BFFs Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler talk about making quesadillas together

Jennifer Aniston was on her best buddy Chelsea Handler’s talkshow last night to promote her film with Adam Sandler, Just Go With It. We heard some advance details yesterday, particularly that Aniston brought out her 15 year-old dog, Norman, on stage in a little doggie suit. Aniston came across better than I expected, but she still stumbled over her words somewhat, as is typical for her. She seemed relatively sober, she cracked some ok jokes making fun of the tabloid stories about her and Chelsea, and she was really comfortable since she was with her best buddy instead of on a more formal talkshow that may have called for some liquid courage. It’s clear that she’s really tight with Chelsea from the dumb story they told about making quesadillas after they’d probably consumed a bunch of margaritas. It was one of those “you had to be there” stories that wasn’t funny at all. Chelsea also made sure to reference the fact that they were friends. Here’s some of what they said:

They joke about their tabloid stories
Chelsea: I appreciate [you coming on] because I’ve been reading in the press that you’ve been distancing yourself from me.
Aniston: Oh, that’s pretty much what any right-minded human being should be doing when they meet you, Chelse.

Jennifer hired one of Chelsea’s employees to shoot a commercial with her
Chelsea: You were very nice to hire Brad Wallach, one of my employees, in your Smart Water ads…
Jennifer: I ended up having to kick him in the balls all day because that is what they wrote. He had to wear whatdya call it, a crotch guard, because I had to kick him over and over again.
Chelsea: Brad was so excited that he was getting kicked in the balls by Jennifer Aniston.

A story about how they got drunk and made quesadillas
Chelsea: You’re a good cook. You make quesadillas and you make them with love.
Jennifer: Unlike yourself… By the time I pulled out the cheese I pulled out the tortillas, I got the pan salted up… I hear “ding ding,” she’s taken the quesadillas slapped some cheese velveeta, thrown it in the microwave, throws it up against the wall.
Chelsea: She goes “what kind of quesadilla is that?” I’m like “You don’t want my quesadilla?” then I just threw it right against the wall.

Chelsea again references their friendship
Chelsea: Let’s talk about the movie… This has nothing to do with my friendship with you. This movie’s hilariously funny. The thing I hate about you is that whenever you do a movie everyone talks about it like it’s your life. Like that character you’re playing is really you. That’s annoying because that doesn’t happen to every actress.

Jennifer: I know it doesn’t. A lot doesn’t. This one you can’t parallel this one.. no pretending wife, I’m not a pretending wife to anybody. I’m not a doctor… nor have I played one on TV, but I might have a pretend husband somewhere.

Then they talked about a scene from the movie where Jennifer and Adam Sandler were fixing a woman’s botched boob job. Jennifer said that Nicole Kidman was “so funny” and “fun” in the movie as a secretary, and added that Dave Matthews was in it and “hilarious. Come crash into me!

It was a pretty quick interview and Aniston rolled with it. I’m still struck by how she has trouble figuring out what she’s trying to say at any given time, but she’s always been that way.

In terms of this movie, it looks like Aniston plays the same character she always does, which is why people have a hard time separating her from her roles. It does have Adam Sandler in it, so it could be a funny and successful movie despite Aniston’s involvement.

Jennifer Aniston is shown at the People’s Choice awards on 1/6/11. Credit: Fame. Chelsea Handler is shown looking shiny on 1/5/11. Credit:




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63 Responses to “BFFs Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler talk about making quesadillas together”

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  1. tango says:

    Eww. Jennifer Anniston, like Halle Berry, becomes more and more unlikable and irrelevant the longer she stays on the scene and keeps talking.

  2. mimi says:

    If my best friend had a talk show we’d prob just talk about margaritas and food too…along with men and sex. For some reason I kept picturing over the hill sorority surfer girls- but she seemed comfortable.

    Hell this is prob as close to the ‘real’ Aniston that we’ll get on a talk show!

  3. Kaiser says:

    She actually did seem sober. Shocking!

    Edit: Eve, CB wrote this! I don’t find Sandler amusing in general, but he seems nice in interviews.

  4. Eve says:

    It does have Adam Sandler in it, so it could be a funny and successful movie despite Aniston’s involvement.

    @ Kaiser:

    Really? You think Adam Sandler is funny? I can’t believe what I’m about to say but I think Aniston is probably the funny one here. At least I could laugh with some of her scenes in Friends but I’ve never ever ever ever ever laughed with Sandler’s (not from his movies or even his SNL sketches).

    EDIT: Sorry, Kaiser. I skipped the post’s writer this time.

  5. Marjalane says:

    Everything I’ve read about this movie is that it’s another Romcombomb. Adam sandler is not funny anymore; Now he’s just another middle aged actor trying to stay relevant. Please- a premise where Brooklyn Decker has the hots for an Adam Sandler? I think not. Funny how Chelsea Handler would have utterly lambasted this movie if anyone else had been in it.

  6. mln76 says:

    I actually think this movie will do well, because Sandler’s movies almost always do well, but she is really overexposing herself this year with 2 or 3 more movies coming out. The woman should stay home for a bit and let people start to miss her.

  7. the original bellaluna says:

    Dude. Dave Matthews can “Come Crash Into Me” any day of the week and 5 TIMES on Sunday!

    Dave Matthews for HGF! Totally; please, come on! He’s so dang sexy; “South African by way of Georgia” as he says. *Please note, I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this statement – it is merely a quote (or paraphrase).

  8. gloaming says:

    ugh! Chelsea looks so pleased with herself…..

  9. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    Successful despite Aniston? All of Aniston’s movies have made money in the past year or so-they aren’t huge box office smash hits because she makes romantic comedies which never are but they are successful.

  10. Reality says:

    I don’t really get why people analyse her every bloody move, she really is pretty low-key for HW. She’s in the same league as Drew Barrymore, Kate Hudson, and Cameron Diaz, but nobody dissects their evey more almost daily.

    Sure, Chelsea is a toxic, vodka-soaked bitch, but I’ve got a couple of friends like that and they are such freaking fun. They’re probably not BBFs (and also not 12) but they have similar interests/lifestyles and like to hang out occasionally.

    And of course this movie will do well, and obviously Jennifer won’t get any credit when it does. But if it flops, it will be all her and her tragic, barren womb’s fault…

  11. QUEST says:

    Chelsea’s vein in her forehead keeps haunting me…argg…(barf)

  12. Minx2 says:

    If I didn’t know who was talking, I’d say it’s two sorority girls comparing notes. The sad part is that in 5 years, when she’ll be pushing 50, she’ll STILL talk like this. And expect to be cast in romcoms. Let’s not compare with Cameron and Drew: those two got their careers on their own merit.

  13. mln76 says:

    @ Reality in this case this is Sandler’s movie he’s teaming up with the same director he’s made 6 films with. Did you see the commercials during the superbowl? (Along with the preiviews in theaters) The emphasis is on Sandler and Decker.

  14. danielle says:

    Norman’s cute.

  15. Reality says:

    No mln, I didn’t see the commercials during the superbowl, I’m not american and don’t watch american football. Maybe the focus of the entire film is on Sandler, but he’s not tabloid fodder and I’m sure you still understand my point, that she will be blamed if the movie fails.

    In ‘The Switch’ the emphasis was on Jason Bateman in all the promos, posters etc, but JA was still held accountable when that movie underperformed.

    Call it sexism, but she seems to get the blame for the failures, yet none of the credit for the successes.

  16. Judy says:

    #1–Interesting post comparing JA to HB. I’m really starting to dislike Halle Berry and think she has major issues.

  17. mln76 says:

    @Reality I think in their is sexism in Hollywood absolutely. But in this case Adam Sandler is a huge star with a box office record behind him that is much stronger than Aniston’s. For example last summer he came out with the movie Grown-Ups that did well at the Box Office his co-stars are well known commedians (all male). None of the co stars were considered responsible for the hit and now Rob Schnieder (one of the stars) is getting a sitcom on tv (hardly a reward for a hit movie). Sandler has a loyal following and he makes pretty much the same movie with the same brand of humour over and over. I honestly think with his record the blame would fall on him if this doesn’t do well.
    As for the Switch Jason Bateman isn’t as big of a star as Aniston, niether is Aaron Eckhart her co-star in Love Happens so in both cases she was the big draw for those movies and would get the credit/or blame for each film. The last co-star she had who was on equal star level would be Gerry Butler and even though the movie was lambasted by critics and up for Razzies it ended up doing moderately well in the Box Office .

  18. SuperSleuth says:

    She looks incredible!

  19. anonymous says:

    Minx2: Yes in the next few years when Jennifer Aniston is 50 which is not too far away she will still be speaking the way she does, I don’t dislike Aniston as some of her fans would like to think, for a woman her age her conversation is unbelievable you can’t believe there is someone out there with all that is happening in the world JA is entirely self-focused and have such limited vocabulary and speaks and acts like a pre-teen. So many of the stars today are glamorous but when they open their mouth you are impressed to find out they are highly intelligent.

  20. flourpot says:

    I’ll 2nd Dave for HGF.

  21. Emmy says:

    @ Reality, well said, totally agree. I don’t get why Jen’s every move, word and facial expression (yes unbelievably on here yesterday) is pulled apart, negatively obviously. The unfairness of it makes me like her ‘bloody’ more.

    @Minx2 – I don’t understand your statement suggesting Jen didn’t get her career on her own merits??? It makes no sense to me.

  22. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Getting bored with all the JA stuff.

  23. Cheyenne says:

    @anonymous: I think she’s realized that the time is coming soon when she will be too old to star in rom-coms, and she is scared shitless of that day coming since she doesn’t know how to do anything else. So maybe her simpering like an adolescent is a desperate attempt to pretend she isn’t getting old.

  24. Bodhi says:

    Damn, her legs are incredible! And Norman is super cute in his little suit!

    I have several friends who are a little like JA & CH. They are super fun to hang out with but they don’t understand that those of us with 9-5 jobs & kids (or kids on the way) can’t go out to dinner or stay up until 2 AM every night. They get pissed when we have to decline their invitations & give us shit when we haven’t hung out for a while. We like them a lot & love spending time with them, but come one, not everyone can live that life forever, ya know?

  25. Camille says:

    Yikes @ those women’s faces. Neither are attractive IMHO.

    I think the movie will probably be a success, *despite* JA being in it. Although I am sure her fans will say other wise lol. It is a stupid Sandler movie after all 🙄 .
    It will be up against Justin Biebers movie though, so who knows right?

  26. Reality says:

    I really don’t understand how we decide who is responsible for how a movie performs. Which is it, the more well-known movie star, or the ‘face’ of the movie, the star featured more in the commercials?

    And who is deciding this system of ranking stars? Is it you? Because I don’t really agree that Gerard Butler is as big a star as Aniston, and his track record is far less solid. Is it me? Because I personally think she’s as big a star as Sandler is today. Is it the movie studios? Their paycheques? Is it based on alphabetical rankings? It all seems quite arbitrary to me, and I think personal preferences cloud people’s judgement somewhat. We want the stars we like to do well, and the ones we don’t like to bomb. I haven’t watched a movie with JA since Marley & Me, so I’m not a big fan, I just don’t like this constant picking on her because of her personal life.

    I wonder sometimes if it’s possibly because married mothers are threatened by her not conforming to the public’s expectations, or if it’s the fear that their husbands could leave them and they’d end up in her boat. Or is it single people who fear ending up like her, alone and childless, and are therfore hostile to her as some talisman of loneliness? Someone should do a study. I get people don’t like her for other reasons too.

    @Bodhi, I agree with you, but then again some people can and do live that life forever, which to me isn’t a tragedy.

  27. Henriette says:

    Jenn’s face is homely but DANG her body is still incredible. I saw 2 minutes of the interview with Chelsea – it was boring but I was wowed by her tight but curvy figure.

  28. skibunny says:

    @Reality:cosign on all of your comments

  29. Mingy says:

    @ reality, you’re awesome, ITA and especially liked ur last comment.

    i’d love to hang out with jennifer, she seems so fun..chelsea on the other hand…that crazy bitch throws shit at u when shes drunk..

  30. mln76 says:

    @Reality point taken about numbers and who decides who is a bigger star etc. According to Box Office Mojo the average gross for Sandler’s films is $81,279,312
    while Aniston’s films are at $48,665,026
    4 of Sandler’s last 5 releases grossed over $100 million, while none of Aniston’s last releases have (although HJNTIY came close at $93mill)
    To be fair their lifetime grosses are close but in terms of reliable box office success Sandler is about as close to a sure thing within his formula as it gets.

    Does that help?

  31. Cheyenne says:

    @reality: Anyone who can live that life is welcome to it, but in that case they should not “give shit” (as Bodhi put it) to those of us who have partners and/or kids and/or jobs that have priority over hanging out with your friends all the time and staying up until 2 a.m. every night. By Aniston’s age, most adults have moved on to something more substantial.

  32. Roma says:

    @the original bellaluna: I triple that request!

    I`m actually a little ashamed at how many times I`ve seen him live. I`ve also met him twice and turned into a total fangirl each time. It was embarrassing.

  33. Bodhi says:

    Hey, more power to those that can hang out all night & party like they are still 25. God knows I miss it like hell sometimes! (Especially when good bands are playing on a Thursday night, boo hiss!)

    I just (& this is solely in reference to my friends) wish that they’d be more understanding about the fact that not all of us can still do that. And I know this is going to cause a tizzy, but its mostly the ladies who give us crap. The guys are all “meh, next time then” & move on, but the ladies bring on the guilt trip…grrr….

  34. Reality says:

    Ok so now it’s about average box office gross? That’s how we decide who’s the bigger movie star? So then Zoe Saldana and Emma Watson are two of the biggest movie stars in the world. Weird.

    Cameron Diaz is twice as big a movie star as Angelina Jolie? Shia LaBeouf is a bigger draw than Brad Pitt? Or is there now some new equation that includes magazine covers & the number of paps that follow them?

    @Cheyenne, I agree 100%, but by that same logic other people shouldn’t give her shit for her own choices. And who are you to say what’s more substantial? We seem to be trained to achieve all these goals- marriage, kids, etc- but not everyone fits that mould, you know? The world would be a much better place if we all practiced a little tolerance and weren’t so quick to judge others.

  35. mymy says:

    Her legs are very nice.

  36. Cheyenne says:

    @Reality: I am trying to imagine what it would be like to hang out with Aniston for one hour. After you exhausted the weather as a topic, how would you fill in the other 58 minutes?

  37. mln76 says:

    @Reality you talked about my bias but I am thinking you don’t want to hear numbers, or facts so go on believing what you want. You used examples of actors who were in blockbuster action movies or franchises that would have been hits without their participation. Sandler was listed as a writer on many of his biggest hits and unlike a movie like Transformers or Harry Potter people went to see Little Nicky and Big Daddy specifically for Sandler (there is no accounting for taste). That is what is called bankablity and how an actor is judged in the industry.

  38. Jezi says:

    Aaawww I love JA, she’s so sweet. Don’t know why people hate her so much.

  39. Reality says:

    My point mln, which I think I proved pretty well, is that there is no set formula to determine which star is bigger, it’s all totally unscientific and subject to a million different conditions.

    -This star has a bigger following overseas, it’s the domestic gross that counts.

    -This movie is animated, is 3D, etc.

    -This movie is based on a comic book, is a sequel, part of a franchise, etc.

    -This movie has a bigger budget, was a summer blockbuster, etc.

    And it’s not me who doesn’t want to hear the numbers, I’ve already said I’m not a big fan and don’t watch many her movies. I was just testing your own flawed logic while I waited for a movie to download (don’t tell on me).

    Anyway, it was nice deliberating with you. See you on the next Jolie thread ;).

  40. Moreaces says:

    Well, I really, really love Quesadillas

  41. StrawberryGirl says:


    I don’t get it either. I’ve always thought she was so sweet and adorable. I’ve also heard from people who have met her that she is as sweet as can be.

  42. Kim says:

    IMO The Bigger movie star commands the bigger salaries.

  43. waq says:

    “Chelsea: Brad was so excited that he was getting kicked in the balls by Jennifer Aniston.”

    Still making passive aggressive comments and using her friends to do her dirty work for her. It’s like all of her friends think Brad divorced them when he divorced only Aniston.

  44. Jayna says:

    Jen has a cute face, but an amazing body, and just average intelligence. But she’s a kind person.

  45. Riley says:

    I wonder why Courtney Cox has never been on the Chelsea Handler show? David Arquette has, and Courtney Cox is the one who is the star of her own show. Busy Phillips has been on to promote the craptacular Cougar Town, but no Courtney. I wonder if Courtney thinks Chelsea is obnoxious and has the sense not to waste her time doing her stupid talk show. Oh, and I don’t know what happened between Brad and Jen and it really doesn’t matter now, but how could he leave that precious Norman. What a cutie. He looks like a Westie and Basset Hound mix.

  46. Cheyenne says:

    @Strawberrygirl: “Sweet and adorable” is not a description usually applied to a 42 year old woman. I’d like to see her for once act her age. Who knows, she might actually be interesting if she took the time to develop some interests outside of herself and learned how to express herself intelligently.

  47. Az says:

    Those two deserve each other.

  48. renai(jrt) says:

    to all those that think Jen has such the great body……..well you all would too if you didnt have a spouse or a child to spend time with. If all you had to concentrate on was your body then your body would probably be better then Jens. I actually think her body is just ok considering that its what she has to spend her time on. Chelsea is trashy and not a nice person inside…. a reflection on jen that she chooses such a person to associate with. Its when you see the mom in shape that has three kids and happy marriage that you should be impressed.

  49. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    Strawberrygirl: Don’t describe Aniston as anything but a “gollum” around Cheyenne.

    mln76: Going by the numbers, Aniston’s films always make back their budgets and make money. They don’t make $100 million but no one expects them to (though The Bounty Hunter did end up with $136 million worldwide-“moderately well”?). She makes romantic comedies for relatively low budgets and she takes a relatively low salary so her films are successes no matter how you slice it.

    And according to this article I read, she hasn’t made a true flop in nearly a decade. Aniston is truly a bankable actor for the studios-she always makes them money. It may not be hundreds of millions but a reliable income is always good for studios who are in the movie business for one thing: to make money.

    Sandler is a bigger star for sure but Aniston is not by any means non-bankable.

  50. Isa says:

    I know a lot of people don’t like him, but I am a fan of Adam Sandler. I will rent this movie when it comes out on DVD.

    I think it will be a successful movie since most of Sandler’s are and he has many fans. If it were to fail I would be more inclined to blame Brooklyn, since most people have a difficult time believing a match between the two of them. Or perhaps people will be tired of Sandler in general.
    But I think it was a good move on her part, signing up for a movie that will most likely be a hit.
    Aniston has great legs, but she should try to walk a little more gracefully. Perhaps she’s trying to show off her muscle tone, but it seems like she walks with her knees bent.

    I love that dress. Which I could afford it or look good in it.

  51. Louise says:

    Wow couldn’t Chelsea take her head out of Jennifer’s butt to do an interview for 5 minutes? Chelsea seems more like a groupie than a friend. It’s as if she can’t believe that a celebrity wants to be her friend.

    I wouldn’t call Jennifer a moneymaker. Most of her movies cost $30-$40 million and only $50-$60 million. I hardly call her a bankable star considering the small profit margin and never grossing over $100 million unless the costar is a bigger name(Sandler, Jim Carrey, etc).

  52. melinda says:

    I think it would be a blast to hang out with these two. They remind me of the good old days being a hot mess grease fire with your bff, yet I’m much younger than them. Sigh.

  53. Anon says:

    “I’m still struck by how she has trouble figuring out what she’s trying to say at any given time”

    I’m thinking it’s not hard to figure out why she says very little about herself personally in these interviews (she has hobbies she just doesn’t speak about them – i.e. painting, sculpting, photography which have come to light by others speaking about them over the years), and chooses her words carefully, saying as little as possible – just take a look at this and any thread involving her. She is the only actress that is analyzed to this extreme with her every word, mannerism and action picked apart and taken out of context, etc. to paint her in one light or another as those doing so see fit.

    @Reality: I agree with all of your posts!

  54. melinda says:

    P.S. I wasn’t trying to be snarky by saying I’m younger. If you can keep up that lifestyle longer, more power to you!

  55. SuperSleuth says:

    Cosign: Anon & Reality.

  56. Cheyenne says:

    @Hamm: You can’t refrain from trying to stir shit, can you? I simply noted that “sweet” and “adorable” (especially the latter) are not adjectives that most people would use to describe a middle-aged woman. Go watch some Friends re-runs or cut out paper dolls or something equally constructive.

  57. DD says:

    When I try to imagine what it would be like for Cheyenne and Aniston to hang out for one hour, all I see is Aniston walking away because how can you talk to a broken record.

  58. Becky says:

    Her legs are awesome but that dress was way too short. Still, I wish I had that body! Anyway, I’m not a fan of Chelsea H. (I don’t think she’s funny and I don’t like her bitchy persona) but I don’t get all of the JA hate. She’s a middle of the road actress with a cute face and a hot bod who really doesn’t say or do anything offensive or controversial (except hanging out with people like Chelsea H. or John Mayer-uhh). To me, she’s one of those celebs that I can’t imagine having a strong opinion about either way (love or hate). On the plus side, I’ve read that she’s actually involved in a number of charities and it’s not like you hear tons of stories about her being a bitch on the set.

  59. Cheyenne says:

    Becky: I’ve read that she’s actually involved in a number of charities

    That’s nice. But what is the extent of her involvement, other than having her accountant cut them a check?

  60. JenJen says:

    It sounds like there was alot of booze involved if throwing food up against the wall was funny. Definitely not a story I would be proud to tell the world.

  61. josephina says:

    Hamm is My Dream Man–

    ” She makes romantic comedies for relatively low budgets and she takes a relatively low salary so her films are successes no matter how you slice it…
    And according to this article I read, she hasn’t made a true flop in nearly a decade. Aniston is truly a bankable actor for the studios-she always makes them money.”

    Ha! You obviously forgot “Management.” You know… the movie that she starred in and it grossed LESS THAN 2 MILLION WORLDWIDE a couple of years ago. Always make a profit, huh? Did she do that one for free?

    BTW, her “great legs” and behind were showing in that movie but I don’t think any of you were standing in line for that one, obviously.

  62. Liana says:

    I consider my mom “sweet and adorable” and she’s well over 40 years of age. *shrugs*

    Anyhow, I’ve worked on a couple of film sets with Aniston and she’s actually really nice to the crew.

  63. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    josephina: Figured someone would bring that up. That film was poorly marketed and distributed(though I haven’t seen it so it could be crap).

    It opened on three screens and in the end was on just 212 screens. it’s frankly a miracle it made any money at all in the US.

    Plus, it’s production costs were not released to the public (although no movie costs less than $2 million to produce these days) so the hard numbers aren’t there to support a claim that it was a flop-though I will admit that it probably was, it’s budget was probably so low that it was a throwaway for the studio that released it.

    So not ever ever making a flop in the last nine years might be an overstatement (since there was one indie film that didn’t do so well).

    Cheyenne: Plenty of people call people over 40 “sweet” and “adorable”(Betty White for instance is really adorable in my opinion and my mom is 54 and she’s tiny and sweet and people tell me “Your mom is so cute!” quite often). Not all over-40s are stoic, serious and refined.