Cele|bitchy | “Leighton Meester admits she was born in jail” links

“Leighton Meester admits she was born in jail” links

Gossip Girl’s Leighton Meester admits she was born in jail [WWTDD]
– A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it only takes about three to describe what this one really says about Martha Stewart [Dlisted]
– The original Office star Ricky Gervais may host the Oscars next year [Lainey Gossip]
Clay Aiken admits that his mother has issues with his homosexuality [Fafarazzi]
Obama is looking a lot better in the latest polls [Bossip]
Jeffrey Ross first to go on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ [PopEater]
– “Hounddog ” review [Pajiba]
– We can’t help but wonder… just how upset are the Claymates? [Defamer]
Amy Winehouse’s next album might not work out after all. Surprised? [I’m Not Obsessed]
– “Should Melrose Place Get a Spinoff?” The correct answer, by the way, is yes. [PopSugar]
– According to In Touch Weekly, Kirsten Dunst and and Justin Long have already split:[Celebslam]
– Why in the world was Phoebe Price at the Emmy Awards? [The Bastardly]
Megan Fox “accidentally” nipping on the set of “How To Lose Friends & Alienate People” [The Blemish]
– A VERY pregnant Naomi Watts exercises in L.A. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Brooke Hogan swears her breasts are real. I swear Brooke Hogan should not talk about her breasts[Yeeeah!]
The Office’s Jenna Fischer is taken… and sadly not by Jim [Evil Beet]
Rihanna officially has the sexiest celebrity stomach [CityRag]
– 19-year-old 90210 star Shenae Grimes already has a bad cigarette habit [In Case You Didn’t Know]
Samantha Ronson is afraid Lindsay will leave her over their dull sex life [Hollywood Rag]
– The interview you’ve all been waiting for: Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy, and Oprah [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
– According to the National Enquirer, Kevin Federline is trying to make ammends with Britney Spears and wants to start over again [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Let’s mot even talk about what the Pussycat Dolls are wearing at Hollywood and Highland [The Skinny]
Dakota Fanning’s movie “Houndog” has been pulled from AMC theaters because of the rape scene [Derek Hail]
Verne Troyer is still getting all kinds of action [Best Week Ever]
– Here’s a crazy video of a “witch hunter blessing [Sarah] Palin [Mollygood]
Candace Bushnell used to vomit during polite conversation [Jezebel]
– Videom of Kim Kardashian doing the mambo with Mark Ballas [\]
Paul McCartney asks for peace in Tel Aviv [The Bild]

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  1. sweetzy says:

    Leighton is getting thinner… not nice at all. Please don’t turn to skeleton.. it’s really scary n hideous.