Does Kirsten Dunst look kind-of pregnant to anyone else?


Yesterday, I put up some photos from outside of the Chanel show in Paris. Kirsten Dunst was there, as was Diane Kruger, Alexa Chung and a beautiful man named Gaspard. Anyway, last night Fame Pictures put up these photos from inside the Chanel show… and I’m not fascinated by how different Kirsten looks. Take the photo above. Kiki looks pregnant, right? CB looked at them too, and she thinks there might be something there. It’s not just that Kiki has gained some weight (and it looks good on her!), it’s that Kiki seems to have gained weight in the boobs and stomach area. Her face looks a little fuller too. Combined with Kiki’s recent lucidity and lack of drunken shenanigans, could it be that Kiki has cleaned up her act because of a pregnancy?

Of course we may be wrong. Maybe Kirsten just gained some weight and it just went to her abdomen. Maybe she got a little boob job, or she’s wearing chicken cutlets in her bra. Maybe she finally realized that getting wasted all the time is a bad idea. I don’t know. But I just thought I’d raise the possibility.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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54 Responses to “Does Kirsten Dunst look kind-of pregnant to anyone else?”

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  1. jrt says:

    Na…she’s just frumpy with bad posture

  2. embertine says:

    Nope, I think her body looks exactly the same, it’s just the drape of the dress.

    Which I totally covet, by the way, although I wouldn’t have worn it with that different-navy jacket.

  3. devilgirl says:

    She doesn’t look pregnant at all. She has gained some weight, as women tend to do. The first place I gain is in my boobs too.

  4. BW says:

    No. That’s what women’s tummy’s are supposed to look like. Besides she’s standing slouchy, which always makes your tummy pooch out abit.

  5. willynilly says:

    PMS is a bitch.

  6. serena says:

    She seems fine, very pretty and finally not a mess. This is the Kiki I like.

  7. Schnauzers!!!! says:

    She looks like she ate a sandwich and has PMS…

  8. Riley says:

    She does look pregnant but knowing ol’ kiki it could just be wine bloat. But I kind of have my doubts it is just wine. She really does look preggers, and kind of radiant.

  9. knitter says:

    Where’s the pic of Gaspard?

  10. ii says:

    Not pregnant…
    just not on drugs
    and eating healthily!

  11. KLO says:

    She looks lovely with this hairdo. Never looked better.
    I like the dress also. And the pale skin, it’s Gorgeous.

  12. Gwen says:

    I think she’s just been eating.

  13. Jane says:

    Just a frumpy dress, bad posture and bad belt placement.

    “That’s what women’s tummy’s are supposed to look like.”

    Women’s stomachs aren’t SUPPOSED to look any one way.

  14. teehee says:

    Well if she’s freshly pregnant, then I must be 11 months along already.

  15. amoteafloat says:

    Not pregnant — just glowing and healthy. She looks absolutely gorgeous. Better than she has in close to a decade, I’d say.

  16. Julie says:

    nope, not at all….maybe next to the ED Diane

  17. Megan says:

    No, she just has a bean bag body.

  18. Emma says:

    Food baby!!!

    Seriously, she probably just gained a couple of pounds.

    Not to be That Girl, who’s like: “Oh God, I have the Same Body Type as this Celebrity, WOW! And now I’ve told all of you my measurements, cuz I know you wanted to hear them…” hem hem.

    But I do have the same body type as Kirsten and whenever I gain a couple of pounds it goes straight to the boobs and lower belly. (Which means whenever I lose weight, my tits are the first to go >:( ) But yeah. She looks great. Much better than she’s been looking. Cute and healthy, even in the face (not so tweaked out).

  19. spinner says:

    Kiki looks absolutely gorgeous!! Best she has looked ever! The extra weight is good on her & she has the most beautiful skin.

  20. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Nah – silk pleats over the tummy would make anyone look fat/pregnant – sorry Karl. Agree she looks healthy and pretty overall though.

  21. Vi says:

    nah i think she’s just starting eating food instead of coke.

  22. samihami says:

    Nah-just booze bloat.

  23. Fabianne says:

    It’s definitely the dress. She just eats full meals.

  24. phlyfiremama says:

    Hmmm…Kiki sort of looks like a blonde Maggie Gyllenhal.

  25. liz says:

    How can you be kind-of pregnant? If she is, she’ll announce it when it’s the right time. Otherwise it’s kind of creepy to be speculating on a woman’s reproductive organs….

  26. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I did think her boobs looked bigger yesterday & not in a plastic-enhanced way.

  27. LindyLou says:

    Why not? Everyone else in Hollywood is getting knocked up.

  28. original kate says:

    i love her hair like this. preggers? dunno.

  29. Ally says:

    I’m still bummed that she and that Razorlight singer broke up. They were a perfect kooky couple.

  30. normades says:

    Naw that’s food or beer.
    I’d like Diane and Josh to have a baby now that her ex is having one.

  31. esblondie says:

    @teehee – HAHAHAHAHA

  32. Franny says:

    @bw…i find it strange that you say that is what a womens stomach is supposed to look like…im not a skinny girl by any means but to say that women are supposed to be fatter is weird

  33. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    why not? Everyone else is pregnant..

  34. Siren6 says:

    She looks great, whatever is going on.

  35. RhymesWithSilver says:

    I always thought she was very pretty, but she was also always a mess. Nice to see her not looking like a drowned rat for a change.

  36. Ari says:

    She usually annoys me but she looks radiant here is to hoping whatever the hell she is doing – continues.

  37. Courtney says:

    Uh you can’t always plan when your going to have a child and maybe she can’t use hormonal birth control for some reason. besides most people on it don’t use it correctly anyway and even if they did it would still only be 98% effective nor is 28/29 old to have your first child Joanne Woodward had her oldest daughter at 29 52 years ago of course it was her second pregnancy her first had ended in a miscarriage Linda McCartney had her second child at 28 of course some have children older because of struggles with getting/staying pregnant

  38. Franny says:

    ^ to 39: wtf

  39. EdithP says:

    She looks really good, I hope she’s healthy.

  40. Arianna says:

    ^ to 40: ahahahahhahaahahahahahhaahahahahah
    took the words out of my mouth

  41. z says:

    She looks great. This is the Kiki I adore! A little retro glamour, cute blonde bob, and she looks relaxed and happy. Is she pregnant… well, after the last month of pregnancy announcements I GUESS it wouldn’t surprise me. Time will tell with that one 😉

  42. QQ says:

    IDK.. she’s always had shitty posture and the Fug girls called her dr sunken tits as a re arranging of her name and cause she’s always had big cans

  43. Anon73 says:

    @Kaiser, forget if Drunkest looks preggers — why oh why are you not commenting on Paris Hilton ?? she looks so preggers to me, not only with a belly but also having bulked up in the all-around.

  44. OhCamille! says:

    shirt dresses are for the office. I don’t remember one picture where she looks fabulous, just meh.

  45. Kasey says:

    Not to me. I’ve never gotten the appeal of this woman. She always looked dirty, thin and sickly and just “blah” to me. In these pics she looks GOOD! I LOVE her with a little weight on! I’ve never EVER thought this before but she looks pretty and clean here.

    I was only ever-so-slightly interested in her when she was dating Jakey G and it was because they were adorable together. In my opinion his relationships since, come across as an attempt to find a replacement for her. Anyway, I digress. I’m hoping that now that he is single and she doesn’t look nasty and death-like. They may be able to rekindle the flame. I want this more than I wanted J-Lo and Diddy together. More than I want Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves together. I may even want this more than people want Rachael McAdams and Ryan Gosling together. Probably not as much as the mass demand for Sparkles and K-Stew to be eternally united though. Can someone please help Jakey G and Kiki find their way back to each other? PLEASE!!

  46. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    She’s just apple shaped (gains weight in her middle and boobs). Misha Barton, OTOH, is a pear (gains in the butt and legs). I think she looks cute though.

  47. CdnDutchGirl says:

    I think I’m going to start doing a shot every time Joanne Woodward is mentioned on CB. On second thought, that may cause me to drink like Jessica Simpson.

  48. LuckyLilGem says:

    Booze belly!

  49. Hakura says:

    I don’t think she looks pregnant, I really think it’s the combination of having the belt pulled tight in an odd place, and the pleats in the dress.

    Kinda creates a little ‘puff’ under the belt.

  50. bellyache says:

    She looks great in my opinion ! And I thought she resembled Diane Kruger when I saw the first pic, and what a coincidence, Kruger and Dunst photographed together.

  51. Kim says:

    Why is she still (was she ever) relevant? Has she done a movie in past 3 years?? Its just a bad dress on her/too big, i dont think preggers.

  52. GRMB says:

    @Kim: She has a movie now in theaters, as well as three more films out this year; she also is set to star in ‘Hick’ with Chloe Moretz.