Charlie Sheen and wife Brooke Mueller expecting a baby

The thought of Charlie Sheen bringing another child into this world is pretty damn scary. Almost as scary as the thought of Denise Richards bringing another child into this world. But that’s exactly what he’s doing. Charlie and his new wife Brooke Mueller were telling everyone who would listen that they wanted to have kids right away. Which I generally think is bad luck and a really great way to jinx yourself. But it seems to have worked out fine because the couple is now pregnant.

In Touch can exclusively reveal that Charlie Sheen and his wife, Brooke Mueller, are expecting a baby! “They are so happy and excited,“ an insider says. Brooke, 31, and Charlie, 42, can’t wait to start a family together. “They are in love, and this news makes things even better,” the insider adds. The couple, who met in 2006, wed in Los Angeles on May 30 and spent their honeymoon in Costa Rica. Charlie has two daughters, Sam, 4, and Lola, 3, with Denise Richards. Congrats, Brooke and Charlie!

[From In Touch]

I am so scared for this child. Soon there will be a tiny person out there who is a direct descendant of Charlie Sheen, and Denise Richards won’t be able to force it to make weird statements in a court of law. What other things is she going to be able to do to mess it up? I don’t want to make any unfounded accusations, but if I were Brooke and Charlie I’d seriously consider professionally sterilizing anything that comes into their house by way of Denise. Especially baby presents. Or maybe just throwing them out all together.

This is going to be a fun 18 years for all of them.

Here’s Brooke and Charlie at the 2 and a Half Men 100th anniversary party on October 3nd. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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31 Responses to “Charlie Sheen and wife Brooke Mueller expecting a baby”

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  1. stupid says:

    denise richards is right now balled up in the corner crying her eyes out.

    My next is a prediction: Denise Richards will release a statement says “I am happy for Charlie & Brooke and wish them both best of luck” Then she is do something crazy or claim something even crazier than before. like marry some guy she doesnt even know or i say SEX TAPE……

    i will take bets….anybody willing

  2. cc says:

    I will side with stupid lol….Denise is going to go ballistic.

  3. Carrie says:

    She’ll find someone else to knock HER up and have a tit-for-tat baby. And in doing so, completely screw up yet another human life.

  4. Snowblood says:

    I’ve never seen anybody who can come close to Charlie Sheen’s amazing talent at being able to frown deeply and grin widely at the same exact time. It’s really disconcerting, but oddly hypnotising, that maniacal Charlie Sheen smilefrown. Like watching someone criminally insane talk about something, like charles Manson – ever see those interviews with Manson in his nuthouse prison? He does the same thing, the frownsmile, but Charlie does it beter, in my opinion. 😆

  5. pebbles says:

    LOL Snowblood!

  6. Nan says:

    Stupid, we’re holding you to this. I agree. Though just for fun, let’s make it a definitive bet. We’ll bet in time frames-say like Denise will react by doing _______________ in __ months time.

    We can bet on a bottle of vodka (it’s a drinking crowd here) or one of those white luxurious spa robes that came w/a room rental at The Plaza hotel years back. Those robes were of such quality you got a workout carrying around 15 extra lbs. on your back. I’m in for a spa robe & I’ll raise you a bottle of Iceberg.

  7. pam says:

    congrats to charlie and brooke. next up denise! she can’t be pissed if she’s reallllllly over the pervert right? lets see this in a couple of days. He’s gonna have a boy and goood lord denise is gonna be soooo pissed cause she couldn’t give him this one thing. let it go denise give charlie the freedom he deserves and just chill. i just say he’s having a boy because that’s what he needs to keep him sane. please let it be a boy. :mrgreen:

  8. daisy424 says:

    I hope that Denise doesn’t try and keep the girls from their new sibling with the visitation rift they have going on.
    She seems spiteful and jealous enough to try.
    My girls are very close to their half sister & brother. Although we lived 1500 miles away, I always encouraged them to cultivate a loving relationship with them. Blood is blood.

  9. Snowblood says:

    @ Daisy – “I hope that Denise doesn’t try and keep the girls from their new sibling…” Oh, she will, Daisy, you KNOW she will!

  10. oxa says:

    now he can use the excuse she is knocked up to go back to using hookers.

  11. Blackalicious says:

    This is going to be a fun 18 years for all of them.”

    Best line of this story. Cue the carnival music…

  12. princess says:

    I would like in on the bet…
    I’m thinking pregnant by the end of the year and just to up the ante…refusing to name the baby daddy.

  13. seVen says:

    I’ll take you on that bet stupid. Shes going to go insane, do something stupid(er). Denise Watch 2008!

  14. Mavis says:

    LOL Snowblood! He looks like he’s pretending to be a dog. “Grrrr!”

  15. Gigohead says:

    I believe Charlie also has an older daughter from a previous relationship to Denise. So this will be Charlie’s 4th kid.

  16. Denise Richards is going to try and make herself the center of attention with regard to all this. She always has to turn everything back on herself “look at me!” She is a whiner and has a victim mentality. She needs to wish them well, shut up and get on with her life.

  17. UrbanRube says:

    Snowblood, I totally agree. I remember years ago reading a theory about why, when you look at a person’s face in a photograph, there can be a big difference between the left and right sides. Supposedly the left side (as you’re looking at the face, it would be right to the person being photographed) represents the “social” side of the person’s personality and the right side as you look at it represents the private side. Cover up the left side of Charlie’s face in the photo above and see what his “private” side looks like.

  18. Mairead says:

    oh… good… lord. That child is fecked.

  19. I choose me says:

    Great googlymoogly! 😯 That’s a scary header pic.

    @Urbanrube. His ‘private side’ looks just as scary as the other side if you ask me.

    So, lola and sam are gonna have a new brother or sister eh? Their mama is gonna be so thrilled. Denise Watch 2008 indeed.

  20. Bodhi says:

    Great Zappa reference, I choose!

  21. enchantress says:

    This control freak, megalomaniac sociopath ought never to reproduce again. Too bad his d*ck didn’t rot off from V.D. 👿

  22. Aspen says:

    Yeah…cause this is JUST what his two girls need…MORE obstacles to getting attention from their father.


    People are so freaking selfish. WHY do people this selfish procreate?

  23. czarina says:

    Why is it when celebs get married so many of them seem to have children IMMEDIATELY?? They don’t give the relationship time to grow or to be a married couple for a while, then, of course, when they divorce two years down the road, there is a child that has to be forever divided between their parents.

  24. Skank Basher says:

    That man shouldn’t have had ONE kid, let alone three! Frightening. These poor children will doubtless be fraught with all sorts of psychological and emotional pathologies. 😐

  25. pebbles says:

    well, Czarina, it’s like this….in our world, we wait a little like you said, but in Hollywood, when a “model” marries a guy with a sitcom salary, she has to have a child right away, so she can secure her financial position immediately…it’s only a matter of time before he boozes, or gambles or visits hookers…..

  26. Codzilla says:

    Snowblood: Ha! I’ve always thought his smile was weird, but couldn’t quite figure out why. Until now — you’ve completed the puzzle. Thanks!

    Also, he needs to stay clean shaven, because all that gray fuzz just emphasizes the fact that he dyes his hair. And the hairdo is laughable. Looks like he’s desperately clinging to his younger years, even though they jumped ship a long time ago. 🙄

  27. Sarah says:

    OMG Denise is not the crazy one! Charlie is an abuser all the way. Denise even fired a nanny for saying bad things about Charlie in front of the kids.(after the Nanny had witnessed Charlies abusive side)
    Infact she never said anything about Charlie until she was forced to write a 12 page letter to the judge to protect her children. She had no say in weather it was made public, but it was and once it was out it was so crazy awful all that Charlie has done, that people couldn’t believe their precious Charlie Sheen could be that awful that they accused her of lying.
    He has threatened top kill her numerous times, looks at kiddie porn of girls not much older than his girls, She would be a bad Mom not to protect
    them from him.Do a search on Denises 12 page letter to the judge.
    You just can’t make stuff like that up.
    He is the one that wont let things go, every-time she went to promote her show, he would make a public statement. He wont stop talking about her.
    He would swear at Denise and call her horrible names and push her in front of the girls.
    Think about it….. Does a normal non abusive ex husband make public demeaning comments about his ex? Especially a celeb that knows things will be public? Hes always bringing her up, just to say how awful she is, but she never brings him up, she only answers when shes been asked about him.
    Anyway just had to defend her, she has been through hell because of him, just watch I will have to bet on how long before Brooke claims Charlie has been abusive. Abusive men get more abusive when kids come along. And this will be his 4th.

  28. Judy says:

    Sooner or later Denis is going to lose those kids by abusing the court sytem with her lies. Then Charlie will have the whole brood. Denise will always go after him she will never stop because she is mentally ill.
    Charlie shouls have waited a long time before marrying again and having another kid that fast because he will soon be back in me.

  29. Jeanne says:

    He always looks like he’s gritting his teeth when he smiles. I guess he’ll do if you like your men crazy.

  30. sarah says:

    Yes he will be back in court in no time at all.
    Because he is the one with the abuse problems,
    Denise is not mentally ill. Charlie just might be though.

  31. Yoshithin says:

    Sarah you’re so right about Charlie. He’s fooled a lot of people and made them regret loving him. Denise is lucky to have gotten rid of him after all the things he did and how he keeps putting her down because she knows who he really is. He’s a monster and all he’s doing is using his current wife in an attempt to look good.