Cele|bitchy | “Lindsay Lohan is upset by Bristol Palin’s distracting pregnancy” links

“Lindsay Lohan is upset by Bristol Palin’s distracting pregnancy” links

Lindsay Lohan says Bristol Palin’s pregnancy is “distracting.” Because Lohan has never distracted us from doing anything. Ever. She’s all about the issues [Fafarazzi]
– Speaking of Bristol Palin, a lot of unfortunate pictures are quickly making their way onto the internet [Bossip]
Christina Aguilera’s son is normal and cute looking. It’s a miracle [Dlisted]
– Here’s Natalie Portman at the Venice Film Festival, looking absolutely perfect as usual [Lainey Gossip]
– Supposedly David Duchovny is just addicted to porn. If that requires treatment I know about a billion guys who need help [PopEater]
– “Traitor” review [Pajiba]
– This is easily the most excited Al Pacino has ever looked. Ever. [Defamer]
– Cute pics of Brad Pitt out with Zahara in Cannes [I’m Not Obsessed]
Cameron Diaz turned 36 this weekend, and from the looks of these pictures it’s time to start using some retinol around her joker lines [PopSugar]
– Speaking of David Duchovny, here are some crazy hot pics of him sans pants [Celebslam]
Ashlee Simpson used her legendary verbal skills to fire back at fat rumors [Websters is my Bitch]
– We’re confused about whether or not Megan Fox is still dating Brian Austin Green [The Bastardly]
– Of all the hot chicks in bikini pictures this summer, Pink’s was never among them [The Blemish]
Tiger Woods & Wife Elin are expecting their second child [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– Just when you thought that face couldn’t get any worse… new pics of Kirsten Dunst (site NSFW) [Drunken Stepfather]
Joan Rivers thinks Angelina Jolie is stupid. Isn’t that sort of a compliment coming from her? [Evil Beet]
– I can’t decide if Keanu Reeves is aging well or not [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– It seems that Sienna Miller and ex Rhys Ifans really were perfect for each other: they were equally disgusting [Hollywood Rag]
– Who knew Jimmy Kimmel and Lauren Conrad are such BFFs? With video of course [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Diane Kruger has been cast in Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Bastards” [Agent Bedhead]
– Random celeb photos [Crazy Days and Nights]
Keira Knightly looks a tiny bit less scary skinny [The Skinny]
– Every time I see a picture of Bai Ling, I think “Oh well, at least there’s nowhere to go but up from here.” Then I see another one [Derek Hail]
Daniel Radcliffe magazine covers make me feel creepy [Best Week Ever]
Spencer Pratt can teach you a lot about romance [Mollygood]
– Not the hottest pic of Jessica Biel… but we’ll take it [Jezebel]

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13 Responses to ““Lindsay Lohan is upset by Bristol Palin’s distracting pregnancy” links”

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  1. Teagen says:

    Lezlo is scum anyway.

  2. Kaiser says:

    Keanu *is* aging well. No controversy.

    Those Brad & Princess Z pics are SO CUTE.

    And the idea of Katie-bot having “blow job knees” is disgusting. Blech.

  3. Anni says:

    “blow-job knees”…thanks for that one…we never learned the interesting vocabularies in school…

  4. whatevs says:

    I’m willing to bet little Suri’s been punching Katie when she doesn’t get her way. It must be hard raising a 30 year old in a 2 year old’s body.

  5. daisy424 says:

    Ms. Z – she is so darned cute with her blankie and her little piggies peeking our of her jean bottoms 😉

    Yeah, Keanu looks fine to me too.

    Whatevs: I am picturing Suri kicking the crap out of Katie, and can’t stop laughing….My moment of Zen.

  6. Lola says:

    I don’t for a moment believe those words are Lindsay’s. They are too deep for someone who flashes her crotch from time to time.

    Has she considered her on life? That no one focuses on her acting. It is all about her train wreck life and family. Talk about the pot calling the Kettle black 🙄

  7. Jaclyn says:

    Loving the David Duchovny pictures, thanks!!

  8. Diva says:

    I just LOOOOVE Zahara’s look of disdain, lmao, that’s a mastered art that just came natural!

  9. Bodhi says:

    Like anyone accutally gives a fuck what that trashy ho thinks about politics. I bet she isn’t even registered to vote.

    I don’t even want to imagine the horrific tantrums Suri must throw. :shudder:

  10. Megan says:

    Xtina Aguilara’s baby IS ugly, baaahh

  11. Codzilla says:

    Aw, Pete Wentz is keeping Ashlee’s size zeroes warm while she’s with child. What a complete and unrepentant pussy he is.

  12. Christina X says:

    See, the thing about Lindsay Lohan is, yeah, she’s been staying out of trouble, but that doesn’t really change what I’ve always disliked about her most- her mouth, her personality.

  13. Hey, cool tips. I’ll buy a bottle of beer to the man from that forum who told me to go to your site 🙂