I finally got to read the issue of Hello! with Brad and Angelina’s growing family and there were a few tidbits in there that I haven’t seen yet. Apparently some of this interview was online a few days ago, but it’s new to me.
The family is pretty open about their home life and how they’re coping with six children now. Angelina says she tries to nap when four out of six kids are sleeping, which probably means the two girls and the twins. She also says she’s breastfeeding and that she tries to nurse the twins at the same time so that it doesn’t take as long.
On breast feeding the twins:
A: They are on the same schedule. They eat every three hours and I’m getting better at holding them both for breast-feeding at the same time, so that helps. Usually the other kids come in and hold them when they finish. They help with the baths and the changing.
B: We try to get them to eat simultaneously for the sake of management, but it gets a little crowded at the bar!
[Hello! via ONTD]
On preparing the kids for twins: They watched Dora the Explorer
A: There’s a Dora The Explorer where Dora’s mom has twins. A boy and a girl. They watched that a lot. They were excited.
[All quotes below on this page from Hello! Magazine, print edition, August 12, 2008]
On how it was to see the twins for the first time
A: I knew that like all twins they would be premature, so when I saw they were big and screaming with healthy lungs, I was at peace.
B: I felt an awe that words fail to describe.
On the twins’ names
B: The name Vivienne came to us early, as if she named herself. She has always been Viv. And Marcheline is to honour Angie’s late mother. Knox is a family name – my grandfather’s – and Leon is a classic French name.
A: Every time I see or say Vivienne’s full name I think of my mom. I look forward to the day she asks about her and I can tell her how special her grandmother was.
On how Angelina spent her two weeks at the hospital
A: Brad and the kids came a few nights each week and spent the night. So we never went too long without seeing each other.
I also watched The War by Ken Burns. I figured it would be the only chance I had to watch a 15-hour documentary!
On having a big family: it brought them together
Q: Did you always assume you would have children some day? Did you ever think you would have this many?!
A: Wanting a big family was one of the things that brought us together.
B: Always said if I were to do it, I’d do it big!
On all of their children being special
Q: You have said that you treat all the children exactly the same. Did you worry that you might feel differently once you had biological children?
A: Each of our children is unique and special to us. It makes no difference if they are biological or adopted.
On their charity work and building a clinic for Zahara to run
Q: Do you have any charity trips planned as part of your work with the Jolie-Pitt Foundation?
A: The next trip for our foundation will most likely be Asia to follow up on the situation in Burma and our work in Cambodia.
The boys have been asking to go so we will take them when Knox and Viv are a little older.
Q: What are your next projects?
A: We will be building a TB/AIDs clinic in Ethiopia. One we plan for Zahara to take over when she is older.
[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, August 12, 2008]
The causes Angelina mentions are worthy ones, and she definitely is committed to making a difference, but is it realistic to build a clinic for a three and a half year old child to take over when they’re older? A lot of parents plan for even their future children to take over their businesses someday, so it’s not unusual. That was the only part of the interview that I wondered about. I have a child around that age and I couldn’t guess what he would want to do for a career when he grows up. I got a kick out of Angelina saying her kids watched Dora the Explorer. My son has the book where her mom has twins. “Twins! My mommy had two babies!”
You can tell that Brad and Angelina are thrilled with the twins and with their family and that they’re busy but doing exactly what they want to do. Angelina said “Brad and I do manage to make special time for each child. With six kids it takes up the majority of the day. Of course we get tired, but we made a decision to have a big family and support each other to make it work.” She also confirmed that she and Brad take turns working to ensure that one of them is their for the kids and that “We try to never work at the same time to keep the brood together.”
Oh I think Ms Z’s more than capable of running an Ethopian AIDS/TB clinic while running the rest of her empire. All in a day’s work for her.
Pregant or not, bloody hell, Angies boobs look fabulous in that lower pic. Whew.
I don’t see planning the clinic and wanting Zahara to take it over when she’s grown as unrealistic. This child will be raised with the idea that charity is a good thing, that you give back, and she’ll also know about her roots in Africa. She will probably want to be involved in it. Besides, Z is going to run the entire world by the year 2030 anyway, so she may as well start with a clinic.
Love the Dora the Explorer reference. It makes me feel like Brad and Angie are regular folks, living in your run of the mill household, just like me, for a brief, dillusional second.
Go Ms. Z.
Yeah, I’ll bet Ms. Z can run a clinic RIGHT NOW! But even if she doesn’t follow that path, I bet the idea is to demonstrate to each of the kids that their origins are being honored and the lesson of giving back.
Zahara already seems to be very opinionated, so I believe she would do a great job of taking care of that clinic when she gets older.
Agree, texasmom, and a really effective, hands-on way of doing it, keeping the commitment going.
What lunatics, Zahara is going to run the world? Ok. This is what you get from Brangelina Idol worship. The child most likely will not be interested in that sort of life-Paris Hilton 3.0.
I knew the peace wouldn’t last.
We were JOKING, countrybabe. You know, when people say things to each other to make them laugh. When they feel pleasant, and don’t have the need to attack others constantly and call them names. Maybe you’re not familiar with all that.
Angelina’s hormones must be out of whack right now so people shouldn’t nit pick.
I wasn’t joking, Syko. 8)
someone´s funnybone went missing!
Hardly Paris Hilton.
Kathy Hilton encouraged her daughters to be professional party girls at 16. There is no guidance there.
It is obvious the Jolie/Pitts are trying to teach their children better values and about their heritage.
doesn’t maddox have a charity named after him that’s located in cambodia? they may plan on starting a charity for each of their children. so that as others have said, they will feel connected to their homeland and grow up with an attitude of giving and helping others. and as multitaskers themselves, b and a probably don’t expect the children to live at their respective charities and make that their life’s work. they probably see it as just one facet of their children’s lives. what a beautiful gift to their children. and to the world.
I agree, Geronimo. Princess Z’s ready to run that sh*t NOW.
Zahara Marley 4 President, 2030.
I think it’s a brilliant thing that they are starting clinics or foundations for their kids. I went to an AIDS orphanage in Haiti for the first time when I was 13 with my mom. I have to say, no matter your socio-economic class, things like that change you. I can’t see their kids being like Paris Hilton when they grow up. They are spending their entire lives being faced with the reality that poverty and suffering exists just as beauty and fun exists.
If anything, I can see one or more of them growing up and struggling with knowing how their lives would have turned out had they not been adopted by Brad and Angelina.
Why do I feel that Zahara is going to be a glamorious tween, teen and adult more interested in shopping and living an extravagent lifestyle as opposed to running a clinic in her birth country of Ethiopia.
What they really should do is name it after H.I.M Haile Selassie I and bring about more attention to the life and teachings of the former leader of her birth country.
Kaiser, read this and then go back to the mental institution you escaped from!
Celebrity Worship Syndrome
is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overtly involved with the details of a celebrity’s personal life.
Objects of affection
Psychologists have indicated that though many people obsess over glamorous film, television, sport and pop stars, others have unlikely icons such as politicians or authors. The only common factor between them is that they are all figures in the public eye (i.e., celebrities). The term Celebrity Worship Syndrome is in fact a misnomer. The term celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) first appeared in an article ‘Do you worship the celebs?’ by James Chapman in the Daily Mail in 2003 (Chapman, 2003). James Chapman was basing his article on the journal paper Maltby et al. (2003). James Chapman refers to CWS, but in fact this is a misunderstanding of a term used in the academic article to which he refers (Maltby et al. 2003), CWS which stood for Celebrity Worship Scale. Nonetheless Chapman may be generally correct. A syndrome refers to a set of abnormal or unusual set of symptoms indicating the existence of an undesirable condition or quality. Indeed many attitudes and behaviours covered in this research indicate such states.
Three types of CWS
Psychologists in the U.S.A. and UK. created a celebrity worship scale to rate the problems. In 2002, United States psychologists Lynn McCutcheon, Rense Lange, and James Houran introduced the Celebrity Attitude Scale, a 34 item scales administered to 262 persons living in central Florida.[2] McCutcheon et al suggested that celebrity worship comprised one dimension in which lower scores on the scale involved individualistic behavior such as watching, listening to, reading and learning about celebrities whilst the higher levels of worship are characterized by empathy, over-identification, and obsession with the celebrity. However, later research among larger U.K. samples have suggested there are 3 different aspects to celebrity worship;[3] Maltby, and the aforementioned psychologists examined the Celebrity Attitude Scale among 1732 United Kingdom respondents (781 males, 942 females) who were aged between 14 and 62 years and found the following 3 dimensions to celebrity worship:
This dimension comprises attitudes that fans are attracted to a favorite celebrity because of their perceived ability to entertain and become a social focus such as “I love to talk with others who admire my favorite celebrity” and “I like watching and hearing about my favorite celebrity when I am with a large group of people”.
The intense-personal aspect of celebrity worship reflects intensive and compulsive feelings about the celebrity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often referred to in the literature; for example “I share with my favorite celebrity a special bond that cannot be described in words” and “When something bad happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me’”.
This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies regarding scenarios involving their celebrities, such as “I have frequent thoughts about my favorite celebrity, even when I don’t want to” and “my favorite celebrity would immediately come to my rescue if I needed help”.
Consequences of Celebrity Worship
There is some evidence that there may be mental health consequences of celebrity worship. Researchers have examined the relationship between celebrity worship and mental health in United Kingdom adult samples. Maltby et al. (2001) found evidence to suggest that the intense-personal celebrity worship dimension was related to higher levels of depression and anxiety. Similarly, Maltby et al., in 2004, found that the intense-personal celebrity worship dimension was not only related to higher levels of depression and anxiety, but also higher levels of stress, negative affect, and reports of illness.
lol VA78! i think it is a little unrealistic for zahara to be running a AIDS/TB clinic.she might have other interests in mind
Kaiser can’t come to the thread right now as Thursday is the official international Jolie-Pitt Devotion Day and must be spend at the Shrine.
Please respect our customs.
VA78: You are hilarious. That post should be for all resident loonies. Syko, Bodhi, Geronimo etc. Their mental state is worrying. I understand loving a celebrity but they are a bit loony, no pun intended.
I know Zahara has been adopted but she like any child has a right to choose her own career path. By all means build a clinic in her names but please do not pressure her into a life path. Guide her but don’t pressure her passively like this.
On a side note, those pictures are not worth 14 million and definitely not worth my two pounds. I read somewhere that the sales were not as good as anitcipated. I am not surprised, any one who wants to buy just has to flip through and realise their money can buy some nice chocolate instead. Besides, people magazine expected their site to crush on sunday like the Vanity fair site did when Suri’s pictures were released and surprise surprise it didn’t. No one cares that much any more save for the media who are making money off them.
Major props to Angelina for breast-feeding the twins. That can’t be easy.
… The takeover has begun …
*goes back to the Shrine to await further instructions*
OHM…….. OHM……… OHM…….
VA78, couldn’t you have paraphrased? Did you really think Kaiser, Syko, Bodhi, Geronimo et al would take time out of their busy Jolie-Pitt googling/ogling/stalking/drooling activities to actually read something that long???
Of course, I’m speaking as an obsessed Angelina fan myself. That is, if reading articles about someone you admire, and stating your opinion on their intelligence and beauty, are signs of “loony-ness”.
And as far as building a clinic in Zahara’s name in the hope that she’ll someday run it, is that any different than saving for your child’s college education? You do it knowing they may NOT go to university, but it’s nice to have the money put aside in case they do.
I’m being the critical bitch here, but WTF do they plan on doing for Myanmar?
She thinks she’s going to “follow up” on the situation there…?
I’m sure a former heroin addict who was regularly featured in the pages of Hustler magazing along w/ quotes about knives in bed will be able to use her western influence to bring down Myanmar’s psycho communist regime.
Bitch is crazy.
I’m at work Mairead and can’t worship at the shrine today. Could you say a prayer for me please. 8)
What if Zahara wants to be a model? Not a role model…A model. Perhaps a contestant on America’s Next Top Model. I doubt the Jon Voight forced acting upon Angie. Let the kid decide what they want to do on their own. What’s next, a planned marriage to a villager?
Dear god, her boobies look luscious in that last picture.
They seem so normal. And perfect. But somehow still normal.
Wow, I haven’t even made a comment yet & I’m already getting bashed! *sniff* I feel so loved.
I have a friend who just had twins & she tries to breastfeed them at the same time too. I’d be scared I’d drop one.
I think its a great idea to get all the kids involved in humanitarian work. But I see Miss Zee being all fabulous in NY working at the UN
@ Granger. Quite right. Only way we’re going to read something that long is if it’s about our beloved J-Ps!
Just keep OHMing, everyone….
VA78, get the sand out of your vagina.
I could do a big long post about pyschopaths who want harm to befall children (specifically the Brange kids), but The Shrine needs be-dazzling.
Cocktails, anyone? I feel snubbed; my name wasn’t mentioned in the Loonie line-up. WTF? That’s not right. And what the hell was that insanely long post up there all about? I wonder who’s hiding behind today’s new nom de plume, VA78. One of those shifty little HaterTrolls, of course, but I wonder who it is today? And the mystery continues…
Zahara 4 President 2030!! Hell yes.
@Snowblood – considering it was directed at me, I’d say it was that sanctimonious, sand-infested vagina Enonymous. I fear I’ve made an enemy for life with that one.
Ah, well. I doubt the cocktails will be strong enough. I’ll need the Jack straight, thanks very much.
WOW, VA78/skunk, can Google .
OHM 8)
Carla, very predictable, it’s not your 14 Million, why would you care?
Why is everyone assuming this would be Zahara’s full-time occupation? I didn’t get the sense they expect her to live there full-time and run it seven days a week or anything.
And I’m sure if she’s not interested, they’ll keep on going with it through their foundation. No biggie.
It’s kinda tough to nurse twins round the clock, good on Angelina for doing that. I’d say that about anyone for nursing twins, before I get psychoanalyzed by some random person and applied a diagnosis, ROFL! Funniest thing I’ve seen all day.
“On a side note, those pictures are not worth 14 million and definitely not worth my two pounds. I read somewhere that the sales were not as good as anitcipated.”
Oh my GOD, you read it somewhere, why then it must be so…
Snowblood, I’m sorry. If you want, I’ll ask them to replace my name with yours, I’m tired of being called a loony when I really don’t care about the J-Ps one way or the other, don’t even think about them unless I’m on this site, and only join in because people being totally stupid, classless and offensive annoys me.
Thank heavens I’m taking a vacation day today, I can spend more time OHMing at the shrine. I was almost afraid to leave the house for my pedicure and manicure, but I see the rest of the BADettes took care of things while I was gone.
Okay, so I actually went back and read the VA78 thing. And shock of shock, there might be some truth to it with the “Entertainment-social” worship:
“This dimension comprises attitudes that fans are attracted to a favorite celebrity because of their perceived ability to entertain and become a social focus such as “I love to talk with others who admire my favorite celebrity” and “I like watching and hearing about my favorite celebrity when I am with a large group of people”.”
…But isn’t that just the definition of a hobby? Take out the words “favorite celebrity” and put in “knitting” or “gardening”…
I like watching cooking shows, too. But is anyone going to accuse me of cooking show-worship? Paula Deen obsession? Being an Ina Garten-loonie?
I give up. Seriously, HaterTrolls, I’m stumped.
Kaiser, don’t bother yourself trying to decipher that post, she doesn’t understand it.
Snowblood is right, she posted it under another fake name. I don’t see her standing behind it.
Thanks VA78, now I know what’s wrong with me! Next time credit your source with a link. We don’t cut and paste here without putting it in quotes and linking the source:
One shot of Gentleman’s Jack, coming up – *pours double-shot into highball glass, sets in front of Kaiser
One shot of… of… *rummages around in bar fridge* of Goldschlager for me.
Now. What were we saying? You know, it occurs to me that of all the so-called “loonies” out there who are obsessed with the Jolie-Pitts, it has got to be the Jennifer Aniston fans who are the scariest. Those people have their own message-board, where they all get together to hate on Angelina Jolie, and worship Anniston. One of us BADettes gave us a link to that place last week, and I checked it out briefly until my brain began to ooze out of my ears and my eyes started bleeding. I bet, dollars to donuts, that almost every one of our resident HaterTrolls here have a membership over there at that creepily insane message-board.
These people, the Anniston-worshipping HaterTroll-types, are definitely delusional – to take a phrase from VS/Enonymous’ dissertation up there, “When something bad happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me’” is what these people LIVE. They all feel like the Anniston, the less-attractive, less-interesting “first wife” or whatever.
Only 35 posts? WEAK,,,WEAK I say. Loonies and haters needs to be steppin it up YO! Lola, where you at? You slippin bitch!
@Snowblood & Daisy – Okay, feeling a bit better. All of a sudden I felt overcome with a need to turn in my Brangaloonie *bedazzled, sequined, Sworovski-crystaled* card and devote my life to the Shrine of Paula Deen. Who I love, btw.
Can we get some Paula Deen posts up in here?
Angelina tried to be a model and an actress but she is already making demanding career decisions for a 3 years old?
Brangelina should stop treating their children as employees.
Zahara is not working for them.
She should just be a kid and decide whatever she wants to do with her life.
If Angelina is so into “charity”- why don’t she go and run a clinic in Africa?
Oh, I forgot. It’s much more fun to live in 70 million dollar castles and be a movie star then actually working in Africa at a clinic.
off topic- these people had plastic surgery and Brad even got some sort of a wig, but Angelina can’t cover the white hair and Brad can’t do something about the white in his beard?
The documentary Angelina mentions is by Ken Burns, not ‘Kevin Burns’ – I assume this was a misprint in the mag (or Angie got a bit confused… not difficult to imagine).
Ethan, do you ever think before you open your mouth? It’s not a “career decision” for the child. She would simply become the clinic’s benefactress when she’s an adult. I’m sure she’ll have some employees at it, and won’t be out there in her scrubs actually taking care of the patients. Although I’m sure she’d be smashing in scrubs, preferably pink to show her femininity.
I think it’s a wonderful legacy to hand to a child. She’ll be raised with the idea that charity is a good thing, and when she’s grown, she’ll move right into her parents’ footsteps with her clinic. When she’s not busy running the country and coming up with a cure for the common cold and a plan for world peace, that is.
The babies will be well fed.
@Ruby – People mag got Ken Burns right, so I would guess it’s Hello mag’s mistake.
re: “Kevin Burns” It’s not a mistake in Hello, it’s a mistake I made re-typing the article from Hello. I know Ken Burns, I just was typing too fast and somehow it turned into “Kevin,” I will fix that, thanks!
@ Kevin – “Only 35 posts? WEAK,,,WEAK I say. Loonies and haters needs to be steppin it up YO! Lola, where you at? You slippin bitch!”
I know, right? Slippin’, indeed –
Kaiser please don’t slap me, but – who is Paula Deen? Educate moi, darling! I’ll go google her while I await your response…
(after googling) Oh! She’s an Emmy-award winning television chef! She’s got gorgeous, gorgeous eyes, full of light and kindness and relaxed happiness. Coolness! Paula Deen –
@Snowblood – Paula cooks everything in real butter and lard. She deep-fries veggies. She puts a sprig of mint on a chocolate cake and says, “There’s our vegetable!” She is an angel. She’s like an older, Southern version of Nigella Lawson. Dipped in butter.
It’s food porn, I know, but I am a Paulaloonie.
Paula’s laugh is funny
I want Paula Deen to be my nana. She is the coolest!
Paula and Nigella! Now, really, I love Brad and Angie, but I’d take the food porn goddesses over them any day. I’d happily eat any amount of butter and deep-fried crap they put in front of me. Hell, I’d ROLL in any amount of butter they put in front of me!
Oops! Did I just profess myself to be a… a… PAULELLALOONIE????
Brangeloonies are getting ugly. Really ugly I guess they have no more words to defend their fake losers.
Good their magazines are not selling, they will learn not to pimp kids next time. People and hellp mag should also learn not to waste money like that. What did they expect, that people would want to collect Brangelina memorabilia? These two are too yesterday.
All these clinics in their children’s names is milking it it. Enough pimping already, stop using your kids for publicity. You helped them out of poverty stop abusing their right to privacy for the sake of promoting the Brangelina brand.
Hopefully they disappear for a while.
That second picture is funny. They look so fake.
If Angelina discusses everything why hasn’t she discussed her plastic surgery? Her nose and cheeks? Her lips look disgusting too she must have injected them despite the fact that they are ugly naturally like her duaghter’s.
So did Angelina really shoot heroin and appear in Hustler?
These trolls have got to be most stupid people i’ve ever had the misfortune to be exposed to. But then again if you are hating for no reason, you are already insane.
Brad and Angie manage to act, direct, fly planes, and accomplish quite a few other things. And inspite of that, they do their humanitarian works. So i am quite sure Miss Z, when she is older, will be able to run a clinic that her loving parents established in her name, in addition to whatever career she chooses to pursue. She has two good examples of multitaskers.
By the way, i am a proud card-carrying member of the “Brangeloonie” club. LOL.
Haters, you have an open invitation to leave the “dark side” and come to the “light”. Trust me, it’s a lot of fun, and much better for your health.
Your post is so stupid, it made my brain hurt.
Ruby, In People magazine, it says “Ken burns”. This is a missprint.
Her lips look disgusting too she must have injected them despite the fact that they are ugly naturally like her duaghter’s.
Wow, nutjob, way to negate your own comment. And how fucking DARE they fund clinics that serve the communities thier children come from. Seriously, what assholes.
Shane~ I don’t know about Hustler (although I am a card carrying member of the BADetes, I haven’t memorized every detail of their lives, unlike the psycho trolls), but she did have a problem with heroin.
Cheese and rice gina, leave Shiloh out of it. I don’t have much respect for the parents either, but the kids are absolutely adorable – especially Shiloh.
Shane, I was wondering that, too. The Hustler thing seems like kind of a stretch, but who knows?
And Gina, I’m not a Brangie fan at all, but even I can see that your post went way too far. Not that you give a shit, I’m sure, but attacking the kids for any reason is shameful. You suck.
Damnit! Awaiting moderation…
dude, always this J-P comment scrolling makes my mouse-scrolling-wheel-thingie go “queeeek”. how lame is that!
btw, i´d like to be to refered to as “brangeloonie” too, though i don´t really care about them, i like to defend them when utter lunatics (go wiki that!) describe them or their kids (which is so gaga i often find myself laughing, sad as it is…who attacks children??) as ugly human beings, wh*res (fame/media or whatever you kids put in front of that word these days, can´t keep up) and/or attention seeking unwed (here we like to refer to the kids as b*stards, don´t we?) homewreckers who all the bad that is happening to them “had it coming/brought it on themselves” (life itself doesn´t count as an excuse, not for the haters it doesn´t!). did i miss something? oh yeah: tequila on me!
Don’t bogart that tequila, Anni, it’s been a hard day.
I really wish the haters would lay off the kids. Those kids are all happy, well behaved and cute. Nothing ugly or bastardly about them. It’s pretty low when you have to attack the innocent to keep your seething alive. Oh well, to hell with them all. I’ll be back tomorrow for no doubt another session.
i guess i´ll be there too
looks like i was late to the table today as I was in a plane for 12 hours flying to alaska. just in time to see ethan’s stupid illogical comments and va-gina’s comments about shiloh being ugly ?!? WTF? keep it up and pour me one!
hey gina, don’t make fun of shiloh’s lips! i’ve got some big lips too and it sucked to get made fun of– at least it was grade-schoolers doing it and not someone old enough to be commenting on a blog. maybe not old enough for spell-check though?
Syko, if Angelina is interested in “charity” perhaps she should move to Africa and run a clinic, instead of being pampered in a castle in France and assigning responsiblities for a 3 years old.
If she adopted children just to ship them back to do things she decides for them-
she should hire employees and let Zahara go back to her family and community.
Zahara HAS a family and community. right with her mum, dad and siblings.
It is stupid, at best, to make such a poor statement about a child who didn’t choose to be born in Africa or being taken by Angelina.
Angelina should let them just be kids and stop treating them as employees that will serve a purpose.
They are human beings.
Especially since Angelina is not working in Africa, and chose a lavish and spoiled life for herself.
There is something very disturbing in how she keeps emphasising the fact that they are adopted as if it’s a credential and are “on training” and will be back there to perform the assignments Angelina choses for them.
Zahara has a biological mother, a family and a community back in Africa.
She has Brangelina that prevented her from having a sense of stability, community and friends, since she keeps being dragged from one hotel to another rented castle.
“Anni”, are you “Syko” as well, or is it your shift now to work as Angelian’s PR staff?
I honestly can’t see any reason a sane person would “defend” such idiotic statement about a 3 years olf child.
get your facts and then blabber on. i pity you as well as all those other brainless haters here.
Zahara was orphaned by AIDS, though some women came forward claiming they were her mother(s) which was proved to be all lies. she has no biological mother and no communitiy in africa whatsoever. she will get to know the country she came from, that´s for sure. like M or P she will ask for it some day and angelina will show her. she will decide for herself if she wants to explore her heritage or not. not every african american/african european goes back to sudan or malawi (etc) to get to know their “mothercountries” and do you blame them too?
Jolie picked her up an orphanage in Addis Ababa. She was ill with salmonella that she had to spend time in a hospital. she was really sick. angelina saved her friggin LIFE. otherwise Z would have died.
ethan – you sound like you are against adoption on principle.
obviously if the child was adopted it means that her birth parents weren’t able to or didn’t want to care for her. angelina didn’t go in there and rip her out of her mother’s hands.
also, some people’s jobs require them to travel often. for example, one of my friends is the daughter of an ambassador, meaning she never spends more than a couple of years in one country. she is pretty stable and well-adjusted. continuous travel doesn’t always have a negative influence on children.
That green dress is actually a really good color for her.
Anni, it has since been confirmed that Zahara has a mother who was raped. There are pictures on the internet and they even look a like. She says she os not opposed to the adoption and is happy for her daughter. Her grandmother came up with the AIDs tales to get her into the orphanage.
My take is, if you want to help, don’t cherry pick one child with Salmonella and buy her a crib worth 24k and live in a acastle. Adopt the orphanage, send back those who have relatives and give them support. Treat the rest. You wil be surprised how little it costs to help a child per day.
Although I can’t deny that these children have a better life, they do deserve privacy like Kidman or Halle Berry’s kids. Selling them is wrong. Who would have killed for a picture of Pax. Besides, I don’t really think Angelina is a saint for helping these children for three reasons?
1. She raises her profile and PR brand
2. Makes a cool $2 million in pictures per adoption
3. Most of us would kill to adopt these children and give them a home but it is so hard. She gets it easier.
On the whole, she has her cake and eats it. Gets to adopt whenever she wants while most of us can’t and gets praise for it.
Wow, the HaterTrolls know more about Angie’s life than the Brangaloonies/Paulaloonies. (Paula Deen 4 Eva!!!)
Yes, Anni, the tabloids did an “investigation” into Z’s adoption and it was revealed that Zahara’s biological mother is alive – Zahara was the product of rape, thus Page Six’s absolutely indecent “Brangelina’s Rape Baby” headline & story.
But Z’s adoption was legit – just because Z’s biological grandmother lied to the orphanage about her daughter dying of AIDS, doesn’t mean the process Angie went through was any less legit – the tabloids just wanted to do a story about AJ & BP. Unfortunately, there are existing shield laws that protect rape victims and the children of rape – which I have always felt Page Six and others violated. So not only were the tabloids being their normal slime-merchants, they actually crossed over into illegal, immoral and unethical behavior.
And Ethan – Z’s biological mother doesn’t want her back. Angelina *is* Z’s mother. And Z would have died in that orphanage – she had a very serious infection.
Carla, you sound so bitter and jealous.
“My take is, if you want to help, don’t cherry pick one child with Salmonella and buy her a crib worth 24k and live in a acastle.”
Did you have problems adopting?
Actually lads, I don’t think Carla sounds that off-beat here, and to be honest having a dig at whether or not she could or couldn’t adopt is a bit below the belt.
Having said that, while I see your point – far better to help keep the children with their biological families and try and treat the community etc. is a lovely idea in a wonderful world. But it’s my opinion that it may be a bit naive as there are likely great social and cultural taboos based around those victims of circumstance, such as AIDs and rape victims which means it’s not such a straightforward job and could culturally do more harm than good?
Plus, by choosing one orphanage over another would she not just be cherry-picking on a grand scale?
While neither of us “knows” Angelina, nor are we ever going to, our assumptions of her are just that, assumptions based on presumptions. Isn’t it just as likely that she adopted Ms. Z and the others, not just to “save the world”, “help Asia/Africa?whatever”, “get tabloid coverage” but because she wanted to become a mother to them.
True it’s unfair to cherry-pick one child for “salvation” to the detriment of a community – but is it really cherry picking if you simply want to become a parent to the child and not a benefactor?
I’m saying this not to attack you Carla, but because you do raise an interesting point and I’d like to explore it further.
“Gets to adopt whenever she wants while most of us can’t ”
is what prompted my question to Carla.
It seemed to be a theme she has brought up with her comments before. It was a fair question.
I appologize Carla, if I was out of line, that was not my intention.
Has this subject not been done to death and back? I think she adopted M, Z and P because she saw the dire circumstances in which they were living, fell in love with them and had the means to do something about it. And, the experience of seeing her own kids in those circumstances moved her into making an ongoing commitment to other kids in those same circumstance. And I think she did all the above, not because she’s a flipping saint, but because she’s a normal human being with normal human emotions who, as far as I can see, puts her money where her mouth is.
Also, she’s not actually personally responsible for every poverty-stricken child in the entire world.
Carla, I agree, your suggested way of helping is equally valid, but it’s Ang’s decision to adopt and I really think people need to stop telling her what her personal choices should be. And yes, it’s wrong that adoption is easier for some than others but AJ can’t take the blame for that either. Also, it’s the media and others who do most of the outlandishly sycophantic praising of her – again, not something she can do a great deal about.
PS. Mairead, above not directed at you or anyone in particular, just a general comment. Just occurred to me it might look like it was.
Hi Daisy – that’s ok, I read too much into it
geronimo – valid point well made
… all of this from an innocuous little story about how Angie is breastfeeding and planning to finance an AIDS clinic.
Well played, HaterTrolls.
Also, it’s SO ON…
Tarantino + Pitt = film magic
Thanks for the link Kaiser. God I love his smile
oh thanks for the head up, i was wrong and then in such a mean way…i am sorry. my point being: angelina is Z´s mother.
can’t believe how nasty some of these comments are – and they complain about celebrities getting attention, then why are they jumping on a celebrity website bandwagon to get attention themselves!! what a lot of fowl-mouths. Quite frankly I pity your children, if you have any, for the nastiness of some of your commentators minds would screw-up any child.
thank god for decent parents such as Angelina and Brad.
Whatever. Angelina has an academy award. Seems like she has it all…including a big heart.
Lucky twins!!! I bet there well fed sucking on those tata’s. Poor Brad proably doesnt even get a turn anymore.