Lynne Spears’ book dishes on Britney: drinking at 13, sex at 14

Lynne Spears is shown out with Jamie Lynn and Casey Aldridge on 6/10/07. Credit: Fame
Did anyone believe Lynne Spears’ new book was actually going to be an inspirational tale of parenting? As expected, the stage mom’s memoir reveals dishy inside dirt on her eldest daughter Britney. Lynne says she knew that Britney was having sex at age 14 with her 18-year-old boyfriend, but she turned a blind eye to it because she thought that dating an older boy would help make Britney more popular. Lynne also knew that Britney was drinking at 13, but didn’t see it as a problem at the time because Brit was drinking with her older brother Bryan. Is it any wonder that Britney ended up in a mental ward and her younger sister ended up pregnant at 16?

TROUBLED BRITNEY SPEARS began boozing aged 13, lost her virginity at 14, then started taking drugs at 15, according to a shocking tell-all book by her mum.

Wild child Britney allegedly first hit the bottle after joining Disney’s squeaky-clean Mickey Mouse Club.

Mum LYNNE claims 14-year-old Britney then had sex with an 18-year-old high school footballer soon after she quit the TV show.

And she had her first taste of drugs at 15 when she went to Los Angeles to record her debut album Baby One More Time.

The sensational revelations were leaked last night ahead of publication of Lynne’s memoir, titled Through the Storm.

Lynne, 53, tells how she regrets handing over control of Britney’s career to managers and allowing her daughter to be promoted as a sex object in raunchy videos at such a young age.

She believes Britney’s wild behaviour as a teenage star is the root of her current problems.

Britney, now 26, has twice been admitted to a hospital psychiatric ward this year.

After the Mickey Mouse Club, Britney spent a year at high school in her home town of Kentwood, Louisiana, where she is said to have lost her virginity at the home of her footballer boyfriend.

As Britney later pursued her pop career, Lynne let her 16-year-old daughter sleep with teen sweetheart JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, despite claiming she was a virgin.

A source said: “Lynne thought Britney was in love and Justin was good for her.”

Lynne’s book reportedly tells of her horror when Britney, still just 16, was caught with cocaine and cannabis on a private jet.

The book, out on September 16, is set to deepen the rift between Britney and Lynne.

They have been estranged since Britney’s marriage to KEVIN FEDERLINE broke down in 2006, sending the star off the rails.

[From The Sun]

Of course, all of this juicy gossip is framed within a point of view of “If only I’d known better,” but the purpose is pretty transparent: Lynne just can’t stop herself from trying to profit off her famous daughters. It’s not surprising that Lynne showed spectacularly bad judgment during Britney’s younger years. But what I can’t understand is why Lynne would publish this information now. Britney and her mother were estranged for a long time, and only recently have they been able to repair that relationship. How is this book going to help? I guess it just goes to show that Britney really can’t trust anyone- not even members of her own family. No wonder she’s such a mess.

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53 Responses to “Lynne Spears’ book dishes on Britney: drinking at 13, sex at 14”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    MSat, I agree with your write up, 100%.

    There is so much ‘wrong’ going on here with the book excerpts. What did Lynn expect to happen when she abandoned her daughter at such a young age to “the care’ of her managers, their motive was making a buck.

  2. Bodhi says:

    Yikes! Coke at 16? The only kids i know who did coke at 16 are super fucked up now

  3. OXA says:

    Anyway you look at it, she contributed to the corruption of a minor child.
    Kids drinking, doing drugs and screwing is illegal isnt it?

    • anon says:

      you know, if her mom encouraged her to have sex at the age of 14, she could get in trouble for sexual abuse.

  4. Kait says:

    It makes me sick to think of all the things these kinds of moms do to make a buck off their kids. I know Britney isn’t blameless in her mess, but can you imagine how different her whole life might have been if she had had a solid family unit pushing for her to stick to the straight and narrow, even in Hollywood?

  5. Jess says:

    She must be so proud. Lying on your back and giving birth does not make you a good parent.

  6. geronimo says:

    Talking about her daughters’ lives in such detail when Brit is still in the precarious state of recovery that she is? And trying to cloak it all in caring language. What a prize A media-whoring, cash-hungry bitch.

  7. vdantev says:

    A sincere shock- not.

  8. Strawberry In Disguise says:

    If my mum wrote about who I had sex with and when and what drugs I took (I have never, but anyway), I would make sure she’ll spend the evening of her life in the cheapest elderly persons’ home there is.
    What on earth is Lynn thinking???

  9. princess says:

    Thinking Lynn Spears and Michael Lohan should get together.
    Can you imagine?? HOLY S**T

    Oh yeah that wont’ work because Lynn is an adult (at least in age… not maturity) and we know that Michael prefers girls his daughters age.

  10. xiaoecho says:

    Poor Britney. I just want to give her a hug and take CARE of her. Looks like no-one was her mum when she needed one most. No wonder she lost her way.

    Why is Lynn dobbing herself in like this? It’s a mystery why anyone would set themselves up for villification

  11. Codzilla says:

    Boggles the mind. Jamie Lynne might want to get ready — if this book sells, the follow up will most likely be about her.

  12. Kaiser says:

    I am genuinely shocked that Brit lost her virginity at 14 – I honestly thought she lost it to Justin. 😯 Shocking, appalled.

    Yeah, Lynn is a bigger famewhore than Speidi, Federline, and the Lohans combined. For shame, Lynn.

  13. kate says:

    what a shitty mother, but she’s not alone in the blame – where the fuck was britney’s father during all of this?

  14. mrs favre says:

    Well thanks Lynne We all knew you were a shitty mother, not that you need to rub it in your daughters face

  15. Britt says:

    This is absolutely horrible. No mother who had any respect or love for their child would publish information as private as this. With all the ups and downs Britney has had, it just seems completely irresponsible. It was incredibly fortunate for Britney that the media hadn’t found out about this before, that none of her fellow Mousketeers spilled the beans (specifically Justin, who must’ve known something about this – IF this is all true). It’s sad that her mother is the one telling everyone this.

  16. Diva says:

    I refuse to believe a mother would do this to her daughters until I see the book out with her name on it. I simply refuse to believe that this is what’s going to be in the book.

    For one thing… um, estranged since 2006? They’re NOT still estranged.

    Nope… won’t believe it until I see it.

  17. OXA says:

    Why a mother would betray her daughter like this is beyond me. She reveals her lack of parenting skills and choice to violate her family nembers privacy

  18. whatever says:

    Bodhi that isn’t true. Sometimes certain episodes lead to drug use and then you grow up and get through them. I know lots of friends from high school that did a lot worse and now in our mid 20s have gone to college and moved past that phase.

  19. blondie says:

    Scary mothering…if you can call it that….

    So Brits been boozing and taking drugs for how many years…12? No wonder she has mental illness issues, combined with everything else she never stood a chance of normality as there was no grounding.

    What a mother…and to release this now…she is def just cash hungry and couldn’t care less about her daughters welfare…although it appears doubtful she ever did….

  20. Homer says:

    Wasn’t this originally supposed to be a sort of How-To parenting book?

  21. Anna says:

    Homer: I thought so too. Apparently someone at the publisher’s said that wouldn’t sell so well right now.

    I’d sue her arse and cut off any money she is getting. This woman is unbelievable. Says she regrets things when she’s the one who enabled them in the first place.

    Where is this coming from anyway? I thought they’d reconciliated??

    I feel sorry for Britney (and Jamie Lynn), but I hate Lynne Spears. Sheesh…

  22. billy says:

    I’m compelled to finally comment on something here.

    Seriously people, you really thought Britney was an angel when she was young? She can’t even sing. You could see that she was just an act like Hanna Montana. These companies will hide everything from the public so they can continue exploiting children. There should be a law that prohibits children under the age of 16 be in the public eye (isn’t there a law that says you can’t work under the age of 15?). Everyone involved is doing it for their pockets best interest.

    What’s sad is that Lynne is such a money hungry w**** who will stop at nothing to make a buck. Where was Britney’s father in all this? Seems like Lynne abandoned her other children so Britney could find stardom (make mommy lots of money).

  23. javagirl1 says:

    What a stupid bitch of a mother.

  24. ohmy says:

    Is it bad that I like Jamie Lynne’s dress? Next thing you know I’ll want a pair of cowboy boots.

  25. Tina says:

    I don’t believe she would do this.

    Btw… Jamie’s BF is cute!!

  26. Haystacks says:

    Yes, it was stupid sexual behavior, not shitty, loveless parenting that leads people to nervous breakdowns in their early twenties. Sure.

  27. bros says:

    she regrets letting her star in raunchy music videos at such a young age but she’s ok with near statutory rape if it makes her popular? god what a whacked out hag!

  28. ER says:

    I was so blessed to grow up with parents who were responsible, mature adults, who made sure I had rules, order, organization and every need met. I feel so sorry for Britney and Lindsay and the like. Yes, they’re famous, but at what cost?!

  29. JaundiceMachine says:

    How on earth did Dina Lohan beat out Mama Spears for the Mother of the Year Award?

  30. miss kelly says:

    wow, sooo shocking. give me a break. damn near every person i know had sex and smoked weed by the age of 16. some (myself included) had already tried the cocaine too.
    you people act like this is something new. its normal teenage behavior. and if lynne hadn’t permitted it, britney STILL would have done it. behind her back.
    come on folks, don’t be so hypocritical. you don’t remember your high school days?? and if you don’t, you were probably too fucked up…
    give britney a break, at least she’s finally trying to get her shit together. we all go a little crazy sometimes…

  31. morgs says:

    Didn’t Dina Lohan allow the same sort of behavior with Lindsay? Letting her 15yr old daughter’s boyfriend spend the night in her bed?

    That is outrageous to me. The whole idea that Justin seemed good for her makes me want to smash the computer. What goes through the minds of parents who allow this behavior. I’ve read that Brit’s dad was in alcohol treatment at the time and was absent from parental duties for a long time due to his alcoholism.

    15yr olds DO NOT have the emotional maturity to deal with a relationship of that magnitude. I’m in my mid-twenties and I still check myself before getting that involved with someone. What happened to looking out for your child’s emotional health.

    Sex isn’t just putting two puzzle pieces together, there are consequences, even off a one night stand. How very very sad.

  32. Buttercup says:

    Well this explains a lot.

    Miley Cyrus, this is your future…..

  33. actingrc says:

    to be fair, while 14 is young to be having sex, it’s also hard to keep it from happening. that’s when the sex drive amps up in girls. i lost my virginity at 14, and it’s because i was a sneaky little witch. my parents only really knew/guessed when i went on birth control “for controlling irregular periods” 8 months later. with a steady boyfriend. the drugs are way more shocking because, unlike with sex, there’s no way to not be a moron about drugs.

  34. Hollz says:

    actingrc, ha, i told my parents the same thing…but i was 16 and it was 3 days later– 4 years later, and i’m pretty sure they’ve still not a clue.

    Poor Brit, this is the last thing (besides a man in her life other then her dad) she needs right now.
    Also, how does Lynn know this stuff? Did Brit tell her? Does that sound likely? Teenagers are pretty secretive…

  35. whatevs says:

    That’s terrible. What does she expect to gain from all this? She’s totally selling her daughter out. Like Britney really needs anymore scandals and shit to make her go completely over the edge. I hope people see her mother in a different light after this, you don’t air your family’s dirty laundry!

  36. Mairead says:

    I started hyperventilating when I read this – it’s one thing to allow your (too young) sleep with her adult boyfriend, because it’s in your house and you know where she is and safe. But it’s another thing to encourage it because it’ll make her more “popular” 😡

    But again what I’m finding most interesting is what she’s not telling us. Especially about herself. Unless she’s a sociopath the only way I can reason her behaviour is that she’s an addict of some kind and her head is addled, to put it very mildly. It’s well known the dad is an alcoholic so possibily he wasn’t living with them at the time, and in no real fit state to put his foot down.

    Selfish c**t 👿

  37. Trillion says:

    Sex drive amps up in girls at age 14????? Never heard of that. I’ve seen research showing it was 35-40, which seems to make more sense. Sex at 14, however, is a readily available way to act out.

  38. Trillion says:

    I really hate Ed Hardy t shirts. More than crocs even.

  39. Amy says:

    WTF? Sex at 14? Maybe I was wired differently, but I was still playing with action figures at that age. I had a few friends who started at 16, but they all regretted it. Keep your kids young, people!

  40. Johnny Bravo says:

    I can’t believe that a mother would betray her daughter for money. Why else would you turn on your child, only a lazy fat ass would do this. Look at her picture she is trying to hold on to her youth. The truth speaks for it’s self a 16 year old pregnant daughter.

  41. gg says:

    This woman is unbelievably stupid, crass, and destructive.

  42. Amanda says:

    I would feel so betrayed. No wonder Britney and her mother don’t have a good relationship.

  43. actingrc says:

    trilion – there’s a big diffrence between the peak of the sexual prowess and drive (a widely disputed late thirties in women) and the sudden and faily violent onslaught of sexual hormones that creates the instinctive desire to go procreate – ie lots of sex. kicks into high gear right around the time a girl becomes fully sexually mature – anywhere from 13 to 17, depending on several factors. it has absolutely nothing to do with mental readiness (which is a HUGE factor in the later boom of sexuality in women in their 30s and 40s) and everything to do with hormones. can’t stop those.
    as for keeping our kids young, since the idea of anyone over 16 (or younger) being a kid has only existed for about 150-200 years – and the “teenager” for only 50 – we can’t keep them doig anything that’s unnatural to them. adolescents have been rolling in the hay since time immemorial. if they are not yet sexually mature, yeah ok let them be. but if they are, pretending that they’re still mentally and physically children is the most dangerous thing you can do. they won’t stay “innocent” just because we wish it were so, and they will go out and be idiots if not given any guidance.

  44. mary says:

    I’ve have tried cocaine at 15 just to see because i was so young what it would actually do to me. I tried it and never tried it again and actually havn’t done anything else after that.

  45. lorrie says:

    It says britney took drugs while recording her first album in LA….. but she recorded her first album in sweden….. is mommy spears lying…??? we love britney

  46. Milly says:

    stupid C**t 😡

  47. lalalala says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Lynn drank or did drugs with Brit-brit.

    Then again if she did, I’m sure it wouldn’t have made a mention in her book.

    Get Well Britney!

  48. cara says:

    Ok, here’s the thing. Teenagers are dumb. I doubt anyone would dispute that. But I grew up in a really great neighborhood with good schools and wealthy people and EVERYONE lost their virginity before the end of high school. Most at the beginning of high school. I can speak for myself when I say that I went through similar sexual/substance experiences at relatively same ages as Britney. Staying at my boyfriend’s house at 14 for example and he was much older. But kids don’t say things to their parents because that takes the fun out of it. And what 14 year old girl is goin to go up to her mom and say “mommy i fucked my boyfriend today”… wouldn’t happen. Therefore I have concluded: Britney probably did do those things, but Lynne is a douchebag and has no substantial facts on hand. I’ve also concluded based on that story, Britney is a lot more normal than given credit for. Lynne Spears is an evil bitch from hell. 👿

  49. debbie says:

    Did anybody on this site read this book? I just finished it and feel Lynn is right about the paprazzi hounding her family and about the world wanting to believe the worst of everybody. I looked for her spilling the dirt on Britney and, folks, it’s not there! I wish everybody would read the book before they criticize her – she comes across as naive and loving, but not selfish and crass. I can’t believe the retorts on this page – check your sources!!!

  50. kristabelle says:

    about a fourth of the girls in my class started boozing at 13. two years forward, about 70% of us drink… and everyone else before us who did the same thing turned out pretty much fine.

    why is boozing at a young age such a shock to some people? study your teenagers with more scrutiny, please.

  51. Terri Bridges says:

    I just finished reading this book and as I am looking at everyone’s horrible comments toward Lynne Spears is astonishing. These comments are obviously from people that have not read the book or they are apparently from young people that are still not accepting responsibilities for their own bad judgement. No where in the book does it say that Brittany had sex or did coccaine. It was a heartfelt book that inspired me. She has nothing but love for all her kids and I believe she did the best she could as a lot of parents do. There is no perfect parent, however there is no perfect child either.

  52. yall are weird says:

    You guys are weird. Who boozes it up at 13? Weirdos. I started at 18 like you’re supposed to. Sex too.

    Man, your parents must not have cared.