Actress Minnie Driver, 38, gave birth to her first child on Friday, a boy named Henry Story Driver. Little Henry was large for a newborn, and weighed in at 9 pounds and 12 ounces! Driver has refused to name the father of her baby, and told Jay Leno in an appearance on the Tonight Show in March that she would prefer to keep him out of the spotlight. The only hint she has provided is that he’s English, “sort of in the same business,” and that “he’s really busy, like me.”
People Magazine reminds us that Driver said the father would be involved in their baby’s life, though:
Minnie Driver became a first-time mom to son Henry Story Driver, her rep tells PEOPLE exclusively.
The baby was born Friday in Los Angeles and weighed 9 lbs., 12 oz., rep Jessica Kolstad says.
Driver, 38, who has not revealed the identity of the father, told PEOPLE in June that the dad will be involved in the baby’s life.
“He’s going to be a dad so yeah he’s going to be there for the kid,” she said. “I’m not getting married to this person and I don’t know what’s going to happen but everyone is cool about the situation.”
As the new mom takes on her most important role yet, Driver says she is looking forward to simply observing and spending time with her child. “Babies are endlessly fascinating to look at and I’m obsessed about their complete and utter lack of guile. I’m looking forward to seeing life through the eyes of my own kid.”
In March, Driver’s costar on The Riches, Eddie Izzard, said she’ll make a great mom and that, “She’ll be a good parent because you need love, and as long as you have one parent giving love then the kid’s going to do great.” Izzard is a British comic and actor and could technically fit all the criteria Driver mentioned for the father, but so could countless other men.
Congratulations to Driver and the unknown father of her new baby.
I don’t think it’s another actor – probably a writer (is “story” a hint, agent, producer… etc etc.)
Anyway.. congrats on the very bonny baby boy!
Aw, I’ve been waiting and waiting for this baby! Congrats to Minnie.
Yeah, Mairead, I think writer/musician rather than actor too. And definitely not Eddie (although what a scrumptious little ‘un that’d make! 😀 )
9 pounds 12 ounces…that’s one helluva bouncing baby boy! 😯 Good work, Minnie!
I still think Izzard’s the baby-daddy. But despite my conspiracy theories, congrats to the new mama! Big baby! 😀
She is fantastic as Dahlia on The Riches. Congrats on the baby boy 😉
My vagina hurts just thinking about a 9 lb 12 oz baby.
CB, I’m still with you on the Colin Farrell train 😀 . English/ Irish, “sort of” in the same business, these are nothing but distractions 8)
Sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh Lara!!! Don’t mention the Farreller!!! We’ll be overrun by his remarkably, um, loyal female fans again!!! 😯
Errr, yeah. Irish is not sort of English. That’s like saying Brazilian is sort of Mexican.
It’s not Colin Farrell, people!
Praise to Eddie Izzard on this happy day.
Sssssshhhhhhhhhh Kaiser, 😛 I deliberately didn’t mention that bit. Because, well, it nearly caused holy war the last time – and if someone’s too dim to look at an atlas there’s really little point stressing yourself over it. 😉
Kaiser, I *know* that English and Irish aren’t the same. I live in England and my dear fellow Englishmen and -ladies would spank me if I would ever confuse that
The operative word was *distraction*. But yeah, Mairead is right, obviously english and irish shouldn’t be mentioned in one sentence with Colin Farrell 😉 . Anyway, thanks for your little educational lesson.
Hooray for babies!! Congrats to Mini & Mystery Daddy.
I think this is my favorite celeb mystery!
Well the poor girl was huge so I’m not surprised the baby was big. Congrats to Minnie & her little man.
Thanks for correcting me about your geography Lara – I’m for insinuating that you’re dim.
Just to clear this up, “shhhhhuuushes” were about two separate things – 1/ accusing Colin Farrell of being anything less than chaste with non-approved people. 2/The separate British/Irish confusion which can get very heated. 🙁
It’s annoying because the way the original article was unclear whether the father was British or English. If British, that opens up to Scots and Welsh – and possibly even Manx or Channel Islanders (depending on one’s perception of course).
…Er…what were we talking about before this confusing little hissy fit?
Oh right. Minnie’s still not talking. My guess is that we’ll know who the father is within months. He’s probably visiting her in the hospital RIGHT NOW – where are those intrusive paps when we need them?
😀 Bodhi, it’s true! What’s going to be really funny tho’ is that every man Minnie is pictured with from now on will end up with his pic in a side-by-side, spot-the-likeness comparison with pics of the little man!
Mairead, I know that you insinuated that I’m dim. Girlfriend, if you would know me, that would never come across your lips, or rather across your keyboard 😉 . Maybe my first post was confusing, english isn’t my first language, not even my second (that’s just me showing off now 😀 ), people tend to get very heated when it comes to nationalities, no matter where they’re from, it can get exhausting.
But back on topic, why not him who’s name shall not be mentioned? Minnie would’ve made the perfect distraction, at least to those who know their geography 😛 . Hope I managed to make myself clear. If not, please keep in mind that this post was written with a big smile across my face. And that despite this wonderful english summer. Or is it already fall? Who can tell the difference in these latitudes? 😆
edit: I know what season it is. Monsoon time.
edit edit: here’s a smile (in lack of cookies here) just for you, Kaiser, you seem to need it right now.
Eddie Izzard is gorgeous. I never thought so until “The Riches”, but he really won me over with those intense eyes, and of course, brilliant acting. LOVE that show. So if he his is the Dad, I think Minnie chose well.
Lara, my last post was honestly meant to be an apology, but I when I corrected the word “sorry” in the first sentence, I hadn’t realised it had disappeared. So again, I am sorry for insinuating that you’re dim.
The reason that I’d prefer that CF’s name should not be mentioned is that some months back there was a story on here that suggested that the child could be his. This seriously displeased some of his fangirls and there was barbed comments about his previous girlfriend Muireann McDonnell – who they also didn’t approve of.
I think it’s great that he has such a loyal fanbase, as he’s a good actor and deserves admiration for his talent; but I don’t agree with ripping shreds off any woman who is perceived as “stealing” him away.
(actually I think Colin’s a great dad – but I think he’s supposed to be going out with a friend of Minnie’s, so he’s unlikely to be the father)
I think Kaiser is being confused by my posts rather than yours – you were clear enough. 😉 Sorry my favourite “hippacrat” – I wasn’t having a hissy fit, but didn’t put enough thought into my posts to make sure it came across as a joke. 🙁
@Mairead – 😆 No, the confusing hissy fit I was talking about was Mara’s, not yours. I was confused because her first post made it seem like she thought Colin would ever EVER be called English (like Minnie said the father was) – and then when I tried to correct her (with humor) she threw a hissy (see her next two posts).
Thanks for the cookies, Mara. I love milk chocolate & white chocolate chips! 😀
^^^^ Lara, not Mara. Sorry, people, sometimes all of you blend together into one gigantic hissy fit.
Umm…Maybe it’s a sperm donor? The girl is 38, would you blame her? I don’t see why it has to be such mystery otherwise.
The only way one doesn’t tell who the father is it’s because he is married.
Maybe she had a donor if she wanted a baby but wasn’t seeing anyone serious at the time? A possibility? Eh. 9 pounds! hope her labor was not too long. I like the name Henry for some reason, cute and classic. Just don;t nickname him HANK! haha
9 lbs, 12 oz? No wonder she looked so uncomfortably huge at the end. All baby…
I was 9 lbs, 7 oz, and I recently held my baby cousin who was “only” 9 lbs. I never realized how big 9 lbs is when you’re talking about a baby! Momma really loves me to have carried all that.