Is anyone else mildly depressed that Mila Kunis has now been pushed out of the awards season? I enjoyed seeing her on red carpets so much, and it wasn’t even about the clothes. I liked seeing her because she’s fun, she doesn’t take it too seriously, and she was finally getting some attention after years of being a really cool and talented girl. Now everything is about NATALIE PORTMAN, forever, all the time. Mila didn’t end up with an Oscar nomination, and I doubt she’ll end up going to the Oscars. Unless she gets invited as a presenter, in which case… I hope she goes. And I hope she takes a bunch of attention away from Natalie. Just because.
Anyway, Mila is the cover girl for this week’s Los Angeles Times Magazine. I like the photos a lot, and my only quibble is with the enormous hairpiece they attached in back. It’s looks horrible! But Mila is still so, so pretty. Here are a couple of excerpts from the interview:
On her career: “I was very lucky to have a show for eight years. Now I can sit back and think about what I want.”
On making comedies: “I love doing comedies. They’re just as hard, if not harder, to make work, compared with a drama. You work 17 hours a day, and you have to try to make things different and funny and relatable onscreen all at the same time.”
Black Swan director Darren Aronofksy on working with Mila: “She’ll try anything . . . [Mila is] very, very playful—really willing to experiment.”
[From Pop Sugar]
While I have high hopes for Mila, I don’t think the best career move for her is this dumb-looking rom-com with Justin Timberlake. Also not a good career move: sleeping with Justin Timberlake. You’re too good for that, girl! Try to get some Joseph Gordon Levitt or something.
Photos courtesy of Got Celeb.
She is refreshing!
She is so talented and so very beautiful, I just love this girl.
Successfully transitioning from Sit-Com to big screen in a variety of role types is a major coup. I hope she goes the way of Tom Hanks.
She’s so pretty and she seems really grounded. I think she’s also smart enough to stay away from JT.
“Is anyone else mildly depressed that Mila Kunis has now been pushed out of the awards season?”
No, because her role was in no way worthy of any awards.
I don’t like these pictures, but she seems like a cool chick, very pretty.
I’m sure she’ll be at Oscars, her movie is nominated for best picture. If is was just the actors nominated and presenters who showed up, then it would be a very boring, very sparce gathering.
Bad “Aliens” hairdo.
And please hide those huge gunboats.
Love her!!!
Mila and JGL together would make my life Kaiser!!!!
@Jane. Completely agree. She is a (to use Lainey and Kaiser’s phrase) “TV Girl” after all…. ::rolls eyes::*
*Yes, I’m being sarcastic. The TV Girl moniker only has merit when it’s a celebrity you don’t like. But if you do like them, then you wish them success.
Adore her. And YES. I wish I knew either her or JGL in person, just so I could convince them that this pairing has to happen.
She didn’t deserve a nomination just like Natalie doesn’t deserve the Oscar she’s got a lock on. But I hope she presents. She is not only a beauty but she seems like someone who is actually really cool.
What a wonderful female form. I agree about the hair. They wanted to accent the face which is perfect but a proper positioning of a soft flow hair style would have been much more complimentary to the entire image.
@ The Bobster
ahhaahhaha definitely
but i love milaaaa!
There is something so odd about her very sudden breakup with Caulkin. They were together for 8 years. Another thing I find disturbing is her shadowy connection with Scientology. I realize that a large majority of the cast on That 70’s Show are cult members but it is signaling to me that people will be hating on this beautiful girl soon enough.
I agree, it seems to take away from the skillful performances of ‘Black Swan‘ when both she & Natalie immediately run out & do ridiculous rom-com’s with moron costars. x_x
Plus the huge ‘Natalie-rambling-saying-stupid-shit-wearing-bad-dresses’ overdose lately.
& that hairpiece bun is huge, puts off the ‘balance’ in the pictures, but she’s gorgeous as always.
JGL is taken unfortunately. Has been for a while by a lovely dancer named Lexy Hulme (I think that’s how you spell it). But I agree Mila needs someone with a bit more brain and intrigue than JT, so a smart and funny JGL type is right on the money. Stay away from the boy band dong Mila!
*sigh* I love her!
Blaster – Yes, it’s completely shocking that I want talented people to succeed, and that I like some celebrities more than others. Also, I don’t believe I’ve ever been inconsistent in saying that some of the best acting and writing is happening on television, and that there’s anything wrong with being on television.
But don’t let me stop you. Here’s some confetti for your pity party.
I don’t know where the Scientology comment comes from…Mila has absolutely no connection to that. Sure, a couple of her old 70s show cast mates (Masterson and Prepon) are, but that doesn’t mean she has anything to do with it.
And I think her performance in Black Swan was outstanding, and she did deserve the recognition with an Oscar nomination. But it was a higly competitive year, and Mila is still fighting back the stereotype that happens when a career starts at a very young age doing a sitcom…and doing voice work for Family Guy. But she has her career on the right track and I couldn’t be happier to see her getting some recognition for her work. It is well deserved.
I thought Mila was great in Black Swan (and that Natalie deserves to win), but I can see how other performances got the Oscar noms instead. I do hope she goes though, and I really like her so I hope she continues to get great roles. And stays away from JT.
side note: “some of the best acting and writing is happening on television” – completely agree.
I always heard it was harder for an actor to do comedy vs drama.
Love love love what she is wearing in the first picture!
Mila was better in Black Swan than NP, and yet NP was nominated and seems to have the odds in her favor.
I would have liked to see more of her this season. Fingers crossed she’ll make better choices in movies than filming with JT.
She is gorgeous.
i’m liking her more & more.
““some of the best acting and writing is happening on television” – completely agree.”
also agree…as long as you include the disclaimer “just not on NETWORK BROADCAST (fox, nbc, cbs, abc) TV”.
I’m thinking more along the lines of TNT, USA, TBS, FX, HBO and SHO. There are a few good shows on regular TV, but for the most part it’s SO “dumbed down” for the masses. I’ve tried to watch a couple of current shows, and literally could not even get through one episode because the dialogue was SO bad, or the production was poor. NCIS: LA and the new Hawaii 5-0 come to mind.
Note to Scott Caan: you are NOT Sonny Corleone, and you never will be so stop trying so hard.
I never said that you thought TV was the bottom of the barrel nor did I question that you were inconsistent. And I am sorry if that’s how my post came off as.
I just agreed with Jane that her work in Black Swan while good, wasn’t that talented or nuanced, like Melissa Leo or Helena Bonham Carter’s work this year, therefore not worthy of an Academy Award nomination. Much like her upcoming Friend with Benefits with JT (vomit). Yes, she is certainly better than Biel, Alba or Lively but I was just commenting on the fact that when it comes to Kunis, I felt like her attitude, style, great interviews and gorgeous face were more the reason you wanted her to succeed in film, and less about her “acting” ability, which is what is called into question when the phrase TV Girl is thrown around. And if I’m wrong on that front, then I’m sorry. Truly.
But if it’s better to allude to me being being a Jenaloonie (nevermind that I’ve never watched Friends and the last movie I saw in theatres with her was Bruce Almighty) or whatever it’s called these days, then fine. On the spectrum, I think I’m quite tame. Rather that than the Kraken or that one reader you had to ban, Salem.
Loving the first look on her, minus the stool awkwardly jutting out of her butt. I wish her success transitioning from the small to the big screen. She has been pretty open about not having to do anything she isn’t really into, so it’ll be interesting to see where she goes from here.
♥ her – she’s so cool and pretty!
Blaster – With Mila, it’s a combination of her cool personality, her stunning beauty, and her talent. I agree that her work probably wasn’t worthy of an Oscar nom for Black Swan, but I still would have enjoyed seeing her get one, just because it would have announced to the world that there was another talented girl (beyond the dreaded, insufferable Natalie Portman) who should be getting more work.
Re: TV Girls – I sincerely wish Aniston would go back to television. That’s not a crack on her at all. She was good on television.
Oh my god, what is she wearing on that cover and how may I procure it?
I love her and think she’s gorgeous but I don’t like these pictures and I have a sneaking suspicion that she might go all Hollywood on us. Keeping my fingers crossed that she stays grounded and as sweet as she seems to be.
Love her. Talented, beautiful, smart and funny girl. I saw her in an interview, years ago, about that 70s show. She said they asked her if she was going to be 18, they wanted everyone to be over 18 and she was only 14. She told them yes she was going to be 18. She said she didn’t lie that yes she would be 18 someday, they didn’t ask what year. I love that. What a smart/clever girl. She will be around along time.
i really like her!
She’s a real cracker! A true star in making.
I love her, I love what she’s wearing but I really hate the poses. They just look weird.
The best thing about Black Swan was Vincent Cassell, followed by Mila Kunis
Kunis was fine in the role, but let’s face it: It wasn’t very challenging. Portman and Hershey and Rider had the harder ones. But I’m just an armchair judge over here with no acting experience. Still love Kunis and she has plenty of time to show her stuff. Hope she makes better role choices. She should’ve turned down that role in that apocalyptic Denzel movie. (can’t remember title) and I seriously hope she doesn’t go down the rom-com whirlpool.
I don’t know why they have photoshopped a longer neck and a smaller waist on her. She’s already perfectly stunning. It really annoys me when they do that!
Why would you consider the Hershey performance more challenging? She played a stereotype over protective mother. Yea, I get the Mila character was a role seen in film before, but between the dedication it took to turn herself into a ballerina and pull off the dancing, as well as what the emotional range it required, it was more demanding then what Hershey was asked to do. It’s time to quit trying to qualify her performances somehow and just accept that YES she was good, and the accolades that came with the performance were earned. And by the way, it would have been ludicrous to turn down the opportunity to work with Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman and skilled directors like the Hughes Brothers, and I thought she gave a good performance in The Book of Eli as well.
I think she is doing a very good job with her career choices and even doing a rom com makes perfect sense. It is something that all actresses in her age range do. Hathaway, Seifried, you name any actress in that age range, and that is what is necessary to keep moving forward.
She was miscast in the Book of Eli role. That role seemed better suited for a woman 10-20 years older, which is against “Hollywood rules”. Wish Hollywood would take a cue from British productions in that regard. I’m sure I’m also biased because A)I like Kunis very much and B) I thought that movie was pretty awful, not bc of the cast or director but bc of the writing. I also am biased because I think rom coms are bargain basement entertainment with very few exceptions. I hope she picks interesting moves over cliche or $$$ ones. That’s all.
love the girl, the pose and even the bun – has an edgy yet classy updated Audrey Hepburnish feel imo.
I agree totally with ghostwriter.
Oh, just yesterday I said that doing comedy is more difficult than doing a drama, glad she says the same.
I like her but I don’t think she deserves a Oscar nomination for her role in Blakc Swan and I’m sure she will be at the ceremony since the movie got a nomination.
@Trillion I don’t think she was miscast at all. The role called for a woman to play the daughter of Jennifer Beals, and Jennifer was playing a woman in her early to mid 40s (as she is in real ife)….that would be pretty crazy to have an actress almost the same age as Jennifer play her daughter. Mila was the ideal age.
I would say, as you said, you are being bias because the movie wasn’t your cup of tea…..that’s fine, to each their own, I didn’t think it was awful at all, and it did almost 100 million at the box office, so it was pretty successful for her.
As for rom coms, like it or not, they are a standard in the industry, especially for females. If females want to work in films, and remain relevant they have to do rom coms…..there are many quality actresses that do them…as I mentioned with the likes of Hathaway and Sefried as examples. Like any film, it always depends on the material. I have some hope for Friends with Benefits, because I thought Will Gluck did a nice job with Easy A….but we’ll see. Maybe it will be a poor film, but it is still a major step in Kunis’s career to be a female lead in a rom com. And I fully expect her to continue to do a variety of roles…..just like she has done jumping from comedy films such as Sarah Marshall and Extract, to action films such as Book of Eli and then doing a film like Black Swan. It was a huge break for her to get to work with Aronofsky. But as far as growing as an actress getting to learn from the likes of Washington and Oldman were good for her as well.
@ Jane: I thought the same thing only because her screen time was short compaired to Natalie.
I never watched That 70’s show. I didn’t even know she was in it! Hmm maybe I should check it out?
Mila should aim higher than Joseph Gordon Levitt.
i appreciate that she says its just as hard to pull of a comedy as it is to pull of a drama. comedy actors dont get enough props, in my opinion.
kaiser: i don’t know you well, but i don’t follow you. why would an actor or an actress be better suited for television than they would be for motion pictures? its all acting, isn’t it?
Love Mila! She seems like such a cool chick plus she is gorgeous.
Who is Joseph Gordon Levitt??
(googling now)
I have always really liked her and she is adorable. I am still working on getting over her comments in the Advocate interview and her in-efficient babbling, she disappointed me.
I like her acting and she has been consistent over the years
Mila is very beautiful, seems cool and is talented but her role wasn’t really Oscar worthy in Black Swan. I know NP isn’t very popular with some folks but you’ve gotta give credit where credit is due – NP had a much harder job in that film and deserved to be nominated for her outstanding performance, even if her personality leaves something to be desired.
I’m sure with Mila’s talent, she’ll come across another role someday that will afford the opportunity for an Oscar nom – I have a feeling she isn’t going away from the screen anytime soon. Go Mila
wtf is with the bun..invasion of the body snatchers much? She never gets it right :/
I thought she did great in Black Swan, but I’m not really bummed she didn’t get a nomination — it wasn’t really a demanding role. But I think she has the potential to do demanding roles, and I look forward to seeing that from her.
I love how she’s gracious enough to speak of positively of her TV work. It feels like the kind of thing a lot of actresses would try to distance themselves from, or complain about (Maybe I’m just thinking of Kristen Stewart, who’s been bitching about everything lately). Maybe it’s just how she presents herself, but she comes off as a genuinely cool person.
I’m with Kaiser all the way on this one (in both the article and in her comments in this thread). Couldn’t agree with everything you said in the comments more in fact Kaiser .
I <3 Mila, she is gorgeous, very likeable, down to earth/’real’ and also talented.
She will get the recognition she deserves when it is the right time and role. I wish this girl nothing but the best .
“Here’s some confetti for your pity party” LOL
“I sincerely wish Aniston would go back to television.” I agree!
Mila is gorgeous! Those poses are just weird o_O
she’s a babe and she’s gonna go far. Lets hope she doesn’t mess with that gorgeous face.
Having known Mila since her Lisa Frank commercial days, I am impressed at how down to earth and sweet she still is. I love this girl!