How many Kourtney Kardashian bikini covers have we seen already? Like didn’t she lose her baby weight eons ago and already cash in on her minor weight fluctuations with various tabloid covers? A quick review of our archives shows that she scored a Life & Style cover in March about how she lost 33 pounds at that time, and a Life & Style inset feature in April with more diet and fitness secrets. Plus there are all the countless bikini diet covers we’ve been subjected to featuring Kim, Khloe, and Kim and Khloe, not to mention their various heavily photoshopped bikini ads. (The Huffington Post has even more Kardashian bikini covers in this slideshow.)
So here’s Kourtney in a bikini on yet another tabloid cover. They photoshopped her face to the point where there’s something “off” about it, like it doesn’t really look like her. It looks like they changed the shape of her eyes, doesn’t it? Kaiser reminds me that Kourtney has done plenty to her face on her own.
Inside, Kourtney reveals her diet and exercise tips, which feature a lot of plugs for that QuickTrim crap that her sociopath boyfriend shills. (She drinks the shakes, which are ok for breastfeeding moms, unlike the caffeinated diuretic pills.) It’s all about eating frequent small healthy meals and doesn’t contain any particularly groundbreaking advice.
Kim Kardashian is also shown in an inset on Life & Style this week, with the title “How Kim Lost 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks.” This must be that 10 pound weight gain she was complaining about in mid December, and sounds like the same article as her “revenge body, 5 pounds in 5 days.”
I think the takeaway here is that the Kardashian sisters somehow became the most prominent faux celebrities in 2010, despite the fact that you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would admit to being a fan. It’s reached the point where minor weight losses earn them tabloid covers and extensive interviews. They’re probably yo-yo dieting on purpose to enhance their brand.
I think she doesn’t have as much make up caked on her face
She looks much prettier with less makeup IMO.
Better makeup better lighting whiter teeth.
for one kourtney’s hair & brows are brown. her eyes look smaller cuz her cheeks look bigger or she has liner inside the bottom lid? …hell idk & only care enuff to snark. teehee.
& camille…hated by everyone but me! lol. she brings the drama…gotta love her for that & she is a very savvy business woman.
*runs from thread only to check back in an hour* ๐
savvy business woman? you mean a savvy pole dancer who snagged a guy with actual business savvy and a career based on talent? please. she hasnt done 1 thing on her own besides be on a reality TV show, and she snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in what should have been an easy PR win for her, screwing the pooch SO bad.
as for these kardashian trolls, im so over them. so sick of their tireless self promotion and cover stories of bikinis and nothing else. literally nothing else but weight and relationship drama. evidently people liked them enough for master card to think it would be a good idea to put their name on a card!
An article that vaguely talks about diet advice that isn’t groundbreaking at all, is probably the only kind of extensive article that can be written about them. Because they’re that shallow. It’s sad, cause they could do and probably have done one or two profound things in their lives, it’s just that they want to and probably can only sell the superficial things they do to enhance their brand. What kind of brand is that anyway?
she was already tiny to begin with so this again is a non-story. Now if that yeti Khloe lost weight.. actually that would photoshopped to the hilt as well.
Dear God, if I was on the cover of a rag-mag every time my weight fluctuated by 5 pounds, I’d be on a cover almost as often as the Kartrashians!
@ Azreen – That would be brand “Skank.” ๐
wasn’t kelsey an out of control alcoholic when they met? I thought she helped him turn his life around?
I actually don’t think her face looks any different.
She looks pretty much the same. The make up is different so that’s why she looks better in the bikini photo.
Is that even her body? It looks like they photoshopped Kourtney’s head onto a 5’8″ body. What is Kourtney, like 5’1″? Her torso is tiny and her neck is short, not long like the amazon they put on the cover.
So sick of these skanks. No one cares about your dieting and your bikini bodies. Have some self respect for once.
i agree w/moops. looks like her head was shopped onto a different body.
Ive found out her secret – everyone ready for it???
Its called Photoshop.
None of the Kardashian girls must have gotten much attention or love growing up since they are soooo publicly desperate for it now. Sad.
I think she looks better than usual because she doesn’t have ten pounds of brown sludgy makeup on her face. Maybe thats how she lost so much weight so quickly.
who can tell
Her features look exactly the same.
I’d hate to see the monthly electrolysis bill for these sisters.
OH and to answer your question?
The magazine lists her height at 5’0 EXACTLY.
Which means she is a hairy little Monchichi/troll thing.
i gotta go with moops on this one, too; kourtney’s head on a different body.
I’m with moops and original kate. Different head/body combo was my first thought.
Don’t get me wrong, she is tiny. But this body is so lean and less curvy.
Also, I was flipping through a magazine in the check out line and Kim was claiming to be under 120 lbs.
She said she wears a size 27 jean.
I don’t believe her.
Also, I’m surprised she can find jeans that fit her ass.
Kendra keeps claiming to lose weight but she still looks the same. I don’t think her body will ever go back to the way it used to before pregnancy like many of the other celebs you see. Which is refreshing. ๐
God. Who the fuck cares that these women may or may not have lost 6lbs? Nothing they say about anything is even remotely new or interesting.
And she’s photoshopped beyond recognition, so that could really be *anyone’s* body. She’s probably being paid more than a pro athlete just so they can copy+paste her (pre-edited) head.
How can anyone say the lighting is better on that magazine cover? Ugh. It is too orange, it washes her out, bad. Plus her face looks a little blotchy, especially around her nose / between her brows. She looks best in that comparison picture.