Shirtless Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio was photographed smoking a cigarette and chilling out with a pair of binoculars on a yacht in Ibiza, Spain on Sunday. Photo agency Fame reports that there were women as well as men on the boat, but I only see one woman in a bikini in these pictures and DiCaprio was mostly seen hanging out with the guys. The Daily Mail has a photo of the woman standing next to DiCaprio, though. The 33 year-old actor’s on-off girlfriend, gorgeous supermodel Bar Rafaeli, 23, is on a different vacation in St. Tropez, France. She was photographed frolicking on the beach on Wednesday along with an unidentified male and female friend.

Leo and Bar were seen riding their bicycles together in New York in mid June. It’s hard to tell if they’re just friends now, if they’re together when it’s convenient for them, or if they have a more long term relationship.

Leo looks pretty good if only he’d give up the cigarettes. You’d figure someone as committed to environmental causes as he is wouldn’t be smoking.

DiCaprio will play Theodore Roosevelt in an upcoming biopic of the President, to be directed by Martin Scorsese and based on the book by Edmund Morris. DiCaprio has a busy schedule ahead of him, and has no less than six films scheduled for release in 2009, and two later this year according to IMDB.

Credit: ENF/Fame Pictures

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23 Responses to “Shirtless Leonardo DiCaprio”

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  1. elisha says:

    Woooh! I love a DiCaprio/Scorsese paring as much as I love a Burton/Depp movie. (Except for the Aviator).

  2. Tess says:

    Why do celebs bother trying to fool the public? His passion for women is as phoney and shallow as his commitment to environmentalism.
    I wish he had the courage to live his life with honesty and conviction…or just live quietly. And I like his films.

  3. All Adither says:

    What? He smokes?

    Eeew. Leo!

  4. Shane says:

    Now wouldn’t he look scummier with tattoos? He needs to do a few sits ups and low carb it while he’s at it to stay in league with the other hollywood leading men.

  5. Alexis says:

    He always looks like such a jerk, I just feel like slapping his face, then I catch one of his movies on cable and he’s always great. It kinda makes me dislike him more.

  6. geronimo says:

    That has to be the least exciting topless pic ever.

  7. Observation says:

    He’s never had a good body. He’s flabby & un-toned.

  8. Lauri says:

    Unimpressive. And stinky breath, too, apparently, since he smokes.

  9. Syko says:

    In my mind, the only way his taking off his shirt could improve his appearance would be if he covered his head with the shirt. I’ve never found him attractive in the slightest. He looks like someone put a weight on his head and his face smushed downward just a little.

  10. Kaiser says:

    He used to be so lovely, but his face “filled out” in a weird way. But I still like him – he was wonderful in Blood Diamond & The Departed. Good actor, dirty carb face.

  11. ann carter says:

    isn’t that lukas haas?

  12. who? says:

    Yeah, that’s Lukas. I think the girl in the bikini may be his gf, Lindsay Lullman. Another model, surprise, surprise!
    Anyway, love Leo, but gotta say, he really needs to ditch those cancer sticks – disgusting and makes him look like a hypocrite with all his blathering on about the environment.

  13. Guillermo says:

    Leo only talks about the environment, like all actors, because he can’t find Jesus but has to fill the void of his empty life. People have a need to feel good about themselves even when they’re shallow, womanizing, seedy types, but becoming Christian would be too difficult and they’d have to change their ways, so they lecture you about lightbulbs — after getting off their yacht — and then pat themselves on the back.

    Leo should be proud just to be a good actor, a rare feat these days. But I have the feeling that he is going to turn into a combination of fat, sleazy Nicholson and crazy and lonely Howard Hughes. He’s really starting to resemble Nicholson.

  14. Anne says:

    I agree Elisha and would add Gangs of New York to that list. Leo was ok, DD Lewis was phenonmenal but the direction and story were terrible.

  15. Megan says:

    Don’t you just love celebrity lifestyles, hanging out with your friends on a Spanish yacht in Ibiza… sounds like an average weekday for me ๐Ÿ™„

  16. constance says:

    will u marry me 8)

  17. vanessa says:

    All of u guys r jus jelous that he lives the lifestyle that he does honestlii don’t u guys have sumthing betta 2 do than critize sum1 who has done nuttin 2 u I belive he is a great actor nd 2 c that his body isn’t wat it used 2 b is jus shallow let mii c u how u look @33 afta u have worked since the age of 15 nd yes its bad that he smokes while talkin bout the enviorment but how many of u have done or said sumthin a lil hypocritical itz honestlii sad that u guys have the time 2 bag on sum1 uve neva met nd who hasn’t offended u

  18. rasha says:

    i think it’s sexy when a man smokes ๐Ÿ™‚

    and loe.d is soooo hot and sexy ๐Ÿ˜€

    and he did have a sexy body in the

    departed. but now not sooo hot but not

    ujly it’s nice ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Sam says:

    He smokes like a chimney & wants to lecture us on the environment?

  20. vent says:

    he really needs to start working out. damn flubbery looking 12 year old

  21. Trish says:

    Where was it ever written that celebrities are required to have perfect bodies? They are human, not your fantasies. They get bad breath like everyone else and whether they decide to smoke or not is their choice not yours. Why the need to be so harsh and so critical of someone you do not even know? Geesh….

  22. victoria says:

    i think that he should stop somkeing but who nows thats from 2008 were in 2009 so you never now if he is still smoking alos he should loose a little bit of wieht BUT HE IS STILL HOT!!!!!!!!!!

  23. he is so HOT i LOVE him…..he is noot fat:)