Cele|bitchy | Snooki on Rolling Stone, she makes $20k per event, wants Jessica Simpsons career

Snooki on Rolling Stone, she makes $20k per event, wants Jessica Simpsons career

Rolling Stone has been scraping the bottom of the pickle barrel lately. They had Justine Beaver (credit: Kaiser) on the cover last month, and this month we’re being treated to Snooki riding in on a rocket and talking about herself in the third person inside. Snooki is a published author now and has become a household name as the punchline to countless late night jokes. She’s easy in so many ways and she thinks that translates to interest in her personal life and an ability to capitalize on her name. The sad thing is, she’s probably right.


Thinks she “looks like” an alcoholic on the show
Polizzi says that she always watches Jersey Shore, but she rarely likes what she sees. “If I do something stupid, which is pretty much the whole time, I hate it,” she says. “I just hate it. Obviously, they’re only going to put the good stuff in, and the good stuff is us drunk, so all I’m seeing is me drunk and falling down. That’s how I am when I party, but some of the stuff I do is, like, ‘Really, Nicole?’ I look like a freakin’ alcoholic. I’m like, ‘You’re sweating, your makeup is running, you look gross.’ I just look like shit.”

Wants to be like Jessica Simpson, talks about herself in third person
Polizzi has big plans for her future. “When Jersey Shore ends I’m going to do more spinoffs,” she says. “If MTV doesn’t want them, another network will be, like, ‘What does Snooki do now?’ or ‘Snooki’s getting married!’ What I’d like is to turn out like Jessica Simpson, with her whole brand. She makes millions…I’m trying to build an empire, because after this I can’t get a normal job. I mean, how do I go and sit behind a desk?”

Compares Jersey Shore to being in jail
Being filmed 24/7 is incredibly stressful. “It messes with your head,” Polizzi says. “That’s why we go crazy. That’s why we fight with each other. That’s why we drink. We’re living in a house for two months with that shit. We can’t have cellphones, TV, radio or the Internet. If the president died, we’d have no idea. There’s no normalcy. It’s just like prison, with cameras.”

Claims to only have had sex with one guy on camera
Despite the endless parade of men in her bed, Polizzi rarely goes all the way with her smush partners. “The only person I’ve had sex with on Jersey Shore is my boyfriend,” she says. “The guys you see me bring home, we’re only cuddling and making out like any other person would do, but we’re on camera and the whole world’s seeing it, and it does look like I’m having sex.”

[From Rolling Stone]

It was less than two months ago that Snooki was saying she wanted to be called by her real name and now she’s using her nickname Snooki to refer to herself and her career opportunities in the third person.

Snooki compares her life in the Jersey Shore house to prison, but I’m sure February Rolling Stone cover boy Lil Wayne would disagree. He got a month in solitary confinement for getting caught with an mp3 player. If Snooki can’t handle not being able to watch TV or go online she can always read a magazine or expand her book repertoire. She told The NY Times last summer she’d only read two books, Dear John and Twilight. You know, I think I get why she wants to emulate Jessica Simpson’s career.

Here’s footage of Snooki’s photoshoot for Rolling Stone. She says: “This was probably the most hardest photoshoot I’ve ever done.”

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43 Responses to “Snooki on Rolling Stone, she makes $20k per event, wants Jessica Simpsons career”

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  1. Zelda says:

    No one hated this girl more than I did before I ever watched the show. She just LOOKS annoying. And I started watching that show with the sole purpose of mocking everyone on it. But they turned out to be pretty sweet people.

    She’s harmless and doesn’t take herself seriously. Snooki’s a-ok by me.

  2. Gabriela says:

    I’m brazilian, so don’t judge over this question, but is “most hardest” right? Isn’t it a pleonasm?

  3. Cherry Rose says:

    This is why I don’t bother reading Rolling Stone anymore. They used to be really cool, having great artists and great articles. But now, having Gaga on the cover twice and now Snooki!?!

    Guess if you famewhore hard enough and make a complete ass out of yourself, you too can get a Rolling Stone cover.

    What’s next? The Kardashian sisters? Charlie Sheen?

    Rolling Stone = dead. It’s just a joke now.

    EDIT: I see that Van Halen story. Used to be that they would have made the cover, because they are actually a very talented rock band. But now they come second to Snooki!?

    America makes me sick sometimes.

  4. Quest says:

    I’m sure the pickles and Snookie both had fun

  5. Kristin says:

    Snooki is also alright in my book. If anything, I’m just happy to see a woman on a cover of a magazine (especially Rolling Stone!) that isn’t a size 2.

    yes, she’s silly and dumb, but she recognizes she isn’t a role model and she is proud of the way she looks. If only I could feel as confident as her!

  6. The Truth Fairy says:

    LOVE her!

  7. NayNay says:

    I have to disagree. She is a poor excuse for a woman. She has zero respect for herself, and she acts like a little pig on the show. Actually, they all act like little piggies on the show.

    I call BS on the part where she says she only slept with her boyfriend on camera, all the rest she just cuddled with. Last season, she admitted to her castmates that she slept with Vinnie. Now, I lost even more respect for her. Oink, oink!!!!

  8. ghostbuster says:

    i love the show. snooki and jwoww seem like really nice girls who like to party. what 20 something doesnt. i think the show is so popular is because they are identifiable. they have their tight bonds with each other. they may have little spats with each other, but at the end of the day they love each other. shes a cute kid whos not harming a soul.

  9. merry says:

    @ gabriela, English is not my first language either, but I think “most hardest” is intentionally wrong?

  10. malina says:

    Oh Oh it almost hurts to watch her…

  11. KsGirl says:

    I watch Jersey Shore pretty faithfully and I don’t mind Snooki either. She seems sweet and dim on the show, completely harmless as someone else said. I actually find myself feeling a bit protective of her sometimes, the way she throws herself at Vinnie etc., I wish she could respect herself a little more.

  12. AENFLEX says:

    @ZELDA – you scare me. Jesus Jersey Shore is what’s wrong with this country. ‘Sweet’ people? I hate to see what you think are ‘mean’ or ‘trashy’ people.

  13. Str8Shooter says:

    Further proof that pop culture is DEAD when a fat little orange potato thingy from some crappy ‘reality’ show (which I’m sure is scripted) lands a cover of a magazine which once featured Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, et al. and a slew of famous movie stars now has to stoop to this level.

    And the fact that people WATCH this junk just goes to show how low the bar has been set.

  14. Zelda says:

    Not saying they aren’t “trashy”. But they don’t try to hide it, and they don’t hurt anyone else with it, so who cares?

    2-3 of the characters are truly horrible people, I will give you that much. But some of them are pretty normal people with bad taste. It’s hardly a crime. I’ll take them over the Kardashians any day. At least they are who they are.

    Anyway I don’t think Rolling stone has been any good since the early 90s

  15. Crystal says:

    I too hated everything about The Jersey Shore before I had ever seen an episode, and then I got caught in a hotel room in a blizzard last winter and JS was the only remotely entertaining thing on the tv. And despite the unexplainable hatred I had of her just based on first impressions, she quickly became my favorite of the cast, and now I’m a loyal watcher of the show. She’s genuine, she really doesn’t take herself seriously and she’s very cute and funny!! I think she’d be a blast to hang out with. Even though they seem like ridiculous cartoon characters, they are actually all human beings and they are all surprisingly honest about who and what they are and that they just want to have fun. They’re sluts with occasional roid-rage, but that makes for some damn crazy entertainment and they never misrepresent themselves. Their flaws are fully on display for everyone to see, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.

  16. DetRiotgirl says:

    @merry and Gabriela “Most hardest” is not correct English. CB just posted the quote to poke fun at Snooki.

    Saying “This is the most difficult photo shoot I’ve ever done” would be correct, as would “This is the hardest photo shoot I’ve ever done”. To be honest with you, I’m not sure what the technical reason for this is.

    In my opinion, American public schools do a really poor job of teaching students about proper grammar. I actually never even learned basic things like what a pronoun is until I traveled abroad. I was an exchange student in the Czech Republic during my senior year of high school and, ironically, I learned more about English grammar through learning Czech than I did in my all my previous years of English classes at home.

    Still, there are a lot of things that I know are or are not correct in English without fully being able to cite the reasons why. So, basically, you have nothing to feel bad about if you come across something you don’t understand in English. This is my native tongue, and I don’t always understand it either.

    Cheers to you both and thank you for taking the time to learn my language. I know how difficult learning a second language can be. So, I always really respect and appreciate anyone who makes the effort to learn mine. 🙂

  17. Zelda says:

    @ Crystal

    This is going to sound silly, but I actually had to have a good think about myself and my hasty judgement after watching a few episodes of this show. I was appropriately ashamed of myself for being such a condescending b*tch

  18. BW says:

    Well, we’re big rock singers,
    We’ve got golden fingers,
    And we’re loved everywhere we go.
    We sing about beauty and we sing about truth
    At $10,000 a show.
    We’ve got all the friends that money can buy,
    But the thing we’ve never owned?
    We keep getting richer
    But we can’t get our picture

    I can’t imagine why?

  19. Kristin says:


    “oink oink”? Yes, let’s make fun of her weight. That’ll teach her for being confident enough not to starve herself for superficial people like yourself.

    Not bending to society is showing self-respect for one’s self.

  20. gee says:

    “Most hardest” is wrong, and I don’t think she was speaking incorrectly on purpose. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unaware that speaking that way is wrong. My personal favorite is “more better.”

    That being said, I love Snookie.

  21. Cha Cha Loca says:


  22. michkabibbles says:

    i don’t have a problem with her either. i don’t watch jersey shore religiously, but when i do, i think the girls are mostly alright. she’s at least honest about herself, she’s not putting on airs or making excuses for her behaviour, or blaming everything on editing. she’s a bit of a dimwit, but there are much worse (more worser?) people out there than snooki.

  23. TeeTee says:

    sloppy drunken slag, what a waste.

    she nds to pick up a book and read if she can.

  24. Toot says:

    NayNay, I agree with your post.

    Also, I don’t think Nay was using oink for Snooki’s weight, but on the way Snooki behaves.

  25. TQB says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only person who finds some of these Jersey Shore kids oddly endearing.

  26. me says:

    sounds like kristen is a little fatty herself. oink oink

  27. Zelda says:

    Is ANYONE oinking at ANYONE here? For ANY reason?!

    You’re making the cast of Jersey Shore look like potential Royal Wedding guests.

  28. waywardwayfarer says:

    Snooki’s OK, she is what she is and she’s easy enough to ignore if you disagree. If you were pretty much the star of MTV’s biggest show you’d cash in too.

  29. anon33 says:

    To each their own if they like Snooki or not, but her quote “after this I can’t get a normal job” is the part that scares me. Does she honestly think her “fame” will last her entire life? Snooki, I’d like you to meet Jon Gosselin…

  30. fancyamazon says:

    @me That is the worst part of the internet conversations. It brings out the worst in people who don’t have to look the other person in the eye. If she sounds fat, you sound like a coward.

    @Gabriela English is my first language, and although I know that “most hardest” is bad grammar, I did not know that word. Thank you for introducing me to “pleonasm” : )

    @str8tshooter Yes, I totally co-sign your whole post.

    @DetRiotGirl Yes, yes, and yes : ) I learned a bit more than I knew before about English from working with a Czech girl back in my flower shop days. : )

    And I do not think she did it intentionally. I watched the interview, there was no hint of irony in her voice. She was totally serious with the “most hardest” comment, as well as all the rest of it. Ugh.

  31. kellsbells says:

    It’s official, Rolling Stone has “jumped the shark!”

  32. Micki says:

    I can’t believe anyone is ready to pay $20K to meet this…hm …person.
    Going to the zoo is definitely cheeper.

  33. Mshuffleupagus says:

    Snooki is “sweet” and “cute” and “nice”? Since when did a girl celebrating and commercializing her own stupidity and lack of self respect become anything related to sweet or nice?

  34. Bella says:

    The world is surely coming to an end!

  35. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I can’t say I hate her or the show because I can’t waste my hate on something so profoundly stupid. I’ve seen a few episodes and I honestly couldn’t watch one whole episode the whole way through. I can see watching it to make yourself feel better about your own life but on the other hand it saddens me this is what passes for celebrity.

  36. Kiska says:

    I can’t hate on her. She’s just a regular gal who happens to be cashing in on a reality show. I’ve watched Jersey Shore and she seems fairly harmless. She lives fully so good for her.

  37. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    I generally find the cast of Jersey Shore annoying. Mainly I am annoyed by the whole concept of the show and would find anyone on the cast annoying.

    However, the refreshing thing about Snooki is that she has SOME insight to how she looks to the general public. If all the clips on tv show her drinking then she realizes “Hey, people will think all I do is drink. They will think I’m an alcoholic.”
    Plus she also admits that they DO drink a TON and that the “good stuff” (or the things people will watch) all happens when they’re drinking/drunk.

    How many times do we hear about reality stars saying, “The producers were force feeding me booze!” or “The producers edited me to be the villain! People LOVE me, I have TONS of friends! It wasn’t my fault for how I look on the show”

    At least Snooki is honest.

  38. Lee says:

    Why, why, why??? Where is the hurl bucket?

  39. Jenny says:

    I’ll take her over Kim Kardashian ANY day.

  40. Dizzybenny says:

    wow…I’m speechless about RS!I have no speech!They’ve hit a new low.

  41. original kate says:

    why oh why would anyone watch this show? my god, i would willingly pull my eyes out than watch these ignorant, lazy, violent, orange-skinned famewhores drinking, fucking and brawling.

  42. Decemberist15 says:

    When you are in your early 20s this behavior is ok. Going out, clubbing, having fun etc.. However, when you reach a certain age ( which most of these people have reached) you need to grow up, figure out your life and get a job, like a real job. I’m not saying you can’t go out every now and then, but the fact that these people are about as smart as a burnt piece of toast and haven’t got anything going for them is just shameful.

    In short, jersey shore cast… Grow the eff up. You are too old to be acting like this.

  43. Mmmh..no. says:

    “Uhm the only thing I know about Italy is like ciao bella” so why the hell are you in a freaking show about “italians”?? At least pretend you are one, maybe??? That’s just so ridiculous to me…but hey, this is america!