rush to get back into a relationship.”

[From People]

Before the pair announced their split, the rumor mills was in full tilt over infidelities by both of them. Carey was photographed at an event in Las Vegas with a busty model sitting in his lap, while Pink was spotted kissing a girl in a bar. No reason was ever given for the split. Back when the couple first separated, Pink wrote about the breakup on her website, saying “I love Carey so much. One never knows the future, but mine and Carey’s just might involve beach babies and sunshine one day. Just not right now.” Who knows? Maybe they will get back together after all.

Carey Hart and Pink are shown below on 8/2/06 at an X Games party. Credit: Aaron D. Settipane/WENN

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12 Responses to “Carey Hart misses estranged wife Pink”

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  1. Nouvel says:

    I am sure he does, it is ok. But Pink is and always has been a lesbian. She is with a woman right now. I am sure that had to be an issue in their marriage. I hope Pink finds true love and happiness, she is awesome.

  2. Lesley says:

    If only he had a vagina.

  3. daisyfly says:

    Ugh…he’s one of THOSE…

  4. Kristin says:

    Lol. Why does everyone assume she is a lesbian? I guess my lesdar is off.

  5. nic says:

    hey kristin, me thinks u never had a lesdar in the first place if you didnt detect the lezzie vibe she shoots off anytime u see her piccies 😆 im not hating cuz i think she is hawt

  6. Amy says:

    Let’s assume she’s not a lesbian for a second. What I don’t understand is how two people can be like, “Oh, we’re madly in love, but work commitments blah blah blah…”

    You assholes! You’re rich, you never have to work again! If it were up to my husband and I, we’d just chill out with the kids in a secluded house somewhere and not worry about the bills.

  7. Aspen says:

    Exactly, Amy. I totally agree. I never understood the whole “work pressure and separation” excuse from celebrities. Okay…so your marriage has been on the back burner during your last three films. Take a PASS on one of them and take a timeout with your spouse and family. Why is that so hard? They have more money than God. When a career is more important than your marriage, then you know your priorities have gotten seriously effed up.

  8. Andrea says:

    Eh, I think it’s not so simple to say that they have tons of money and they do’nt need to work again. My sister had a really hard tiem transitioning into a stay at home mom. Granted some of it was probably due to hormones, but even when her daughter was three, she still felt like something was missing. She needed to work, to have some time away, to contribute to financial aspect of the family, I guess to feel like she was pulling her weight.

    This all makes a ton more sense in my head than it does written, but hopefully you can gather what I’m trying to say.

  9. Megan says:

    I think if you really wanted your relationship to work, you would MAKE the time for it. The whole work commitments thing just seems like you don’t value your relationship as a top priority, which it should be.

  10. I can tell that this is not the first time you write about this topic. Why have you chosen it again?

  11. Samantha says:

    I’m sick of hearing these reasons for celebrity breaking up ….. Before they got married time, pressure and work is already there but because they are both in love they conquer all……..Whatever their reason for splitting up I will just respect their decision and wait what will happen in the future. Interesting blog. Thanks.