Say what you want about Suri’s mom and dad, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. They definitely court the press and try to present this united front that highlights how normal they are as a multi-millionaire couple and the most famous spokespeople for a dangerous cult. Their little daughter is just two and a half, (there’s speculation that she’s older than they claim but it would only be by a few months) and just a vulnerable toddler trying to make sense of the world.
Suri is hiding from photographers recently, looks scared
I’ve started to be concerned for Suri because she seems to be cowering in most of the photos I’ve seen of her with her parents out in New York. At first I thought she was sleeping because she had her head on Katie’s shoulder, but see’s done that on other occasions and it’s clear that she’s scared and hiding. In some of the photos she’s playing or looking around, but she looks wary and uncomfortable – probably because there are people crouched nearby taking tons of photos of her.
Paparazzi made Suri cry
There’s a video on TMZ of Tom, Katie and Suri in NY outside of Nobu restaurant over the weekend. There’s a hoard of people flashing cameras and screaming “Suri! Tom! Katie!” Little Suri hides again and she starts crying right before she gets in the limo. She’s intimidated and scared and probably doesn’t understand why people are harassing her family and shouting their names. Tom and Katie should have left Suri home with a sitter, but it still isn’t right that she should be subjected to that.
Katie has to be in NY to rehearse for her upcoming Broadway debut in All My Sons. She could stay outside the city in Long Island, Connecticut or Westchester, but then she’s looking at an hour to a two hour commute each way depending on how early she leaves and if she beats the rush hour. It’s not like she could stay in Greenwich or Stamford and take the train in.
Katie, Tom, and their daughter are in NY by necessity for work. Their little daughter looks like she’s damn near traumatized by all the people who surround her whenever she goes outside. This has got to be incredibly confusing and stressful for her. Having one or two people take her picture occasionally is different than being surrounded and yelled at.
Children should be protected from “pack mentality” of the paparazzi
As a mom, it tugs at my heartstrings to see Suri cower and cry in response to the paparazzi. I think there should be laws in the US that children are off limits to photographers. I love seeing celebrity children and babies, but it should not be at the expense of their well being and safety – no matter how open their parents are to getting their photos taken. Paparazzi have relatively few restrictions in the US and they’re generally allowed to take photos whenever someone is in public. There are new proposed laws in LA that would create a personal “safety zone” of several feet around celebrities, but not much has come of that and police say they’re unsure how they’ll enforce it if it becomes law.
LA city counsel member Dennis Zine described the paparazzi situation in his city as “a mob mentality. It’s like a pack of wolves, a swarm of bees going after their prey.” He added to BBC News that they need some way to deal with it, and “That’s the issue that we really need to contend with and we need to come up with a solution.”
French paparazzi laws are the toughest in the world and children are generally considered off limits. People can sue for photographs taken when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, even in public, and children’s faces are often blurred in celebrity magazines. Maybe celebrities can lobby together to bring about some kind of similar federal limitations on the paparazzi to help protect their children.
How will this affect Suri in the long run?
Suri is famous, but she’s just a little kid. She shouldn’t be scared out of her wits whenever she leaves the house so that we can see her pictures. Britney’s very public decline was arguably exacerbated by the photographers following and shouting at her every day. They would trail her on aimless drives, trips to the drug store, and ultimately to the hospital. Britney is a grown woman with other issues, but think of how that level of surveillance can affect a small child.
All that said, Katie took Suri to Central Park to play yesterday. Kids need to play outside, and there probably weren’t a lot of other places to go. It looks like a staged photo op to me, but did they have any other options other than staying inside or driving an hour away, just to get followed anyway? Is her mom supposed to give up her career to protect her child? I don’t like the way Katie and Tom seem to be smiling and acting like it’s ok that their child is upset, but what are they supposed to do, freak out at the photographers and upset her more?
Here are some photos of the family out in NY recently. Suri does not look happy even at the park.
Suri at Central Park with her mom on 8/17/08. Does she look carefree at all?
FPZ/Fame Pictures; Anthony Dixon/WENN
With her dad Tom on 8/16/08
FPZ/Fame Pictures; WENN
Out to dinner with mom and dad at Nobu 8/15/08. This is when she was crying
Anthony Dixon/WENN
Hanging her head out with mom and dad on 8/15/08
FPZ/Fame Pictures
Arriving with her mom at her hotel on 8/14/08
Anthony Dixon/WENN
I commented on this in the last Suri post about the TMZ video. It is sad to watch. When I heard Suri crying, it broke my heart.
Katie & Tom have chosen this life for themselves and know what to expect when they walk out the door into the public eye.
I agree with CB, the kids should be off limits. I’m not a professional, but I do wonder if Suri/high profile celeb kids, have lasting issues/mental problems due to this type of invasion.
Look at how that kind of frenzy paid off for Princess Diana.
I think Tom and Katie have plenty of other options rather than take Suri to Central Park or any other very public venu.
I agree that the paparazzi are becoming scary and dangerous. Sadly, I think nothing will be done until there is a real tragedy caused by paps that actually forces those in authority to take action.
However, a parent is a child’s first line of defense. Tom and Katie should be protecting Suri rather than taking her out to very public places, and “in” restaurants where there is guranteed to be paps. I think all their recent outings have been photo ops in order to promote Katie’s play and they should be ashamed of themselves for so selfishly causing their daughter such distress.
I agree, there should be some laws that protect children’s privacy. Personally, I don’t enjoy photos of kids, and I wouldn’t visit any blog about the children of the famous, we all have to take some responsability. But this is also Suri’s parents’ responsability, and selling a exclusive of the baby was totally inappropriate. Paparazzi should not harass children, but famous parents shoulndn’t be allowed to sell pictures of their children.
@daisy – I would have credited you with the tip for the Suri crying video if I saw that comment. I think a lot of us are seeing these photos and pictures of Suri and coming to the same conclusion.
I really feel for Suri, as her very public life is not one she chose, but one her parents have thrust her into. (ie. selling her baby pics etc.)
I think the paparazzi must be very scary for a child. But, once again i think her parents should be more active in protecting her, and not take her to places that they know there will be swarms of ‘razzi to deal with.
these pics of them coming out of resturants late in the evening… why dont they leave the lil one at home?
my son had a strict bedtime at that age.. kids thrive on routines and schedules.. i think thats part of why she clings to her bottle.
In a way its probably an attempt to give her the ‘normal’ life shes entitled to– ie going to the park, walking on the street, going out with her parents- that all children do. Its the paparrazi making it ‘unnormal’ and traumatizing, not the parents. They cant do anything about the photographers going after them- its dictated by public interest and not by where they go, and there are no laws to protect either themselves or their children in place.
Its as though they have no choice; if they want to socialize her normally and give her opportunities that all kids have, she’ll wind up stalked by cameras. Keeping her locked up would be the alternative but that isnt better and probably would increase the frenzy, too.
Just shows what heartless bastards the paps are if they can film a child crying -and sell it for profit- and go out to do it again the next day.
Poor thing! I love seeing pictures of celebs & their kids, but at the expense of the child’s safety & sell-being.
Parents & kids should be allowed to play outside without intrusion, & I think a few pictures of that are ok. But not all the yelling & hollering & flashbulbs in the kids’ faces.
Edit: Duda~ Thats what I was thinking too. I think the lack of structure will end being harmful to her as well.
Agree with everyone saying, in the absence of responsibility on the part of the paps, it really is up to her parents to protect her from this. Poor little thing, she looks genuinely frightened and intimidated in most of those pics.
I don’t get the crazy need to always snap pic of this little girl. Yes she is completely adorable, but she is freightened. Starting to understand why the Pitt-Jolies appeared to have left shiloh home all the time. But this is Katie’s first child and daddy wasn’t with them so I get the need/desire to always be with her.
You know, I’m beginning to think maybe Michael Jackson did the right thing by covering his kids up every time they went out when they were little. The paps didn’t get good pics, and now that they are older and go out without the masks, no one seems to care.
This dragging her around late at night and putting her in situations inappropriate for a child seem to be in keeping with the Scientology philosophy that children are adults in small bodies. Remember the pictures last year of a screaming Suri being forced into the water by Tom? It was plain by the look on Katies face at the time that she wasn’t comfortable with it. She seems to have come on board this year.
Does that little girl ever smile?
First of all: I think you wrote a really good piece. You made some respectful and insightful comments I enjoyed reading.
But I don’t think it’s enough to say: celebs should lobby against paparazzi etc, etc. I think that a huge part of them trying to get pictures not only of the famous parents but their famous-by-proxy children is due to magazines, papers, tabloids and celebrity blogs who also hunger for children’s pictures. And they, of course, hunger for them because we, the readers hunger for them. A vicious cycle. I think the only solution is to a) as readers recognise that these children, a lot more than their parents, have a right not to be hounded for our viewing pleasure – and thus we should rein it in and accept to see less pics of them, for their sake and b) have celeb blogs and all the rest print less or none of the children’s pictures. If this happened, paparazzi would not be as interested in their pics anymore, because they’d have nowhere to sell them (or at least they’d get less money for the shots) and would “just” concentrate on the adult celebs. Then children like Suri or the Jolie-Pitts etc wouldn’t have to cry and be subjected to all that harassment.
I know this is wishful thinking for the most part, but in theory at least, this is how it would work. I do hope that interest in these “poor” kids will lessen at some point, it really seems like overkill at the moment. How about installing a week (or a day, to begin with), in which you cool folks at Celebitchy set a good example and don’t cover, during that time frame, any celebrity kids stories (and, obviously, don’t catch up on all of them the next day)? I would totally support that!
Remember when Britney Spears was being controlled by Sam Lufti? They said that Sam would call the paps and alert them to where Brit was going… I dunno and I dont wanna open a can of worms but its possible Tommy Girl and Katie-Tron 3000 do the same thing.
It always looks like they’re like HI PAPS! and little suri is scared. I dunno. I still think they’re both mental.
Anna-I would support that (no celeb child stories or pics for one day/week) too.
And you’re right. We cannot just fluff off our responsibility by laying all the blame on the paparazzi.
There wouldn’t be pictures if there weren’t a market for them, and we as an audience have a real power to control what does or does not happen with pictures by making our opinions known.
Why do people come to gossip websites and then propose to censor what others see??
it’s just incomprehensible 😯
why cant people who advocate censorship for others control themselves?
tom and nicole kept their adopted kids out of the spotlight. there is a way to do that but tom and katie love this
Celeb gossip website publishes article – apparently completely without any self irony – about how paps should leave little celeb kiddies alone and accompanies said article with a slew of piccies taken by ‘offending’ paps…
I mean – hello?
Talk about the media being the snake that eats its own tail.
I think in the end, it comes down to the parents. There was a time in Hollywood when nobody’s children were ever photographed for fear of kidnapping. I’d hate to see a return to that because I do like seeing the pictures of the little ones, but it seems like the parents could keep the kids at home a little. I realize Suri has no bedtime (because she is, of course, an old soul who can make that decision for herself) but I don’t think toddlers thrive on late night dinners in trendy restaurants, they’re better off with a PB&J, a couple of Wiggles cartoons, and an early bedtime.
The fact that the Cruise family drags this baby around with them – just like when Britney took her boys shopping all the time – shows that they don’t mind the frenzy, because they absolutely do nothing to avoid it. In my mind that’s a form of child abuse.
Interesting. I’m totally with xia on the censorship (although personally I kind of draw the line when someone is plainly ill and did advocate easing up on posts on Amy W, who I love, when she was at the height of her crackheadedness.) There are so many variables here. 99% of celeb baby stories/pics on this site are not the result of extreme pap frenzy.
A bit of Cruise control is what’s called for here. It’s their child, her safety is their responsibility. They must be able to see that they hold the power here.
Tom and KatE are pimping their kid out and that isn’t the paps problem.
Plenty of celebs bigger than TomKat seem to successfully shield their children from the paps by NOT taking them to Nobu where the paps are camped out every night.
Tom and Nicole kept their kids out of the limelight. We didn’t even know what Connor and Isabella looked like for years.
Sure is put into a different expensive designer dress everyday and taken to the freaking playground! Instead of playing in the dirt and running amuck (like a real child), the kid is doing the catwalk for the paps in her kiddie evening wear!
Her parents want this. Too bad the little adult thetan in a toddler’s body is miserable, but that ain’t the paps fault.
To Whatever : you are absolutely right. There IS a way to raise your kids out of the spotlight. Tom and Nicole did it. A lot of people do it.
The bottom line is they bring this on themselves – they care more about keeping their “star” (careers) shining bright, than their kid.
Tom and Katie should be blamed for putting thier daughter in this situation. They dress her up like a doll and parade her around. Taking out for late night dinners at fancy restaurants. She should be home tucked in bed.
Plot~ Here here!
This is Suri’s life and it is going to be like this for the rest of her life. Better she gets used to it than grow up and get messed because it all goes over her head. Even when we don’t see her for days, people starting creating the ‘where is Suri’ frenzy which results into paps flying over their home for pictures.
Many celebrities take their children out all the time, why should Tom and Katie be prisoner. I guess they think if the paps have as many pictures as they can, they will eventually go away. I doubt that will happen. They will realise that after a while. I don’t see paps stopping to chase Suri even if she is hidden till she is 18.
who takes a toddler out to nobu for a late dinner? oh, right: crazy tom thumb and his robo-wife. why don’t they just get a babysitter? i think they are kind of fucked up in the parenting department.
I understand that everyone thinks it’s cruel to thrust poor Suri into the limelight, but the fact is, that this family will be followed no matter where they go, from the time they leave their house.
What can they possibly do to avoid it? Stop taking your children out of the house? Depend on babysitters and/or a nanny to raise your child just so you can get some fresh air or go shopping?
The unfortunate fact is, paparazzi will follow people to the grocery store, it no longer has to be a glorious destination for celebs to be followed. Maybe we should stop trashing celebs for taking their kids out of the house on routine every day outings and understand the fact that they should not be limiting their kids activity, but instead realize that the paparazzi have no souls and the police couldnt care less. So until a celebrity police cheif emerges and their family is terrorized by these people, I doubt much progress would be made.
By the way, one of these days Suri is going to shout STFU to the paps, just you wait.
There are many celebrities who live and raise their children in NY. For the most part, they seem to think the paparazzi situation there isn’t nearly as bad as it is in LA. The Cruises are the only people I’ve seen hounded by the paps in NY – and I don’t think it’s because regular people really care all that much about them – neither of them have huge careers right now, and Suri is probably more famous than they are at this point. What I’m trying to say is, I think they are more complicit in their relationship with the paps than is being acknowledged.
I agree it’s the paparazzi’s fault. Tom and Katie get followed where ever they go, the paps obviously wait around outside their house. Every time Katie walks to rehearsals her picture is taken, and all she’s doing is walking to rehearsals! Like WOW SHE’S WALKING. There are pictures taken of them every single day, doing nothing. So I don’t think Tom and Katie can do anything to stop it, it’s the paparazzi’s fault.
But I was also a bit alarmed about people on this website commenting on Suri saying she was a ‘devil child’ that had ‘damien eyes’ and all sorts of other insults, and then people come here and say aww look she’s frightened. That’s rather hypercritical if you ask me. She’s just a child, people should pick on someone their own size. Making fun of toddlers is not exactly a very mature thing to do.
I give kudos to Nicole for NOT gestating any of CrazyCruise’s spawn. I think that’s the smartest thing she’s ever done.
P.S: That “miscarriage”? Was it really? hmmm…
I also like how she and Urbie refuse to pimp out pics of their baby. And I never liked her before.
That is pretty terrible. I’ve seen several videos of the paps surrounding Lindsay Lohan and Britney, and it’s scary just watching it on video. They’re so animalistic and practically jumping over each other to get a picture. I can’t imagine what that would be like for a toddler.
I think most of us had moments as small children where we were overwhelmed by our surroundings- maybe too many people were pinching our cheeks at a family reunion, things of that sort. It cannot be healthy to experience such an exaggerated version of that trauma on a regular basis.
Tom and Katie- leave the kid at home. God knows you can afford a sitter.
Those pictures are upsetting. The poor thing is being used as a prop by her parents. Katie could take her to play plenty of other places where she would be hidden and able to actually enjoy herself. It’s so weird for her to watch her child go through that discomfort and yet to keep putting her in the same situation again and again when it’s avoidable. How come we don’t ever see Connor and Isabel? If they can remain out of the public eye, why not Suri?? It is so selfish.
What’s really horrible about that video is how OBLIVIOUS Katie and Tom are towards how Suri is reacting. Suri is obviously upset, and yet all we see are TomKat’s maniacal grins. I hope the tabloids rake them over the coals for this…what crappy parents. Assuming, of course, that Tom is the real father to begin with, which I doubt.
I have read on other sites that celebs will tip off the paps to get their picture taken. And ticket sales for Katie’s broadway debut have been less than stellar.
To me, it’s not that much of a stretch to assume that at least some of the attention comes from her own parents or agents of theirs tipping off the paps. Didn’t we go a looong time without seeing Suri, right before her second birthday? Could that have been because her parents weren’t trying to sell something?
I feel for the kid, if both her parents are pimping their two year old child out to sell tickets to a movie or a play, that just sucks. To me, it’s kind of obvious. There are lots of parks in New York and, if you have to go to Central Park, it’s huge.
And Nobu? Really? Come on, CB and all the other parents — do you REALLY take your two year old to an exclusive restaurant known for sushi? I know celebrities live different lives than the rest of us but there’s no way. My two year old would stay home or we’d go to a family restaurant so she could enjoy herself and actually eat something. I doubt there’s a kid’s menu at Nobu. Lol
Like I said, I really feel for the kid but I don’t blame the paps.
OK….just went over to Lainey….for a more interesting perspective on the Nobu dinner, check it out.
First of all, this was a dinner with the Stillers, presumably to promote Tropic of Thunder. The Stillers brought their daughter, so maybe it was one of those bring the kids types of things. But, as Lainey said, this is Nobu not Applebee’s. Not a family restaurant. Why would you bring your kids to something like that?
Also, she talks about Suri looking over tired and has several more pictures and I actually think that may be part of what’s going on, at least in this situation.
I am a NYC mom and my child was raised going to NYC restaurants at least once a week. I am by no means rich, I don’t like leaving my child with a sitter and it is how I socialize. I am no fan of Tom Cruise, however celebs are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they go out without the children that is commented on, if they go out with the kids that is commented on. If they let the kid be photographed that is wrong. If they don’t something must be wrong with the kid (newborn Suri and Halle’s baby). If they go to a private school they are elitist or taking the spot of some more deserving child. If they are homeschooled they are strange.
I love celeb gossip, (I’m here right?) But why must we parse every iota of these folks lives?
Kolby- But celebs that live in NYC have a home to go to not a hotel. A few that I know live in brownstowns or townhouses with backyards or apts with really really big terraces. So those kids can run around outdoors even in the city. Maybe they need to speak with a real estate broker about picking up a place in the city.
“Tom and Katie get followed where ever they go,”
So do lots of other celebs, yet their children don’t get their own shoots everyday wearing designer tea dresses on the playground.
In NYC, celebs find it easier to escape the paps and lead normal lives. So who exactly walks the same path everyday not taking cabs or cars to shield themselves? Who is taking their child to the same playground? Who is eating at the same restaurants as Lindsay Lohen and Paris Hilton where the paps are waiting? How did the paps find out what night Suri would be attending Mermaid?
How often have we seen Julia Roberts’ kids? Twice?
Reese Witherspoon’s youngin’s get photoed in Europe but they are always in play clothes, at a distance, and you can tell their ‘rents hate it.
Jeez! Even Brad and Ang try to shield their kids, and the paps are all over them. When was the last time Brad took a kid to Nobu late at night, so the paps could get a good looooong look?
With their careers in distress, KatE and Tom are using Suri to keep the interest on THEM.
Creeps. Their child isn’t even sacred.
Megan, I noticed too that the very people calling Suri creepy, damien, devils’ spawn, anti-christ etc on the other thread are over here pretending they care so much for her welfare. I wonder how that works.
I don’t know who said Katie’s tickets were not selling but according to the broadway sites they are selling like hot cakes. I tried to get my boss’s wife one because he says she loves the play and it is damn near impossible. I still don’t have it yet.
Besides, I seriously don’t think they are using their child for publicity, who is more famous than them? Did the paps stop taking pictures when Katie was alone? Do they need any more at the expense of their child who you people have accused them of doting on too much?
I am not a fan of TomKat, to me they are freaky. That said, what is happening to Suri is so wrong. Tom and Katie could be more selective about where they bring Suri, but the paps have some culpability too. I know these shots are their livlihood, but screaming Suri’s name is wrong. Why can’t they just step back, and get their shots. They have great cameras, and do not need to even be that close to the subject they are photographing.
For the well being of all high profile children I wish the US would put some laws in place regarding personal space and unacceptable behavior. Look at poor Princess Diana. I do understand the paps need these shots, but there could be a calmer, safer way.
I don’t think anyone actually accused Tom and Katie of doting too much on their child. It’s impossible to love your children too much. However, they seem to have very odd parenting routines, and they seem to dote particularly on this biological child, as you seldom see photos of the adopted children.
Well, this is a celeb gossip site that uses photos from these paps, right?
So aren’t we all consuming the product the paps put out? Of course we are.
The paps are doing their job. The photo agencies pay them for the pics. The celebrities benefit by getting their faces in front of the public. Then they have kids and don’t want the kids involved.
It’s an impossible situation. If I were the parents, I would keep my child out of the public eye as much as possible, so that this kind of thing could be minimized for my child.
Xiao: you are partly right about the censorship issue, I hadn’t thought of that and maybe I should have, since I actually am against censorship. However, I do think that maybe a day a week, or even only once a month, could make a difference. And I’m not censoring anybody by suggesting this. If you truly want those pics, there are plenty of places on the net you can get them. I still think it’d be an interesting experiment.
As for the discussion about raising celeb kids out of the limelight: sure, it’s definitely possible. But can you imagine what kind of lengths these celebs have to go to in order to shield the children they want to shield? I wouldn’t want to be in Halle Berry’s shoes for that, constantly thinking about how to offer her child a “normal”, non-scared by paparazzi life. It must be emotionally and mentally draining. I think that on some level, it’s unfair of us, the public.
I’m with Syko. Yes, the paparazzi should leave babies and kids alone but you can’t expect that kind of judgement from the human equivalent of a pack of hyenas. Therefore you leave your 2 year old tucked up in bed rather than drag them out to a late dinner at a celeb haunt. Poor kid was probably exhausted as well as scared. It’s precisely BECAUSE small children are entitled to peace and privacy that you leave them behind at home. You dont see Ben’n’ Jen II dragging little Violet around like that.
I also agree it’s interesting that Tom and Nicole didnt parade the other 2 kids. Can’t be Kate-bot’s idea, surely? She’s not allowed ideas….
Celeb gossip website publishes article – apparently completely without any self irony – about how paps should leave little celeb kiddies alone and accompanies said article with a slew of piccies taken by ‘offending’ paps…
Most people don’t grasp irony- you’re no exception.
Suri will be fine. By the time she is 18, she will be paparazzi savvy like her father. No use protecting her from the inevitable.
The media was different when Connor and Bella were adopted, there was no thirst for celeb baby pictures. Besides,other celeb kids are of no interest. I usually look forward to seeing Suri’s pictures, she is an interesting child. Why would I want to see Julia Roberts kids?
I am sure Tom and Katie love their little girl so much. It is evident. This is their mode of parenting. You may not agree with it but you have never been a celebrity. You have never walked int heir shoes so you cannot judge. They are not telling you how to raise your kids so don’t tell them how to raise theirs.
Um, is everyone missing the obvious here? How do you write a piece about how Suri was crying and it breaks your heart, yet you actually PURCHASE the pictures. If it weren’t for you purchasing these pictures of her, there wouldn’t be Paps following Suri around. And save the “oh, but you’re on the site too” because I rarely ever click on the pictures. I like to read the stories but don’t really need to see Katie and Suri in 20 different shots and angles walking down the street.
There is a difference between censorship and consumer-ship. If I do not like a company or the products it produces, I don’t buy it. That is how I make a statement as a consumer, which is a long way from suggesting the company be shut down and not allowed to produce their products.
It is not censorship to acknowledge that we (generalized population) are responsible for what is being sold by tabloids and, in turn, what kind of money the paps are making by taking pictures of celebs and their children because we are buying it and creating a market for it.
That is just reality.
Why didn’t pictures of Princess Di’s car accident get into the tabloids? Because there was a major outcry of anger and disgust–because the tabloids knew they would NOT make money because people would refuse to buy it.
That isn’t censorship–that is using your power as a consumer to influence the market.
As for this blog, I am not going to be a hypocrite and tsk at the paps for frightening and upsetting Suri Cruise and then turn around and be shocked at the idea that the pictures not be bought or shown.
I would support Celebitchy if the site refused to buy those kind of pictures, but that would be the decision of this blog, based on their own feelings about the issue.
[Suri will be fine. By the time she is 18, she will be paparazzi savvy like her father.]
You mean Chris Klein?
@ Kolby – “There are many celebrities who live and raise their children in NY. …The Cruises are the only people I’ve seen hounded by the paps in NY – and I don’t think it’s because regular people really care all that much about them – neither of them have huge careers right now, and Suri is probably more famous than they are at this point. …I think they are more complicit in their relationship with the paps than is being acknowledged. ”
There were several great comments here I wanted to back up, Plot, Syko, Geronimo, and more, also what Kolby says here. I, too, think the Cruises are complicit in their relationship with the media and the media’s henchmen the paps, than is being recognised or acknowledged, at all.
I have an awful headache today, maybe later when it clears up I can think and add my own thoughts here. In the meantime, there’s some great arguments and interesting comments in this thread today, this was a good idea for a story, Celebitchy! 😀
I feel bad for Suri. Katie and Tom should be more mindful of how this effects Suri.
Thank you Dora , you said exactly what I was thinking.
Suri is a paparazzi magnet period and hiding her from it limits HER life. It would only keep the nasty rumors flying and in the end would keep her from having as normal a life as she can.
It’s no use shilding her from someting that she’s likely going to have to deal with for the rest of her life. It’s better she face it now for better and worse when she’s a child and can adjust easier and she will eventually.
Bella and Conner were adopted 15 and 13 years ago, the media has changed alot since then. Celeb kids weren’t the commodity they are now or so focased on by the media. Now celeb kids are being made celebs themselves by the media.
When you have whole blogs dedicated to celebrity children, then you see that there is a problem. Many parents, including those who most of you like, like Stefani and her husband, Jennifer Garner, etc., have plenty of photos with their children. So many, some of them almost seem set up. Garner and Violet taking art class, Garner and Violet at the Farmer’s Market, at the park etc, etc,. Same for Stefani. Most are regular type stuff though, parks etc. Most of the photos of Brad and Angelina’s kids in New York last year were Maddox going to and from school or the times they went to parks or museums. Even celebrities should be able to take their kids out for fun.
The difference with Suri is that most of the ones where she is uncomfortable are at night. During the day, she seems to be OK. Maybe the poor kid is tired and would rather sleep than eat dinner at an adult restaurant or go to a play AT NIGHT.
What is also uncomfortable for me is that her parents seem to always be smiling for the cameras, even if their kid is terrified. I am sure they adore her, but they seem to dress her up like a doll and parade her around like a posession. She does deserve a break though, she is only two.
As much as people want to blame the paps, you can’t. When it comes down to it, they are people who are trying to pay their bills. We consume those pictures. Her parents KNOW that this is a fact in their lives. There will be paparazzi. They should take measures to protect her…like back exits, using a strollers with a blanket over it, etc. I feel bad for Suri because her parents are not doing what in is in her best interest. She IS scared. It’s possible to do too. I have no idea what JLo’s kids look like.
Why are they always smiling in the pictures where she is scared too?
She should also be weaned from her bottle. there is a pic on another website and you can see that all her bottom teeth are pointing towards the back of her mouth.
The paps are doing their job, and if the Cruises don’t like it they don’t have to whore their kid out, but they do.
This is all more propaganda to convince the world that Tom Cruise is not Rock Hudson.
Xiao and Anna —
I think there is a difference between a boycott, which Anna is suggestion, and censorship.
Also, many people are arguing that celeb parents can do a better job of keeping their kids out of the limelight (I don’t necessarily disagree) and point to the past (Isabelle and Conner for ex), BUT I’d argue that it is only fairly recently that the paps and the public have become so interested in celeb kids. It seems like this is a new intensity (probably partially driven by the internet).
Michelle – I see you already made the same point, I agree
And czarina…well, clearly I should finish all comments first b/c folks around here are way ahead of me
no harm in saying it twice Alarmjaguar 🙂
alarmjaguar; I’m longwinded enough that who could blame your eyes from glazing over while reading my post?!LOL!
There’s something…off-putting about this.
I’m starting to think Tom and Katie drag Suri out into broad daylight for the attention.
Katie parades that child around in a new designer dress everyday. That’s what draws people’s attention.
And, Celebitchy, why should you be upset when Suri’s own mother isn’t? In many of the pictures, while Suri’s visibly upset, her mother is grinning.
Face it, Tom Cruise and wife are running a publicity campaign. If you ban the paps, you’ll spoil their agenda.
Then ban the paps and we see whether TOMKAT will die.
the pap are wrong…katie should not have to stay outside the city…that is crazy.
When was the last time you saw Julia Roberts’ children, let alone saw them traumatized and crying? I agree that freaking out toddlers is not a shining moment for an already-besmirched tabloid industry, but parents have to accept responsibility for the exposure of their children to the press, as well. Roberts’ choice to keep her children away from the press demonstrates that there ARE choices available to celebrity parents. Whether they choose to exercise those choices depends on their priority — their children or themselves. (Hint: NOT their children.)
They HAVE to parade her in front of the paps– Suri is what makes them appear like “a family”. A toddler does not need to be out late with her parents night after night at Manhattan’s biggest, most photographer-heavy hotspots.
They are surrounded by Scientologists who could babysit the kid, they’re trotting her out for their own benefit and exposure.
Oh get used to it Suri, learn from Violet, she loves the cameras!
😯 I don’t think the pap’s should be banned,I do however think they should respect a celeb’s personal space and not get up in their face and snap away.I’m a huge fan of Julianne Moore and love seeing her out with her kids,no matter what even if the paps are snapping away her kids seem to be having a great time with their momma and could careless about the paps as does Julianne.She doesn’t freak(such as Julia Roberts who smacks and screams at the paps which just amkes the pappers even more nuts and they only snap more photos.)the heck out if a pap takes a photo.She smiles lets them take some photo’s and they move on she has said her kids see people take photo’s ask for autographs but that its a very low key thing in their life and from the many photo’s I’ve seen of her kids they don’t seem scared of the paparazzi or start crying because of the paps.
So no I don’t blame this solely on the paps its the parents fault for taking a child to such a high profile place,and whats the fuss over the paps taking pics from behing a gated playground?
I don’t see how they are phsyically hurting any celeb kid that way.Most of the time the paps are ignored when the kid(not Suri bc she is starting at them the entire time)is playing and they don’t notice them.Unlike Suri who looks MISERABLE in every photo pretty much and is always CLINGING to Katie’s shoulder covering her face from the flashes.So yes I think tom and Katie are being photo op whores and doing this on purpose they know very well the paps are going to be after them and they aren’t the only celebs in NYC so why should they be suprised if a pap appears when they are out?They aren’t the only celebs the paps are interested in photographin in NYC.They need to get better parenting skills,they could learn a thing or two from Julianne Moore. 😉
What Suri needs is to switch shampoos, and start using Johnson & Johnson’s “Nothing But Tears” baby shampoo. (I’m light-heartedly joking here, not picking on the baby, so don’t start getting your panties all wadded up in your crack, now, haters) – here – this faux-ad I came across at The Onion yesterday had me laughing out loud for a while like a stoner, and I was sompletely cober at the time.
Read this and I DARE you not to laugh. Hollywood babies need to be using this product.
I agree with KAYKAY and MIMOM….. My Lord, this precious child is only 2 and a half years old, and has been in the spotlight ever since she was conceived.. When she was little she did not know to be afraid of the paparazzi’s or the constant flashing bulbs in her face…. Now that she is a year older she is aware of them screaming her name loudly, and when she does not respond, they scream her mother’s….. She does not understand that they want a photograph, or that they love taking pictures of her, because she is adorable… She sees it as a threat because of the loudness and the screaming… In our town we had Brendan Frazier of ” the Mummy ” come here with his co-stars to promote the movie, and the women started hollering and screaming his name to look at them, and at their cameras. My 3 year old grand-daughter covered her ears, and hid in my shoulder ( surprised me ) and started crying, stating everyone was too loud, and asked ” what was wrong with everyone “? She did not understand the commotion of a celebrity in town… Think of Suri BEING the celebrity, and that commotion following her the rest of her life. She will adapt as she matures and understands.
Geez, Suri looks more and more like Chris Klein everyday. What a sham!!!!
Three things: 1.)These two have no shame. None. It’s pretty obvious that Suri is the pap magnet. With their resources they could have easily rented a townhouse with a private play garden for their stay in NYC. In the past Tom has rented entire museums etc. for the older kids to visit privately, seems odd that he’s forgotten his old modus operandi for this child. 2.) As a former child who spent many a late night out with her parents I can state it’s no fun for kids. 3.) On a side note, on the rare occasion when my husband and I have agreed to a “let’s bring the kids” late night out it’s always because the kids give us a reason to opt out early, possibly this was the Stiller’s strategy ?
OK,that’s just sad as all hell. I could understand when Suri was born, but now that she is two and a half, and I’m a mom too, she is starting to explore and make sense of her surroundings and being photographed and shouted at by paps, I would never allow that. Ever.
Oh my gosh Suri is adorable. I want to hug her!!!
“Katie, Tom, and their daughter are in NY by necessity for work. Their little daughter looks like she’s damn near traumatized by all the people who surround her whenever she goes outside. ”
See. But this is where I take issue. These people have MILLIONS of dollars. There is no “necessity” or anything even approximating a gentler synonym of necessity for them to be in New York. There is no need for them to work or expose this child to public view.
They could, as Demi Moore and other celeb parents have before them, leave the public eye to raise this little girl until she’s old enough to understand and cope with the world they’ve brought her into.
Yes, the paps are disgusting…but we all want to see the pictures or we wouldn’t be here. It’s Tom and Katie Cruise’s job to protect their daughter. They’re just too freaking selfish and narcissistic to bow out of the public eye for a few years so that their kid can have a snowflake’s chance in Hell of a peaceful and secure toddlerhood.
and Jess…are you serious? That little girl looks EXACTLY like Tom Cruise.
And this is why celebrities should not parade their kids around in public.
hahahaha sweet, snowblood! Love the final line about finding out the old-fashioned way!! Doses all round!
It seems like the earlier in the day these photos are taken, the cheerier Suri appears to be, and in some cases, she’s smiling and waving at the cameramen.
I don’t know about all kids, but my daughter definitely gets more sensitive and cranky as the day wears on, and flashbulbs tend to be more jarring and disturbing at night. Why do Tom and Katie always take her out so late at night, anyway? You’d think they could be more sensitive to Suri’s needs, and even though the paps are intrusive, parents should at least take some measures to avoid the lion’s den instead of having a 24/7 picnic there.
I guess that I’m saying that these parents are partially to blame for this. I mean, even during the day, Katie and Tom feel free to wear sunglasses, but Suri never gets to wear them. Even a large bonnet would help out in these evening situations, but Tom and Katie are too busy mugging for the camera to care.
Elizabeth, OMG, I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up here, ya know, a/Snowblood totally humiliated you in the Clooney post.
There are plenty of us who work in Manhattan and live an hour or more outside the city to provide a better life for our families. It’s not the end of the world. Besides, Tom and Katie could afford anything they wanted, including a house with a yard in Manhattan–yes, there are such things. Or they could stay in Westchester or Jersey that’s only a half hour away at non-rush hour. They are doing this for photo ops, and I personally think they’re lousy parents because of it.
As a person who tried to be famous, I have to say that the good Lord knew best and left me anonymous, because I am afraid I would be a Pap punching celebrity. I hate the bastards and I rarely even see one. Except at an organized function where they are invited to attend, I think there is something wrong to the core, that they are allowed to hound people like they do.
Suri also looks a whole lot like Josh Harnett, down to the bulky nose and half smile.
The only way she looks like Tom is the upper eyes, the heavy brow, but Josh has those, too.
Suri’s crying doesn’t bother TomKat because it doesn’t fit into their propaganda program. Dealing with a crying child? Why, who wants to do that??
TomKat courts this attention because it makes them appear to be a normal family, when in fact Suri is Chris Klein’s child and Katie signed a contract to be a beard for Rock Hudson…ooops, I mean Tom Cruise.
Does anyone really want the government to pay even less attention to the issues we’ve got a-brewin’ so they can deal with the urgent issue of protecting Suri Cruise from probably the least emotionally damaging part of her day? Do you think that if people stop taking her picture she’ll live a blissfully normal, healthy life?
My opinion is that once you have made a gazillion dollars acting, you probably won’t starve if you decide to quit and pursue your passion for pretending-to- do-stuff-while-people-watch by doing dinner theatre in Iowa. Voila! No costly, time-consuming legislation, yet mysteriously, no more paparazzi! Or you could continue to frantically stroke your own massive ego at your child’s expense. Either way.
Chuddies, no life today. Just my day off & I’ve been up since 5:30 AM. Have been cleaning, then checking this site then my mail, my bills, etc. Look, Chuds, did you go on the Clooney post? No? Figures-cause if ya did you would be distancing yourself from Elizabeth.
In the words of Jack McFarland to Grace Adler, “I would die, die, die!”
Hey Chuds/Elizabeth, you just gave yourself away as the same person by your spelling of ‘what ever’. You see, it is one word, guy(s).
I’m off of the hydro now & have since switched to Corona. Look out! I’m sharper now & overtired. Sharp as a brand new Henckel paring knife.
Nan, you are a TRIP! 😆 I love ya, girl, you’ve got to be one of the cutest, most interesting characters around here. Engaging, straight-forward and definitely kind-hearted. One major thing I really love about this site is getting to see & interact with all of the people here. There’s some interesting bitches in this joint!
The more I stick around and comment here, which lately has been daily, I mean Celebitchy’s extraordinarily addictive, the more I get to watch everyone’s unique personality develop & come through.
Fun! VERY fun! This place is the bomb. 😀
When are T & K going to take that bottle out of Suri’s mouth? Is she even potty trained? These parents don’t seem to have their childs best interest at heart!
Snow!~ I know, right?! What a wierd/fabulous way to interact with folks!
Hey, check it out, you guys – this is a squee-worthy cute cute CUTE picture of Suri, having a hilarious little conversation with her dolly – note the tiny red-painted fingernails she’s sportin’! Suri is fukkin’ CUTE! All little girls in this age range drive me nuts with their superpower strength cuteness.
(images courtesy of Dlisted)
Snowy, can I count on you to zing in a ‘Paltrowski’ for me?
You’re hilarious! How’d she get that nickname, anyway? That’s Polish-ising her name, are the Polish particularly keen on making and wearing fur coats or something? I’m dying to know where Paltrowski comes from. You gave a link to some site but I forgot to copy-paste it and find out – still have it? This Paltrowski thing’s got to me now, why is it so funny? Please tell me! It’s starting to drive me nuts, trying to figure it out –
I can sleep a happy girl now. Leave it to you to have me cackling ’til sleep takes over. Lots of immigrants cut off the ski & wich from Poland. You would positively die if you knew where my nickname comes from. Has to do w/an old cordless phone, a baby monitor & eventually a police radio scanner from Radio Shack. TIP: Don’t talk on your cordless phone if it is 900mhz or under.
😆 Awesome! Thanx for the tip – so, Paltrow was originally Patrowlski, then? Like Andy Warhol did the same thing, took the Slovakian out of his name which was originally Warhola, and Lauren Bacall took the Russian out of HER name which was Betty Joan Perske, etcetera.
The list goes on and on of Hollywoodians and musicians who’ve altered their original, ethnic-sounding surnames in order to present themselves in a bias-free, all-white light.
You got it. Just had to take a melatonin AGAIN ’cause the sleep window closed. Ya know, me waiting for all of ya to say ‘Paltrowski’ ‘n such.
No. Check my Russian Polish post way above. Good night.
duda………..according to what I have read about Scientology, the child can do no wrong. There is no discipline/punishment, no bedtime, etc. They make their own decisions, basically. The fact that they take her out late at night, allow her to drag that bloody bottle everywhere, and Katie took her to a night theatre performance of Little Mermaid (live theatre, not a movie). They make me dislike them more and more everytime I read stuff like this.
SeVen…………I agree. I think this is a deliberate action on the part of the parents. And, had Katie not been brainwashed by Scientology, I do not think she would tolerate any of this crap. And does the poor child own a pair of jeans and a t-shirt? Why does she always have to wear dresses everywhere she goes? The money they spend on clothes she is just going to rapidly outgrow is obscene.
I think Tommy Gurl is a real sicko, and I think he is even worse for dragging his wife and “child” (I don’t believe it is his biological child and never have) into this cult against their wills. I do not think Katie went willingly. I think she accompanied Tommy Girl on occasion, and it didn’t take long for them to suck her in. And I think she is afraid she will lose Suri if she runs, but Nicole didn’t lose her kids – at least until she married, and now it seems Tommy Girl won’t let them leave and has them brainwashed, too.
It is all very sick to me…almost child cruelty/abuse.
Personally I don’t find fault with Tom and Katie for their parenting. I do however find fault with the paps whom find it amusing to harass the Cruises over a pic of Suri. It is not Tom and Katie’s fault they live a busy life and that they want Suri with them. Suri has as much right to spend time at a park with her parents or other places and not need those pap roaches sneak pics of Suri. As for the Cruises trying to act like it is okay for Suri to cry, well she is a toddler and like all toddlers they do fuss people when they are irritated by cameras and idiot paps that bother her. I think the media needs to lay off the Cruise family and focus on other important things.
Chippy – all celebrities have a crucial symbiotic relationship with their respective paparazzi. The Cruises, as do all media-savvy super-celebrated people, call their media people and set up their paparazzi to meet them at certain times &b venues around the city where they’re going to be at at any given time of the day or week.
Do you think it is mere coincidence that the paps just HAPpen to be at the playground whilst Suri’s there, wearing her $800 designer dress, with a Central Park playground completely deserted and all to herself and her mother Katie, who’s platonically grinning the entire shoot through, as if it were a staged photo shoot? Or all the times when Tom makes his perfuncory photo-op appearance for these pap sequences?
Britney did it, Lindsay did and does it, almost every big celebrity does it, and why, you ask? Product control. Information control. Image control. If you were selling an image and concept to a filthy rich, fickle market like the American public, wouldn’t YOU make sure your product was displayed and showcased well?
This may have been commented on before (don’t have time to read all 101 posts on this thread), but anybody think it’s IRONIC that these Scilos who were so scared of ingraining (engramming) anything traumatic in the birthing of their baby, only to throw it all away with the public displays??? wtf? It’s all PR with these two jagoffs. 😕
A far scarier thought has passed through my mind – what if the GMD thinks that Suri IS the reincarnation of Hubbard, and that she is destined to save the planet. In the mind of that crazy midget, this constant exposure of the Chosen One, could be right on course with Suri’s “mission” – which incidentally coincides with a much needed boost in his career. Funny that.
I notice that Suri is never seen playing with the other kids. She is never dirty or messy. She is allowed to do as she pleases as long as outsiders never interfere with her “mission” or state of perfect clear.
Remember the gossipy story about Suri’s haircuts? A stylist is ordered to come to the Cruise’s but she may not talk to Suri, or speak at all in her presence. The stylist would find Suri naked, in a chair, waiting for her. Ick! Ick! Ick!
Where are Suri’s playdates on the playground?
Thank god for Violet Affleck. THAT is a typical happy child. THAT kid is adored by her parents. The way Garner holds Violet is so loving, so personal. In comparison, Suri gets hauled out for photos that show a android mother and hyena-grinning maniac father who always holds his daughter so the paps get the best photo possible. BARF!
GG, I thought the same thing. Their reason for not bringing her out into the world for 8 months was because $cienos feel loud noises etc traumatize babies and the memory screws them up for a lifetime. Low and behold, where does suri make her debut? At the biggest media frenzy EVER, their “wedding”!!! Hundreds of flashes going off, hundreds and hundreds of guests, music, etc
And YES to whoever asked. Someone who lives in NY saw them block off a small street, the paps all swarmed over, they got out of their car, walked down the street aways (while 3 SUV’s followed) then they got back into the car.
These two are by far the WORST celeb parents. I also think it’s interesting that they are all smiles and she’s bawling. Then the video gets taken down and VOILA today we have photos of her waving to the paps. Guess they had to give her a crash course in that over the last few days. They can’t have their PR prop not having the desired effect on the world. I guess over the next few days they’ll be teaching her to smile big as well as waving.
Whats next? Cymbols and a felt hat????
‘Whats next? Cymbals and a felt hat?’
Good one Libraesque 😆
the mystery has been solved. someone pointed out on another site that in the video, you can see a woman jump out of the cruise car and run over to where the paps are and coax suri to wave.
this is truly just the most disgusting thing ever the way they are using this child
Boy…….That kid sure looks a lot like the late L. Ron Hubbard 😯
For people with money, where are their CENTS , I always see this child with no shoes on and in the park no less.They go all over with her with no shoes are they to lazy to put them on or demand she wears shoes.
that’s my 2 cents
You guys are seriously pathetic. you are going after her directly with all these photos of her. You paps are sick pathetic loser that really need to get a life and stop stalking innocent little toddlers, What if it were your children dealing with being stalked by strangers! You guys are ruthless, heartless creeps! When you see a little child getting scared by you creepy stalkers, probably yelling out at her too, why don’t you shut the f up and back the f off!
Everybody’s sick, G. You’re sick, I’m sick, we’re all sick – it’s a sick, sick, sick, sick world we live in.
Ruthless, heartless, pathetic and sick, sick, sick! 😆
I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself… 😆
Ya know what, g? You’re actually the pathetic one. This site’s owners & all of the loyal commenters are hell bent on making this ‘your other friends’ site. People are closely scrutinized & moderated here resulting in a classy gossip site that brings so many people together. If you can’t make it here, then go to Dlisted or Perez comments. I said comments. Not discussing actual bloggers themselves but just the LOSERS they attract.
That’s so sad to see her like that. Now that I think of it, I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen her smiling in any pictures. They need to get that poor girl to bed, and outta the freakin spotlight!
There are no excuses for selfish paparzzis to make a child cry. You can tell Suri is just tired of it. I dont know but if she were my daughter and we were going through that kind of drama, my bf and myself would knock someone out. LEAVE Suri alone. Shes a child. Poor girl.
I’m glad a few people have noticed that no one cares about the adopted children–they could dance in the park with signs around their necks and the paps would totally ignore them. This is because, after all the sentimental talk about adoption, the beautiful Caucasian baby who is supposedly the biological child, is always going to be preferred over the mixed race children who are going through the chubby, un=attractive pre-teen stage.
Better hope for their own sakes that the adopted children get better looking–you don’t see them in shots with Katy, John, Nicole, or Keith Urban!
Katie looks as if she has one blue nail in the picture with Tom & Ben. ❓
Dont her parents ever put any shoes on that child, I see her walking on the side walk barefooted.
She is being paraded because she is the “Princess” of Scientology and being groomed to be a robotron like Katie and the other two kids. It is sick and very disturbing. She should be playing with other children and having a CHILDHOOD. I pity the poor child. And as to her parentage – she was cloned. She is the spitting image of her mother. Tom had nothing to do with it other than paying for the cloning procedure! I loathe him. That scientology video of him laughing maniacally was disturbing on many levels. It still gives me nighmares.
WELL DUH!I’m a grown woman and if I had paparazzi yelling and camera flashes in my eyes everywhere I turned I’d might cry and cover my face too! And it’s ignorant in my opinion to assume celebrities should just “deal with it” in regards to paparazzi.They are just humans just like everyone else and to constantly invade their privacy w/o them wanting it is taking away from their basic cival rights.They’re just humans people just with lots of money! 🙄
You want something to be done about the paparazzi? Maybe if blogs like this stop putting up those photos, paparazzi wouldn’t be so eager and stalking the children. The parents asked for this, so go ahead and put all the pics of them you want. If you want to help the child, take down your photos of her and get others to do the same.
This child is two & one-half years old already and still sucking on a bottle? That’s not good parenting….they need to get rid of that bottle NOW! Oops, I guess they’re out & about too much with Suri to take the time needed to “wean” her from that childish crutch! Also, buy her dresses that fit….not ones that reach her feet almost…she is still a little girl, you know!
Am really enjoying these intelligent comments – thanks everyone.
If Tom and Katie really wanted to stop the photos, their cadre of bodyguards (and you know it must be huge,)would stop the paps, immediately. The guards’ lack of involvement is proof to me that the Cruises are endorsing or encouraging this activity.
Granted they are in New York, a town full of great restaurants, but if the Stillers and Cruises were really concentrating on their children’s welfare, they may have picked a more child-friendly location.
I hope little Suri gets to play and be happy (in normal kid’s clothes) in the privacy of their home.
Suri will handle the press well as she grows older – witness Princes William and Harry. Let’s hope Katie can guide Suri the way Diana did for her boys.
I used to love Tom Cruise. That was before he decided to do and say such foolish things on TV or wherever. Face it, there are celebrities much larger than Cruise or Holmes whose children have not been exposed to this hype. I have grandchildren and know at 2 1/2 there is no way this child could possibly understand what her parents are subjecting her to. They are using her to keep the public interested in them as celebs. I think this treatment could almost be construed as child abuse. Maybe they need some parenting therapy. Oh, forgot. They know better than to believe there could be any help available in the form of therapy. Bet Suri will change their mind when she’s older.
I completely agree with the author on this subject.
Poor Suri must be terrified with all those strangers surrounding her, yelling her name and taking her picture constantly.
But you have to remember, its not like Tom and Katie aren’t trying to keep Suri out of the Paparazzi’s way.. Remember those first few months when they seemed to be hiding her from the world? Gee.. I wonder why. Maybe so that this wouldn’t happen? Everyone seemed to think that they were acting like the strangest people on earth just by trying to keep their newborn baby from the scary pap. They’re probably doing everything they can. I mean, come on people, they’re celebrities for gods sake! Everyone is always going to ask about them, whether its because they never come out in public, or if they come out too much! I personally think that Everyone else- ESPECIALLY the paparazzi- should just back off for once.
Everyone has their opinion about tom cruise and katie holmes parenting but until we are in their shoes we shouldnt comment. So many people commented that they should have left suri with a babysitter or dont take her to public parks. Is the kid supposed to stay in doors her whole life. I think their reasoning is to let her to normal things that normal non celeb kids are doing. Its terrible that she cant enjoy a normal day at the park without a bunch of strange people snapping pictures waiting for Katie holmes to make a mistake so the paps have their next big picture. I wish the paps would leave the kids alone. One other thing, People were commenting on the fact that tom/katie sold suris pictures to the magazines. Could you imagine the media frenzy that would happen if they didnt get her picture out there first? It would probably be more dangerous for suri if they tried to keep her from the paps/public. All the paps would be racing to get the first photo of suri. Just my thoughts…
Suri, who is as cute as a button, is hiding her face, shyly, in TWO of the pics above… I do not see her “cowering”or crying… This article is a bit ridiculous… She is a shy little girl. The end. If she was mine, I’d take her to a deserted place or beach so she could play without cameras…
The papparazzi are doing a job. The *stahs* know that. Most beat that system. Cruise did until he finally had something to present that actually might be his. No grief from Katie Holmes, she grins while Suri cringes.
There’s a reason Suri Cruise is out there. The paps didn’t put her out there. If she wasn’t there there would be no photo’s of her cringing and hiding.
If they were ordinary DHR would have intervened.
Good for her, now they have to teach her how to flip them off……..
Like it has been said already she covers her face because she does not like the invasion of her privacy. She isnt getting used to the flashes and paps screaming out her name every which way its tormenting for her.
As cele parents they dont want Suri to stay couped up in home they want her to enjoy her youth, but as celebrities they should balance.
It is affecting her negatively but the paps have a job to do and if the Cruises can work out a system Suri can grow up half normal.
It’s no wonder she’s upset and crying. Pap’s get way out of hand and way too close! Fine, you want to take a picture go ahead, but get the hell out of the kid’s face and quit screaming at her! They invade their space and they don’t care who they push over to get a stupid picture. I guess this little girl is supposed to stay couped up her entire life. And I guess Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were just not aloud to have children? That’s ridiculous. Yeah, they’re horrible parents, what are they thinking trying to take their daughter to the park, a game, or out in public period…CRAZY!! I think every Pap should get court ordered to stay at LEAST 100 feet from these people, especially if they have kids…wishful thinking I guess. I can understand Freedom of the Press, but I never really understood Freedom of the Idiots!
sO, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO KEEP SURI IN HIDING, THEY DID THAT FOR A FEW MONTHS AND PEOPLE WERE TRASGING THEM FOR THAT SAYIND THEY WERE HIDING her. Its up to the photogs to stay away. Poor baby and cruise family. I think its really selfish of the paperazzi to make suri cry just for a darn pic. I think its great that they include her in there outings instead of letting the nanny raise her. I take my kids literally everywhere with me.
This child does look tired and scared. I think hundreds of flashbulbs might be something adults would like, but it would get old for a young child. Also, I have a “retarded” daughter. I really don’t appreciate the tone of Tropic Thunder. No, Ben, the word “retard” is not okay, no matter what the context is…
I agree with the comments about the Paparazzi staying away from kids thats why i don’t think theres anything wrong with celebs selling the pics they take them in a controlled environment so the kids are comfortable and eventually people wont be as interested in them if they’re there all the time and hopefully the photographers wont be as pushy
It’s all pitiful but what I see is a very spoiled little girl who is allowed to set her own bedtime. In one picture I saw she was exerting her “in chargeness” to her father when she didn’t get her way. What is she doing with a bottle? Whay is she throwing a fit when Mama forgets or tries to take her balnket away? Does she really need a $500 haircut? Or custom made shoes? She dosn’t appear to have trouble with her feet. What resturant goer wants to have babies around late at night? Not me! Katie thinks she has a prize….. so soon we forget Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch! And this man is parenting? God help Suri. Cute as she is she has a hard row to hoe!
In my opinion…Suri looks like a very tempermental, spoiled little girl. She scowls all the time…and it makes me sick to think about how much money they spend on a 2 year old’s clothes! Nauseating. What kind of principle and values is this child going to have one day?? NONE! Another Paris Hilton in the making…just wait and see.
I think Tom and Katie have plenty of other options rather than take Suri to Central Park or any other very public venu.
I agree that the paparazzi are becoming scary and dangerous. Sadly, I think nothing will be done until there is a real tragedy caused by paps that actually forces those in authority to take action.
However, a parent is a child’s first line of defense. Tom and Katie should be protecting Suri rather than taking her out to very public places, and “in” restaurants where there is guranteed to be paps. I think all their recent outings have been photo ops in order to promote Katie’s play and they should be ashamed of themselves for so selfishly causing their daughter such distress.
Poor little thing, she looks genuinely frightened and intimidated in most of those pics. Also, buy her dresses that fit….not ones that reach her feet almost…she is still a little girl.
They cant do anything about the photographers going after them- its dictated by public interest and not by where they go, and there are no laws to protect either themselves or their children in place. I think that a huge part of them trying to get pictures not only of the famous parents but their famous-by-proxy children is due to magazines, papers, tabloids and celebrity blogs who also hunger for children’s pictures.
Suri’s parents should try harder to keep her out of the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suri is being traumatized. She’s obviously in emotional pain. Poor child!!!!!!!!!
(Suri is experiencing trauma every time she’s exposed to people yelling, invading her space, calling her name, loudness of a raucous crowd.)
She’s often blocking her ears!!!!!!!!!
I think she’s going to need psychological assistance.
Symptoms of Traumatized Children
Young children who have been traumatized show a wide range of symptoms. These include:
Increased clinginess and difficulties separating from parents Disrupted sleep, with increased nightmares, waking, and panic.
Increased worries and hypervigilance.
Avoidance of new or previously identified sources of danger (phobias about animals, noises, monsters under the bed, etc.)
Toileting problems and physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches, or other aches and pains with no medical cause) Eating problems with increased fussiness, lack of interest, or insatiability.
Increased irritability and oppositional behavior with increased aggressiveness, angry outbursts, and inability to be soothed Emotional upset with unusual and frequent tearfulness and expressions of sadness.
Withdrawal of interest in pleasurable activities and interactions.
Dramatic changes in or inability to play; playing less creatively; repeatedly reenacting a traumatic event, such as a car crash or a fire.
Blunted emotions with no show of feelings; disconnection, as though going through the motions of regular activities Unusual distractibility.
Refusal to engage in previous age-appropriate behaviors (self-feeding, washing, brushing teeth, self-dressing, etc.).
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