Every time Kirstie Alley is photographed, she inevitably makes it into one or more of the tabloids with some speculation over how much weight she’s gained. So it makes sense that she would be annoyed with the paparazzo who scored these shots. The guy probably shouted a few unkind remarks to her as well.
It’s not nice to point out weight gain on celebrities because it happens to the best of us and there are all sorts of valid emotional and medical reasons that can cause people to gain weight in a short period of time. It’s kind of hard not to mention it in Alley’s case, though.
Alley announced in February through a long ass statement in People that she was going to “start her own weight loss brand” in 2009. It’s nearly the end of 2008 and she looks about the same size if not bigger. In February, 2007 she sported a remarkably slimmed-down figure but that didn’t last for her and she was dropped as a Jenny Craig spokesperson a year later after gaining most of the weight back. it looks like she’s eating away her pain. In June, 2008 the Enquirer had a cover story that she’d reached 240 pounds, but many of you thought that was incorrect and she weighed a bit more.
What I want to know is how can she put on makeup but leave her hair looking like that? Did she just not bother to blow it dry? Her nails look great though and I love that necklace. See, I said something nice. It’s not all about weight and Alley might get some positive coverage if she would only smile once in a while. She seemed to be trying to poke fun at herself with her Fat Actress show in 2005, but that didn’t last beyond a season and her dour mood crept back along with the weight.
Kirstie Alley is a longterm Scientologist who gave over $5 million to the cult.
Photos are of Alley outside a Thai restaurant with her daughter on 09/28/08. When she saw that she was being photographed she tried to go into a store next to the restaurant, only to find that it was closed. Credit: SLY/ Fame Pictures
Nice necklace?
Yeah, I’ve got nothing. Shocking that she’s in a hypocritical cult.
She isn’t looking her worst by far. I actually think the outfit is rather nice, everything’s neat and covered.
Fighting the excess weight is a lifelong battle for people who are emotional eaters. I’ve gained a lot of weight and i’ve lost a lot of it too, but it’s still something i have to think about several times a day and that in itself can be REALLY stressful. It all can change into a viscious circle really easily.
Honest to God, I don’t see what the big deal is. She’s in her 50s. She’s heavy. So what? Does anyone know how many heavy women in their 50s there are in the world? Soooooo many. And it looks like she’s just running an errand. Big whoop.
Now I think Scientology is a total scam and it’s obviously not doing anything good for her. But I am glad she finally stopped making a big public deal out of her weight. She should just love life and say screw it and get on with it.
Damn those scientologists..they need to step in and help the sister out..after all she did donate 5 mil to them..They need to do some scientific stuff on her because i dnt know wether they can pray for her..
Heavy or not, she has never struck me as a very pleasant individual.
she always looks like she’s smelling something stank. i can’t stand her nose…
She reminds me of a blonde Roseanne Barr. I don’t know what super-powers she has by now since she has studied Scientology for so many years, but I don’t see FLYING as one of them…
Are her children in Scientology also?
Her ex-husband Parker Stevenson was so against it, but I haven’t heard anything about how their kids are being raised.
Even at her best, I have never thought she was an attractive woman. That sneering mouth, or something. Or maybe it’s just that she looks like someone I probably wouldn’t like. I could care less if she’s fat.
Sad (although the pic where she’s giving the finger is hilarious.) For a ‘belief system’ that’s supposed to elevate and enhance its members’ lives, happy, contented, celebrity scientologists seem to be very thin on the ground. Can’t imagine why. 🙄
@ Celebitchy; She paid the CO$ 5Mil because she had WAY more than her share of nasty Thetans insider her! A whole colony, even! They told her that of course, her eating problem wasn’t psychological and for the amazing bargain price of 5Mil, they could exorcise ’em for her! No WONDER she always looks pissed!! 😆 😆 😆
God, she looks miserable.
Say something nice… er, I’m not sure if this counts, but I always thought she had nice hair back in the 1980s & 90s. She should stop doing it that horrible straw color and go back to brown.
And Anonymous should make the header pic into an ad: “This is the face of Scientology.”
She gave $5 million to Tom’s cult??? Where is all this money going? They should put in a gym and hire a nutritionist for these fallen but devout members.
I was going to suggest on-site therapists, but that’s not allowed for fear of these members might come to their senses and run with their money.
As Tom told Matt Lauer– Take some vitamins and all will be well:evil: 😈
😀 I have to admit, her Fat Actress show was funny as hell. She was a good sport to putting herself as the punch line. 😀 😀
These are not flattering pictures. I actually don’t mind her frame and weight at all, I think that on the occasions where she’s perky she pulls it all off really well. But she should pay more attention to grooming. It’s one thing to want to be comfy and another to frown, not wash hair and have a greasy face, especially when you’re a celeb paparazzi are likely to target. It makes other heavyset women look bad if you ask me.
Oh yeah and her being a Scientolofreak is also worse than the pounds she’s packing. You’d think that with all that money spent on warding off Xenu and finding happiness, she’d at least get into a programme that makes her look better. And happier.
its her small glaring piggy eyes that make her unattractive syko. I dont understand why she doesnt just get gastric bypass and be done with it.
She looks like a bag lady. There’s no excuse for looking so sloppy.
In Hollywood, you are not allowed to do the following:
1. Age naturally. No one here does that! I could barely put fingers to the keyboard to type it.
2. Gain weight. Please! You should be able gain 600 pounds for a part and then get back to your High School Prom weight in two weeks.
3. Speak your mind. An opionion that differs from People magazine. Why would I do that?
4. Have a bad day. How could you! You ingrateful pig!
5. Have a bad hair/makeup/outfit. Don;t you have someone telling you what to wear and how to do your hair? And if you don’t, how can you possible dress yourself? How do these new fangled buttons work?? Help my Calvin Wan Kleinobi!
These are just the first 5 rules you get when you arrive in Hollywood. In the pamphlet ” Hollywood and you”
Nah, it’s not just the small piercing piggy eyes. There’s something about that lopsided mouth that always seems to be sneering. Being a mostly happy person, I just don’t think she and I would be soul buddies. She seems to be always pissed off.
CB – her nailpolish looks like “Boris & Natasha” from OPI’s Russia line. It’s a dark raisin colour.
she always looks pissed off.
She looks like she wants to stomp the poor litle thing next to her in that one pic…
My friend was suckered into going to the “Celebrity Cent(re)” and her hotel room was right next door to Kirstie’s. Kept her awake all night long with loud phone talk. BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA HAHAHAAHAH! BLA-BLA-BLA …
I’d totally stick up for her if she wasn’t an idiot Scieno. Kirstie, looks like diddums needs Boot Camp and lot$ and lot$ more auditing $$e$$ions.
She probably wouldn’t look quit so bad if she’s brush her hair like you said. It seems like she’d be a bbw if she’d just try. But she reminds me of some woman living in an old trailer surrounded by dunken donut boxes with a fat redneck husband. Yes I’m from the south and she reminds me of a sterotype that I usually hate.
IDK, I have always liked Kirstie. I hope she is okay.
I had no idea about the scientology though.
Looks like there is a lot of self-loathing going on.
There is no cult or religion that is going to take care of that for you.
Though a great many promise that very thing.
Given the position of the sun, she’s probably narrowing her eyes rather than outright squinting. We all have our bad hair days. I’d hate to see my picture plastered all over when I looked bad.
With regard to Jenny Craig, I am sure her experience is actually more typical for most people using the service.
I guess starting your own weight loss plan would mean you should lose weight, but one of you was on the right track because at this point she would benefit from a gastric bypass just to avoid knee and hip damage as well a diabetes.
Oh, I guess her cult failed her in the weight loss dept, 5 million buys you what in that cult exactly? How crazy is that, either she made way more money than I thought or she’s going to be eating free cheese when she’s older.
Look what the cat dragged in….and coughed up.
I like Ron’s response. The media can “suck it” she looks just fine and they should really just leave her the eff alone.
“C’mere I’m gonna eat ya !! Get in my belly !! I’m bigger than you, I’m higher on the food chain !”
It’s not fat, it’s the weight of all those body Thetans. You’d think her Scientology super powers would just melt that weight right off.
Every time that woman has spoken in public over the last 5 years, I thought, “Holy crap, she’s totally insane.”
I honestly believe she is mentally disturbed. CoS probably has a lot to do with that, but I honestly think the reason she could put on makeup, pick out a coordinating outfit, and then walk out with her hair that way (she forgot, maybe?)…is all about the mental instability.
She needs care…not a weight loss program.
Why are paps even snapping her? She hasn’t looked her best since her Cheers days. I think a food addiction isn’t her only issue.
Scientology must not be doing it “thing”opn her as she was first lead to believe I guess. So sad.
Weight issues are hell. I feel for her, but she is a beautiful woman large or semi-large. On another note, I loved Fat Actress.
Hey, people, she chose to become an actress. I’m just a nobody, but I make an extra effort when I’m going out in public. Why shouldn’t she? I’m sick of seeing her flip the bird. If you don’t like the attention, Kristi, why don’t you move somewhere the paps don’t go?
Bros, she is no where near big enough for them to consider gastric bypass, she doesn’t seem to be over 400 pounds, and for her height, while completely unhealthy, is not nearly as bad as the people who NEED gastric bypass.
(aren’t scientol-whatevers against going to non cult doctors? which is another reason she won’t have it)
I agree her weight isnt that heinous, brushed hair, funky shoes and a SMILE would do wonders. She would be a BBW…its the nasty expression that’s doing her in…
Fat Fergie.
She looks so unhappy. I loved her medium/dark brown hair, too…
As for gastric bypass, people need to realize that after it’s done, the part of the stomach that absorbs vitamin B12 is no longer used, so people are pretty much certain to then have pernicious anemia, which can lead to heart failure and death within 8 years, if not sooner, if it’s untreated. Pernicious anemia isn’t as rare as doctors make it out to be, and everyone should get their vitamin B12 tested yearly. In a healthy person, the level is stored in the liver and doesn’t go down, and normal is considered 400-900. (Gastric bypass stomach isn’t considered normal after the surgery.) Anything close to 200, which was the “old” normal, is risking permanent nerve and spinal cord damage. Pernicious unfortunately has run in my family, and my sister and I were diagnosed in our early 20’s. Anyone who wants to know more about it may have my email.
Also, if one is considering gastric bypass, why not just adopt the diet you’d have to have after the surgery and see how it goes? Only eating a couple of tablespoons of food and liquid at a time surely would help you lose weight, if the reason you’re big is from overeating and not medical. (thyroid, sleep apnea, injury, slow metabolism) /end soapbox.
She may very well be battling depression. Scientology doesn’t believe in it, perse, or any conventional treatments including psychotherapy. She could do well getting conventional psychological treatment and, possibly, antidepressive medication. But that will probably never happen.
My God folks…there is a freaking war going on, our economy is below the gutter,folks dying to work in this country cannot get a decent job…on and on…and you focus on Kirstie and a weight issue??? She just happens to be human and have a “visable” issue…unlike a lot of you whos issues may be better hidden but have revealed themselves through your comments and appear to be pettiness and a truly pathetic nature to think of two.
I would say you need hobbies to occupy and exersize your sad excuses of brains but think perhaps working in a soup kitchen or volunteering to help disabled children or the SPCA might distract you a bit from backbiting spiteful and hurtful behavior.
Carnie Wilson is just much more sympathetic in this predicament. I just don’t like Kirstie Alley, and whereas I can feel for celebrities like Carnie, and Delta Burke, etc who struggle with their weight and are honest, this particular actress just digusts me. I remember reading her PEOPLE interview in 2006 where she stated she weighed 203 lbs at her highest (sure, in which leg)? and that fat people deserved ridicule and should be laughed at, and if she saw a fat leopard in the jungle she’d laugh, and now that she “noticed” she was fat the weight would be GONE. Well, Kirstie, wasn’t so easy, was it? Nor do you enjoy the ridicule, do you?
If I had enough money to give away $5 million of it and still have many millions left then I would probably flip off lots of people too. Then I would laugh and tell the person I was kidding and hand them a $100 bill. I will be happy to go steady with Kirstie and all her cash, I want a new speedboat.
She doesn’t look as happy as she used to … 🙁
Leave Kirstey alone. Life is too short to be picking apart somebody else….concentrate on your own flaws….that’s my motto!
I couldn’t agree more with Anne Fischer. Fat people have to wear their flaws on their sleeves, and that’s the only difference. Think about your own very personal problems and don’t be so smug. In the world of eating disorders, some of you guys are ENABLERS!
I wish her the best.
STOP picking on Kirstie!!!!
When you get older some of us get heavier. We don’t like like we used to in our 20’s. I have gone under alot of operations and from them I can no longer work out so of course the weight came on. It hurts me when people have to make fun of people because they are different. It would be boring as hell if we all looked and acted alike. God bless you for you Kirstie and good luck with diet or what ever you do .