Sting and Trudie go on about their sex life, do raunchy photoshoot

Sting once admitted that all that crap we heard about him being able to have tantric sex all day wasn’t accuratebut that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a healthy sex life with his longterm partner. The 59 year-old rocker told Harper’s Bazaar that he still has great sex with his wife of 18 years, Trudie Styler, 57, and that they enjoy dress up and “the theater of sex.” TMI, Sting:


Sting, 59, said: “I don’t think pedestrian sex is very interesting.

“I like the theatre of sex. I like to look good. I like her to dress up. I like to dress her up.” And asked about romantic things he had done, he replied: “Romantic? We like tawdry.”

Actress and film producer Trudie, 59 [sic], said: “We don’t get bored. Being apart juices the relationship.”

The couple, who have four children – Bridget, 26, Jake, 25, Coco, 20 and Giacomo, 15 – have been married for 18 years.

And the frontman for 1980s band The Police said: “We treat every day as it comes. Relationships aren’t easy, and I don’t think they’re particularly natural, but we’re lucky because we actually like each other. We love each other – that’s a given – but Trudie lights my world up when she comes into a room. I don’t take her for granted.”

They met in 1982 – shortly after he separated from his first wife Frances Tomelty, with whom he has a son Joe, 34, and daughter Kate, 28 – and married 10 years later.


I’ve always assumed that Sting and Trudie’s sex life involved third and fourth parties, but it’s not like they’re going to admit to the press that they’re swingers. We heard a few years ago that Sting loved strip joints and was considering opening his own titty bar, but nothing came of that. Good for these two I guess for keeping it hot after nearly two decades. We don’t need to know details, but at least they were mercifully vague about it. There’s something inspiring about a couple who is still hot for each other after 18 years, but I could do without the visual.

Update: Here are more photos of these two, from 9/2/10, 8/3/10, and 5/13/10. Credit: News Pictures/





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71 Responses to “Sting and Trudie go on about their sex life, do raunchy photoshoot”

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  1. brin says:

    Yeah, I could do without the visual, too, especially before breakfast.

  2. lio says:


  3. malachais says:

    Trudie looks awesome for 57. Kudos to Sting/Trudie for keeping it together.

  4. lio says:

    Now, i have to go back to Colin Firth’s post to wash my eyes

  5. samihami says:

    Nice for them, but I really don’t need to see or read about their (what should be) private life.

  6. Leticia says:

    Those two are physically marvelous looking. Her legs are wonderful.

    Actually Trudie was Sting’s first wife’s friend. Sting left his first wife for Trudie. Paul Newman also left his first wife for Joanne Woodward (sorry @Courtney). When celebrity couples are married long enough, the origins get whitewashed over time.

    Anyway, it’s great that they are still together, happy, and looking smoking hot.

  7. Brittney says:

    I hate, hate, hate that Terry Richardson is still working. In a culture that puts rape victims on trial and endorses Roman Polanski, I’m not surprised, but seriously? Do these celebrities know anything about this man? I for one would absolutely refuse to work with him.

  8. happygirl says:

    It’s too early for me for this. I’ll come back after HGF. (but…I agree with malachais – kudos to them!)

  9. Rita says:

    I’d like to see a closeup of her. Wow, she’s a rockin’ 57. From here she doesn’t look a day over early thirties. The tongues aren’t necessary but they certainly seem to have it together. Love his music.

  10. Nanea says:

    I second that, Lio!

  11. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Love his music but DAYUM.. I dont need to hear all that.. My stomach turned..


  12. Marjalane says:

    Well this is one piece of gossip that I can state with absolute certainty: Sting cheats on his wife. Regularly. it would seem. A friend of mine was a co-chair for an art auction in Atlanta a few years back that Sting attended and he hit on her. Big time. I saw the pictures from the after party and there were too many other women who told me about it to not believe it. She didn’t go for it, and you know what her main complaint was, (besides being married herself) He was a nose picker. A constant nose picker. Isn’t that gross?
    She said he did eventually find a willing date, but it was a 35-40 year old woman.

  13. Celebitchy says:

    She’s had a lot of plastic surgery, but so has Sting probably. Plastic surgery can’t give you legs like that though. I’ll put in some event photos of them too.

  14. Lrayne says:

    @ Celebitchy

    I’m sure she has great legs for an almost 60 year old woman. But let’s face it, she had a LOT of photoshop help. Im sure they are a lot more veiny, wrinkled etc than that. They look like 20 year old legs for heaven’s sake.

  15. nnn says:

    I didn’t read the article but i like the fact that they are still together, that he didn’ dump her for a young model and that apparently they are still into each other.

  16. LindaR says:

    When you need to broadcast how good it is I question whether it’s actually true. If it is true, these two horndogs should keep it to themselves.

  17. Leticia says:

    @marjalane, I’ve heard the same from a reliable source.

  18. Cyui says:

    She’s hot love the legs.

  19. Bina says:

    Wow, plastic surgery much? I expected it from Trudie, who had a horrific childhood accident that left her with a huge scar on her face, (looks like she had a lot more fixed than just that scar) but Sting’s nose did NOT get like that from too much nose-picking.

  20. Cyui says:

    She said they don’t see each other a lot so….who cares their crazy business

  21. mln76 says:

    Yeah I think they have an open marraige. And yes Leticia is right she stole him from her best friend there is not any excuse for that.
    I don’t think the Paul Newman/Joanne Woodward romance was like that. I think they fell in love on set then went back to their marraiges to try to make them work but Newman’s first wife left him because of drinking (I could be wrong).
    Where’s Courtney she could straighten out all the facts?

  22. jaye E says:

    They strike me as the type of couple that have a VERY open marriage.

    And just to nitpick, they have been married for 18 years, but they’ve been together for almost 30.

  23. krissy_kitty says:

    Terry Richardson is a perv and a disgusting excuse for a human being. It is deeply troubling how he continues to find people who want to work with him.. What a creep. Ugh.

  24. gloaming says:

    I can’t stand his voice, or his wife.
    I can’t stand their fake eco existence while they jet around the world in their gulf stream. I can’t stand his nose picking. I can’t stand her constantly smug face.

    Pair of sanctimonious twits if you ask me.

    btw I saw their daughter Coco perform at the Glastonbury Festival last year and she was pretty good.

  25. serena says:

    She is totally ugly.

  26. Jacq says:

    He’s hot, she’s GROSSO. “Mercifully vague” God, I love this site! LOL

  27. Jess says:

    I love the pics and the interview. Good for them!

  28. gloaming says:

    edit to my earlier post about Coco.

    She didn’t get a slot at Glasto, she was performing in the Orange chill & charge tent – You know, where you go to charge your mobile phones for free.

    Don’t want to give her too much credit……..

  29. I Choose Me says:

    Way too much TMI but good for them for keeping their married life spicy. What’s up with her face though? That close-up is scary. She looks like the grinch.

  30. anon says:

    @mln76: “Where’s Courtney she could straighten out all the facts?”
    lol 🙂

  31. Marie says:

    I will admit I haven’t read it yet, but I just wanted to let you know I threw up just a little when I seen that tongue on tongue photo…Now I am going to read.

    Edit–going to the hot dongs to give my eyes relief..Bring on the dongs!! 🙂

  32. cprincess says:

    @ 24 gloaming:
    Yeah-Ill second that-they are insufferable….

  33. mln76 says:

    @anon yeah I think it’s pretty funny that we actually want her to talk about Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward and she isn’t posting. Where is she???

  34. jen34 says:

    I always assumed their marriage lasted because of outside parties being invited into their bedroom. I literally can’t stop laughing about the nose picking, though. Really, that was too funny. Marjalane, I heart you for that.

  35. Someone Else says:

    All that surgery and she still hasn’t fixed those ears…

    @Marie — me too, and the super crappy part about that is my co-worker brought in Krispy Kreme! How unfair is that??

  36. Overit says:

    Yuck…totally tasteless, I can’t stand it when celebrities talk about their sex lives. I used to like Sting’s music but he’s gotten about as banal as a bowl of tepid porridge. They both seem utterly self-obsessed and arrogant.

  37. bubbles says:

    Yeah I bet he makes her play dress up with a brown bag over her head all the time. Pedestrian sex? That’s a great term you’ve minted there,
    Mr. Holierthanthoumyshitdontstink!

  38. mymy says:

    Pity the poor children that have to read this tripe about their narcissistic parents.I guess it is a step above Trudi showing her birthing video’s at her sons 18 birthday party. I guess they are use to the parents always making it about themselves. Does Sting not see how utterly self involved and boring he comes across. And to think back in the day I thought he was smart and sexy. Just a prime example of baby boomers refusing to grow up. I don’t need to hear about what these two like to do in the bedroom. Now or ever.

  39. Rachael says:

    Into it! Good for them.

  40. guesty says:

    Pedestrian sex? Wth…lol.

    @leticia…too funny! & @marjalane…haha.

  41. Megan says:

    I love Sting, I don’t want to see him snogging another woman 🙁

  42. sapphire says:

    Loved his music in the Police days, but I’ll pass on the snot fest. “Pedestrian” must mean using a tissue.

  43. 4Real says:

    She looks like the grinch

  44. Mitzi says:

    @gloaming – YEP…You said it mate!!

    When is this vile, overpaid, self-obsessed prick going to completely disappear up his own arse?

    The sound of his voice makes my ears bleed.

    Insufferable twat.

  45. Missfit says:

    I think I heard that too…about the part of them having orgies with other people. I heard it from somebody I know…so…who knows where they got their sources from. It could be true. I had heard one of their partners was Madonna. If it is true, I’m sure it was more than just Madonna,lol. The dressing up sounds harmless and maybe fun, but if they were to be openly effing other people, it’s disgusting…open marriages are stupid.

  46. original kate says:

    as some of you know, i am a peter gabriel freak…seriously, if i lived in england i would stalk him. about 10 years ago his ex rosanna arquette interviewed him for a tv show she had in the works for BBC (never materialized); in the interview they started drinking wine and the talk got kind of personal, and the subject of sex came up. peter said that they had a mutual friend famous for boasting that he could make love for 8 hours, but his partner confided it was more like 8 minutes. peter then said something to the effect of “uh-oh, i said too much!” and changed the subject.

    so yeah, i doubt their sex life is all that. seems they have to talk it up alot, which always makes me suspicious.

  47. BellaB says:

    She looks like my 75 year old mother-in-law and that is not a compliment.

  48. Mary says:

    Very Hot..Key is to “like” eachother. Spend time apart is good. Stir up desires for eachother in romantical fantasy play. That’s a good thing.
    True…long term relationships is not easy in a unatural way. Gotta have a strong friendship, a liking of one another, strong family unit and love.
    I say Good for Them !

  49. JenJen says:

    They look like horny grandparents. Yuck.

  50. Dominique says:

    Hot. I love Terry.

  51. poppy says:

    There is nothing quite so unsexy as someone who keeps telling you how sexy they are. Reminds me of Will and Jada.

  52. RHONYC says:

    they say the legs are the last to go, but looking a trudie…hers are puttin’ up one hell of a fight! 🙂

  53. RHONYC says:


  54. Kiska says:

    They both have rockin’ bods. All the more power to them for keeping the sex hot.

  55. Lenore says:

    Yeah, that “they met in 1982” bit is inaccurate. In Sting’s book he details their first meeting, as neighbours in basement flats back in the pre-fame days so it must have been 1978 or earlier (sorry, Police geek ahoy).

    The way he describes it is actually a little disturbing. He’s married with a small baby, and just been told by his mother that his teenage sweetheart was recently killed. Then he goes to visit the neighbours and is stunned on meeting Trudie … because of her resemblance to his recently deceased ex-girlfriend.

    I can’t imagine how I’d react if my husband ever told me, “The first time I met you I knew it was love. Or latent necrophilia. One or the other. Anyway, you look like my dead ex-girlfriend and that’s SUCH a turn on.”

  56. Megatrona says:

    I soooo agree with someone else
    all that surgery and forgeting those Dumbo ears? comon!

    I think is great though that they are still hot for each other, I dont think is gross that poeple any age have healthy sex lives, also is bringing in other people helps then great
    Sex and love are not the same thing, I am sure he love her only, he can fuck some girls on the side ( and probably she some guys on the side too) but they only love each other

  57. Crash2GO2 says:

    “I can’t imagine how I’d react if my husband ever told me, “The first time I met you I knew it was love. Or latent necrophilia. One or the other. Anyway, you look like my dead ex-girlfriend and that’s SUCH a turn on.””


  58. Hmmm says:

    Oo, how titillating. Not.

    When are they going to grow up?

    Somebody has a fear of aging.

    Have they no sense of self-respect, posing for these pix????

    Yeah, I too have read way in the past that they are swingers.

    You two are old. Get a clue.

  59. Whitey Fisk says:

    Marjalane, thanks for sharing! I love that story!

    As far as Terry Richardson, I guess his penchant for rape must appeal to whoever’s hiring him. Because his photos (literally every single one I’ve ever seen) are complete s#!t.

  60. June says:

    I don’t want to be mean, but it’s as appealing as one’s parents posed all sexy-like.

  61. Dee Vine says:

    What Marjalene said is true. Someone I know was spotted by Sting when she was sitting in the front row of one of his concert and was invited by the bouncers backstage. This marriage works cos its open, like many other celebs.

  62. erin says:

    her face hurts me.

    aside from that, more power to em.

  63. Henriette says:

    Yup. Sting fools around with other women. A lot. And couples who always talk about how hot their sex lives are, make me think their sex lives aren’t hot at all. I think Trudie – who has the most hideous face in the history of humankind – takes part in group sex to keep Sting happy and puts up with his cheating because she doesn’t want to lose all the perks that go along with being Mrs. Sting. I think it sounds like a pretty sad marriage, actually.

  64. bagladey says:

    I’ve always found Trudie Styler to be such an unattractive, unappealing woman that I’ve never been inclined to read any of the sex revelations about her and Sting: I only know what I’ve “heard” and that’s how it’s going to remain.

  65. Partygirl says:

    Like we care!!!

  66. Jayna says:

    Tons of photoshop in those photos They forgot to mention all the swinging and threesomes and such that keeps their marriage fresh. LOL

  67. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Yeah, the marriage seems like a bit of a sham to me. All I ever hear from them is about their sex life. I saw Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel in an interview once and they struck me as a much cooler couple, still obviously in love, but a real kind of love. I admire the whole being hot for one another after 20 years an that’s awesome but come on they always act like they spend 10 hours a day having sex. Don’t you people ever read or go to the movies?

  68. Pam Guess says:

    I’m Sting, my highest purpose in this life?
    Over-indulgence with my wife.
    All day we shop and drink and eat,
    All night we pound each other’s meat.

    Like Pavlov’s dogs we salivate,
    If dinner time is ever late.
    We smack our lips and start to groan,
    Like dogs with a delicious bone.

    We’re proud that there is just no end,
    To our capacity to spend.
    Some morons donate all their dough,
    We’d never be that stupid, though!

    I love the pics in Harp’s Bazaar
    ‘Cause I look like a porno star.
    Thanks to Adobe photo shop,
    My saggy wife looks kind of hot.

    I’m looking good, I’m lean and mean;
    A sixty year old sex machine.
    I know I’m smarter than the rest,
    ‘cause money does buy happiness!

    Inviting thinkers to our home,
    So we won’t have to drink alone.
    Who cares what famous thinkers say?
    When here, we keep them drunk all day.

    I used to wonder which was me;
    The Sting on stage or Sting/Trudie.
    Now I don’t wonder who I am,
    I just get drunk; who gives a damn!

    My intellectual image is gone,
    I flushed it all right down the John.
    Pretentious ain’t what I’m about
    Now I am “Sting the Drunken Lout”!

  69. Claris says:

    I cannot stand Trudie Styler. She is a fame whore in my humble opinion. Therefore Sting annoys me too being associated with her. Her face is beyond scary

  70. Mikunda says:

    Gosh, they are an old woman and an old man! How time kills looks… I am so not looking forward to getting old..Arghhh.

  71. Abby says:

    In my family, I am the youngest, and I was born 3 weeks before my oldest sister turned 16. I’m sure my 2 older sisters were grossed out when mom and dad told them mom was pregnant at Thanksgiving, considering they were 15 and almost 14, thinking, “eww…. mom and dad still do It”. 🙂