Cele|bitchy | Will Two and a Half Men go on without Charlie Sheen?

Will Two and a Half Men go on without Charlie Sheen?

Before yesterday’s late breaking news that Two and a Half Men was canceled for the rest of the season, The Enquirer’s Mike Walker reported that contingency plans were being made for the show to go on without Charlie. It’s worth noting that CBS and Warner Brothers’ statement said the show was being discontinued “for the rest of the season,” not that it was canceled indefinitely. Given how popular and lucrative it is, they’re probably not sure what they’re going to do with it. The Enquirer claims that other actors and potential plotlines were being floated around as a way to continue the show without Charlie:

My backstage spies report that CBS network brass just ordered “Two and a Half Men” producers to start conceptualizing their mega-hit show without star Charlie Sheen, and they’re discussing two possible replacements: Robert Downey, Jr. or John Stamos. Meanwhile, writers are feverishly dreaming up story lines crafted to introduce a new star – including one that’s a real giggle: Charlie, fed up with boozing and womanizing, runs off to join a monastery and renounces all worldly possessions. Here’s the kicker: He wills his house to a cousin – not to brother Jon Cryer!

[From The National Enquirer, Mike Walker’s column, print edition, March 7, 2011]

Walker went on to write that Sheen had no idea how close he was to getting fired, and we know that ended up being true. If this is the case and they’re trying to come up with some way to film without Charlie using a far fetched plotline it could work. That show has all sorts of dumb implausible plots and somehow it remains the most popular comedy on CBS.

Still, not everyone thinks Two and a Half Men can go on without Charlie. CNN ran a recent story questioning whether this was possible, and they came to the conclusion that the show is probably over once Charlie is off. That doesn’t mean it’s been a bust for them. They quoted talent manager Barry Katz who noted that everyone has made a ton of money thanks to Charlie and would probably do it again. “I think if you were to look at CBS, the production company and all of the executives, and you were to say to them, ‘We are going to hire Charlie Sheen, but let me tell you what is going to happen in the future. In the future, we are going to have a hit show, which is going to make a billion that is going to be spread amongst everybody.

“‘In the ninth and the 10th year, he’s going to have some issues, and there’s going to be some stoppage. ‘He’s going to go away, and it’s going to cost us some money.’ I think every single executive would still sign on to do the show.”

The crew would probably find other jobs if they had this foreknowledge, though. It doesn’t matter how much lip service Charlie pays to his “family” (not the porn stars, the crew. I’m referring to his latest rant), they’re the ones he screwed, not Chuck Lorre.

Oh and that crap that Charlie spouted about getting a job on HBO is of course not true. I also have to mention that he probably wasn’t being anti-semitic when he called Chuck Lorre by “Chaim” Levine, as Lorre calls himself Chaim and Levine is his given name. That doesn’t make the rest of Charlie’s rant any more sane or normal.


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93 Responses to “Will Two and a Half Men go on without Charlie Sheen?”

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  1. anti says:

    EDIT: oooops. just saw your previous story on sheen.

  2. Bopa says:

    What’s emelio doing?

  3. Sam says:

    That is such a horrible show i am glad it might be going away. Maybe Charlie will eventually smarten up, but until then if i can avoid accidentally starting to watch an episode of this piece of crap show i will be forever grateful!
    Now if only there was a way to get rid of the re-runs….

  4. Roma says:

    In the way Charlie said his name, in the middle of a hate filled tangent, I still feel like he wasn’t calling him “Chaim” to be respectful.

    I’m surprised he didn’t have a sugar tits moment though. I was half expecting him to reach for a “hitting him in his matzah balls” joke or something…

  5. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Why does everyone feel he carries the show??? He could be easily replaced as long as the writers keep providing good material. Hell, the show might even be better!

  6. Kiska says:

    One and a Half Men.

    Kind of has a nice ring to it?

  7. Yael says:

    Again: tired of the SHEEN-NANIGANS…just find a replacement for this Sheen guy. HE thinks he is the show’s allmighty. I got news for you Chuck: your coked a$$ isn’t indispensable in the show! Got it? Which part of “people are tired of your preved and sexcessed life” you don’t get?

  8. The Truth Fairy says:

    Chuck Lorre seems like a real ego maniac!!

  9. hstl1 says:

    He is going to OD, mark my words. He is past the point of no return. That really sucks for his children and for all the people that work on the show who have to go and find work if they cancel the show. He is a total d-bag addict.

  10. flourpot says:

    He’s an alchy on the show so just kill him off, leave the brother the house, and there you go.

  11. original kate says:

    time to put this lame horse out of its misery.

  12. Kaye1 says:

    I stopped watching the show halfway through the first season because I just didn’t think it was funny. Charlie was a huge turn-off to me. I might try watching again if they replace him. Having the show succeed without him might be the best thing that ever happened to Charlie – a reality check that could save his life. Or just really good schadenfraude for the rest of us.

  13. LindaR says:

    The ONE time I watched the show, trapped at my parents house and forced to watch their routine fare because they are in their 80’s (bless their hearts) and god forbid we should change their routine, I thought 2 1/2 men was one of the worst and most unfunny shows I had ever seen. The actors weren’t even trying and the plotline was incredibly boring. It is beyond me how this show ever became popular. I would bet the bank that people that like this show will see it a few years from now and wonder how they ever wasted so much of their time. I’m certainly glad I never did.

  14. Jess says:

    I’d watch it just to pi$$ CS off. The show must go on. I second using Emilio.

  15. Yael says:

    I kinda like the idea: kill Sheen in the plot of the show, like, say he dies of an alcohol and sex OD…oh, that sounds too much like he will end in real life but any similarities are mere coincidence. So if they killed characters in many CSI’s (like Eddie Cibrian or almost Grissom for Las Vegas), and they are still people’s faves, then why not TMH???

  16. TQB says:

    RD Jr. or STAMOS?? How are these two even in the same sentence??

    They can easily milk another year at least out of this. And for the sake of Jon Cryer and the crew, they ought to give it a shot. Heck, remember who showed up and kept Spin City on the air for a while post-Michael J. Fox? Charlie Sheen himself.

  17. normades says:

    RDJ WTF??? In their dreams! RDJ has an A-list movie career, why would he move to TV?

    Jon Cryer is great though and could carry the show with someone else. Playing a womanising oaf is not that hard and a lot of actors could do it just as well.

  18. Quest says:

    The plot can thicken if CBS bumps off Charlie’s character somehow (there are many possiblities here), at his funeral a long lost son or something comes forward to join Jon Cryer and the gang…the possibilities are endless.


  19. Deedee says:

    Please, Please, Please someone hunt down Emelio and get him on this show.
    @Boopa – Brilliant!!

  20. krissy says:

    @LindaR I had the same experience! Only my parents are only in their 60s, I still found it to be soo unfunny but that was like 8 years ago. I thought it was cancelled until recently.

    I think it was one of those shows that was always sandwiched around Everybody Loves Raymond and when that ended people needed something to watch

  21. Alexa says:

    Nevermind what I was going to write about C.S. – OMG – LOVE the housekeeper! The character of Berta and the actress who plays her: PRICELESS! LOVE Angus too (the actor who plays Cryer’s son, Jake). Does anyone remember the older episode where Charlie pays Jake to take ballet lessons because Charlie wants to score with the ballet instructor? Such a fun episode.

  22. Gal says:

    I hope it does go on without him. I enjoy the storylines about the other characters not Charlie. He’s not acting – he’s being himself! Nothing funny about that!!

  23. julie says:

    wow, i might watch this show if they put Stamos on. Sheen needs to know he is SO replaceable. Let everyone ELSE keep making money and leave him out of it. My question is, doesnt he have a contract? None of the stories mention this.

  24. YT says:

    The show can be named “Two Men” if Charlie is written out.

    There were some good characters in the show, but I haven’t seen it in years. Can’t stand Charlie.

  25. Maud says:

    I love Charlie’s timing and intelligence–very reminiscent of RDJ. Doubtful the show could go on without him.

  26. Chris says:

    Maybe Mel Gibson could join the show and play the wayward uncle. 🙂

    Failing that I’ve short listed some guys from the 8Os Brat Pack who could fit the bill:C Thomas Howell, Ralph Machio, Judd Nelson or Rob Lowe

  27. girl says:

    Would someone please explain the appeal of Charlie Sheen to me? I just don’t get it.

    Him referring to Chuck Lorre by his birth name just reminds me that he was born Carlos Sheen Estevez. Pot? Kettle? Not sure but the word “coconut” comes to mind.

  28. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Yea, let it go!

  29. Rex says:

    I vote for RDJ – I think he would be great. And I always thought Jon carried the show – felt like it was more about him anyway…..

  30. JenJen says:

    As soon as the news came out he was already releasing statements he was going to cable. Maybe he will get to put all that porn research to use.

    John Stamos would be so much better on the show anyway, yay! Don’t care for RDJ, never have.

  31. Faye says:

    Just cancel it!! I’ve watched (or heard, rather, as it was on in the background) an episode or so and it wasn’t funny.

    Maybe with Sheen gone they can spin it a different way and maybe then it will be funny, but I don’t know. I probably wouldn’t watch it anyway.

  32. ohduho says:

    Chuck Lorre should hire Mel Gibson to take over Charlie’s role.

    Keep the character the exact same just replace one ass with another.

  33. coexxi says:

    I watched it because I wanted to know what alle the hype is about. Rarley I was more disgusted by a sitcom than this one (well… According to Jim… is a close second). I’m really not a prude or something but I just couldn’t get over the fact how “normal” they made it call a “hooker” for sex and to be drunk all the time and abusive to your family (esp. the brother). And CS is playing himself, you just know it.
    This just was not funny to me. And so this is the most popular series in the USA? Seriously?

  34. lucy2 says:

    I don’t watch it, but I hope it goes on without him. And that the crew sues him for lost wages! I’m just so disgusted by someone having no respect for anyone they’ve worked with, costing all those hardworking people about 1/3 of their salary for the year.

    The idea doesn’t sound that bad, but RDJ? Please, the guy’s movie career is booming, what would he want with a decade old CBS sitcom?

  35. the_blonde_one says:

    if they need a smarmy smart ass character with quick one liners, a squinty face and a real life history of drama…what’s christian slater been up to lately?

  36. Stephani says:

    Just a weird note about Sheen on Two and Half Men and the show he did with Michael J. Fox where they all worked for the mayor or something, forget the name. Anyhoo, it has always driven my dad nuts that nobody noticed that Sheen pretty much adopted all of Fox’s maneurisms after they both had appeared on that show…now that he mentioned it, I can see it too. Sheen’s comedic timing and style is really close to Fox’s now.

  37. Black Beauty says:

    That show can not go on without him…he is funny as Hell….he makes that show.

  38. TXCinderella says:

    They should have Charlie fall in love, get married and move away. Enter half brother that no one knew about that Dad sired before he met Charlie and Allen’s Mom. Let Emilio Estevez play the part. Bring Rose back, she then stalks new brother. They don’t need Charlie Sheen to pull this seried off. The other characters are just as funny.

  39. Melanie says:

    I’ve seen the show a couple of times in syndication. It’s okay to pass the time but I don’t think it’s special enough to watch every week. If they attempted to revamp the show with a new character in his place I would be interested enough to watch at least one of the episodes on CBS…if they did that…I hope it would be John Stamos. Oh, that would be awesome!

  40. Kallan says:

    Heard his 2nd radio rant and believe Charlie has truly lost the plot. He seems to have built up this fantasy world about how perfect and indestructible he is and that he can do not wrong.

  41. Bunnywabba says:

    The only reason i don’t watch the show is because that egotistical drug addicted womanizer is the star!

  42. Debra says:

    I think it is a brilliant idea..cant wait to hear what they come up with!

  43. womanfromthenorth says:

    Ya to John S… RDJ would never do TV at this time in his life.

    Kill off Charlie ASAP… sounds like a plan “Chaim”

  44. DeeDee says:

    They can’t use Emilio! He did a bit part as Charlie’s old womanizing best friend who ultimately died 😛

    I would watch it if John Stamos took over, and double that if Robert Downey Jr. took over!

  45. Lee says:

    I have a feeling this will be handled like the late John Ritter show (7 Rules), they will limp along best they can – do a truncated schedule for next season to close the series out. However as much as Sheen is an idiot, the show cannot last without him and he knows it. He is the main draw. It’s just like when Delta Burke left Designing Women, the show was still funny, but it was never the same, and it never truly recovered.

  46. Ruffian9 says:

    Christ, just cancel it. It’s shite.

  47. machiavelli says:

    Judd Nelson would be a good replacement.

  48. t says:

    If they don’t just cancel it, they don’t need to come up with some far fetched storyline explaining a new character.

    Ever see the very old show “Bewitched”? They got another actor to play Darin after a few seasons. Two and a Half Men should just hire a new Charlie and go on without explaining anything.

    People would probably still watch out of habit and just figure it was Charlie Sheen’s drug and hooker habit making him look a little different.

  49. lucy2 says:

    I have to laugh at him thinking anyone would hire him for anything at this point. His career is done.

  50. Mingo says:

    Then they’d have to name it 2 Men.

  51. Rita says:

    One thing is for sure. If the show continues without Charlie and the ratings remain good, his stock will make Enron look like a good buy.

  52. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Daddy Martin Sheen could step in for Charlie while he is on “hiatus.” Then, after Chaz ODs, they can bring him back weekend-at-Bernie’s-style. He’s been dead in the eyes for the past few years, doubt anyone will actually notice anything out of the ordinary.

  53. MoxieTime says:

    John Stamos would be good in that role. Jon Cryer, Conchata Ferrell and Angus T. Jones are all hilarious in their own right and don’t deserve what Charlie Sheen has done to them (nor do any of the cast and crew).

  54. Hautie says:

    I actually watch the show. I watch Chuck and 2Men on Mondays. Yes I am simple minded. I enjoy harmless comedy.

    Actually Judd Nelson was on the show this year.

    As the snarky ex-husband of Alan’s new girlfriend. The writers could write him in for more evil snarky stuff.

    I said weeks ago this show could live without the Charlie character, physically in the show weekly.

    The writers send him off to rehab and have crazy phone calls from him to Alan weekly. Where you only hear Alan’s side of the conversations. (John Cryer is great at this kind of stuff.)

    There are really funny people on the show.

    The stuff with Herb and Alan is priceless.

    Berta and Holland Taylor/the Mother… are great fun.

    But I do agree that Charlie is on his countdown to OD’ing. And chances are no one will be sober enough to realize it happening and call for help.

  55. jemshoes says:

    No Charlie? If so, I’d definitely watch that first episode without him!

  56. Bill Hicks is God says:

    This is the best thing to happen to the schmuck. If “8 Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter” could go on without John Ritter (as I understand it did for a while – I don’t watch a lot of TV), this show can.

    Mind you, people loved John Ritter…

    I’m sure John Cryer is relieved. Give the man his own show, he’s earned it and proved he can carry a show.

  57. Sandy says:

    Good thought. John Cryer is the show. Sheen is just the sad punch line. The actress that plays the housekeeper is pretty damn funny too. Love her. Remember her in Edward Scissor Hands?

  58. Jane says:

    There is such a huge difference between Robert Downey Jr. and John Stamos it is unreal. Downey is by far the better of the two talent wise. I can’t see him giving up a successful film career for a TV series.

  59. ohduho says:

    FYI – Charlie Sheen’s middle is not Sheen. His birth name is Carlos IRWIN Estevez.

    Martin picked the name Sheen so as to not be categorized/considered as a Latino actor. He named himself after Roman Catholic Bishop Sheen.

    Also you mean to tell me actual real people watch that show? I always suspected that people who had Nielsen boxes which still stupidly determine rating tune their TVs to certain channels for payola then leave the room. Really think about all the stupid shows that are hits. No one could really be that idiotic as to watch all that crap.

    I don’t think Charlie will OD. Instead I think that in a drug fueled manic state he will finally succeed in killing some random woman. I mean he had no issues with shooting Kelly Preston and he was only drunk then. He’ll brutally kill a woman then try to say that her life had no value because she was a drug-addict and porn star. Thus we will have the most sensational murder trial ever. It will make OJ look tiny by comparison.

  60. blueblah86 says:

    emilio estevez is a director now, i’m not sure, you may have heard of some of his work; Cold Case, Close to Home, The Guardian, CSI: NY and Numb3rs.

  61. cranky chica says:

    I watch the show and laugh every time. This season, Sheen hasn’t been the center of every episode. They have plenty of material.

    As for 2.5 men, send Charlie to REHAB on the show. Jake is grown. Make it Jake, Alan, and bring in a eight year old “Charlie Jr.” – a son Charlie never knew.

    Everybody knows it’s the kids that make these shows work. They need a younger kid.

    I’ll never miss Mr. Sheen. I’ve always loved the secondary characters on this show and the WRITING.

  62. Katya says:

    They CAN hire a new actor and go on like nothing happened, but it better be a name. If they hire a nobody, it will flop. When that “8 Rules for Dating” show lost John Ritter, they were able to continue on for a few seasons…but they hired David Spade.

  63. the original bellaluna says:

    2 words: John. Ritter.

    If “8 Simple Rules” couldn’t continue without such a truly beloved actor, certainly neither could this shit-fest. (Unless Jon Cryer is said “beloved actor”…then, maybe.)

  64. Hmmm says:

    @ohduho- Agreed!

    Considering that rage and homicidal ideation is usually part and parcel of cocaine intoxication/psychosis, I would say that Chuck Lorre should think about getting protection.

  65. Maritza says:

    According to tvline they are considering Andrew McCarthy or James Spader to play Alan’s cousin but the creator Chuck Lorre is against the idea. I think John Stamos would be a great idea.

  66. sion says:

    If you think Emilio should get the part, you have not seen the show enough to know he was in it and his character died.
    RDJ… that is just ridiculous, maybe 15 years ago.
    Stamos, that is more likely. He is a bit of a loser just as Charlie..

  67. P.M. says:

    I watched a few of the shows in rerun after Charlie’s (current) melt down and it simply isn’t funny. The producers could have some genuine fun & kill off his character in a bizarre way then bring in a new character. Can’t believe Charlie won either a Golden Globe or Emmy for basically playing the lite version of himself.

  68. Kallan says:

    Can anyone think of one tv sitcom, apart from Bewitched, that went on to continued and sustained success after one of the main characters left…?

  69. Zelda says:

    HAHAHA! HE’s IN BED with an UGLY WOMAN?!?! and he is NOT AMUSED?!?!

    OHOHOHOH….gold!…such comedic gold….

    Yeah, no, this show is sh*t. Get rid of it and put stupid people’s remaining brain cells out of their misery.

  70. Liana says:

    Can anyone think of one tv sitcom, apart from Bewitched, that went on to continued and sustained success after one of the main characters left…?

    Cheers and M*A*S*H, to name 2.

  71. Hakura says:

    I’d just love the irony, if RDJ really was to replace Sheen. xD Someone on the *other* side of the addiction fence.

    I don’t see them ever letting Charlie back on the show… the backlash would be enormous. (Of course it should’ve been already, what with the assaulting incident.)

    @YT“The show can be named “Two Men” if Charlie is written out.

    Heh. xD Indeed.

  72. Venus says:


    Can anyone think of one tv sitcom, apart from Bewitched, that went on to continued and sustained success after one of the main characters left…?

    Cheers and M*A*S*H, to name 2.


    Roseanne — they had at least 2 Becky’s on that show.

    Charlie’s Angels (probably before your time). Farrah Fawcett left after 1 season, replaced by Cheryl Ladd. Later on some other Angels came & went.

    Three’s Company — (again, probably before your time) Suzanne Sommers left after 1 season. Show continued for a while with success.

    I’ve never watched the show, but from what I’ve read, the housekeeper & the mother are the “funniest” characters. They could replace Sheen’s character with no problem, if they wanted to.

  73. Gina says:

    No way! Like it or not, he is the show. There is no draw, conflict without him. The others aren’t strong enough to continue without having him to play off and there is no one else the audience will take to especially after the polls THR did. Pretty sure TMZ also made the same claim that they will never replace him -and that it will just stay canceled if he is not back.

  74. DetRiotgirl says:

    I’ve never seen his show, so I have no comment on if it can survive without Sheen. But, I did want to ask if anyone else saw that Radar is claiming that this loser somehow managed to pass a drug test. Any opinions on that?

    Personally, my thoughts are this. Either he faked the test, or he really is sober and he just happens to also be bat sh*t insane. I’m almost more concerned about the situation if he is sober. You can do something about drug addiction, you can’t quit crazy.

  75. Amy says:

    They should bring Michael J. Fox in to replace him. Sort of a Spin City spin.

  76. the original bellaluna says:

    @ DetRiotGirl – He probably brought in substitute pee. I can’t see him passing a drug test any other way. Unless he went through extremely rapid detox, in a coma & on narcotics. And then went back to doing drugs as soon as he pissed.

  77. Crash2GO2 says:

    There is no way the show will be able to survive without him. Like it or not, he is the main draw. I know a disgusting number of male friends who LOVE this show, and constantly use Sheen’s character’s quotes from it. They could care less about the other characters. Maybe I need to get some new male friends. *rolls eyes*

  78. Ali says:

    Purfect solution: Long lost unknown brother just shows up on Charlie door looking for his long lost fmily. His father or mother had an affair in the past & gave him up at birth.
    The best thing is my boyfriend looks enough like Charlie to be almost twins & use to be an actor on popular soap. He could totally do the job.

  79. Liana says:

    the problem, though, is that the writing on “Two and a Half Men” might not be strong enough to withstand a character change like shows like “Cheers” and M*A*S*H could.

  80. mar r says:

    Thomas Jane could be a very good replacement for Charlie….let the show go on…it’s very entertaining!!!!

  81. J.Mo says:


  82. Derek says:

    For all the people saying charlie passed a drug test using fake pee, you must not knowmuch about drug testing. Cocaine and most all hard drugs are out of your system after 3 days. Its not that har to say clean for a few days, and he can go right back to it after the test. I personally dont think the show could go on without charlie, but id like to see them brong someone in or try to get rid of his character by a plot twist and try it for at least 1 season..i think they owe it to all their fans to try that

  83. Chris says:

    Bring back Roseanne! 🙂

  84. Allison says:

    My mom and I were actually talking about who could replace Charlie Sheen if the idea is to come up, and we thought Steven Weber could be a good replacement. I have always enjoyed his acting since his days on Wings (I was 7 when that show premiered, and had a huge crush on him). He is a good actor that could easily play a lovably obnoxious jerk without making one want to hit him. And I dont think its likely he will pull a Charlie Sheen.

    Time will tell if Sheen will snap back into reality, but by then it may be too late. For the sake of all the people he put out of work – I have the upmost sympathy for them, they are the ones who are truly slighted by all this, though Sheen would probably tell you differently.

    And considering that I do not enjoy this show already, I wouldn’t be sad if it went off the air. Although I’m actually more annoyed by the fact that I have seen many of the same episodes too many times on the syndicated station my dad watches the reruns on (coming from someone who watches episodes of THEIR favorite shows over and over again).

  85. Shoe_Lover says:

    the character can have a terrible accident and need reconstructive surgery and come back looking like John Stamos or Rob Lowe

  86. helen says:

    Two words. Corey Feldman.

    That is all.

  87. LT says:

    They could go the House route and never give him a proper tv farewell, just a rando suicide with no explanation to it…damn that episode sucked.

    Although I guess this is a “family friendly” show (?) so that probably wouldn’t be the best choice!

  88. Julie says:

    Emilo wouldn’t do it. Charlie is his brother. Blood is thicker then water. Although love Emilio. Plus he was on an episode and they killed him off.

  89. billy says:

    chaily was ther for 7 yaers and if he goes it wont be rhit and if he whonts a raes then its wors it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  90. Amber says:

    Charlie can’t go he is the show no Ome coul replace him. It would be just like on charmed when Prue(shannen doherty)died and Paige(rose McGowan) replaced her it just wasn’t the same. And stamos or RDJ couldnt replace Charlie no one can. Cuz he is irreplaceable and amazin Charlie rox. CHARLIE SHEEN ROX AND U KNOW IT

  91. bob says:

    The show will fail without charlie. Everyone I know who loves the show will not watch it. To those who don’t find it funny its because you think conan obrien is funny because you have no sense of humor.

  92. mids says:

    how about all his troubles started since he made a comment about 9/11?????????

  93. Not bein racist or anything….but I haven’t see a black guy do any good in a swimming pool or skiing for that matters….