Cele|bitchy | Mariah Carey wants Nick Cannon to be a model

Mariah Carey wants Nick Cannon to be a model

Mariah Carey sure seems to have taken her role of domineering wife to heart. Since she and husband Nick Cannon got married after only dating a few weeks, Mariah has been controlling his life and using him as her personal errand boy, if you believe a lot of the published reports. She has long been said to be displeased with Nick’s career. Well, “long” in terms of the course of their relationship. Mariah seems to think Nick should give up on his singing and acting career and become a model.

Love might be blind, but even smitten newlywed Mariah Carey can see that her husband Nick Cannon could use a little help getting a job.

“Mariah wants him to at least have the status that DJ AM had when he was dating Nicole Richie,” says a friend of the singer, who spoke to Life & Style magazine.

Cannon, who starred in “Drumline” and more recently “Roll Bounce” with fellow rapper Bow Wow, has been working DJ gigs lately but Carey thinks Cannon is capable of much bigger fame.

“She wants him to start modeling,” says the source. “She wants him to start meeting with well-known designers.”

Cannon reportedly is OK with Carey’s involvement in his career. “He’s not upset; he thinks it’s a great idea,” the source reports. “He knows Mariah wants him to become more famous.”

[From MSNBC’s The Scoop]

I’m not sure if this applies to male models, but for female models starting out at the age of 27 is a little late. Certainly not impossible though, and Nick does look a few years younger than his age. And he’s reasonably famous, so it doesn’t sound out of the realm of impossibility. But you’d think if that’s what his passion was, that’s what he would have been doing. It kind of sounds like he’s abandoning his real goals – singing and acting – for a career Mariah thinks will be a sure thing.

Various reports say he’s okay and totally not okay with Mariah’s meddling. She certainly knows something about resurrecting a career, and if Nick wanted guidance in that arena she’d be a good person to go to. It just isn’t clear whether or not he’s asked for Mariah’s input, or if she’s forcing it on him.

Here’s Nick at the DJ booth at the opening of Christian Audigier The Nightclub in Las Vegas on July 4th. Header of Mariah and Nick leaving Mr. Chow’s restaurant in L.A. on July 18th. Images thanks to WENN.

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13 Responses to “Mariah Carey wants Nick Cannon to be a model”

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  1. Kaiser says:

    Model? Yeah, sounds like Mariah just wants him to “model” her a new venti half-caff latte ASAP.

    *snaps fingers* “Model me a doughnut!”

  2. Roni says:

    That bitch is c-r-a-z-y!!!!!

  3. Lauri says:

    Aren’t models supposed to be attractive? I think she must be blinded by love, because he’s not ugly…but he sure isn’t model material either. I’d say he is just an average looking person.

  4. Blackalicious says:

    I know it’s weird but seeing her all the time with this daffy chesire grin and looking like she snorts confectioners sugar off her private unicorn – she looks just in her own world, la de da. Like she thinks the world is like Candyland. Out of touch.

    Anyway she can buy him some bone structure and maybe he can start catwalking. Until then he looks like someone I’d be stuck in line behind at the DMV.

  5. Tia says:

    Mariah, go away with your TOO SHORT, TOO TIGHT, TOO YOUNG clothing you wear. DOn’t you know people laugh and laugh at that crap. Then you want your boy not man, be a model.. OMG.. she is so stupid.. Just like USHER, you can’t force people to like your mate.. HILARIOUS.. GO AWAY HO !!

  6. vdantev says:

    People in Hell want central air, Mariah.

  7. Queens1 says:

    Go Mariah! Don’t let the jealous people who have not achieved their dreams bring you down. Be eternally young – why should you dress old when you look young? Since when does dressing sexy make you a ho? A ho is someone who sleeps with anyone. Do not judge, lest you be judged.

  8. Nancy says:

    Just wanted to tell you your comment made me laugh…and it had nothing to do with Mariahs’ husband–at all! It was a funny and such a “well put” comment on life itself! Thanks for the MUCH needed giggle! On a smaller note…if Mariah wants Nick to model–does it have to be a big and nasty issue…Who would it hurt anyway…a gorgeous wife who is obviously very proud of her hubby!

  9. Nouvel says:

    Queens1, you are like 1% of the population that thinks that.. AHH AHH. hilarious…you probably dress like that too and feel it hits you personally when someone tells the truth about it being and looking HO-ISH !

    Poor thing

  10. Hollz says:

    Nouvel, that was really uncalled for, on this site we at least attempt to respect others opinions.

    That being said, I also thing Mariah is fabulous looking, and besides the mismatching colors of her outfit (coco brown and lilac? come on) think it looks wonderful, and one of the nicer things shes worn lately (ok ok,it is a tiny bit to sheer in the boob area)

  11. bobafet says:

    We do? I don’t respect anyones opinion.

  12. Kat says:

    Oh good grief, she needs to let the man run his own life and career. Your his wife, not his mommy or his manager. Yea, discuss the options, but what you want, may not be what he wants.

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