The theme of this SAG fashion post is back in black – for the women who wore black well or not so great. Our headliner lady in black is everybody’s favorite fashion trainwreck, Christina Hendricks. Christina usually opts for some BIG dress with big ruffles or a big shoulder piece or something that shows off her big rack. I have to say, I like the idea of this dress much more than I like the execution. The idea of Christina in a shiny, black, long-sleeved wrap dress is good – but there’s something wrong with this particular dress on her. That being said, I don’t hate it, and we’ve certainly seen her look worse on a red carpet.
Nicole Kidman – I hated this dress. Passionately. The lace detailing on the back looked cheap as hell, and the high collar was too “Look at me, I’m a Catholic school girl.” That’s what it reminded me of, my apologizes to those Catholic school girls who are going to yell at me. You know what else I hated? Nicole’s hair. It was like she borrowed Keith’s flat-iron and only did a few strands up front.
January Jones in black and gold. I like it. I like her in a more demure look. Yes, she has a great body, but she doesn’t have to put it out there every time. Plus, I just like gold and black together.
Kelly McDonald in black strapless. I find her adorable as an actress, but the girl is not a fashionista. She looks like she’s trying on this dress right after working out. Her hair isn’t doing anything, and the fit looks off.
Barbara Hershey in another gold and black combo. I dislike it, just because it looks like her dress is bleeding that copper/gold stuff. But I like the cut on her – she’s an actress over 50, and she has everything covered up that needs to be covered up.
Robin Wright – to her credit, this dress looked better and sexier in motion. In still photos, it’s totally blah.
Julie Bowen’s pantsuit thing. She usually has horrible taste in fashion, so I admired the simplicity of this. Plus, those pants are awesome.
Kyra Sedgwick was one of my favorites of the evening. I LOVED this dress.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Wow…none of the dresses looks good at all! I thought you never could go wrong with black. Looks like I was waaaay wrong.
Christina’s dress looks like a bathrobe. Terrible. But if the sleeves had been shorter with an interesting shape, or even almost a cap sleeve, it would have been much better.
I LOVED Nicole Kidman’s dress!
Nicole’s dress is so ugly it’s embarrassing.
All of these dresses are fugly. Nicole is definitely losing her fashin sense.
Uh, I meant fashion. Not enough coffee yet.
Yeah, most of these looks were awful. There was always something wrong…love Kelly McDonald & January Jones but I didn’t like their hair, Nicole looked terrible, really the only one who looked totally good was Kyra.
I can’t stand looking at Nicole’s dress, especially that collar flowery thing… Just awful!!!
I’m beginning to think Keith Urban isn’t the only one in the Kidamn/Urban household that’s doing drugs. I am no fan of Nicole Kidman, but this is too easy even for me. I am shuddering.
Oh my. I think all the black dresses shown above are ugly.
What’s the deal with Nicole Kidman and lace lately?
Christina’s dress is fine, but the goth type makeup kind of ruins the look. Nicole’s dress would have been lovely if not for the lace around the neck… and holy crap around the back that looks so tacky that my jaw dropped. January’s is OK except for the fishtail at the bottom and the hem of the dress, which looks like a doily at my grandmother’s house.
Kelly McDonald, well, she looks like I would look on the red carpet… I would have no idea what to do except to put on this fancy dress and then just stand there in a half smile and hope all the photographers thought I was someone’s assistant and totally ignored me. So for that she gets a pass.
Barbara Hershey looks really good, although I could have done without the gold gunshot wounds. Robin and Kyra look great (not crazy about the things that jut up from the bodice on Kyra but still the overall look is good), and somehow Julie’s jumpsuit works (words I never thought I would type).
The only one I kinda like is January Jones but it would probably look better without the fishtail.
I like Nicole’s but that necklace is unnecessary. All it does is fuss up an already ornate neckline.
I like Kyra’s best. Why does it always look like Nicole’s eyes are bleeding?
That’s a nice change for Christina, but something is a bit off. Mainly, she should stop torturing her boobs by strapping them into painful cleavage.
Although January seems to need a bra in that dress.
christina should take a cue from sofia vergara. seriously – i am yet to roll my eyes at anything sofia wears in public, and i do it almost every time i see christina.
Christina…wtf?? Girl, come on now. Of all of the wrap dresses in the world, you chose this one? And she’s borderline Raccoon McPantless with that makeup. Barf.
Nicole…girl, I don’t even know what to do with you anymore.
Nicole Kidman got curves since she had her daughter!
have to say i like hershey’s dress. i love it actually. who is the designer?
@azurea – Couldn’t agree more about the bathrobe look to Christina’s gown.
Julie Bowen looked good but her pants needed hemmed up just a bit more. It looks like her feet have been photo shopped off.
Christina needs to hire a stylist, or if she’s got one, fire that one and hire a new one. Every freaking time she shows up to an award show, she looks freaking awful. She has a beautiful figure and beautiful pale skin. Why is it so hard for her to dress in a way that flatters her assets?
Nicole’s dress isn’t terrible, per say, but it’s not exactly exciting, like her gowns usually are.
I heart Kelly MacDonald and pretty much everything about her-so her slightly boring hair gets a pass from me. I love how she looks like a normal person and not a movie star, that’s a big part of her charm.
I don’t think Nicoles dress is THAT bad, but that necklace really is too much. I think they tried to add a little color. maybe more dramatic earrings would have been better than that thing around her neck. it looks heavy!! why did they put such a giant zipper on the back of her dress?? it looks tacky.
I like Kyra’s best too.. she wins!
hmmmm…it really is difficult for a redhead to pull off black. Generally black is way to harsh for them as seen here on Nicole K. & Christina H. Throw in harsh black eye make-up & you end up with, well….HARSH. Nicole’s dress looks so cheap. I feel embarrassed for her.
I saw other pictures of Kelly’s hair and thought it looked much better.
And Christina H’s fabric is just weird. Weird.
Nicole’s dress: OK for the front view, minus the necklace, but the back is cheap and tacky.
I liked Kyra’s dress, the others were mainly acceptable IMO.
I don’t care for the dress, but CH looks beautiful!
All except Nicole’s and Kyra’s dresses are terrible
“It was like she borrowed Keith’s flat-iron and only did a few strands up front. ”
lol !
I always thought Christina H. is hot, but now I see she’s just fat. And has a weird smile
i agree with most of your assessment, except i loved nicole’s dress! esp the lacy details!
i just love love love lace!
also, i think january’s dress is too much, i liked it from the waist up… but yeah, not much from waist down…
Kaiser…mmmm mmmm mmmm…why does Barbara Hershey need to cover up cause she’s over 50? Kyra Sedgewick is nigh on 50 and you don’t have an equivalent comment…
I reckon age has nothing to do with it…its what suits…and getting older is not a crime…perhaps you’d be best pleased if she covered herself in sackcloth and ashes and wore a sign that said “Over the Hill” (as opposed to “Unclean”)
i cannot believe i’m saying this but that black pantsuit is gorgeous. christina looked great except the sleeves should have been shorter. kyra – ok, i love her but she is getting that weird stringy look. she needs to eat more and work out a bit less, i think. nicole is just wrong.
ooops – i meant jumpsuit, not pantsuit. silly me.
When did Christina Hendricks turn 50? I actually love Nicoles dress (on her, specifically). J Jones’s hair is…alien. Kyra = perfection.
Kyra Sedgwick has amazing taste. Have you noticed how she always brings it every time she is on the red carpet. Take note other younger hot messes! And her figure is amazing. She is no spring chick either. I have noticed claire danes looking gorge recently but she looked utterly demented at these awards. Reminded me of mimi off the drew carrey show.
Kyra and Robin looked fantastic.
CH-She is such a beauty, this look did not suit her though.
JJ-A more sedate look and I like it. She is a stunning woman. Her hair could have been styled differently, imho. The Versace was getting old. I know she loves it but do something different.
Nicole-loved the back but not the rest.
Julie-I like that she did something different and a pantsuit. It’s the SAG’s, not the Oscar’s or GG’s. She looks great. I have to believe that she works out hard and eats smart.
Barbara looks good. It’s age appropriate and she looks amazing.
I love Kelly, amazing actor. She will get into a groove if she wants to, not if she has to during television award season. I have a feeling this woman cares very little what other’s think she should wear.
robin wright is so pretty and i like the dress too.
Nicole Kidman has perma-stoned eyes. The slug that was living in her top lip looks like it lost some weight though.